Star Odyssey Chapter 18: Trial tasks


“My name is Lu Yin, don’t call me wrong” Lu Yin said.

“Is that your name on Earth?” Granny asked.

Lu Yin didn’t answer, but stared at Granny, “Log in to the universe network and change Jinling to blue.”

Granny sneers and ignores it.

Lu Yin sighed, “Actually, I don’t like torture, but this is a prison camp, you know, they have some means to make you submit.”

Granny is angry, “These natives will pay.”

“Before this, you will pay a more terrifying price” Lu Yin stared at Granny coldly.

Granny and Lu Yin looked at each other, and finally gave in. In the end, she was just a student. She could be arrogant, cold, and even cruel in the face of earthlings, but it was a difference in identity. Once this difference was erased, she No different from ordinary students.

Granny changed the color of Jinling on the Earth map in the universe network to blue in the face of Lu Yin.

Lu Yin sees that part of the earth has turned blue, which means that those places are completely controlled by these students. Of course, not all of them are. Maybe some students are forced to change to blue. , but this should not be the case much.

Parts of Huaxia turned blue, Europe, America, and Africa all turned blue. Among them, Hubei was most concerned by Lu Yin, where it turned blue.

Lu Yin pondered, has Liu Shaoge surrendered? Or get killed?

“I ask you, who are the strong students among the students who came?” Lu Yin asked while staring at Granny.

Granny shook her head, “I don’t know, the Planetary Evolution Trial is carried out by the Daewoo Empire, from various colleges and universities, I only know the situation of the Empire’s First Military Academy, Tres should be considered very strong, the rest I really do not know”.

Lu Yin didn’t ask questions. In the end, the real test was more than two months later, and he had the confidence to deal with the first batch of students.

Now that everyone is busy, Lu Yin personally walked out of Jinling to kill the heaven-level mutant beasts detected by the personal terminal. It was not until five days later that the busyness came to an end.

Lu Yin held a meeting, and all the captains attended, including Luo Yun, who had just returned from the frontline gathering place.

This time, Xu San was completely convinced by Lu Yin, and he took the place of the Prison Saint not long after joining the prison camp. He felt that the future was bright.

Looking at Xu San, Lu Yin admired him even more. Because of his support, Xu San had already entered the prefecture level, that is, Wangjing. As long as he reached the exploration zone, he was very valuable.

Because of Lu Yin’s admiration, Xu San is full of energy and secretly determined that he must become stronger as soon as possible. The more motivated he is, the more Lu Yin appreciates it. Everything is developing towards a better future.

No one at the meeting was dissatisfied with Lu Yin. Dare to intervene in the heaven-level battlefield itself shows the problem, not to mention now that Lu Yin has confessed that he has reached the heaven level, the heaven level. The husband dared to provoke.

As for the two ten thousand commanders who took refuge in Granny, Lu Yin deprived them of their positions and demoted them to the army to commit crimes and meritorious deeds.

“The most important thing now is to give up the front line and fully expand the Jinling gathering area” Lu Yin said while looking at the remaining eight captains.

Some people hesitated, “Opening the passage to the capital is the basic strategy formulated by Xing Sheng. If you give up, it is not good.”

Qin Xuan, the woman with glasses, looked at Lu Yin and said solemnly, “I agree, the current strength of Jinling is simply not enough to connect other regions, so Annei can only go outside.”

Next, Feng Hong and others also agreed.

Lu Yin got up, “That’s the decision, all the soldiers in the prison camp will be recalled, expand westward, and regain lost ground step by step.” After speaking, Lu Yin left, and before leaving, he said lightly, “Find me a star map of the solar system, The more detailed the better.”

Others in the meeting looked at each other and didn’t speak.

Qin Xuan looked at the back of Lu Yin’s departure, her eyes were thoughtful, she felt that this person was more domineering than Xing Sheng, and seemed to have a desire for Jinling, Xing Sheng only let him temporarily manage, but this person overthrew Xing Sheng Sheng’s strategy, although she also agrees, but what will happen if Xing Sheng wakes up?

“Feng Hong, during this period of time, you have been staying by Xing Sheng’s side.” Qin Xuan whispered to Feng Hong.

Feng Hong wondered, “Why?”.

Qin Xuan said, “It’s nothing, just protect Xing Sheng.” She worried that Lu Yin would attack Xing Sheng, let Xing Sheng die, and she would completely control Jinling.

On the opposite side, Luo Yun watched the conversation between the two, her eyes twinkling.

