Invincible Powers Chapter 1168: Spread death


Yu Yuan gradually felt that he had become Chen Qinghuang’s little follower.

Obviously he was leading the way ahead, and Chen Qinghuang followed unhurriedly, but the former Empress of the Qingluan Empire habitually gave orders all the time.

Or order Yu Yuan to fetch water for her to drink by the clear river.

Or let Yu Yuan hand over the newly created “Soul Accumulation Liquid” for her to take.

The strange beast that Yu Yuan hunted and killed was just roasted, and she was the first to eat it.

Full of aggrieved Yu Yuan, he did not dare to betray her. When he thought that her soul was severely injured and her memory was incomplete, and how terrifying power this body in the form of the Dark Eldar possessed, Yu Yuan felt very sad. Be nice.

Not long after, they encountered a Salamander raiding party.

There was no disturbance, and no battle broke out, so Chen Qinghuang still only glanced at it.

The twelve-man team of the Salamander clan died instantly, and none of them survived.

Yu Yuan’s scalp felt numb when he saw it, and he made a decision at that time. He should try his best to lead this queen who spreads death away from the area where the Salamander, Silverscale and Rock tribes are active, and go to a more desolate, human-inhabited area. A rare Jedi, teach Her Lady Queen some rules first.

A person like Chen Qinghuang, who indiscriminately kills people just based on their feelings, is really a nightmare for all living beings in the world of floating life.

I went to the towns of Salamander, Silverscale, and Rock for her. The alien warriors there will fall in large numbers. After she leaves, there may be no living people in the town.

Since then, all the strong fighters in Shanglu will encircle and suppress the two of them.

As a result, it is very likely that the alien races in the entire floating world will become extinct.

The current Empress Qingluan is extremely dangerous, and her combat power is so exaggerated that it cannot be measured.

Yu Yuan even felt that Greke, the Great Demon God who was resurrected in the Origin Blood Continent, was not as terrifying as Chen Qinghuang at the moment.

“Perhaps, she already possesses some of the power of the demon **** and the primordial spirit.”

Thinking in this way, Yu Yuan led Chen Qinghuang to those desolate areas, lest Her Lady Queen, who has not really woken up and recovered her complete memory, continue to spread the plague of death to the outside world.


Following behind him, Her Majesty the Empress, who gave instructions from time to time, looked at a big tree that could be seen everywhere with a pair of turquoise eyes.

Chen Qinghuang stopped and stared at the big tree, dazed.

“What’s wrong?” Yu Yuan wondered.

“Guys like us.”

Throwing out such an inexplicable sentence, Chen Qinghuang rolled up his sleeves

, looking at the color of his skin, and then at the big tree, he seemed to be thinking about something seriously.

Yu Yuan looked puzzled.

Afterwards, he saw a woman from the Dark Eldar tribe suddenly “squeeze” out of the big tree.

The woman seemed to have integrated into the tree trunk with a special blood secret technique before, becoming a part of it, and no one could see the clues and abnormalities.

Under Chen Qinghuang’s gaze for a long time, the woman couldn’t stand it anymore, knowing that she had nothing to hide, she simply showed herself.

“My name is Mi Ting, I came from the land.”

She introduced herself first, then thought for a while, and then said again: “I heard about you, from Pellet of the Moon Night Clan. Not long ago, we were hunted down by the hunters of the Silver Scale Clan. I separated from them. My blood talent allows me to hide in the forest without being found, so I am responsible for leading the pursuers away.”

“I have been fleeing here because I know this area, it is unlikely that there will be pursuers, nothing else, the guy from the land.”

Mi Ting is not clear yet, but the culprit who caused the Silverscale, Salamander, and Rock tribes to capture and kill the guests from the land is standing in front of her.

After explaining, she just thought about the background of Yu Yuan and Chen Qinghuang.

“You are also members of the Dark Eldar clan, you should have lived in Xialu before, right? I don’t think I have seen you, nor heard of your deeds.”

Seeing that Yu Yuan and Chen Qinghuang were silent, Mi Ting said softly.

“We just pretend we haven’t met before.”

Yu Yuan waited for a while, and saw that Mi Ting was not dead, and Chen Qinghuang was still thinking about something, so he continued to go deep into the dense forest with an indifferent expression.

Chen Qinghuang thought about it for a long time, but didn’t want to understand what the trick was, so he followed suit and followed.

Yu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Since this aunt opened her eyes, Mi Ting of the Dark Spirit Tribe was the only survivor.

It was most likely because Mi Ting was a woman from the Dark Spirit Race, which made Chen Qinghuang more pleasing to the eye, and she did not clearly show any malice.

“Hey! Wait, everyone is of the same family, and Shanglu is not at peace now, why don’t we go together? If we go together, it’s okay to have one of each other! I heard Pellet say that you are very powerful and have killed many yellow people. Beast!” Mi Ting yelled from behind.

“No need.”

Yu Yuan refused impatiently, thinking that this girl is really desperate.

In that cave earlier, he heard the conversation between Duck and the old man of the Moon Night Clan, and knew that Mi Ting would not hesitate to risk herself in order to help those people out.

He has no ill feeling towards Mi Ting, who has never met before,

So I don’t want this girl to die inexplicably.

As for Pellet and the others, they explained to the Silverscale and Salamander tribe that it was him who picked the Anshencao and Yanxinhua, but Yu Yuan didn’t take it seriously and didn’t take it seriously.

At present, he just wants to take Chen Qinghuang to the no-man’s land to see if he can correct Her Majesty’s thoughts, and it is best for Her Majesty to wake up by herself.

Then, with her power already in the ranks of the gods, she brought herself out of the world of floating life and entered the high-level galaxy safely.

The days after.

Chen Qinghuang was still used to telling him this and that, and he obeyed obediently. The two arrived in the wilderness where there was almost no life activity on land in the world of floating life.

In the unknown barren area, not even two spirit beasts can be seen, and there is no lush forest.


The dark spirit woman named Mi Ting touched her suddenly after she left last time.

“The two Salamander teams were killed by you?”

As soon as Mi Ting appeared, she saw Yu Yuan grilling a small silver fish by the river, and she suddenly became angry, “I know you are very powerful, but don’t you know that doing so will harm Fu Sheng’s life?” What do the two continents of the world bring?”

Yu Yuan ignored it.

“Those guys on the land think that the strong men who came down land poured in and started the war!” Mi Ting became even more annoyed, “The war that has been extinguished for a long time is about to break out because of you! How many people will be implicated, how many towns will be destroyed?”

She lashes out.

Yu Yuan was unmoved, and was annoyed by her noise, so he said: “Don’t yell, without us coming to the world of floating life, there would be frequent wars here.”

“Aren’t you from the Floating Life Realm?” Mi Ting grasped the key point, her eyes brightened instantly, “Where did you come from? I have never been out of the Floating Life Realm in my life! Outside, isn’t it exciting?” , I heard that there are cruel human demons who attack and kill the strong of all races everywhere, is this true?”

As soon as she heard that Yu Yuan and the two suddenly entered the world of floating life from the outside world, she was suddenly excited.

She chirped and began to talk about her yearning for the outside world, some widely spread legends, and cursing the vast human race and great monsters.

Yu Yuan had a strange expression on his face.

Also by the river, Chen Qinghuang, who was sitting on a chair with soft cushions, was interested in watching Yu Yuan grilling fish, not paying attention to Mi Ting’s yelling.

However, when Mi Ting talked about the vast human race, the big monster, and spit all over the place, Her Majesty’s eyes quietly changed from green to green.

Yu Yuan was shocked.


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