Invincible Powers Chapter 1162: Wonderful World


Three strange beasts in the form of black elk were pierced through the heads by Yu Yuan with the scabbard of the sword that held up the sky, and died one after another.

In Haoyu, creatures other than the human race are called monsters and monsters.

For the outside world, other than all kinds of intelligent alien races, they are called alien beasts, which means alien beasts.

The level of the three strange beasts is very low, at most it is quite a monster of the fourth level, and they cannot be called monsters.

Only those who have awakened spirituality and wisdom can be called monsters, while those with lower bloodlines and humble births can only be regarded as monsters.

In the vast world, magical species like dragons, unicorns, and phoenix birds, although they are monsters, possess wisdom and spirituality from the moment they are born.

This kind of existence is not in the category of monsters from the beginning to the end, but is regarded as the king of the monster clan.

But more, such as the black water mysterious snake, the sky tiger, and the golden elephant-like group, at the beginning, they evolved step by step from monsters, and then slowly gave birth to spiritual wisdom. Only then was promoted to the ranks of the demon clan.

There is a mysterious rule for the monsters in the vast world.

As long as a tenth-level demon **** is born in a group, the entire life form of the group will undergo a transformation.

This kind of transformation is that a group of monster beasts who have been born as a tenth-level demon **** are instantly promoted to the ranks of the monster clan.

Afterwards, any cubs born in this group will have advanced intelligence at the beginning, and there is no need to go through a step-by-step process to have it.

For example, the Tianhu clan.

Before the white Tianhu became a demon god, the newly born Tianhu could only be regarded as a monster.

However, from the moment the white Tianhu became a demon god, the laws of race have changed accordingly, and there have been earth-shaking changes.

The white Tianhu became a god, and the baby Tianhu born after that did not need blood to break through step by step, and was born with advanced wisdom and extraordinary spirituality.

Because of this, the entire Tianhu clan jumped from the ranks of monsters to the monster clan.

Even if one day, the white Tianhu falls, or even falls, the Tianhu clan is still a monster clan, and they still have such an obvious group advantage-the cubs are born with spirits.

It is precisely because of the existence of such peculiar rules that the vast group of monsters and beasts are desperately advancing and transforming.

They all hope that one day, they will be able to settle in the Demon God Temple, get a seat of the Demon God, and bring their group to a whole new level.

In a group, as long as there is one person who is expected to challenge the seat of the demon **** in the future, the whole group will work together and use all resources to help him become a god.

“I don’t know what happened to Yu Spider and Yu Yiyi.”

Yu Yuan skinned the black elk-like beast, strung it on a wooden frame, baked it with flint stone, and muttered to himself.

The alchemy furnace named “Liuyan” next to him has the lid open, and the blood of strange beasts is contained in it.

From time to time, he used a wooden spoon to scoop up a large spoonful, and then “gulong” had a swig.

The blood of this kind of black elk contains limited flesh and blood energy, which is just a drop in the bucket for the transforming “altar of life”.

But the situation in front of him is already the limit of what he can do.

He can only use spiritual power to fight, but he can’t even condense a crimson sword glow from “Qingtian Nine Slashes”. With the scabbard on, the power that can be exerted is very common.

If it weren’t for the fact that the beast was too weak, he might have had to go through a lot of trouble.

The reason why you don’t use the demon sword “Blood Hell” is because you are worried that the demon sword will backfire, or you will die from the demon sword

The flesh and blood creatures of the knife will be swallowed by this demon knife.

Three beasts of such a low level, the demon knife can kill them instantly, and then within the demon knife, they only turn into three blood-colored lights, and they are the smallest and weakest.

Because the beast was too weak to be killed by the demon knife, he probably wouldn’t give him a trace of flesh and blood.

Then his road to recovery will be even more distant.

After a while, the meat roasted by the flame exudes a rich and fatty meat aroma.

He let go and gorged himself.

While enjoying the delicious food, he was smiling wryly. If the “Altar of Life” was not in a state of metamorphosis, he only had to throw three such weak beasts into it, and in the blink of an eye, the beasts would turn into pure The blood energy was melted and refined by the altar.

If he hadn’t been ruthlessly stripped away by the altar as soon as he bred blood and flesh energy, he could still use “blood refinement”.

“Blood Alchemy” allows him to swallow the blood of alien beasts without gulping, which can increase his efficiency several times and directly extract the energy contained in the blood.

Drinking animal blood and devouring animal meat are the most primitive and backward ways to replenish blood and flesh energy.

Because it is too slow, and because some blood energy will be lost, it cannot be collected as much as possible.

But this is the only method he can use at present.


Once the animal blood and meat in the intestines and stomach were digested, Yu Yuan, who continued to eat and drink freely, inadvertently glanced at Empress Qingluan who was lying flat on the grass next to him, and was surprised to find that the original She had long black hair, and her hair turned a strange dark blue color.

Her age is obviously a few years younger, and she looks very beautiful and extraordinary.

Yu Yuan, who was tearing at a large piece of animal meat, came to her side, squinting his eyes and secretly checking.

Empress Qingluan, who was unconscious, had all the spiritual energy in her body restrained, and the majestic blood also disappeared. She felt like a very ordinary but extremely beautiful girl.

