Return of the Divine Emperor Chapter 347: Celebrities


Chapter 0347 A Gathering of Heroes

“In the future? Hehe, there are indeed many opportunities in the future!” When Kong Yuan heard the words, he was stunned at first, and then he laughed yin and yang.

“Let’s go up!” After saying that, he waved his hand again, took Yun Qingyan and He Su, and flew to the flying boat.

“Let me introduce to you, this is Mr. Yun Qingyan Yun who owns the Escape Sky Shuttle!”

After arriving on the flying boat, a group of young men and women in their twenties to nearly 30 years old gathered around.

Kong Yuan immediately introduced Yun Qingyan to them.

Yun Qingyan swept through his spiritual sense and found that the young people of the Peacock tribe, the weakest ones, all had the seventh and eighth levels of the Profound Realm, most of them were half-step infant transformations, and six of them had stepped into infants. change.

Obviously, these fifty or so young men and women are the best young generation of the Peacock tribe.

“Yun Qingyan, can you release your escaping shuttle and let us take a look?”

“Our Peacock people are naturally noble, and our craftsmanship lags behind the human race, so we haven’t been able to build the Duntian Shuo for a long time. We have long admired the Duntian Shuo!”

“Yun Qingyan, if you take out the Tiansuo to open our eyes, we can also consider taking you to some Peacock treasures that are not open to humans.”

“We even considered letting you get our friendship!”


Many young men and women of the Peacock ethnic group took the initiative to talk to Yun Qingyan.

But between the lines, the three words ‘Escape Tiansuo’ are inseparable.

And their attitude is very high, a domineering look, and their words are full of disdain for Yun Qingyan and even the entire human race.

Kong Yuan ignored this scene and even left here and walked to the cab of the flying boat.

“Don’t worry, after you arrive at Heiyanhai, you will be able to see the Escaping Sky Shuttle!”

Yun Qingyan showed a smile like a spring breeze and said to a group of high-ranking Peacock clan emperors.

In my heart, Yun Qingyan sneered: “Just don’t cry when you see the Tiansuo.”

Yun Qingyan took He Su, left the crowd, walked to the edge of the flying boat, and looked at the scenery below.

“Yun Qingyan, what should I do, the Peacock clan covets your escaping Tiansuo.” He Sui transmitted a voice to Yun Qingyan, with an anxious tone.

Yun Qingyan didn’t answer He Su, and sneered in his heart: “Is it just escaping Tiansuo?”

As early as when Yun Qingyan had just grabbed the Tiansuo.

Kong Rou asked Yun Qingyan at the time if she could sell the Duntiansuo to the Peacock Clan.

Yun Qingyan just refused at that time, well, simply refused.

He never thought that Kong Rou’s casual inquiry this time was not random… but determined.

Later, I saw Yun Qingyan put the Dun Tiansuo into the storage ring.

Yun Qingyan found Kong Rouruo’s meaningful eyes.

At that moment, Yun Qingyan knew that Kong Rou was much more interested in Lingluo Jie than Eun Tiansuo.

But Yun Qingyan still didn’t take it to heart.

It is true that he has a deal with Kong Rou, but apart from the deal, he Yun Qingyan, strictly speaking, is also Kong Rou’s saviour.

He didn’t expect that the first thing Kong Rou did after regaining her memory was to retaliate.

“I hope it’s just me thinking too much, or maybe it’s Mei Ji making an opinion…otherwise, Kong Rou, you will regret this decision until you die!”

In Yun Qingyan’s heart, a coldness flashed.

Half a day later.

The flying boat stopped at the edge of a vast lake.

This lake is said to be a lake, but the area is vast and almost endless, and the water surface is black, so it is called the Black Rock Sea.

When Yun Qingyan got off the flying boat, he happened to see a falcon flying over the Black Rock Sea.

Suddenly, the falcon seemed to have lost its ability to fly and fell directly to the sea below.

Yun Qingyan couldn’t help it, picked up a leaf, injected some spiritual power, and threw the leaf out.

According to Yun Qingyan’s prediction, this leaf can fly at least 10,000 meters away.

But the leaves only flew more than a hundred meters before they entered the range of the Black Rock Sea and fell directly into the Black Rock Sea.

And the moment the leaves fell into the sea, they sank into the sea.

“A gravity-free area? No, this is not a gravity-free area, but the bottom of the Black Rock Sea, where there are black rock mines…”

Yun Qingyan’s breathing suddenly stagnated, and his heart became extremely excited.

He resisted his excitement and released his consciousness again, but the moment his consciousness touched the surface of the sea, he was also sucked into the bottom of the sea.

Although it is the seabed on the shore, it is already unfathomable. Yun Qingyan’s consciousness has been ‘sunk’ by more than 100,000 meters before falling into the seabed.

The consciousness of Yun Qingyan found dense black ores.

Each piece of black ore exudes a powerful suction and pulling force, and any substance released will be absorbed by them.

Among them, Yun Qingyan’s consciousness is included.

Thanks to that, Yun Qingyan’s consciousness is that of the Immortal Emperor, so he can break free from the black ore with brute force.

“Heiyan ore, which can be sold for sky-high prices for a pound in Immortal Realm, is the size of a sea here…”

Yun Qingyan murmured, at this time he really couldn’t wait for himself, and immediately restored the Immortal Emperor cultivation base, and then put away the entire Heiyan Sea.

At this moment, a flying boat approached from the northeast and the southeast.

A group of people stood in front of the two flying boats.

Yun Qingyan’s divine sense swept over and found that on each of the two flying boats, there was a genius of the Peacock clan.

One is a female, looks to be in her twenties, and is a fifth-order infant.

The other is a young man, who also looks to be in his twenties, and also has a fifth-order cultivation of the Infant Transformation Realm.

In addition to the two Peacock clan geniuses, there are other clan geniuses, and the weakest cultivation base has the seventh or eighth rank of the Profound Realm.

Even the two flying boats have more than a dozen infant transformation realms combined.

Yun Qingyan also found an old acquaintance, Pengfei of the Dapeng clan!

In addition, in addition to young Tianjiao.

Yun Qingyan also found two old antiques each. Like Kong Yuan, they were both half-stepped and empty.

“Since you’ve all arrived, let’s begin the once-in-a-decade battle of the demon clan.”

Kong Yuan’s voice rang out, “However, this year’s battle of Tianjiao is different from previous years. This time, we will select the eight demons of the demon clan.”

Eight demons?

A group of demon clans were stunned at first when they heard the words, but soon their faces became excited and expectant.

The Nanying human race has eight great sons, all of whom have a cultivation base that reaches the sky, and they are the strongest among the younger generation of the human race.

The Eight Great Demons, as you can tell from their names, are imitating the human race, and they want to select the eight most outstanding young demon races.

“No wonder my father wants me to attend this grand event…” Pengfei, who was still on the flying boat, muttered in a low voice.

“The Eight Great Demons, there must be a place for me, Long Aotian.” On another flying boat, there was a young man with silver hair with a confident face.

Yun Qingyan’s consciousness had long discovered that his body was a dragon.

“Huh?” Yun Qingyan’s eyes suddenly turned to the flying boat where Pengfei was.

“It’s him, that human race in Qilian Mountain that day…” The moment Pengfei found Yun Qingyan, he recognized Yun Qingyan.


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