Invincible Powers Chapter 1310: Sit back and relax


There is nothing to miss, Chen Qinghuang left as soon as he said, without delay.

Yu Yuan watched the gray goose gracefully spread its wide gray wings under her soft whistle, and headed towards the original Wing Clan Starfield.

Brissett, who was sitting on the huge scepter, pulled himself together after a little cheer.

The Gray Goose was in front, and the “Scepter of Skywood” was behind, and they drifted away.

This scene was imprinted in the depths of Yu Yuan’s heart, and he suddenly had a wonderful feeling.

From now on, the identities of the Dark Elf Clan and the Wing Clan will be reversed once again.

In the future, the Winged Clan will once again be in a dominant position and will rise unstoppably, while the Dark Eldar Clan may be a little quiet.

Then, just like the Dark Eldar have been guarding the Wings for many years, the Wings will be the guardians of the Dark Eldar.

Chen Qinghuang’s awakening, gathering of strength, return after 100,000 years, and the appearance of the three old men who seemed to be dying, are destined to bring the Yi clan to a whole new level.

Perhaps, the three old men have long fallen in love with some great figure from the Yi clan, and they will help Chen Qinghuang hit the tenth level of the highest bloodline just after Chen Qinghuang returns.

Once there are tenth-level strongest fighters from the Yi clan, many ninth-level fighters will spring up like mushrooms because of Chen Qinghuang…

Then, naturally, the Wing Clan will return to the ranks of the first ladder.

“Obviously, she has her own responsibility and mission.”

After a while, Yu Yuan nodded slightly and smiled in relief.

The tentacles of the “God of the Origin World” have officially extended to the vast galaxy here, and the first battle has started in the Deep Forest Starfield.

The surrender of the Void Spirit, the cultivation of the Fallen God Tree, and the immortal life of Diggs, all kinds of strange things that happened here will eventually spread quickly.

There are many intelligent races outside the sky, such as the demons, Mingguang clan, Shura, and banshees.

The mighty human race, the big monster, and the soul sect, and even the starry sky behemoths like the chaotic kun…

You don’t have to think about it, Yu Yuan knows that all ethnic groups and powerful forces will really pay attention to the “God of the Origin World” and will attach great importance to this matter.

Chen Qinghuang, who was welcomed back by the three elders of the Yi clan, should have a lot of things to deal with.

In the emptiness, silence, cold and dark starry sky, Yu Yuan was alone.

He sat down slowly on the small meteorite, then combed quietly, thinking about…

When he was dragged into that strange world, facing the “God of the Source World” whose will came to Diggs, that… did he see the mystery of his own soul, and did he know that he had a past of three lives?

Especially in the first life, did the “God of the Origin World” notice it?

If you know, what will that “God of the Origin World” do next?

Void Spirit, Fallen God Tree, and Diggs can all be used by him. Is there any possibility that he will be secretly attacked and killed by them?

“The **** of the source world, what kind of alien is it?”

Yu Yuan’s mood gradually became heavy, and he silently recalled the setbacks he suffered in the Deep Forest Starfield.

The Zhanlongtai has long stopped releasing infinite light, and sank into the hole again. He secretly sensed it, and he felt that if it wasn’t for the most critical moment, the soul imprint of the first self would slowly wake up in the main soul , thus arousing the shocking power of Zhanlongtai, he can’t even return to the current realm.

Perhaps, he and Diggs, as well as the Void Spirit and the Fallen God Tree, were also corrupted by the “God of the Origin World”.

Thus, become its loyal believer and serve it wholeheartedly.

If that’s the case, in the real world outside, Chen Qinghuang is very likely to suffer much more serious injuries!

The “Heavenly Wood Scepter” will also reintegrate into the mature fallen tree after being shattered, and Brissette will die…

More extreme catastrophes may occur, and this side will turn into nothingness, and the speed of explosion will be faster.

Hurry up, let Gray Goose, Snow Bear in the Cold Region, Yan Qiling, Beiru and others have no time to escape.

In that case, all living beings will perish.

“The source world…”

Yu Yuan, whose whole body was cold, subconsciously looked under him.

Fortunately, it’s just empty space, not colorful ripples like the surface of the sea.

Under the body, there is no endless darkness like an abyss, hiding huge unknown creatures that want to rush out.

After a self-deprecating laugh, the dragon-slaying platform, the scabbard of the Qingtian sword, and the demon knife “Blood Prison” were called out one after another.

He stroked and felt the same thing, and then flew the Yin God away, realizing whether there was anything in this empty space.

There is no sound, no wind, no light source, no powers that can be touched or felt.

He can’t feel, Zhanlongtai, scabbard and demon knife, and can’t gather tiny energies from the existing nihilistic world.

“It is rumored that the abyssal monitor lizard among the giant beasts in the starry sky is the only foreign object that can touch the abyss. It began to explore the borders of the starry sky and wandered on the other side a long time ago. There is a saying that the most edge of the starry sky, It is the eternal desolation and emptiness. It is also said that the “remains” of the early years of Shenhunzong is to open up that emptiness and operate in that desolate place.”

Yu Yuan thought hard.

“Abyssal monitor lizard, could it come from under the colored ripples? It’s like a huge unknown creature inside, constantly hitting the space ripples, trying to break some mysterious boundary wall, and appearing in our universe?”


