Humanity’s Great Sage Chapter 978: Receive a penalty


The old one-eyed is ready, holding the anti-dragon thorn and walking aside, looking at Zhou Kui and saying, “Do you want me to tie you up, or do you grab it yourself?”

There are ropes at both ends of the Xingjiao that bind the tortured person. The main reason is that the tortured person will not be able to hold back and faint, and if they are bound, they will not fall down even if they faint.

Of course you don’t have to tie it up, just hold it yourself.

Zhou Kui is a kind person, knowing that this catastrophe cannot be avoided, he gritted his teeth and said: “No need to bind!

He is an individual cultivator and has a strong physique. Although he has long heard the reputation of Nilongji, he can still resist such a punishment.

After saying this, he stepped forward, took off his shirt, showing his strong physique, grabbed the ropes of the magic weapon on both sides of the Xingjiao with both hands, and gritted his teeth: “Come on!”

Seeing him like this, the members of the A-5 team also cheered him up: “Captain, hold on.”

“No problem!” Zhou Kui snorted coldly.

“Then you have to resist!” The old one-eyed walked behind Zhou Kui, grabbed the wine gourd, took a sip of wine, sprayed it on the anti-dragon spine, raised his hand and whipped it down.

With a snap, it was clearly visible that blood splashed out from behind Zhou Kui, and even brought out a piece of flesh.

Zhou Kui’s whole body was like being devoured by lightning, his body suddenly stiffened, his head was raised high, his eyes were wide, and he was about to pop out of his sockets. Terrible.

Keeping this posture for three full breaths, an earth-shattering scream came out of Zhou Kui’s mouth.

He found that he had overestimated the power of King Niwu. That thing must only cause damage to the body. I can still handle it. When I came up, I felt that my soul was slowly being torn apart.

And the monks in the Law Enforcement Hall who saw that scene, none of them counted as one, all had solemn expressions.

Seeing the reactions of people like Longji before being tortured made us more and more aware of the terror of King Niwu, thinking that something like that will be pumped under our own body.


“Pa…” is another whiplash.

The old one-eyed tortured the juvenile outside, so he naturally knew how to beat someone more painfully, and he also knew how to extend that pain to the extreme.

Seven breaths and one whip are the best rhythm for someone as confident in their physique as dragon spines.

Bi Yue’s screams came to an abrupt end, and she didn’t lose her breath or let it out. After holding it for a while, she screamed again.

Clap clap…

The old one-eyed turned a deaf ear, and punished at his own pace. After a few whips, the dragon spine suddenly fell to the ground.

He had already passed out. Although he was in a coma, his body was twitching.

“Captain!” The members of the Jiaqi team exclaimed, and none of them were concerned.

Even a body cultivator like Bi Yue was knocked unconscious after a few whips. There were a few people in the audience whose physique was comparable to a dragon’s spine, so who could resist?

“I still have to tie it up.” After the old one looked down, he lifted the dragon’s thorns, swiftly tied my two hands under the Xingjiao, and hoisted the whole person.

I continued to execute the execution slowly, but walked behind the dragon’s spine, took a sip of wine, and sprayed it all under my face.

Since it is an execution, it is natural to do it in the state of the tortured, otherwise the effect will be slightly reduced.

“I gave you my eyes to look at the lake.” Gan Youdang suddenly shouted, but no one could bear to see the tragic state of the dragon spine and looked away, probably because he was afraid that there would be no psychological shadow, after all, it was next. Anyone who escaped from the outside was beaten by King Niwu.

Stimulated, Bi Yue woke up in a coma.

“Can you still resist?” The old one-eyed asked in a responsive manner.

Three dragon spines gritted their teeth: “Come… ah!

Almost at the same time as the voice of Longthorn fell, a whip came up again, and the voice of Dragonthorn turned into a scream.

After a while, the ten whips were finally finished, and a group of people were relieved, as if they were being tortured.

