Star Odyssey Chapter 28: Beijing


Paris’ pupils shrank and she quickly retreated. She didn’t expect that the natives who were attacked by Bailey and Willow would still have enough strength to attack her. By the time she reacted, it was too late. There was a huge bloodstain left on Liz’s abdomen, and the blood dripped down the clothes to the ground, and the pain swept through the nerves. Paris unconsciously knelt on her knees, and cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

One person, one knife, suppressing the capital, the first of the Seven Sages, and the Hua Sage of the Crazy Blade. At this moment, the three Bailie deeply realized what the first of the Seven Sages is. This person may be the strongest person on earth.

They couldn’t figure it out, how could such a terrifying person be born in the earth after only half a year of evolution, and it is difficult for cross-border powerhouses to appear in the Daewoo Empire.

The so-called cross-border is a powerhouse who can show a higher level of combat power at the current realm. The personal terminal settings are quite strict. Even if you reach the peak combat power of the current realm, you may not be able to show a higher level of combat power with the help of combat skills. The combat power value of a higher realm.

Like Bailey, his battle value is 3,000, the peak of exploration, but even if he uses his combat skills and has the power to fight against fusion creatures, the battle value can’t reach 3,001, which is like A wall separates exploration and fusion.

There is only one kind of person who can break this wall, and that is the cross-border powerhouse. He is obviously a realm explorer, but he can show the fusion realm combat power. This kind of person is called a monster. Zhang Dingtian just raised his sword At the moment, his combat strength value was – three thousand two hundred, the value of fusion realm combat strength.

“Go” Bailey drank lowly, and flew directly out of the capital.

Willow and Paris endured their injuries and left at the same time.

Zhang Dingtian did not pursue, and calmly watched the three of them leave. These three were not weak. Some time ago, alien students also came to the capital to make trouble, but none of them could survive under his knife. He had already beheaded them. Of the five students, all three of them could actually take him with a knife and gain the combat power of the Three Saints.

Especially the little dwarf, who is on a par with him, very powerful.

“Huasheng” armored vehicles appeared one after another, and a beautiful young woman in professional attire walked out of one of the vehicles and came to Zhang Dingtian’s side and said worriedly.

Zhang Dingtian said lightly, “Go ahead and investigate unfamiliar evolutionists. If you encounter evolutionists like students, report them immediately, and don’t take the initiative.”

“Is that group of Starry Sky students who just played against you?” the woman asked.

Zhang Dingtian looked at the woman, “Don’t think too much, no one is my opponent.”

The woman looked reverent, nodded to the army, and acted resolutely.

When the three of them landed outside the capital, Paris growled angrily, “A native, he hurt me, he actually hurt me, I want him to die, I want him to die immediately.”

Willow wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, “It’s incredible that there are cross-border powerhouses among the indigenous people.”

Bailie said solemnly, “Don’t worry about it, the combat value is the most unreliable detection method, and the outcome also depends on the individual and combat skills.”

Willow frowned at the capital, unreliable? That’s right, generally speaking, the combat stats are really unreliable. Many strong people don’t plan to increase the combat stats at all, and they focus on combat skills. This kind of person is quite powerful, but the combat stats that break through the current realm are different.

The Daewoo Empire even ordered cross-border powerhouses to directly join the thirteenth team of the Imperial Court. That is the highest authority in the empire. Cross-border powerhouses are as respected as talents. He just realized the power of cross-border powerhouses. Terrifying, the native didn’t seem to use combat skills, but just a knife made him difficult to parry, this is the cross-border powerhouse.

Although Bailey said it easily, he couldn’t hide the envy and jealousy in his tone. He was very strong. He was born in the third gravity planet, with a combat power of 3,000. But so what, still can’t break through the barrier, can’t raise the combat power to 3,001, that one, trapped countless geniuses, and now I see it in the indigenous people.

“I won’t let him go, a native dares to hurt me” Paris was immersed in hatred, her eyes flashed with bitter hatred, “I want to induce a beast tide.”

Bailie’s eyes narrowed, but he didn’t speak. On the side, Willow agreed, “The clues to the fugitive must be hidden in the capital, that Zhang Dingtian may know that a head-on collision is not wise, Paris, immediately induce the beast tide, and put Zhang Dingtian away. The sky is contained outside the city, and Bailey and I are looking for clues.”

