Humanity’s Great Sage Chapter 990: Dragon Throne


Latest website: Chen Lie didn’t know what exactly was in Lu Ye’s hand, but he felt an extremely dangerous aura from the ball-like thing.

When the words fell, he had already rushed in front of Lu Ye, his whole body was full of energy, and he punched out.

Although he is old, he is a physical cultivator, and his strength should not be underestimated. This punch is bursting with all his strength. He is confident that Lu Yiye, a real lake five-layer realm, can’t resist it.

At the same time as the punch was thrown, the other hand had already grabbed the ball, intending to **** it.

A sword light slashed from the sky, Chen Lie urged his blood and spiritual power to protect his body, neither dodging nor evading.

It wasn’t until the knife fell that Chen Lie realized that something was wrong. Peiran Mo Yu’s power came from the front, causing his body to stiffen. When it came, he had already flew out on his back.

Out of the corner of his vision, he saw the head of another Clan Chen who rushed up with him flying high.

That’s the seventh elder, with the cultivation of the real lake’s seventh-level realm!

At the real lake level, the seventh level is definitely not weak, but Lu Yiye didn’t even take a knife, and that knife forced him back first, and then killed the seventh elder!

Deep in my heart, I was shocked. When a huge crisis was felt, the sound of slaps came into my ears

When he regained his footing and looked around, he couldn’t help but be startled.

In front of the entrance of the guest hall, the place where Lu Ye was located has been replaced by a scarlet figure with a height of 30 feet. The figure has a smooth curve and sharp edges and corners, giving people a very weak look.

Under the scarlet figure, there are simple and complex patterns all over the body, running through the torso from the face, spreading to the seven limbs, forming a wild totem.

Two points of bright red light lit up in the eye sockets of the face of the low figure, like two soul-stirring ghost fires, which made people feel chills.

A wave of air visible to the naked eye spread out from the feet of the scarlet figure and spread with a bang.

Diffuse with it is an indescribable sense of oppression.

In that instant, all the spiritual cultivators were attracted and watched blankly.

In front of the crowd, Xiang Yinghuan, who was hiding in the dark, was even more stunned. Just now, Lu Ye was kicked out, looking too vague.

I was standing here and I was really looking at it. During the fierce battle, Lu Yiye suddenly threw out a ball the size of a baby’s fist. Immediately after that, the **** united and turned into several small and large balls. The shards clinged to me, and in the blink of an eye, the big man turned into a ferocious creature with a height of eight feet.

What is that? Rao is Li Baxian, the patriarch of the eighth-rank family, and his cultivation base is even less than the fourth-level real lake.


I heard that this Lu Yiye didn’t have armor, and such armor… .

What makes me even more terrified is that Lu Yiye, who is wearing armor, is still holding a long knife of 1.8 feet in his hand. node.

With a long sword in hand, there is a vicious aura pervading it, as if an ancient beast was born.

In that instant, all the spiritual cultivators felt a chill in their hearts.

“Phew…” There was no heavy exhalation, and the air visible to the naked eye gushed out from the sides of the angular helmet’s head, turning into a white mist.

The long knife was raised sideways and swung heavily, as if to drive away mosquitoes.

A sword light flashed faintly, and the figures of the young spiritual cultivators behind the Chen family instantly stiffened, including an elder of Chen Tianchui!

In the last moment, I squatted slightly, with the tip of the knife pointing upwards, dragging the knife and walking through these rigid spiritual monks.

The gust of wind blew those people’s stiff bodies. In any case, no one’s lower body slid up, revealing the upper body with a flat cut, and blood rose to the sky.

Tigers enter the flock.

The majestic figure of the dragon seat, combined with the exaggerated dragon’s spine sword, every flash of the sword’s light did not kill the spiritual cultivator.

Everywhere I went, it was a **** storm. “Kill me!” A roar came from the front of the crowd.

The young cultivators of spiritual power suddenly returned to their senses and rushed towards the low figure. The light of the sword was surging, but no one fell, but the person who came before was not at all afraid, stepping on the blood and corpses all over the ground, and rushing back terribly.

From a distance, the scene is both miserable and shocking

In the guest hall, Wan Moling and other seven people stared at the sudden change in stunned eyes.

After this, some of us have seen the power of the Dragon Seat with our own eyes.

The Chen family put on a dragon seat and went out, attracting 40% of the spiritual monks’ ideas, and the pressure on our side was immediately reduced.

The giant armor and Xiao Xinghe stood at the entrance of the guest hall, and the two of them turned their swords into a barrier to resist the pilgrims of spiritual cultivators.

Xiang Yinghuan and Feng Yuechan each used their own methods to kill the intruding enemy. Lin Yinxiu’s figure disappeared from time to time, but every time he made a shot, he did not get any results. Self-preservation is at risk.

“The situation is right!” Wan Moling opened his mouth and looked towards the Chen family.

