Invincible Powers Chapter 1311: Abandoned


The panicked yelling of the strange demon Qiyan let Yu Yuan know many details of what happened earlier.

The spirit world suddenly began to overflow crazily, which should be the mysterious ability from the “source world”.

The appearance of the supernatural ability accelerated the growth of the fallen tree, and also enhanced the combat power of the void spirit.

When the sharp branches of the Fallen God Tree pierced infinitely towards the outside world, the abilities pouring in from the “source world” also spread along the way.

Fortunately, this speed is not too fast to avoid.

Feeling the drastic changes in the spirit world, the mysterious ability to turn everything into nothingness and dead silence, and the unstoppable power of the filthy sacred tree, Chen Qinghuang was gradually suppressed by the spirit of the void…

Thus, they either fled on their own, or were pulled and persuaded by others, and everyone withdrew one after another.

The Seven Demons are just one of them.

The reason why he appeared again, in this place of nothingness and death, was because there were Wei Zhuo from Lei Zong and Qiao Yuling from Lei Zong in the outside world.

Both of them had the power to easily kill him, and they had no good intentions towards him, so he came back out of fear.

As for the others, they remained cautious and might continue to wait for a turning point at the edge of other star fields.

After Yu Yuan thought about it, he knew that the prowler was actually afraid.

Fearful of the mysterious “God of the Source Realm”, the Void Spirit and the Fallen God Tree, they dare not rush in before the situation becomes clear, for fear of being dragged into it and end up in a miserable end.

After all, those who took advantage of the chaos to leave, such as Wei Zhuo and Xu Jingyao, all saw Brissette, the patriarch of the Dark Spirit Clan, a strong man with the highest bloodline, who almost died in the Yingling Realm, and his bloodline plummeted as a result. .

Based on this, who dares to get involved easily?

Unless it is Barlow of the Star Clan, King Shura, a powerhouse of this level, he has a bit of confidence to come in and find out.

However, thinking of the phoenix from a hundred thousand years ago, after waking up inside, it was also at a disadvantage in the end, even people like Barlow and King Shura, I’m afraid they will treat it with caution.

Single ones should not be able to break in. There must be several tenth-level powerhouses working together to have a chance of winning.

However, the current situation in the Star Sea is so complicated that it is impossible for the supreme powers of other races to gather in a short period of time and rush to this point recklessly.

Yu Yuan cross-examined again and learned that Beru, Leo and Denise should have retreated to the Imaginary Starfield.

Yan Qiling, as well as Yan Ziyang and Moore’s group, most likely went to the Silver Sand Starfield ruled by the Silverscale Clan, where there is a space corridor leading to the “Disaster and Demon Abyss”.

Soon, Yu Yuan figured out the situation.

Chen Qinghuang who left before him, the Gray Goose, and the three elders of the Wing Clan, Brissett and his party, did not meet the strange demon Qiyan, so they don’t know.

Yu Yuan guessed that Chen Qinghuang, Yi Clan, and Brissett must have gone to the Dark Wing Starfield.

Bordering the Deep Forest Starfield, there are the Star Clan’s Drag Illusion Starfield, the Shura Clan’s Flying Firefly Starfield, the Silverscale Clan’s Silver Sand Starfield, and then the Dark Wing Starfield.

Originally, it was the Dark Wing Starfield that he had always wanted to **** Chen Qinghuang to.

“Wei Zhuo, the guy from Lei Shuzong, and those survivors from Haoyu, such as the junior from Xuantianzong, should all go to the Yinsha Starfield.” When he was silent, Qi Yan weakly said, Go pick him up.

“The mobile Xinghe Ferry built by Haoyu has to choose a new foothold. This completely empty and lonely land can no longer be used as the Xinghe Ferry’s foothold, and it is meaningless. Barlow previously It has appeared in the Illusion Starfield, and they dare not go to the trouble.”

“I heard that the two ninth-level Asura fighters who appeared in the Illusory Starfield are now in the Firefly Starfield. They also have a ‘dark field cold well’, which can communicate with the dark field at any time and greet them. The arrival of King Shura. Therefore, there should be no one who chooses to go to the Firefly Starfield at this time.”

“As for the Dark Wing Starfield…”

When Qiyan said this, that strange liquid body seemed to be trembling.

