Invincible Powers Chapter 1300: What should come, will come eventually!


Three giant altars, filled with the heads of people from various races, flew out from the ground of Yingling Realm.

The altar with a simple shape and withered grass exudes a strong evil atmosphere, which makes people feel depressed.

Looking at the countless heads, the faces of many people in the sky became ugly.

Beru, Leo and Denise looked angry, and could no longer ignore what Diggs had done.

Because, there are many heads on the top, and it looks like Star Clan people like them.

Moreover, there are teenagers and children among them…

Yu Yuan’s face became serious because of this. Although he knew the evil of the “Ruoxun God Tree” for a long time, it was still a little hard for him to accept seeing so many heads emerge.

What he could imagine was that tens of millions of corpses must have been buried underground in the spirit world.

Because, the head cannot be without a body, and those invisible bodies are probably below.

There are only three huge altars covering an area of ​​one hundred acres in the Yingling Realm, and there are such an astonishing number of heads.

According to the rumors he heard, similar sacrificial activities in the Deep Forest Starfield back then were not limited to the Yingling Realm.

Those who are loyal to Diggs, his confidantes are also performing the same sacrifices in other realms and stars.

How many creatures were slaughtered?

Thinking of this, Yu Yuan’s heart became more and more heavy, and he looked at the “Ruoxun Divine Tree” with disgust.

No wonder, no wonder you want to smash it with the dragon-slaying platform, smashing all its branches and roots to pieces.

He thought with a cold face.

“Is this the price you will pay if the tree of God appears?”

Young “Son of the Stars” Leo, furious at the heads of those StarClan below, “The Diggs, bewitched by the evil God of Origin, tried to restore their ancestral tree, but why did you kill us?” Clansmen? Why, the people of our Star Clan should become the objects of his sacrifice?!”

Beru was silent.

“Great Sage, no matter what relationship you have with him in the past, this Diggs must die!” Leo looked angry and righteous, “I don’t care what will happen in the Deep Forest Starfield, I will I will not quit! Even if I am going to die here, I, Leo, will try my best to seek justice for the lost clansmen!”

Beru looked sad and speechless.

Looking at Leo at this moment, stars twinkled in Denise’s bright eyes.

As expected of Leo, the future of my Star Clan, the pride of the entire Star Clan!

She secretly praised.

Brissette crouched down, and slowly stood up again, holding the wooden scepter tightly in one hand, pointing at the silent Diggs from a distance, “Your family and clansmen have withdrawn from the Deep Forest Starfield first. , since you want to sacrifice, why don’t you sacrifice your children and grandchildren to the ancestor tree together?”

When he said this, the contemporary Dark Eldar patriarch was filled with grief and indignation.

At this time, Yu Yuan also looked at Beiru with strange eyes.

One of the most important reasons why Beru is so recognized by Diggs is that after Diggs’ accident, many powerful families of the Dark Eldar began to hunt down Diggs’ descendants all over the world.

Perhaps, among the Dark Eldar people who knew about Diggs’ sacrifice, there were their relatives.

As the great sage of the Star Clan, Beru secretly accepted the descendants of Diggs and placed them in the star field under his control, so that Diggs would not be extinct.

In order to repay Beru, when Diggs went to launch this catastrophe, he kept persuading Beru to leave, and allowed him to bring his clansmen Leo and Denise.

“They just returned to the embrace of the ancestral tree. My family members and clansmen have long believed in the ancestral tree and will continue to serve the ancestral tree. Naturally, there is no need to rush back.”

Diggs didn’t feel guilty at all because of Brissett’s accusation or the appearance of the three altars.

His face is taken for granted.

His logic is that since all the members of the Dark Spirit Race were born with the gift of the ancestral tree, they can naturally die for the return of the ancestral tree.

People from other ethnic groups die as soon as they die, so what is there to care about?

In the depths of Diggs’ thoughts, there is a deep imprint of the “Ruoxun God Tree”. His actions are all for the healthy growth of the ancestral tree, for his own eternal life, and for the continued strength of the Dark Spirit Race prosperity.

In his view, Brissett, who is now sitting as the patriarch, is a stumbling block between the ancestor tree and him, getting in the way.

“Which is long-winded.”

Chen Qinghuang in the void, there is no trace of waves in his indifferent eyes.

The many heads on the altar, and the dispute between Brissett and Diggs, seemed meaningless and worthless to her, she just wanted to push forward the progress of the battle as soon as possible.

Hoo! Hoo hoo!

In the scepter of withered vines, the gray-white ghost electricity poisoning Brissett’s power suddenly disappeared after she said those words.

All the power of destruction and death that belonged to her was taken back by her.

“You can do it without any worries.”