It’s not right since the situation ended, and the spiritual power will suddenly be beneficial to us.

It feels even more out of place at the moment.

Theoretically speaking, even cultivator Chen Tianchui would not be timid in the face of Xiang Ying, who now wears the Dragon Throne.

The so-called morale is like a tiger.

But the Lingli cultivator seems to have the slightest bit of fear. With this order, even if he is an eye-catching Lingxi Realm, he dares to go to Xiang Ying’s side like crazy, and he is cherishing his own life. Even climbed down the low figure of the dragon seat, and was attacking the dragon seat frantically, making a banging sound.

Although the Chen family was slow to kill, they were also able to live with spiritual power

A moment ago, this low and slender figure was seen at the place where the dragon seat was, and the dragon seat was completely submerged by the sea of ​​people with spiritual power.

Just when Wan Moling and the others were worried about the safety of the Chen family, suddenly heavy and high voices came from the pile of people.

“Arc Moon!”

The words fell, and a little knife light was released from the interior of Renshan.

It was followed by dense blade light, like a round of crescent moons slashing out.

The sound of chi chi chi is unheard of.

The mountain collapsed, and the broken limbs flew. The submerged figure of the dragon seat was revealed again. The scarlet figure was full of wet blood, and the color looked even darker.

Lu Ye’s head flew to the back of the guest hall, just rolled on the foot of the giant armor, and I moved it and stepped on it.

The Chen family, who broke free, took one step, and then killed somewhere in the crowd, waving the dragon’s back knife, chopping the waves, and if there was a general, everyone who dared to approach me was like a mustard Especially down.

The speed is so slow that people can see the figure clearly in the hazy night, except for the two spots of bright red light fluttering around the eye sockets, dragging out two scarlet light bands.

In an instant, I was behind a middle-aged man.

This man roared, took out a small hammer, jumped up suddenly, and slammed the Chen family’s head with the help of the force of the fall. .

Faced with such a hammer, Xiang Ying just raised his hand and grabbed the falling hammer.

With a loud bang, the low dragon seat was short, and the knees were slightly bent, defusing the impact, the small hand firmly clasped the hammer body, dragged the other side behind him, and the other held the dragon’s spine. The left hand of the knife reversed the trend, and the handle of the knife slammed heavily under the opponent’s chest.

There was a clicking sound, and there were many broken ribs.

The middle-aged woman spat out a mouthful of blood, and her breath suddenly wilted.

The Chen family threw off the small hammer in my hand, raised his hand and clasped my head, and lifted me behind him, and a hot voice came from the dragon seat: “What the **** are they doing with their spiritual power… ?”

The middle-aged woman is the head of Lingli, Xiang Yinghuan.

Just now I hid there and gave orders, the Chen family had already seen my location, and in the perception, this person is also the first Xiang Yinghuan left in the entire spiritual power.

My cultivator Xiang Yinghuan was either killed by me or beheaded by Wan Moling, Xiao Xinghe and others.

Even the living spiritual monks are 80% of their talents.

Did the Chen family kill me because I think today’s events are too strange, the spiritual power is inexplicably secretly poisoning us, and the whole family came to besiege us before the incident.

I thought that the spiritual power was a chess piece placed over there by the True Lake Realm, so I took this opportunity to cut myself off.

“But a small battle comes up, and I think it’s too similar

Because of the performance of these cultivators of spiritual power, they are too fierce and afraid of death. It seems that one person takes his own life and death seriously. Even if I wear the dragon throne, it only surprised Xiang Ying and a group of cultivators at the beginning. Does it deter us in the slightest?

Even if the spiritual power is the dark son of the real lake realm, it is only a large part of the people. It is possible to say that the entire spiritual power cultivator is in the real lake realm.

If this were the case, it would have been leaked.

So the Chen family thinks they understand why Lingli is so timid, do we just know that killing the law enforcement hall team like that will have no consequences?

It was to kill Li Baxian, of course he wanted to live and bring him back to Haotian City for questioning.

In any case, you have to figure out what happened today, or you will definitely encounter a similar attack last time.

“I’m ashamed to be… the person I Li Baxian suddenly spoke up.

“What?” the Chen family asked, but there was no response, only a loud noise came from Li Baxian’s head, and then Li Baxian’s neck was twisted and breathed.

I’m so dead!

Xiang Ying even knew how I died! Because I could feel that Li Baxian didn’t move Chen Lie at all.


Similar voices came from the side one after another, “Grab a live one!” The Chen family shouted angrily, turned and grabbed a nearby spiritual cultivator, but just as he grabbed his hand, the man died on the spot.

One after another corpses fell, and none of the surviving spiritual monks were counted, all of them fell to the ground.

The Chen family was not dumbfounded.

Wan Moling and others, who had survived the disaster, were also dumbfounded!


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