Paris nodded, licked the corner of her mouth, and rushed into the distance.

One day later, when Lu Yin brought Granny to Hebei, he heard that the capital was attacked by a beast tide, and the entire capital was filled with mutant beasts and zombies.

“There are nearly 10 million zombies outside the capital, and there shouldn’t be a beast tide. I remember that I also said that Paris, the strongest in their academy, also came to the capital. Could it be her who did the trick?” Lu Yin guessed. road.

Granny said, “It’s possible that the students of Blue Mountain College will be more or less able to use animal control methods. Paris, as the strongest in the college, must have extraordinary methods.”

Lu Yin’s eyes were cold, if this person really shot, this person can’t stay.

“Actually, this is a good thing. The beast tide and the corpse tide collide. As long as the people in the capital don’t come out, they should be fine,” Granny said.

Lu Yin pondered, Granny could think, so could Paris, why is it still driving the beast tide?

In the capital, countless soldiers ran and changed their defenses, and the beast and corpse tides impacted the capital to a certain extent.

On a tall building, two figures looked out of the city, and in the distance, a slash swept across the sky, severing a flying mutant beast, and spraying blood in the sky.

“That’s Zhang Dingtian, the first of the Seven Sages, really amazing” Gu Leis was surprised.

Besides, Ballaro solemnly said, “This person’s strength is above me.”

“Nonsense, he is a cross-border powerhouse, you and I together may not be enough for him to fight” Gu Lei Si said.

Balaro was not convinced, and squeezed the green fist, “I don’t need to fight him head-on, I can kill him.”

“This beast tide should have been caused by the woman Paris, that woman is very vicious, and it seems that Zhang Dingtian suffered a loss, otherwise she would not be so crazy to induce such a large-scale beast tide, she paid for it. The price is not light,” Gu Leisi pondered.

“The beast tide attracts Zhang Dingtian, and there is no one in the city. Bailey and Willow may be looking for clues about the fugitives in the city,” Balaro said.

Grace immediately opened the personal terminal and exclaimed, “Wow, five realm explorers, one of which has reached the fusion realm combat power is Zhang Dingtian, the other four should be Bailey, Willow and Er De and Heidian, actually got in, it’s so lively.”

Balaro’s face was solemn, “Erd is here too, that’s troublesome, this person is very strong.”

Grace said, “I entered Yutang by exception and defeated the strongest players in thirty academies. This is Erde’s record. It’s a bit troublesome, but it doesn’t matter. You said that if we disclose the news to Zhang Dingtian, he will What will happen?”.

Balaro frowned, “Sell out your own people?”.

Grace rolled his eyes, “How can we have our own people, we are competitors, and in the eyes of the empire, we and the people of the earth are both testers, and there is no betrayal.”

Balaro nodded, “I can drive the plants to help withstand the beast tide, and let Zhang Dingtian free up.”

“It’s such a happy decision” Grace was overjoyed.

On the other side, two figures in black robes are standing in an abandoned hotel.

“Erde, I feel the breath of Balaro, his plant breath is very strong,” one of the men in black robes said, the corners of his mouth curved in a cruel arc.

Another black-robed man Erd said solemnly, “In the city plus we have a total of seven expedition practitioners, and Paris outside the city, there are eight expeditions here, it’s a little troublesome, but it’s not too much. It’s hard to kill, the only trouble is Zhang Dingtian, it’s incredible that there are cross-border powerhouses among the indigenous people.”

“Leave Zhang Dingtian to me, I want to try the so-called cross-border powerhouse.” The man in black robe was excited, raised his head, and his eyes flashed green light.

On the steel city wall, Zhang Dingtian’s face was heavy, and the vast corpse and beast hordes were fighting in the distance, like a grinding disc of flesh and blood.

The zombies are very weak and can be easily torn apart under the claws of the mutant beasts, but the zombies are very poisonous, which causes the mutant beasts to lose a lot.

More than ten kilometers to the east, Paris was pale and looked into the distance excitedly, “Go, more, more, I’m going to bury this city with a beast swarm, and the mere natives dare to hurt me. , I want you to pay the price.”

Paris didn’t notice that she didn’t know when the cold air appeared under her feet. Although the temperature was not low, there was a snow-white frost in the air.

Paris is still staring at the battlefield in the distance, and she has put away her clothes. Why is it a little cold?


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