She seemed very impatient, and began to urge Brissett to stop talking too much nonsense.

“I just figured it out, you will never destroy the galaxy realm of the Dark Eldar. Your previous threat was just a threat.”

Brissette looked up, and a strange smile suddenly appeared on that handsome face with vicissitudes.

“The star field of our Dark Eldar and the star field of the Wing Clan have always been bordered. The people of the Wing Clan live in dense forests and build houses on towering trees. And we secretly The people of the Spirit Race also draw the energy of plants and trees from the flowers and trees to condense their blood.”

Brissett laughed softly.

He didn’t continue talking, he didn’t talk very thoroughly, he just stopped talking.

But those who heard his words thought deeply, thinking about the wonderful relationship between the members of the Dark Spirit Clan and the Wing Clan, and found that it really seemed to be the same thing.

Yu Yuan subconsciously looked at Chen Qinghuang.

Her Majesty the beautiful queen, with no expression on her face, slightly pulled the corner of her mouth, “The knowledge you inherited from the patriarch of the previous generation should be that the Dark Elf Clan is protecting the Wing Clan. Those of the older generation Patriarch, it makes you feel that the Wing Clan is a vassal of your Dark Eldar Clan, living by relying on you.”

“Isn’t it?” Brissett was taken aback.

Belu, Diggs, and even Old Moore, Wei Zhuo and the others were surprised by Chen Qinghuang’s words.

In today’s Outer Galaxy, in the eyes of everyone, the Dark Eldar are the first-tier intelligent creatures.

As for the Wing Clan, they can’t even compete with the Rock Clan, Silver Scale Clan and Banshee Clan on the second level.

Barely, it can be regarded as the third step of the intelligent beings outside the sky… that’s all.

The Wing Clan is regarded as a vassal group of the Dark Eldar Clan. With the help of the Dark Eldar Clan, they resist the invasion of other clans.

“One hundred thousand years ago, the two were reversed.” Chen Qinghuang said coldly.

One stone stirs up a thousand waves!

Phoenix, which perished 100,000 years ago, was beaten to death in the Annihilation Star Field.

According to her, before she died, the Dark Eldar were vassals, and they had to rely on the Wings to obtain the right to survive!

“You also know that the Yi people live on top of towering ancient trees and build houses on them. And you, have always lived under the trees. Even if it is reversed now, the deep-rooted traditions and habits still remain. No change.” Her Majesty’s eyes were full of sarcasm.

The gray goose under her raised its head high and croaked proudly.

Grey Goose’s pride is exactly the same as her arrogance.

You Dark Eldar live under the trees, while the Wings always live on the trees, never changing!

The crowing of gray geese conveys such a meaning.

Boom! bang bang!

The gigantic snow bear in the cold region beat its chest as wide as a mountain, sending snowflakes flying everywhere.

It seemed to be responding to the Gray Goose, mocking Brissett, Diggs, all the Dark Eldar clansmen, and the ever more magnificent “Looking for God Tree”.

Laugh at the self-righteousness of their entire group!

Diggs under the sacred tree also raised his head in a daze, looking at the “Looking for the Divine Tree” inserted into the heavens, thinking in his heart: Is it true that, as Phoenix said, the dark place a hundred thousand years ago? The Spirit Race, relying on the Wing Race, which is not worth mentioning today, for a living?

The sad bloodline check and balance binds the supreme bloodline of all the Dark Eldar. No member of the Dark Eldar can survive for 100,000 years.

The truth has long been annihilated in the past. Besides the ancestral tree in front of him, who can tell him the truth?


Perhaps because of being angered by Chen Qinghuang, the sharp branches of the “Ruoxun God Tree” suddenly launched a frenzied offensive after a new round of surge in the ancestral tree.

Indeed, Her Majesty the Queen was not kept waiting any longer.

Like a branch imprinted with laws, part of it stabs at Brissett, and part of it rushes towards the cold snow bear, as if to severely punish it.

Among the colorful ripples, if there are thousands of colorful butterflies dancing, they also gather from all directions.

The half-asleep and half-awake Void Lingmei finally cooperated with the “Ruoxun Divine Tree” outside the Yingling Realm to put pressure on the snow bear in the cold region.

A moment later, the giant level nine snow bear saw that its fluffy snow-white hair was full of colorful butterflies.

It looked at Yu Yuan with pleading and flattering eyes.

Also at this time, the “Red Demon Clock”, carrying Yuan Lianyao and Fang Yao from the Scarlet Demon Sect, roared over suddenly.

The crazy flames released from the eyes of Yuan Lianyao and Fang Yao were exactly the same as those of the aliens and Zhu Huan who had been induced earlier.


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