Star Odyssey Chapter 33: The corpse king reappears


To Lu Yin, the most important thing right now is the star energy crystal, and the second is the fugitive. He has Tres’s body-shaping ability, and he can make himself a third body-shaping to reach the fusion realm, but above the fusion realm trouble.

A normal shaper can only be shaped three times. Only a stronger shaper can perform a fourth shape. Even Willow and Bailey cannot have such a shaper. Strong man, the only hope on earth is that fugitive.

Although the fugitive may be very strong, Lu Yin is not sure what means the four students have. He simply muddies the water and attracts all the students to compete. The more chaos, the better for the fugitive. After running it, no one in the first batch of testers is his opponent, and now it is time to delay.

In a secluded house in the capital, Lu Yin closed the doors and windows, spread flame crystals around, then returned to the room, opened his hands, and the dice slowly emerged.

The surface of the dice is dim and has not recovered. If there is no star energy crystal, it will take a long time to recover to be usable. He does not want to wait.

Rubbing his hands, Lu Yin stared at the dice with bright eyes, and crushed a cube of star energy crystals that he had collected with great difficulty. shine.

Lu Yin licked his lips, feeling a little apprehensive. At this time, he was in the same mood as those gamblers, “Come on, give me good luck and see what I can shake.” After speaking, Lu Yin pointed at on the dice.

The dice are spinning rapidly, and the hazy stars are extremely beautiful.

Lu Yin stared with wide eyes. Eventually, the dice stopped spinning, the five-sided points disappeared, and the remaining side was – one point.

“It’s one more point” Lu Yin was pleasantly surprised, one point can randomly get a random item from someone’s Ningkong ring, the first time he rolled the dice, it was one point, and he got the Tianxinggong and Tianxingzhang that made him rise. This is the first time secondary.

Lu Yin watched as the dice shot a beam of light through the void, as if opening a passage, and then something fell to the ground with a pop.

Lu Yin stared blankly at the ground, in disbelief, this, this, is this a snack?

I saw a beautifully packaged snack bag lying quietly on the ground. The snack bag had words that Lu Yin could not understand, which should be an advertising slogan.

Lu Yin picked up the snack bag dumbly, feeling the urge to vomit blood.

You can get such a thing by spending a cubic star energy crystal, snacks, even a broken dagger!

The surface of the dice dimmed and then disappeared.

Everything in the room returned to normal, only Lu Yin was left speechless clutching a bag of snacks, blood dripping in his heart, it was too pitiful.

For ten days, Lu Yin has been staying in the capital, and it has become quite quiet here. Since the corpse tide outside the city has collided with the beast tide, the number has decreased a lot, and more and more evolutionaries dare to go out.

This side of the capital is calm, but Europe has turned the sky upside down.

Ten days ago, Lu Yin asked Granny to release the news that the fugitives were in the Mediterranean Sea. No one believed the news at first, but as the traces of Erde and the others were exposed, many students believed it and rushed to the Mediterranean Sea.

A few days ago, there was a big battle in the Mediterranean Sea, and the sea surface was evaporated. According to rumors, the fugitives possessed the power of fusion, beheaded several students and fled, and several of them Erde were injured.

The strongest team in the academy is not only Erde, there are three from China, two from Northern Russia, two from Europe, plus Africa and other places, the number of top students is quite large. All turned upside down.

Lu Yin was quite satisfied when she heard the news reported by Granny. As long as the fugitives were not caught, the simulation of the stars was also very smooth. The third star was faintly visible. It’s time to take action.

Outside the capital, countless zombies roamed the roads. From time to time, zombies walked out of the shops on both sides, biting unknown things in their mouths.

With countless gunshots, a convoy of vehicles drove forward, running over the zombies without reducing their speed, leaving the ground covered with blood and a pungent stench.

Suddenly there was a loud bang, and the wind blew up for no reason on the ground, overturning the convoy, and all the evolutionaries in the car escaped, looking at it in confusion, this gust of wind was too strange.

“What’s the matter?” A tall man patted the dust on his body and drank a cigarette.

“Captain, the gust of wind knocked over the car from somewhere” someone reported.

The man frowned and looked into the distance, the surroundings were calm, where did the gust of wind come from?

At this moment, the store in the distance was cut off by an invisible attack. The next second, all the evolutionaries stood sluggishly on the spot, their upper bodies fell flat, and they were all obliterated by the invisible attack.

