Star Odyssey Chapter 61: Blood


Lu Yin didn’t speak from the beginning to the end. It’s useless to say anything at this time. The universe is full of the weak and the strong. Any unwilling words will become the laughing stock.

“Liu-shao-ge” shouted angrily, Bai Xue trembled and shouted, her eyes red.

Liu Shaoge smiled lightly at her, but said nothing.

Qingyu glanced at Bai Xue, “Forget her, remember, next time you come here, bring this woman with her, she is talented in cold ice, and she is so beautiful, this kind of woman is suitable for serving me, I can’t now. Bring back”.

Liu Shaoge’s eyes flashed a trace of coldness, and he recovered in an instant, bending over, “Yes, young master.”

Soon, the figures of Qingyu and Liu Shaoge disappeared, and then, a silver spaceship took off from the huge spaceship and flew into the universe.

In the huge spaceship, Mira narrowed her eyes, “A new Night King was born, what a troublesome family.”

The moment everyone looked up and watched Qingyu disappear, Lu Yin suddenly took control of Huo Xiaoling and Jenny Ona. This scene shocked everyone, including Xikenmal and more.

“Aboriginal, you are so bold, let go!” Toleona was furious. It was too careless for such a thing to happen before his eyes.

Sara Shu was astonished. He didn’t expect that a small expedition native would dare to grab Huo Xiaoling and Jenny Ona in front of the star-walking powerhouse. He was not too daring, which made him appreciate it a little.

Xiken Maldo stared at Lu Yin coldly, “Do you know what you are doing?”.

Lu Yin grabbed Huo Xiaoling and Jenny Ona with one hand, and a dagger in both hands, which could pierce the necks of the two women with a little force, “Sorry, it’s not good to threaten others with women, but who Let the identities of the two of them be the most important here, and that’s all, General Mardo, right, I hope I can talk to you.”

Xikenmaldo looked angry, he was actually threatened by a native.

According to his temperament, even if he sacrificed two people, he would not accept the threat, but Lu Yin used to threaten Huo Xiaoling and Jenny Ona. If he died, his fate would not be much better.” What do you want to talk about?”.

Lu Yin hid behind the two women and said indifferently, “After the trial, the evolutionaries on Earth will be sent to the battlefield by you, I don’t want this, can you ask General Mardo to help?”.

Sikenmaldo said solemnly, “This is the rule of the empire, and I have no right to change it.”

Lu Yin smiled and said, “Qingyu just said that he will come to destroy the earth in person. You can use this reason to reply to the Daewoo Empire. If my guess is correct, no one in the Daewoo Empire should dare to refute the order of the Ye Royal Family.”

Xiken Maldo was annoyed, “Young man, don’t insult the Daewoo Empire, we just don’t want to have bad relations with the Night Royal Family. I will report the conditions you put forward truthfully, but before that, I will release the hostages in your hands.”

“Am I stupid?” Lu Yin said disdainfully.

Sikenmaldo didn’t say a word, Toleona said, “Boy, don’t mistake yourself, your performance in the trial is enough to join the Empire Hall, you will not be dragged down by the earth, not only you, but those around you. Everyone on earth can join Yutang, this is the preferential treatment of Daewoo Empire for you, if you threaten the empire again, this preferential treatment will disappear, and you will experience real despair.”

“It seems that the identities of these two people are not enough to make you talk so much nonsense” Lu Yin said lightly.

“You” Toleona was furious.

Huo Xiaoling looked back angrily and stared at Lu Yin, “Let me go, I can help you plead for mercy.”

“Me too, just let me go, don’t touch me” Jenny Ona said anxiously.

Lu Yin threatened, “If you dare to talk nonsense again, one person will put a stinky sock in his mouth”.

Huo Xiaoling and Jenny Ona gritted their teeth angrily.

Zhang Dingtian and Bai Xue silently stood beside Lu Yin. For them, this was the only chance for the earth. The countless evolutionaries of the earth depend on them whether they live or die.

Grace stuck out his tongue and walked away, these lunatics.

Gerny looked at Lu Yin in a complicated way and backed away. This trial was something she will never forget.

The scene froze for a moment.

Lu Yin was short of breath, his body had already reached the limit when he fought against Qingyu, his face was a little pale, and he couldn’t be seen.

Suddenly, the terrifying pressure came, Lu Yin’s hand shook, his body was restrained by an indescribable force, unable to move, the ground countless fragments turned into powder, Tole Ona suddenly appeared in front of Lu Yin’s eyes, kicked Kicked out, kicked Lu Yin a hundred meters, smashed to the ground, and with a wave, Zhang Dingtian and Bai Xue were swept away by the strong wind.

