Invincible Powers Chapter 1293: Sinkers


Seven highly poisonous streams of different colors, but all of them are quite strong, carrying a pungent corrosive sour smell, fleeing separately in the spirit world below.

The possessed Sky Star Beast fell to pieces and was blown into powder.

Yu Yuan clearly saw that as soon as the crystal powder hit the ground, it blended into the ground smoothly.

In other words, it was sucked away instantly by some kind of underground force…

The celestial star beast that was caught in the seven disgusting appearances has a high bloodline level, and the beast’s bones and muscles contain abundant supernatural powers, and it contains a little bit of star essence. At this moment, it is obvious that all of them have become the powerful nutrients of the “Ruoxun Divine Tree”.

The growth speed of the evil sacred tree has indeed been significantly accelerated.

Yu Yuan looked down and noticed that the top of the “Ruoxun Divine Tree”, like a sharp sword, was about to reach the void level where they were.

What surprised him was that Qiyan, which had turned into seven highly poisonous streams, was also flying towards the sky.

The seven highly poisonous streams are like lightning, chirping, or dark brown, or turquoise, or deep red like blood.

There is invisible energy of the soul, constantly exerting pressure on the poisonous streams, and the tangible colorful ripples are also moving closer to the poisonous streams.

As a result, even though the highly poisonous streams were constantly struggling, they still couldn’t get rid of the suppression of the Yingling Realm.

It is obviously soaring thousands of meters into the sky, but at a certain moment, it will suddenly fall at an extremely fast speed.

Crack! Clap!

The highly poisonous stream that landed on the ground sputtered out sparks of strange light in the strange land of Yingling Realm.

Afterwards, with only a slight adjustment, he tried to escape again without giving up.

“Hey, what is this? I’ve seen it for so long, and it’s the first strange creature that can maintain its intelligence to fight against the corner under the dual power of the colorful butterfly and the Ruoxun tree.”

Yan Qiling was amazed.

He also seemed to see that in the depths of the highly poisonous streams, there were strands of strange souls condensed, keeping an eye on their direction, as if… still asking for help from someone among them.

“Seven tired?”

Thinking of Denise’s whisper and Yu Yuan’s calm words, Yan Qi realized something, “Do you recognize it?”

“It also comes from the vast world, an old demon born in a sea of ​​colorful clouds.” Yu Yuan looked indifferent, “Don’t pay attention to him, his life or death has nothing to do with us.”

After the last farewell, Yu Yuan has made a decision and will not care about Qiyan’s life or death.

“Seven Dislikes, the strange old devil, is indeed a bit extraordinary.”

Beru, the great sage of the Star Clan, has already figured out the origin of Qiyan from Geralt, knowing that he has been hiding in the world of floating life for countless years, and has always been imprisoned by Nie Qingtian.

It is naturally unusual for a strange demon to be imprisoned by Nie Qingtian and so valued.

He noticed that even Zhu Huan from Yuanyangzong’s Freedom Realm had completely lost control the moment he condensed into a huge fireball and fell into the Yingling Realm.

The sturdy ancient trees, as if they had grown feet in the ground, moved in the spirit world.

Giant trees with strong branches, gathered in Zhu Huan’s

Beside the flames, the branches are like sharp spears, long whips and thunderbolts, and some are like icy blades, attacking Zhu Huan’s majestic Dharma like a storm, burning all living beings with every bit of energy, causing rivers and rivers to burn. Exhausted flames extinguished.

Zhu Huan, who lost his mind, was unable to use all kinds of supernatural powers, and his arms were also entangled by the roots of giant trees, so his movements were limited.

Everyone can see that this overhaul of the Yuanyang Sect’s Freedom Realm will perish in the Yingling Realm with a high probability. He will be another important figure of the Yuanyang Sect who has died after Li Tianxin.

“This Zhu Huan…”

Beru shook his head, no longer paying attention to Qiyan, regardless of Qiyan’s repetition, soaring to the sky, and then falling suddenly.

He squinted his eyes, staring deeply at Zhu Huan’s strange Dharma appearance, watching the Dharma appearance continue to change.

Gradually, Zhu Huan’s dharma form actually turned into a circular flame star, with a scorching boundary wall on the outside and volcanoes and lava streams inside.

After Zhu Huan’s dharma form regenerated and mutated, his body, flesh and soul were hidden deep inside the flames and stars.

This seems to be a kind of instinctive protection for oneself.

But with the passage of time, with the attack of giant tree branches one by one, Beiru felt that the energy and the strange material essence that formed the strange dharma form were being quietly absorbed by the spirit world.

If there is no accident, the flame and star-like “shell” will eventually burst.