Originally, it was not unusual for these evolutionary people to die, but in the next few days, some evolutionary people were obliterated by invisible attacks, which attracted the attention of Huaying.

When a prefecture-level powerhouse in Huaying was obliterated, Zhang Dingtian walked out of the capital. The obliterated prefecture-level powerhouse was second only to these heavenly powerhouses in the capital. No one dared to take action.

Zombies on both sides of the road roared towards Zhang Dingtian, and there were strange mutant beasts squirming underground.

Zhang Dingtian’s face remained unchanged, and with a wave of his hand, the energy wind killed all the zombies.

Probably felt Zhang Dingtian’s strength, the road was silent on both sides, Zhang Dingtian walked for a long time without encountering an attack, after thinking about it, he put on the personal terminal that Baixue gave him, this personal terminal came from Paris , Zhang Dingtian originally disdain to use it, but this time there is nothing more suitable than this.

Tap on the personal terminal, and soon, there is a beeping sound on the terminal, Zhang Dingtian stared at the northeast, raised his knife and cut straight out, the huge slash cut off the earth, and swept across, there, a figure He fled in embarrassment, his left arm was slashed by a slash, and he let out a low roar.

Zhang Dingtian rushed out, slashing the back of his sword, and the figure turned around, revealing a ferocious and terrifying face, a zombie.

With a bang, the zombie was crushed to the ground with a knife, the scarlet eyes glowed cruelly, and he waved his hands. The invisible wind turned into a sharp blade and slashed at Zhang Dingtian. Flip it over and swipe by, and the zombie’s head rolled into the distance and was shattered by the aftermath.

Zhang Dingtian frowned and looked at the zombies with a weird face. In his knowledge, zombies are just the failures of human evolution and should not have strong power, but this zombie not only has ground-level strength, but can even wave his hands Gusty wind, that’s weird.

Zhang Dingtian quickly returned to the capital, found Dean Lian, and told Dean Lian about the situation of the zombies. Dean Lian was shocked, “What did you say? Zombies have prefecture-level strength? They can even wield strong winds? No Probably, they are just the failures of human genetic variation.”

Zhang Dingtian said solemnly, “That’s the truth.”

Lian Dean pondered and his eyes were solemn. Today, the number of zombies on earth is much more than the survivors. If zombies can really evolve, it will be troublesome. Humans have to face not only powerful mutant beasts, but also zombies.

What’s more important is waving the gust of wind. This is not something that evolution can occur. Now they know only two people who can exert supernatural power. Even Zhang Dingtian doesn’t have supernatural power. How can zombies have such power.

“If one appears, the second will appear. Isn’t that Lu Yin from Jinling? Ask him if he has encountered such a zombie before,” said Dean Lian.

Zhang Dingtian immediately ordered someone to call Lu Yin and Bai Xue to come.

When Lu Yin heard that Zhang Dingtian encountered the Corpse King, his eyes changed.

“You know?” Zhang Dingtian stared at Lu Yin and asked.

Lu Yin nodded and talked about the situation of the long-haired corpse king. At first, he guessed that the capital should know about it, but he didn’t expect them to meet now.

Bai Xue couldn’t believe it, “Can swallowing natural energy crystals produce supernatural power? How is it possible, even humans can’t do it.”

Lu Yin said solemnly, “This is what I saw, there is no need to lie to you.”

Lian Dean looked serious and looked at the three of them, “In fact, we have always believed that zombies are the product of the failure of human evolution. It turns out that most zombies are like this, they can only roam, and their combat power is very weak, and they can only threaten ordinary people. , but on the other hand, if the zombies are not a failure, but another evolutionary path, is it reasonable?”.

Zhang Dingtian’s eyes changed, “Humans can absorb the energy crystals in mutant beasts to become stronger, and zombies can also absorb supernatural energy crystals to gain stronger power.”

Lian Dean said solemnly, “No one has ever seen a zombie swallow an energy crystal. A mutant beast can easily tear apart many zombies, and even if it is seriously injured, it can easily escape. Therefore, zombies cannot obtain energy crystals, and it is impossible for anyone to want to. Give the hard-earned energy crystals to the zombies, so this possibility has been ruled out from the beginning, but it is not denied that some zombies with excellent luck can get energy crystals, if this possibility really exists, the earth will be greatly changed.” .


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