Return of the Divine Emperor Chapter 337: The depth of Yunqingyan


0337 The depth of Zhang Yunqingyan

“Master Yi, shall we just let them stay on the shuttle?”

asked the old housekeeper Hong Huo.

The young man known as ‘Young Master Yi’ shook his head slightly and said, “Didn’t you just say that there is a five- or six-year-old girl with an unusual appearance next to that Yun? You forgot, Did you pick up that one?”

Old housekeeper Hong Huo’s eyes lit up, “Old slave understands, I will tell the wind to the Feng family.”



“Yun Qingyan, are you really from the Yun family?”

In the wing room, Kong Rou suddenly looked at Yun Qingyan Road.

“My surname is Yun, of course I come from the Yun family!” Yun Qingyan said without thinking.

But it’s the end, and he added: “But this is not the other, it is they who have to match me with a certain family.”

“The eight great families must know each other well. Sooner or later, you will be exposed by the Yun family who pretend to be one of the eight great families.” Kong Rou couldn’t help but reminded.

“I said, it’s them who want to be seated by themselves. As for the Yun family who pretended to be one of the eight great families, it means that you, like them, are seated by yourself!”

Yun Qingyan corrected, with a look of disdain flashing in his eyes: “The Yingzhou Yun family is just a small family in a small land, so I won’t let Yun Qingyan pretend to be their family member.”

As Yun Qingyan said.

The person who linked him to the Yingzhou Yun family was his own.

As an Immortal Emperor, how could Yun Qingyan deliberately pretend to be someone from a certain force?

Forget about the little Yingzhou Yun family.

It is the family of the other nine immortal emperors in the fairy world, and Yun Qingyan doesn’t bother to pretend.

He told Hong Huo before that his surname was Yun, and that was indeed because his surname was Yun.

As for the name, as Yun Qingyan said, Hong Huo doesn’t deserve to know.

Yun Qingyan has his own arrogance.

He will not hesitate to report anyone he feels qualified to know his name.

He finds it pleasing to the eye, and he will not hesitate to report anyone who can know his name.

As soon as Hong Huo appeared, he spoke to Yun Qingyan in a strange tone of yin and yang. Why did Yun Qingyan kill him?

As for being ‘debunked’ by them, so what?

Yun Qingyan is just staying in their Escape Sky Shuttle. If they just kill Yun Qingyan because he is not from the Yingzhou Yun family…

Then don’t blame Yun Qingyan for turning away from customers and teaching them a tragic lesson.


The sky outside Tissot has turned into night.

At dinner time, the servants delivered the meal on time, but they didn’t have a good look on Yun Qingyan and the others.

Of course, I didn’t dare to make any gestures, just an indifferent face.

Yun Qingyan doesn’t care either.

After the meal, he began to practice.

Until midnight, Yun Qingyan stopped practicing.

Yun Qingyan murmured in a low voice: “Without resources, it would be difficult for my body to break through…”

It has been more than ten days since Yun Qingyan stepped into the ninth order of the Innate Realm.

Since the Demon Seed was exhausted, his cultivation has increased very little.

As for the immortal stone, Yun Qingyan didn’t bring it out this time.

All are left to the body of the star behemoth to devour.

Now Yun Qingyan has become a little hopeful that someone will take the initiative to provoke him.

In this way, he will be able to plant demons on people who don’t have long eyes.

As for shooting innocent people, Yun Qingyan believes that he can’t do it.

It’s not that Yun Qingyan is soft-hearted, but that Yun Qingyan has a bottom line.

People don’t offend me, I don’t offend anyone.

If I’m a criminal, then the other party must be a vicious being.

Mo Hai and Mo Yanyu’s grandfather and grandson both went into deep sleep at this time.

Kong Rou is also closing her eyes and crossing her knees.

After laying several layers of defensive formations in the room, Yun Qingyan’s soul left the body.

He went straight to the top floor of Escaping Tissot.

The top floor of Evangelism has the most formations, including the cab of Evangelism, which is also on the top floor.

Yun Qingyan’s divine consciousness, if he forcibly peeks into the top floor, he will surely be able to spy on it.

But he was worried that this would trigger the formation and damage the formation involving the manipulation of the Tissot.

Therefore, I didn’t use my divine sense before to forcibly spy on this place.

Without a sound, Yun Qingyan’s soul entered the building facade on the top floor.

The building on the top floor has a total of more than 1,500 square meters.

Elegantly furnished, with separate kitchen, dining room, bathroom…

Yun Qingyan’s soul found that there were two wing rooms, each with an Infant Transformation Realm guarding.

There is also a wing room, and the outside is guarded by the Xuanjing.

The wing guarded by the Infant Transformation Realm is quiet, and you can feel that the people inside are resting.

Inside the wing guarded by Profound Realm warriors, there was a faint sound of gasping.

This is also because the sound insulation effect here is excellent, so the wheezing will become weaker, and it will only be faintly heard in the middle of the night.

Subconsciously, Yun Qingyan first swept his divine sense to the room where the gasping sound was heard.

In the wing room, a picture of an **** palace is being staged.

A man farms and a woman weaves, a young man, working **** the woman’s body.

“How is he…”

Yun Qingyan couldn’t help showing surprise when she saw the young man working **** farming.

This young man is none other than his old acquaintance, Feng Shaoyu.

“I let you run away before, but this time, you can’t run away!”

Yun Qingyan’s soul murmured, and murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

Feng Shaoyu is one of Yun Qingyan’s must-have characters.

The reason is very simple, Feng Shaoyu coveted Cai’er when he was in the Tianjian Sect, and he did something.

The other two, the wing rooms guarded by the Infant Transformation Realm, Yun Qingyan also checked.

One is a female, about twenty years old, with a beautiful appearance and a half-step cultivation.

There is another one, who is also in his twenties. He is a young man, and he is also a half-step infant.

But for this young man, Yun Qingyan didn’t like him at first sight.

As an Immortal Emperor, Yun Qingyan has been in the Immortal Realm for three thousand years and has seen all kinds of characters.

At first glance, this young man gave Yun Qingyan a deep sense of scheming.

Yun Qingyan’s consciousness has been taken back from these three rooms.

At the end of this floor, there are also three ordinary wing rooms, each of which lives in an Infant Transformation Realm.

In the cab, there is also an Infant Transfiguration, which is in charge of controlling the operation of the Escaping Shuttle.

“There are a total of six Infant Transformation Realms, seventeen Profound Realms, and more than a hundred Infant Core Realms. The rest are all servants of innate spirits.”

Yun Qingyan murmured, and he has completely figured out the depth of the people on this Escaping Shuttle.

“This Escape Tissot is the property of the Hong family. If the Hong family does not provoke me, I will leave it alone.”

“Feng Shaoyu, I will also wait until I reach Peacock Hill before I shoot.”

“If the Hong family targets me, then I will do it all the time, destroy them all, and then **** Duntiansuo over.”

When Yun Qingyan muttered, the soul returned to the body.


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