At that time, Zhu Huan’s blood, soul, muscles and bones inside will be eaten away by the “Ruoxun Divine Tree” rooted in Yingling Realm in an instant.

The evil sacred tree will also be quickly uprooted by a large section.

“Zu’an took my **** position! The Demon Palace and the Demon Palace did nothing to deliberately let the Scarlet Demon Sect rise. Damn it! You all deserve to die!”

In the spherical magic image in the form of flames and stars, Zhu Huan’s crazy and hysterical roar came from inside.

This seems to be the monstrous resentment he suppressed in his heart!

“No wonder, no wonder the power of Ruo Xun God Tree and Colorful Butterfly made my mind collapse.”

Yan Qiling sneered, “This old guy thought that after Li Tianxin died, he would be able to advance directly to the new Yuanshen and take over Li Tianxin’s seat. How long did Zuan secretly prepare for this position, and how much manpower and material resources were spent.”

Yu Yuan was surprised.

He knew nothing about the secret battle and arrangement between the two sides.

What he knows is that he is also one of the participants.

When everyone’s eyes were drawn to the Forbidden Land of Falling Moon, an interception against Li Tianxin suddenly started in Tianwai.

Li Tianxin died, and as soon as the new seat was vacant, Zaan resolutely attacked the position of God.

Dare to do this, of course it is because of the promise of Shenhunzong, with absolute certainty.

Zhu Huan below has been wandering in the late stage of the free state for many years, waiting for a new vacancy.

According to the previous rules of the five supreme powers, if the Yuanshen of the Yuanyang Sect dies, the priority is to select suitable candidates from within their sect to attack the seat of the Yuanshen, so as to maintain the balance of all parties.

Without Shenhunzong’s involvement, Li Tianxin

Death must be Zhu Huan’s top.

In the end, Zhu Huan failed to get what he wanted, making Zaan a god.

This has become a demon in Zhu Huan’s heart, and it has been eroding him recently, making him feel miserable every time he thinks about it.

Not long ago, he was provoked by Fang Yao and Yuan Lianyao in public, saying that the current Yuanyang Sect has only one Yuanshen sitting in charge, and he is no longer qualified to put on a high profile.

Zhu Huan, who was accustomed to being aloof, felt extremely aggrieved, and his demonic barriers deepened again.

“He thinks too much. Even if the **** position is vacant, if he really goes to attack, he will lose in all likelihood.” Beru shook his head. Objectively evaluate, “Zhu Huan can’t do it. He is just old enough, his aptitude, talent, and heart, it is unlikely that he will be promoted to a high position…”

“If you don’t hit the Yuanshen, the human race will die one day. Zaan will turn his back on the five supremes and choose the Soul Sect because…he can’t wait any longer.”


In the distance, a giant thunder vortex emerged, with thunder roaring inside and dense lightning.

Even the colorful ripples and the spatial ability exerted by the butterfly were crushed by the giant thunder vortex, and they couldn’t get close at all.

In the Thunder Vortex, which covers an area of ​​a thousand acres, a tall and tall figure stood like a **** in charge of the order of Thunder.

Yu Yuan squinted his eyes and saw the figure emerging from the depths of the giant thunder vortex, which was indeed Lei Zong Wei Zhuo.

Void spirits create illusions to lure all living beings in this broken star field to rush there. For those who are affected by illusions, the gap in realm and strength can be described as a difference between heaven and man.

The first to come here must be the best among them, the tyrannical characters inside.

Zhu Huan is like this, and Wei Zhuo is also like this.


“Being able to become the master of Leizong in the vast world is not to be underestimated.” Beru sighed.

Different from the out-of-control Zhu Huan, Lei Zong’s Wei Zhuo is now sober and wise, and seems to have successfully escaped from the illusion of the butterfly on the way here.

But he still came over, and he should want to see what happened, to see what attracted him and bewitched him to come here.

“Yu Yuan, Beru, and…”

In the depths of the crackling vortex of thunder and lightning, Wei Zhuo’s face was calm, and he swallowed another elixir into his stomach. “Don’t hide, there are acquaintances in front of you. Mr. Pei, who you thought would protect you, is also in Yingling Realm.”

“Chu Yao.” Yu Yuan was secretly surprised.

He noticed that Wei Zhuo had swallowed a pill, and then Lei Zong’s Freedom Realm Daxiu, with a swollen face, seemed to be overfilled by some kind of ability of the pill, and looked at Chu again. Yao found that Chu Yao had puffed up cheeks and seemed to have difficulty speaking.

Nodding his head slightly, Yu Yuan guessed that his senior brother Zhong Chichen had made some kind of pill to help Chu Yao and Wei Zhuo not be affected by the illusion of the spirit of the void, and they were still awake as before.


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