Invincible Powers Chapter 1170: Pharmacist


The first thing Yu Yuan thought of was, once the traces were exposed, if the siblings showed malice, would he be able to wake up Empress Qingluan who had fainted again.

As long as Queen Qingluan wakes up, no matter who comes, the result will be the same.

In front of Chen Qinghuang, who has demigod combat power, except for the strong Star Clan with ninth-level bloodline, the rest of the alien races are as vulnerable as ants.

Empress Qingluan, who spreads death, can wipe out the world of floating life in a state of blurred consciousness without any effort.

In addition, he also thought of a way.

——Call out the demon sword named “Blood Prison”!

Yao Dao, after he awakened in his first life, became extremely docile and well-behaved. He must have sensed his unusualness and never dared to make trouble in secret again.

He believed that once the Yaodao was summoned by his mind and rushed away from the hidden hole, the alien race of the ancient galaxy ship would become the blood of the Yaodao.

It will change into clusters of **** lights.

The dark blue starship ancient ship suddenly rippled brightly, and Yu Yuan, who deliberately hid under the stone, suddenly felt a cool supernatural power coming to him.

After a slight change of mind, he no longer has any chances.

He walked out from behind the big rock with Empress Qingluan who was still sleeping on his back, and he saw the ancient starship with obvious Star Clan characteristics, floating quietly.

“Is it them?”

A proud female voice asked in the language of StarClan.


Pellet of the Moon Night Clan gave an affirmative answer.


The iron-like ship door was suddenly pushed open, and Denise turned into a beam of starlight, shooting towards the rocky cliff where Yu Yuan was.

“Be careful!”

Dark, who is ethereal and charming, Pele, who is from the Moon Night Clan, and several Star Clan warriors wearing loose robes, shouted in unison in the stationary warship.

Denise didn’t pay attention at all, and fell directly in front of Yu Yuan, more than ten meters away.

The granite-like ground was blasted away by the pieces she stepped on, causing stone chips to fly around where she was, as if a cloud of dust storm had formed out of thin air.

The moment she landed, even if she couldn’t use her blood and soul power, Yu Yuan could accurately judge that she had a bloodline of level seven.

A Star Clan warrior with a seventh-level bloodline, if it was in the past, Yu Yuan could easily take care of any crimson sword light drawn by the scabbard.

But now, because of the lack of soul power and blood, I’m afraid it won’t be possible.

“I’m Denise!”

This luxuriously dressed and arrogant Miss Star Clan, as soon as she landed, she looked at Yu Yuan indifferently with the eyes of a superior, “Don’t kneel down and salute me!”

Denise’s name is unknown to all the aliens living in the floating world.

The first time she saw Yu Yuan, she knew that the two had never met before, and she took it for granted that Yu Yuan was not qualified to meet her when he landed.

That’s why she took the initiative to report her name and told Yu Yuan in this way that she was his master.

Xialu in the Floating Life Realm is where the Dark Spirit Race lives. Since Yu Yuan and Chen Qinghuang are members of the Dark Spirit Race, they are of course her servants.

“Kneel down?”

Yu Yuan didn’t react immediately.

Whoo! Whizzing!

Dark, Pellet, and seven StarClan warriors flew out of the battleship one after another and stood behind Denise.

“No matter what village or town you come from, since you are a member of the Dark Spirit Clan, you should face Miss Denise humbly!” The handsome Void Lingmei snorted coldly, “Also, you Don’t quibble, we are sure that you stole those Anshencao and Yanxinhua!”

“Hey, kid, do you know how many people you killed?” Pellet sighed.

The other seven Star Clan fighters who came down together also looked at Yu Yuan curiously, with a little confusion in their eyes.

The only eighth-level fighter among them bowed slightly, and whispered behind Denise: “Miss, this kid has a strange aura, I don’t even know his level. Also, the **** his back, let me I feel even more wrong.”

When everyone was speaking, Denise kept staring at Yu Yuan with great interest.

She noticed that her servant who had landed did not show any awe when facing her. In the depths of her eyes, there seemed to be deep contempt and disregard.

