Immortality Cultivation Era Chapter 1086: I can help you


Shao Shuai is very melancholy.

Once again, he chooses to stay put.

“Why did those people escape from the great formation again?” Wang Xiaofeng asked in a low voice.

Shao Shuai shook his head: “It seems that they are in trouble in the big formation, and, didn’t you realize that their number is much smaller now than before?”

Wang Xiaofeng, Tang Jiusi and others nodded.

The number of the other party is not one or two, but one-third.

There is such a huge disparity in numbers that it would be really strange if they didn’t notice it.

It is precisely because of this that they are more and more curious, what is the mystery in the big formation, and it can keep so many powerful immortal cultivators out of the door.

Song Yuan sighed and said solemnly, “I’m really getting more and more curious about your Star Sect now.” The gap between the door and the star sect is really too big. Leaving aside the other for the time being, the ability to attract so many enemies is something that other first-class sects cannot do, not to mention that they are evenly matched with so many masters by virtue of the right time and place. Other first-class sects don’t know how many times they have been destroyed.

“Haha, how are you, are you planning to join our Star Sect?” Wang Xiaofeng said with a smile.

Song Yuan’s eyes flashed, but he didn’t speak.

And Wang Xiaofeng didn’t go on talking. After all, he wasn’t singing, and he couldn’t make any promises to Song Yuan. What’s more, Song Yuan is still the Young Sect Master of Shadow Sect. It won’t be long before he will be the Sect Master of Shadow Sect. What he said just now was a joke, but looking at Song Yuan’s expression, it seems that he really has some ideas. This is actually a very terrifying thing. Even Gao Ge can’t talk nonsense on this issue. If Song Yuan really wants to join the Star Sect, how to settle him will be a problem. The intelligence department is naturally the most suitable, but now it has been With a bearded beard as the head of the hall, Song Yuan joined in, and the identity of the previous one would definitely change. For a star sect that seeks development in a stable manner, such a personnel change is definitely not a good thing, and it may be forced. Beard’s heart grows, and it is not very friendly to other Star Sect disciples.

Fortunately, Song Yuan did not continue to talk, just looked at Shao Shuai and said, “If we rush up now, we will die

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. “

Although the people on Lu Chen and the others have been consumed by the illusion formation, it is still easy to deal with them.

“They are waiting for the big formation to disappear.” Shao Shuai said in a deep voice.

Shao Shuai’s brain has always been very good. Otherwise, he would not have been able to endure humiliation for so many years, and even subvert the entire Shao family. So now, he can see through Lu Chen’s mind at a glance. After all, if he If it was Lu Chen, he definitely wouldn’t dare to continue rushing into the big formation with others, that would be too dangerous.

“What about us?” Tang Jiusi scratched his chin and asked.

Shao Shuai sneered and said, “We will also wait!”


“When they are ready to attack the Star Sect, we will immediately rush up, cooperate with the people above the Star Sect, and come to double-team before and after, so that these grandchildren can experience the horror of hamburgers.”

“…” Tang Jiusi and the others thought for a while, and nodded, although Shao Shuai’s words sounded a little bit second, but given the current situation, it was indeed a good idea, and of course they wouldn’t have any problems. .

On top of the mountain.

Sect Master Hu’s forehead has gradually become a little ugly.

Even with the cultivation of the real ancient martial arts, it is still difficult to maintain such a large formation.

Especially the fox demon, whose condition is much worse than that of Sect Master Hu. Ten minutes ago, he vomited blood and passed out.

However, this is also a great achievement.

If it wasn’t for the fox demon, the magic formation couldn’t have played a real role before. Although it didn’t last long, it also cost the opponent one-third of the population.

This is a great victory.

Xia Shengtang and others looked at Sect Master Hu above the watchtower, and their expressions were also a little dignified.

“This illusion should only last for half an hour. After all, it’s only a semi-finished product.” The old man Guanshan said heavily, he also has some research on the formation, so now he can see it more clearly than them. .

“If it’s gone, it’s gone. Let’s face it and see who’s afraid of who!” Yue Xincheng said in a loud voice.

“I also think that, in fact, they are not necessarily that strong.” Xia Shengtang said with a cold snort.

Wen Yihuan was so angry that she pointed at them and said, “I can understand that you are inflated, but you should not inflate too much

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Excessive, okay? There are at least four cultivators in the great master realm, not to mention one of the dragon-raising clan…”

As soon as I said this, the head was picked up by Yue Xincheng.

“The dragon-raising clan, I will try to use the dragon-killing knife in my hand to give it a second.”

“Why are you so weird?” Wen Yihuan jumped, but after thinking about it, the Dragon Slaying Sabre in Yue Xincheng’s hands was really effective against those who raised dragons, so he couldn’t lose Yue Xincheng’s current position. Too inflated, perhaps it should be said… basic operation?

Thinking of this, Wen Yihuan shook his head again.

You really can’t hang around with these young people every day, and make yourself not calm enough.

“Okay, don’t talk about that. If they really rush up, we have nothing to do but rush up and kill.” Xia Shengtang waved his hand and said.

Wen Yihuan’s eyes dimmed a little.

He is also aware of some nonsense he just said.

It’s not a question of calm or unsteady.

Once the Illusion Formation disappears, those people will launch a fierce attack on the Star Sect.

What else can they do other than confront each other head-on?

Are you giving up the Star Sect and running away?

Furthermore, what Yue Xincheng and Xia Shengtang said just now made many disciples of the Star Sect enthused, and this was their fighting spirit.

If Wen Yihuan now analyzes the difference in strength between the opponent and his own side, it would be meaningless except to attack the aura of the people on his side.

After thinking for a moment, he took a deep breath and clenched his fists.

“Okay, then… **** that group of dogs!” Wen Yihuan gritted his teeth and said viciously.

Right now.

A little girl suddenly walked towards them.

“The past?” Xia Lu was taken aback, she clearly remembered that she had coaxed Chen past to sleep before.

Ran, when Chen Pastshi raised his head to look at her, Xia Lu’s heart sank a little when she met the cold eyes of the other party.

“Cough, I’m sorry, I got the wrong person.”

“Chen Past” also showed a strange smile on his face, shook his head, and said in a hoarse voice: “I can help you.”

(End of this chapter)


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