Invincible Powers Chapter 1294: Ghosts and gods are bored


Zhong Chichen is a god-level pharmacist, and his son-in-law who rides a dragon quickly rushed to the outer galaxy for the first time, so he must be well prepared.

Yu Yuan also believed that some special pills for meditation and tranquility, after reaching a certain level, should be able to resist the illusion created by the spirits of the void.

Chu Yao’s ability to preserve his spiritual wisdom must be due to the effect of some kind of pill, and the same is true for Wei Zhuo.

It is very possible that Wei Zhuo and Chu Yao were standing next to each other, smelling the effect of the pill, regained consciousness in an instant, and then took it by force.

“Wei Zhuo…”

Frowning and looking at the thunder vortex, Yu Yuan felt a pressure that was deeper than before.

The momentum and power that Wei Zhuo displayed at this moment seemed to be stronger for a round.

A total of eight giant shadows are scattered around the thunder vortex, like the gods of Leibu, releasing the aura of destroying the souls of all living beings.

The blazing cyan lightning constantly sputtering outwards extinguished the colorful ripples released by the spirits of the void.

A shining silver hammer, engraved with many complicated and mysterious patterns, is also floating and sinking in the thunder vortex. It seems that thousands of lightning bolts will bloom in the next moment.

The Thunder Vortex and the Silver Hammer caused the Thunder Sect Master in front of him to emit extremely impressive power.

“The Lord of Thunder Sect, Wei Zhuo.”

Nine-star sage Beru’s expression gradually became serious, and he whispered to Yu Yuan: “This is not easy to mess with. Whether in the Forbidden Moon Falling Land or the Drag Illusion Starfield earlier, he seems to be very He didn’t do his best. Compared with Fu Xuanwen and Zhu Huan, he is a little lower in realm, but he is even more terrifying.”

Yu Yuan was secretly startled.

Back then in the Forbidden Land of Falling Moon, he borrowed the “Soul Formation Formation” and held the dragon-slaying platform, and had a brief confrontation with Wei Zhuo.

At that time, Wei Zhuo only used the “Sky Thunder Hammer”, which didn’t feel very powerful to him.

When dragging the Illusory Star Field, Wei Zhuo and Geralt had some entanglements, but they didn’t show too scary methods.

But at this moment, Beilu actually said that Wei Zhuo, who is of a lower level, is more terrifying than Fu Xuanwen and Zhu Huan…

Yu Yuan had to treat it with caution.

“As expected of the Great Sage of Star Clan.”

Yan Qiling admired first, and then beside Yu Yuan, said in a low voice: “Shenhunzong has a very high evaluation of Wei Zhuo, far surpassing Fu Xuanwen and Zhu Huan. Both Shenhunzong and Tongtian Chamber of Commerce believe that, Fu Xuanwen, Zhu Huan and other old-school free-form overhauls have no hope of impacting the primordial spirit.”

“And Wei Zhuo has this ability.”

“He, like Ji Ningshuang of Jianzong, Mo Baichuan of Yuanyangzong, Lin Yu of Xuantianzong, and Tan Junshan of Xingyuezong, has been given special attention. And…”

Pointing to the thunder vortex that Wei Zhuo fell into, “That thing is called the Thunder God’s Pool. Although the Sky Thunder Hammer and Ice Thunder Seal are quite powerful, their potential is not as good as the Thunder God’s Lake.”

“Thunder God’s Pool, has the charm that Xeon artifacts should have!”

Both Beru and Yan Qiling spoke highly of the suzerain of Leizong.

“He has great ambitions. He wants to use the thunder **** pool to refine the thunder pools of the heavens, the thunder vortex. If he can do it, he will definitely squeeze out one person and become one of the highest in Haoyu. Lei Zong, too He will be on par with Xuantianzong, Jianzong, and Yuanyangzong, and may even overwhelm Yuanyangzong.” Yan Ziyang whispered.

Yu Yuan looked at it in surprise.

Yan Ziyang of the Ghost Sect shrank his head slightly, “You have refined the Sha Mo Cauldron, can’t you feel the threat of the Thunder God Pool to the Sha Mo Cauldron? Before Haoyue, I met Wei Zhuo and knew about his ambitions.”

“Wei Zhuo, he hasn’t broken through to the peak of the Freedom Realm yet, and he’s almost ready. He has really broken through again, and he has become the strongest person under the Yuanshen. He really hopes to occupy one of them in the future. Highest quota.”

Yan Ziyang seemed to be naturally afraid of Wei Zhuo, but after Wei Zhuo appeared, he seemed reserved and restless.

Yu Yuan and Yu Yiyi, the tripod soul, exchanged glances, and found that Yu Yiyi, who was in charge of the Sha Mo cauldron, also nodded slightly, telling him that Wei Zhuo was extremely terrifying, and that he might be a serious trouble in the future.


Pei Yuling shook his head and sighed under the “Ruoxun Divine Tree” that covered the sky and the earth in Yingling Realm.