A series of thoughts flashed through my mind like lightning.

In this place of nothingness, there is no concept of time, Yu Yuan just sat there like this, and I don’t know how long it has passed.

After his yin spirit flew away from his body, he could travel from this empty and lonely land to the nothingness thousands of miles away in a single thought.

However, it doesn’t make any sense.

After the Yin God flew away, the area where he appeared was still nothingness and silence.

Besides, there is nothing…

I don’t know when a huge sense of loneliness came to my heart, as if in this world, in the boundless space, he is the only living creature, and only his consciousness exists.

In fact, it is true.

His yin spirit is still flying freely, without restraint.

Being bored, he focused all his energy and attention on the Yin God in the form of a spirit body, and tried to perform some subtleties of the “Great Yin Soul Art”.

He was surprised to find that in this place of nothingness and silence, the Yin God was moving freely without much consumption.

When he activates his soul power and transforms it into exquisite soul art, his yin spirit can also change in ever-changing ways.

It may be condensed into a huge, demon-like image, or transformed into mountains, rivers, seas and lakes, or into the images of many great monsters.

All these changes seem to be easy, and there is no difficulty at all.

In addition, the limit to which his Yinshen’s perception can be extended also seems to have been greatly enhanced.


A bit of the “Yin Sunflower Essence” that was hidden deep in the hole quietly flew out and merged into the Yin God that he was using the “Great Yin Soul Art”, and actually began to cleanse and purify the tiny dirt in his Yin God.

Then, more “Yin Sunflower Essence” flew out one after another, as if summoned by the Yin God.

From the “source of yin veins” in the fearful place, there are not many “yin sunflower essences” left.

This miraculous thing can often be kneaded with “Qingtian Nine Slashes”, and it can often exert extremely terrifying power when killing strange souls and evil spirits.

Now, that little bit of “Yin Sunflower Essence” was pulled out by the Yin God at once.

He smelted those “Yin Sunflower Essences” with Yin God to purify his soul. His perception, intelligence, spirituality, and all kinds of wonders related to the soul have been improved in all aspects.

He suddenly realized that even if his Yang God was not cast, his Yin God could continue to be refined and grow infinitely.

This is the profound magic of the “Great Yin Soul Art”!

The dragon-slaying platform placed in front of him, as well as the blood soul in the demon sword, also breeds a desire for that little “sunflower essence”.

It seems that if the “Yin Sunflower Essence” is integrated into them, the dragon-slaying platform and the demon knife can also get a certain increase.

This shocked Yu Yuan even more, made him more curious about the “Essence of Sunflower”, and also gave birth to the desire to obtain more.

However, the “Yin Sunflower Essence” seems to only exist in the fearful land, and it seems to be hidden at the source of the Yin vein forever.

If he wants to get more “Sunflower Essence”, he can only go back to the vast world, to the fearful place.

Fortunately, the ancestor of his Yu family has become the supreme ghost and **** in the Terrible Land. If he can return, he should be able to obtain a new “Yin Sunflower Essence” to nourish his Yin God. Open up more small worlds in the acupuncture points.


Yu Yuan suddenly felt something.

I don’t know how far away from him, in the other side of the void, the strange demon Qigan is lost, running around like a headless chicken.

This is the picture glimpsed by Yinshen’s infinite perception.

In just a moment, his spirit-like Yin God appeared in the direction of the strange demon Qiyan.

Without the body, there are only seven highly poisonous streams left. The strange demon Qiyan has turned into a pure liquid. Looking at a shadow of an illusory spirit body, it immediately wants to run away in fear.

“It’s me.” Yu Yuan took the initiative to send a message.

The colorful and colorful Qiyan was stunned by his thoughts, and then suddenly condensed.

Ning Wei, in a crude human form, “You, are you still alive?” Qi Yan spoke with an ethereal voice, as if from another time and space.

“What I’m curious about is that you’re still alive.” Yu Yuan sipped lightly with his pure spiritual body.

For some reason, he looked at Qiyan in front of him and felt the strange liquid body refined by seven highly poisonous streams. There is not a trace of soul or consciousness left.

What the Fallen God Tree can’t do, seems to be no difficulty for him in pure spirit form.

When he was even more surprised, when this thought came out, his yin spirit naturally changed accordingly, from the original spirit figure to a whirling vortex.

The vortex is like a “soul prison” lined up by many demons in the demon cauldron.

Qi Yan felt great terror, “Zhi Zhi” screamed and kept backing away.

“Yu Yuan, I didn’t betray you! I don’t know why the mysterious power suddenly overflowed from the spirit world, causing the evil tree to grow wildly and extend infinitely to the outside world.”

“That woman only takes care of Brissett of the Dark Eldar, and doesn’t care about me at all!”

“You disappeared again, what can I do? I can only run away, just like Yan Qiling, Lei Zong’s Wei Zhuo, and that snow bear and grizzly goose, running far away.”


As Qiyan retreated, she yelled and complained about her grievances.

He smelled the terrifying power enough to destroy him from the strange form of Yu Yuan Yinshen, thinking that Yu Yuan hated him for running away, so he kept explaining.

His performance made Yu Yuan realize the magic of the “Great Yin Soul Art” again.


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