Zhao Yu left a few days ago and went to the northeast alone. Lu Yin admired this woman’s courage, but it was very unwise.

The prison camp used to have 80,000 evolutionaries, minus the manpower lost to the front line, and now there are only 50,000 people left. After all of them were transferred back to Jinling, Jinling’s defense was greatly increased. Solid as a soup.

The afterglow of the setting sun gradually dissipated, and beams of light flashed across the sky, destroying the flying mutant beasts. On the city wall, Lu Yin said solemnly, “Once you find a beast or corpse tide, you can use a hot weapon, don’t be afraid to waste it.”

“Yes” The two captains responded.

Suddenly, there was a cry in the distance, and on the ground, the zombies were torn into **** water, and a huge flying mutant beast swept low in the sky, rushing towards Jinling.

Everyone panicked, “attack, attack quickly”.

Lu Yin squinted his eyes and jumped up. In his hand was the sword of Orton. With a sword, the slash of the exploration energy was pressed down on the head, and the flying mutant beast was severely pressed to the ground. , his head twisted strangely and whimpered.

Lu Yin landed, stepped on the back of the mutant beast, the long sword pierced into the brain of the mutant beast, the mutant beast trembled twice and fell to the ground, completely dead.

Countless people watched this scene in shock, and then burst into cheers. I don’t know who started, shouting “Hidden Saint”, and then countless people shouted Hidden Saint.

The corner of Lu Yin’s mouth twitched, “Holy,” he didn’t want to worry about the word, so he hurriedly stopped everyone, but the name of the Hidden Saint gradually spread.

There were not many zombies and mutant beasts around Jinling, and they were basically cleared by the prison camp. With the issuance of Lu Yin’s order, the prison camp concentrated its main force to the west.

And more and more survivors came to Jinling, and more and more evolutionaries naturally.

Soon, half a month has passed, and there are less than seventy days before the arrival of the second batch of trial students.

In the past half month, Lu Yin absorbed some of the star energy crystals and increased his combat power to 1,500, with nearly half of the star energy crystals remaining.

The main purpose of star energy crystals is not to accelerate absorption and increase combat power, but to exercise combat skills and act as a power source for powerful technological weapons, and to accelerate replenishment when energy is scarce. Generally, there are few practitioners who use body shaping skills. To absorb the energy in the star energy crystal, the training of combat skills requires energy, and combat skills are the foundation of the strong.

Often powerful combat skills can increase the strength of the number of people, and the higher the combat strength measured on the surface, the easier it is to make people fear.

Of course, the higher the combat power, the stronger the energy in the body. The same attack can of course cause stronger effects, just like Tres, the wave palm can fight with Granny’s combat skills, but Tres still A considerable part of the star energy crystals were reserved for training their combat skills, but unfortunately they did not succeed, otherwise the results of the first battle half a month ago would have been different.

Lu Yin wants to use the remaining star energy crystals to exercise the Tianxing Palm, and he has another attempt.

In half a month, Granny gave in, and she took the initiative to ask to see Lu Yin.

Lu Yin was not merciful to Granny. Although she was not punished, she was locked in a dark dungeon by herself, with no one to speak or to accompany her. Although she was in charge of the food, her food was very poor. Rat meat, this half month was the darkest day in Granny’s life, and she finally couldn’t bear it.

“I, I am willing to help you, you, you let me go” Granny’s face was pale, her eyes were cloudy, her body was filled with an unpleasant smell, and she looked at Lu Yin pleadingly.

Lu Yin said indifferently, “What can you help me with?”.

Granny said weakly, “Help you protect Jinling, you can let me do anything, let me go, I can’t stand it anymore.”

Lu Yin stared at Granny, “I ask you, what is the final mission of your trial this time?”.

Granny’s eyes flashed, “You’re really not a student? Then how did you enter the earth? It’s already under the surveillance range of the Daewoo Empire, and it’s impossible to enter at will.”

Lu Yin turned around and left.

Granny hurriedly yelled, “Wait, I’m just curious, I won’t ask, I said, our mission is to hunt down fugitives”.

Lu Yin turned around curiously, “Fugitive?”.

Granny nodded, “We were only notified the day before the trial that a fugitive entered the earth through the surveillance network and brought evolution to the earth. The Empire did not intend for us to come to this planet for the trial. , but the Earth has evolved, and the Empire had no choice but to temporarily change the location, which was delayed for several months, otherwise we should have come to Earth a few months ago.”

“Didn’t you bring the evolution of the earth?” Lu Yin was surprised.


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