Like Diggs, he, who believed in the “God of the Origin World”, did not lose his spirituality.

He guessed what would happen in the shattered sea of ​​stars, so when he awakened Diggs, he knew that Chu Yao ran away quietly without waiting for him to show up because of fear.

Actually, what Chu Yao did was exactly what he wanted.

Just as Diggs hoped that Beru would not get involved, he also wanted Chu Yao to avoid this disaster, so he had the right to give an explanation for his friendship with Zhong Chichen.

According to the time, Chu Yao should have arrived at the “Xinghe Ferry” a long time ago, and left from the Deep Forest Starfield before Shen Die exerted his strength.

What he didn’t expect was that Chu Yao met Fang Yao, Yuan Lianyao, and Jin Li of the Demon Palace on the way, and was delayed.

“Fate is always so unpredictable.”

Pei Yuling murmured to herself, stopped thinking about anything, raised her head to stare at Diggs, and conveyed a thought, “What’s the matter with that strange demon?”

Qiyan is not dead.

When the possessed Sky Star Beast is smashed, it can be turned into seven poisonous streams. After soaring to the sky again and again with no results, now there is another corpse of the Crypt Clan without any energy, and it is filling up. The spirit world is wandering around.

At this moment, this Qiyan, who was attached to the Crypt Clan, appeared in front of Pei Yuling in a big way.

Pei Yuling was a little puzzled. He didn’t understand why Qiyan’s soul and abilities were not engulfed by the “Ruoxun God Tree”, and why he was able to avoid the attack of many ferocious plants.


The skinny Diggs descended from the sky in an instant and stood with Pei Yuling.

He looked at Qi Yan, who had gathered together desperately, and felt the various poisonous essences flowing in Qi Yan’s soul…

Diggs could faintly perceive the new consciousness of the “Looking for the God Tree”. He pondered for a few seconds and said, “My clan’s fetish, I think that thing’s soul is dirty.”

“Dirty?” Pei Yuling was dumbfounded.

“The soul of that thing is full of filthy things, and even the valuable soul essence is mixed with too much filth and poison.” Diggs looked at the approaching Qiyan with disgust, There was also a strange feeling in my heart.

The “Ruoxun God Tree” dislikes Qi Yan’s soul, but the power of the spirit world does not allow Qi Yan to escape.

Restricting him, but not obliterating him, what are the divine butterflies and the gods in the clan thinking?

“My name is Qiyan, I hate people, ghosts and gods, but I am still alive, although I am not living well.”

The possessed Crypt clansmen, with green flames burning in their eyes, the strange demon Qiyan speaks carelessly in the mighty human language.

He also seemed to realize that in a short period of time, he would not die in the Yingling Realm, so he seemed very confident.

Qiyan’s movement at this moment surprised Yu Yuan and others in the void, as well as Wei Zhuo at the other end.

Wei Zhuo, who is in the “Thunder God’s Pool” and wields the Sky Thunder Hammer, when he met Qi Yan in the Imaginary Starfield earlier, Qi Yan trembled with fear, crying and calling for grandma, begging Wei Zhuo to let him go.

Unexpectedly, in the Yingling Realm, Qiyan not only did not die immediately, but also came alive.

On the contrary, it was Zhu Huan, the condensed flame stars were still penetrated by many giant tree branches, judging by the posture, Zhu Huan would die here before too long.

“He can see it, he can’t die in Yingling Realm, at least temporarily.” Beru looked strange.

Leo and Denise also felt that the scene that was happening below was a bit unbelievable.

In the Yihuan Starfield, they have seen the miserable state of the Seven Disgusts with their own eyes, and they can’t imagine that this thing has fallen into the Yingling Realm. massacre.

“Yu Yuan.”

Qiyan suddenly raised his head, looking up at the meteorite of the moon in the void in the image of a member of the Crypt Clan and yelling.

Yu Yuan looked indifferent, standing on the edge of the meteorite, looking down at him, but did not answer immediately.

“Help me find her, let me see her, I’m here to listen to you!”

Qiyan pleaded, and then pointed to the hideous trees all over the world, countless flowers and plants, and the towering “Ruoxun God Tree”, and said: “These trees and flowers can’t help me. Speaking of which, you Maybe you don’t believe it, it…”

Pointing to the huge “Ruoxun God Tree” with its branches piercing the shattered galaxy, “I feel that it can’t do anything to me. If I am not limited by space, if I don’t have the butterfly to do it, I should I can help you. I can help you and do what I can.”

“I only hope that you can help me find her and let me see her.”

The she that Qiyan was talking about was of course Yu Spider, the blood seed of him and the Spider Queen.

The eyes of everyone looked at Yu Yuan in amazement because of Qi Yan’s words.

Yu Yuan ignored Qi Yan, considered it for a while, and asked Her Majesty the Queen curiously, saying: “He, can he really bring some trouble to Ruo Xun Sacred Tree?”

Chen Qinghuang nodded slightly.


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