“The evil giant tree, Diggs, will probably see the Darkwing Starfield as their next target. Because the Darkwing Starfield, like the Deep Forest Starfield, is full of forests and swamps, it is suitable for the giant tree to continue Grow and grow.”

This strange monster born in the miasma of colorful clouds has gone through this devastating event

After the disaster, it seems that something has changed.

He completely restrained his arrogance, and calmly thought about how to take the next step.

After breaking away from the world of floating life and gaining true freedom, he found that the world before him had changed so much that it could be described as earth-shaking, which made him completely unfamiliar with this new world.

He had never heard of the “God of the Origin World” before, and he did not expect it to be so terrifying.

A strong man like Brissett, inexplicably, was deprived of the supreme blood by the evil giant tree, dropped to the ninth level, the phoenix that spreads destruction and death, was reborn in the form of a human race, and the mysterious Yu Yuan, They are so close…

Too many strange things overturned his perception of the world, forcing him to rethink and take a good look at himself.

Yu Yuan nodded slowly while listening.

After a while, he made up his mind and said, “Go to the Silver Sand Starfield of the Silverscale Clan.”

Qi Yan pleaded: “Take me! Then, please help me survive, I am afraid of Lei Zong and Lei Zong’s people.”

“I try my best.”

Yu Yuan responded lukewarmly.

The reason why I chose the Yinsha Starfield is because I know that Yan Qiling and Yu Yiyi arrived at Yinsha from the Calamity Demon Abyss through the boundary channel.

Similarly, when the Deep Forest Starfield became what it is now, they should withdraw from the Silver Sand Starfield.

Shenhunzong, as well as the powerhouses of the Tongtian Chamber of Commerce, if they receive Yan Qiling’s distress message and come to the Deep Forest Starfield to check the situation, they should also come from the Silver Sand Starfield.

In addition, he also knew that the Silverscale Clan, like the abyssal giant winged lizard, was created by the abyssal giant lizard.

For the mysterious abyss, he developed a strong curiosity, wanting to find out whether the abyss and the “origin world” are the same thing, and what secrets are hidden.

Since the abyss monitor lizard is the only monster that can touch the abyss, he wants to find clues in this regard from the intelligent creatures he created.

“Wait first.” Yu Yuan shouted.

“Wait, what are you waiting for?”

“Wait for the real me!”

I don’t know how long it took, Yu Yuan’s real body stepped on the dragon-slaying platform, from the other end of the nothingness, following the connection with Yinshen, he finally found it.

“Do you know how to get to the Silver Sand Starfield?”

Two Yu Yuans, one with the real body and one with the Yin God, asked questions at the same time.

The strange demon Qiyan shook his head, “I’m lost. There’s nothing in this empty place that can tell the direction. I can’t even distinguish front, back, left, right, up and down.”

“If that’s the case, then you just wait.” The main body said softly.

As for his yin spirit, he disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Here, the Yin God turned into a dead galaxy of nothingness, but he was able to swim freely without restraint, and his speed was extremely fast, a thousand times faster than his own body’s flight.

Maybe it’s because of the absence of any supernatural powers, the absence of shattered meteorites, starry sky debris, and all kinds of substances harmful to souls, which makes the Yin God unimpeded.

In other star fields, if he releases the Yin God at will, he may suffer minor injuries, let alone soaring like now.

He is driving the Shamo Cauldron. In the original Deep Forest Starfield, it may take several months to go from one border to another.

And now, in this cold, empty and dead place, it seems that it won’t take too long for him to wander around with a ghostly spirit.

The main body and Qiyan stayed at one place, while his Yin God continued to soar in the void of the Deep Forest Starfield, looking for the direction of the Silver Sand Starfield.

Gradually, his Yinshen returned to the border with the Illusory Starfield.

On the other side of the Illusory Starfield, he could see the shining stars and clusters of bright nebulae.

There seems to be some kind of natural boundary between the various abilities of the phantom star field and the void where he lives.

The emptiness and silence will no longer spread to the Illusory Star Field, and will not infiltrate it.

Similarly, the ubiquitous supernatural power of the star sea, the power of filth, the precipitated poison, the streamer, and the wind, which are everywhere in the Illusory Star Field, did not pour into his place of Yin God.