“For her like this, with a little modification, the characteristics of the human race can be concealed.”

Yu Yuan thought about it, and felt that since there is a high probability of alien races living in this world, as long as the identities of the human races are not exposed and they are more cautious, the safety of the two of them can be greatly improved.

Dress yourself and Chen Qinghuang as aliens and haunt the vicinity. Even if they are discovered, they will not be considered as human races, which will save a lot of trouble.

The human race is the public enemy of the alien races outside the sky. Once discovered, they will be surrounded and beaten.

At this sensitive moment, perhaps all the powerful alien races are searching for the whereabouts of the two of them.

In case it is exposed, because Chen Qinghuang is still awake, and he himself is in the critical stage of Yangshen’s construction, his combat power is extremely limited, and the Shamo cauldron is not there, the possibility of being besieged and killed is too great.

Just do it when you think about it.

He took local materials, first picked some leaves nearby, mashed them into juice, and applied them on Chen Qinghuang’s cheeks and neck, so that the color of his skin was the same as that of his blue hair, and then he trimmed the ancient No. 1 man. The empress’ eyebrows also carved a circular symbol on the conspicuous part of her forehead.

Those symbols come from the Dark Eldar, on the one hand, they learned it after getting acquainted with Mia and Wen Lu.

What’s more, his heavenly soul comprehended the mysteries of various races in the “Altar of Life”.

After a while, the Chen Qinghuang he was familiar with before gradually disappeared, and he insisted on creating a very strange image of a dark spirit girl.

“According to the energy contained in this world, it is unlikely that there are too strong foreign races stationed here. The lower-level foreign races cannot see through her internal condition at a glance.”

After adjusting Chen Qinghuang’s appearance, he looked around, thinking in his heart that he had to do it too


Also, become a member of the Dark Spirit clan that complements Chen Qinghuang.

Think together.

Strands of flesh and blood energy quietly flowed out from the transforming “altar of life”, flowing in his earlobe, slipping through his hair, and flashing through his viscera and meridians…

Ten seconds later, his hair turned dark blue, his ears were elongated, his cheekbones seemed to have been cut by a knife, and his internal organs were displaced.

He just became a male Dark Eldar.

Calling out a silver mirror, looking at the strange self in it, Yu Yuan was stunned for a long time before realizing that the Heavenly Soul fused with the “Altar of Life” had comprehended many exquisite spells of other races.

Being soul-communicating, he also realizes that when the Heavenly Soul and the “Altar of Life” are completely fused, and when the “Altar of Life” turns into his Yang God body, his Yang God can transform into any common alien race as he pleases. !

Even, being able to use the supernatural powers of the bloodlines of other races, so that even the ninth-level bloodline powerhouses of this race can’t see the clues!

Instead of the current him, he has a superficial appearance and no core.

A foreign land where the day is eternal, the yellow sun never sets, and it never moves.

Yu Yuan carried Chen Qinghuang on his back, like two lost dark spirit men and women, moving in a forest full of strange beasts and unknown trees.

He lived a life like a savage, hunting strange beasts and devouring flesh and blood.

He is unkempt, scruffy, and he doesn’t bother to shave his beard all over his face.

That’s it, I don’t know how long it has passed.

One day, under a big tree, he found a deep hole that seemed to be bottomless. He threw a big stone down, and there was no sound for a long time.

Being curious, he was repairing beside the cave. When he took out a piece of spiritual jade to refine it, he couldn’t help but wonder if there were people from the Crypt Clan living down there.

Cryptocrats build caves underground all year round, building so-called dungeons, and are not used to activities on the surface.

After half an hour, he looked at a group of men and women from the Moon Night Clan crawling out of the hole with a look of astonishment.

More than a dozen moon night clan men and women, both young and old, appeared in front of him exhausted as if they had traveled through half the world after a long trek.

An old man of the Moon Night tribe, who was old and crutched, was holding a big stone in his hand, stared at him with wide eyes, and shouted: “You little devil of the Dark Eldar tribe, are you wicked or not? The tunnel connecting the two continents is strictly prohibited. Throwing things, don’t you understand the rules?”

The old man spoke the language of the Star Clan, Yu Yuan’s Heavenly Soul, after comprehending many subtleties of the “Altar of Life”, not only could he understand it, but he could also speak it.

“Two pieces of land?” Yu Yuan muttered.

“You can’t be, you have been active in the mountains and forests all year round, and you don’t know anything?” An immature Moon Night Clan boy laughed loudly, “Although it’s the first time for me and my grandfather to come to this continent, I know , Your world will always have a yellow sun hanging high, which is different from ours.”

Looking up at the sun, he seemed a little uncomfortable, and muttered: “It’s better to live on the land where we live. The full moon is bright and bright, shining on us forever.”

Yu Yuan was stunned after hearing this.

From the boy’s words, he instantly realized that the world he was in now should be static.

The continent under his feet corresponds to the Milky Way, and a yellow sun will always exist.

Below his feet, at the end of the cave, there should be another land, facing another galaxy.

There is a bright moon in that galaxy, which also exists eternally.


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