Lu Yin coughed up blood, his internal organs were in severe pain, he seemed to be crushed, and deep footprints were kicked out of his chest, almost piercing his body, just for a moment, he felt the terror of the strong walking in the starry sky, that was An irresistible force that made him unable to even move.

Tole Ona’s eyes swept coldly towards Lu Yin, “How dare the mere ants put forward conditions on us. I originally wanted to leave your life to Qingyu, and I dared to seek death.”

Jenny Ona also glared at Lu Yin.

Huo Xiaoling sighed and looked over. He still admires this person. As a mere native, it is really not easy to achieve this level, but unfortunately, the gap between them is too far. There are many geniuses in the universe. , it is undeniable that Lu Yin is definitely a genius, who can defeat Qingyu who is exploring the realm, but so what, the universe is too big, and there is no shortage of genius.

Lu Yin lowered his head, his eyes blurred, and his body was at the limit.

At this time, Sikenmar opened his personal terminal and was talking to someone.

Toleona turned to Sikenmaldo and said, “General Mardo, I think this person should be killed. He is rebellious, and his origin is unknown. Sending him to the battlefield will also bring trouble to the Empire.”

Sikenmaldo ignored Tole Ona, looking at the personal terminal, his eyes gradually becoming inconceivable.

Tole Ona saw that Sikenmaldo didn’t speak, slowly raised his hand and pointed at Lu Yin, “Don’t think you can really wait until Qingyu comes to kill, it will be difficult for him to come to the Daewoo Empire, you, you can’t wait. , go to hell”, saying that he was about to shoot.

Zhang Dingtian roared, but couldn’t get up.

Lass stood in a state of embarrassment, sneering at the scene.

On the spaceship, Mira stood up and was about to shoot.

Siken Maldo suddenly yelled, “Stop it, Torreona.”

Tole Ona was startled and looked at Sikenmaldo in surprise, “What’s wrong?”.

Xikenmaldo looked solemn, looked at Lu Yin, his eyes were anxious, and there was a hint of hope, “Come here, collect some of his blood for me.”

Immediately, a soldier wearing a Daewoo Empire military uniform walked out, came to Lu Yin’s body, squatted down and began to collect the blood from the corner of Lu Yin’s mouth.

Lu Yin opened his eyes, saw the soldier clearly, his pupils shrank, “You?”.

The soldier snorted and winked at Lu Yin, “My family asked me to say hello to you, your performance is very good, give me your blood.”

Without any hesitation, Lu Yin took out a bottle of blood from the congealing ring and handed it to the soldier.

The soldier smiled at Lu Yin, turned around, and returned to Sikenmaldo with a serious expression, “General, blood.”

Siken Maldo spread his hands, and the blood sample flew to the spacecraft.

No one spoke, waiting for something.

Lu Yin stared at the soldiers who returned to the queue, exhaled, smiled, and finally took the first step. The blood samples he left in the Jinling torture camp came out.

The Daewoo Empire is very strict on the evolutionary tests. Lu Yin’s strength is enough to attract them. They naturally want to collect Lu Yin’s blood test. The blood he left in the prison camp was waiting for this moment.

It has always been deliberately performed so that the Daewoo Empire can detect the blood he left in Jinling, and everything will follow the trajectory he set.

After a while, Xikenmaldo listened to the answer in the personal terminal, his eyes were excited, he looked at Lu Yin, his body appeared directly beside Lu Yin, and he helped him up, “Tell me, why are you on Earth? What’s your name? Who else is at home? How old are you?”.

Others look suspiciously.

Sara Shu and Toleona soon got in touch with some people, and then looked at Lu Yin in shock, the Daewoo Empire was about to shake.

In the spaceship, Mira looked at the data displayed on the screen in surprise, “Are you sure? This is too coincidental.”

The person in front of the instrument stared nervously at the data, “Yes, absolutely yes, this is the bloodline of the Zishan clan, that child is the descendant of the Zishan clan, absolutely correct.”

Mila was speechless. Before she came to the Daewoo Empire, she also knew about this country. This country is quite legendary. It was originally a very weak country, but with the rise of the two people, the country was abruptly elevated to a turbulent level. In the category of the top forces in the territory, the two people are called Undying Yushan and the other is Undying Zishan, a well-known undead duo in the outer universe.


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