“Miss Denise!”

Suddenly, Mi Ting shouted from afar.

“Mi Ting!”

“Mi Ting is still alive!”


Dark and Pellet shouted in surprise, and the voices of Guoli and other survivors also sounded in the still ancient starship.

They were rescued one after another due to the arrival of the Denise battleship, and they were all inside for the time being.

Mi Ting from the Dark Eldar Tribe helped many of them out of the siege because of her proficiency in stealth.

Now, knowing that Mi Ting was safe and sound, they also breathed a sigh of relief.

“I’ve seen you.”

Denise raised her head slightly, looking at the Dark Eldar woman who was gradually emerging and rushing all the way.

“Miss, I saw your ancient galaxy ship flying towards this sky, so I chased after it.”

Mi Ting was sweating profusely. When she arrived in front of Xia Lu’s ruling power, she respectfully saluted. She was emboldened and looked at Yu Yuan uneasy.

There is also Chen Qinghuang behind Yu Yuan.

“I told you not to disturb us.” Yu Yuan said in a deep voice.

As soon as this remark came out, Mi Ting, who was also a member of the Dark Spirit Race in the eyes of everyone, took a few steps back in shock, distanced herself from Yu Yuan, and then explained: “I, I am not following you, I am I saw Miss’s battleship coming. I said, I came chasing the battleship!”

Mi Ting’s abnormal performance made all the visitors who landed smile.

She is very well-known in the dark spirit tribe who descended to the land. She has broken through to level four at a young age, and she is very hopeful that she will reach level five in a short period of time.

In the vast world outside, the fifth-level Dark Eldar clansmen are rare.

But in the world of floating life, if such a young Mi Ting can break through to the fifth-level bloodline, she will be really admired by Denise. Go to a higher level realm to seek a new round of bloodline transformation.

“Since you know each other, come and tell me about the situation.” Denise encouraged.

“He, they are not from our floating world.” Mi Ting whispered.


Denise’s eyes lit up, her interest became more intense, and a strange smile emerged from the corner of her mouth.

Pellet, Dak and other aliens who went down to the land were taken aback, and then accused Yu Yuan of recruiting gangsters for Xialu for no reason, causing many people to be killed.

The seven Star Clan warriors responsible for protecting Denise looked serious.

They quietly surrounded Denise to prevent any changes.

All the alien races in the floating world, whether they landed or landed, know Denise’s identity, and no one dares to mess around.

The Xeons of the Silverscale, Rock, and Salamander clans also knew who Denise was, and they never dared to be rash.

That’s right, the seven Star Clan warriors were not too worried before, not afraid of any accidents to Denise in the Floating Life Realm.

But Yuyuan, if it is a visitor from a foreign domain…

“Don’t ask me where I come from, I am from the Dark Eldar, and I am a pharmacist from the Dark Eldar.”

A thought came to his mind, and Yu Yuan also put on an arrogant posture, “To be exact, I am proficient in making poisonous concoctions! I picked Anshencao and Yanxinhua, which are all needed for refining medicine. I am very curious.” , These medicinal herbs are obviously from the vast world, why do they appear in the world of floating life?”

“Pharmacist, proficient in developing venom?!”

Denise’s eyes lit up, she looked extremely excited, and her whole body seemed to suddenly shine brightly.

“Good! Very good!”

Denise said to herself, took a deep breath, and calmed down, “Follow me to land, go to my castle, and let me see your ability!”

“Miss?” Mi Ting was stunned.

“You deserve credit, I know.” Denise nodded, and glanced at her approvingly, “You also go back to the land with me. My ineffective younger brother won’t be back in a short time Yes, I will not bully him, and I will not arrange strong men to destroy the towns built by his servants.”

Yu Yuan rubbed his chin thoughtfully, but he didn’t immediately agree.

“Since you are an outsider, you are my guest. I will not treat you as a slave. Don’t worry, I will not treat you badly!” Denise solemnly sent out the invitation, “If you really can refine medicinal juice, It’s still poisonous, I need your ability!”

“Oh, let’s go to your place and sit down.”


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