The dead galaxy where he was standing seemed to have really become nothingness. It clearly existed, but there was a boundary with the illusory star field.

The two sides do not interfere with the water of the river, they are clearly divided, and they do not do anything at all

Where are you going?

This discovery surprised him greatly, and he didn’t understand why.

After hesitating for a long time, his Yin spirit continued to fly away, and roared again.

He is a yin god, appearing one after another at the edge of the Feiying Starfield of the Shura Clan, and the Dark Wing Starfield that Chen Qinghuang and others entered.

Similar to the situation in the Illusion Starfield, the Firefly Starfield and the Dark Wing Starfield also don’t have any starry sky powers pouring into this void.

The empty and dead Forest Starfield seems to have been abandoned and is no longer recognized.

He couldn’t help but think of the Annihilation Star Field he had been to, the Galaxy where Her Majesty was besieged and destroyed 100,000 years ago, but no living creatures survived, no insects or beasts.

Although the stars in the domain are dead and silent, there are still various abilities in the starry sky, but they are relatively rare.

The two are clearly different…

The annihilation star field, and those so-called star fields that have been reduced to death due to the destruction of the phoenix and the spread of death power, are actually just a field without living creatures.

In such a large star field, there are still all kinds of energy mixed, and some stars even have the ability to “breathe”.

Unlike the Deep Forest Starfield at the moment, there are no stars and land at all, no perceivable abilities, no light source and wind, this is the true silence of a starfield.

Yu Yuan realized something, and the Yin God continued to soar, looking for differences.

I don’t know how long it took, but he felt the silver sand starfield that Qiyan said…

From a distance, it looks like a galaxy covered in silver gauze, and it is slowly injecting various abilities towards the star field of the deep forest, which has turned into nothingness and coldness!

Different from the Drag Illusion Starfield, the Flying Firefly Starfield and the Dark Wing Starfield, the abilities contained in the Silver Sand Starfield have flowed away.

Although it was very slow, it was a bit awkward in Yu Yuan’s feeling, but it was true.

This astonishing discovery, on the contrary, firmly believed in a guess in Yu Yuan’s heart.

He firmly believed that it was because the legendary abyss monitor lizard once haunted the Silver Sand Starfield that the energy of the Silver Sand Starfield was slowly injected into the nihilized Deep Forest Starfield.

Not only did not abandon it, but also began to accept it.

Based on the efficiency of energy flow from the Yinsha Starfield to the void and dead land of the Deep Forest Starfield, it may take tens of thousands of years for the void Deep Forest Starfield to be filled with various abilities again.

But it will also be very thin, and it is not known whether many impurities and different forces can be gathered into a brand new star field.

“Silver Sand…”

Yu Yuan whispered secretly, releasing his thoughts through the magical connection between Yinshen and his real body.

He knew that his real body on the other side of the void had already set off with the strange demon Qiyan, moving closer to his current position. However, the main body is a body of flesh and blood, so it cannot travel thousands of miles like a yin god, and it will take a long time to really come over.

Before the main body arrived, his Yinshen was at the border, curiously observing the Silver Sand Star Field.

He also wants to know if there is any powerful existence waiting for him in the border area of ​​the Silver Sand Starfield at this moment.

“I don’t know if the cauldron soul, and the evil cauldron are also in this star field.”

The yin **** with a pure spirit body is better in this void, but once he enters the Silver Sand Starfield in this form, it will seem too risky.

In case, Wei Zhuo, who is in charge of the “Thunder God’s Pond”, waits at the edge of the land, and falls with thunder and lightning…

Thinking of this, he shrank back subconsciously.

The real body of the main body and the strange demon Qiyan are approaching, he secretly observes, keeping a distance from the Yinsha Starfield, waiting silently, I don’t know how long it has passed.

A majestic and mystical palace unexpectedly emerged from the edge of the Silver Sand Star Field, shining brightly.

“Cao Jiaze!”

Yu Yuan’s heart was shaken. With the help of Her Majesty, he had reminded this new generation of strong Xuantianzong.

Tell him the horror of the Deep Forest Starfield and the premeditation of the “God of the Origin Realm”. He thought that when the Yingling Realm changed drastically, Cao Jiaze would suddenly appear and give him some help.

But Cao Jiaze didn’t come over, he probably left in time after seeing something was wrong.

Why, it will appear again now?


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