Only then can I understand the cruelty in prison. In this case, even if we just watch others being tortured, this tragic scene is enough to make people remember for a lifetime. If something happened again last time, if you dare to do it again Violate the law.

“Come again…Seven whips!” Longji was almost drenched in sweat, and there was a lake of flesh and blood in front of his back, but he gritted his teeth.

Did he laughed in anger: “Why, that’s because he was punished for addiction?”

“Da Ling is a man, and she was tortured in that small court. You took it for you, and please ask the villain for permission!” Long Ji said.

Da Ling is the male repairman in my team. As soon as he said that, Zhang Cheng’s face was instantly pale.

With me, there is only one male cultivator in the Dragon Thorn team, but there are not two in my team. In other words, I am sure that I will help others to be tortured. It will take seventy lashes, but it will kill people. .

“That’s right!” Gan Youdang said, winking at the old one-eyed.

Seven more whips came up, and Bi Yuena was released. This male cultivator named Daling hurriedly stepped down and helped me back. Even if the dragon thorns were an individual cultivator, he still didn’t feel like a gossamer at the moment.

Zhang Cheng was still thinking about the seventy whips, but Zhou Kui and Geng Xiaoling stretched out their hands from right to left, raised my arms, and with a little force, they threw me into Xing Jia above.

Have a good laugh: “I see, the elders under your rule are very positive about being tortured. That being the case, old one-eyed, please satisfy me.”

The old one-eyed nodded: “If the boss and the villain speak, this is a problem.”

“Yes, you…” Zhang Cheng couldn’t argue, he turned his head and glared at Zhou Kui and Geng Xiaoling: “You are finished with them!”

Geng Xiaoling looked up at the sky, and Zhou Kui looked up at her feet, all with expressions that were none of your business.

Zhang Cheng’s cultivation base is higher than Bi Yue’s, and his physique is even more like mine. When the punishment came, he fainted eight times. When he hit the seventeenth whip, Zhang Cheng completely reacted, the old one-eyed Spraying alcohol is to wake me up.

“Master, I’m afraid it will kill you if you fight again.” The old one-eyed looked at the right man.

Dan Youdang really wanted to kill people, but I just wanted to use this punishment to teach that group of law-abiding people a lesson, so he opened his mouth and said: “The seven whips will be recorded first, wait for me. When the injury is healed, ask me to double it up again!

The members of Ding Yi’s team, like Meng Xiaoshe, quickly got off and carried their own captain up.

“Come on.” After Geng Xiaoling stepped down, Bi Yue also scrambled with me. What is there to **** from me? Anyway, it will happen sooner or later.

After getting down, he took off his clothes, grabbed the rope of the magic weapon under Xingjia, stabilized his body, and said, “Muzheng’s seven whips, you took it for you.”

A moment ago, Geng Xiaoling received the criminal law.

Among the eight tortured, my performance was the best. Although I screamed in agony, did I fall into a coma? I even walked back by myself. I just looked at the blood in front of me, and I could almost see the tragic state of bones. , Mu Zheng still held back tears.

The seven captains dealt with eight, leaving Zhou Kui alone.

I took off the red dragon battle suit, opened my lower body, and quietly came to the Xingjia, with lowered eyebrows, a posture of peace of mind when I came.

Gan Youdang coughed: “Lu Yiye, after being tortured, do you have nothing to say?”

Zhou Kui thought about it and said, “You’re right about what happened today. The boss and villain enforce the law impartially. We should follow suit and keep it in our hearts.”

That’s it?

Gan Youdang stared at me, and Zhou Kui looked at him calmly.

Quickly, there was a hint of pleading in Ganyoudang’s eyes, and Zhou Kuina suddenly realized: “Oh, yes, Lin Yinxiu’s seven whips have been taken for you!”

Gan Youdang took a long breath, and the small stone in his heart fell. He still knew that the big boy was deliberately teasing himself, but he had nothing to do.

“Execute.” Gan Youdang said. The old one-eyed whipped up immediately.

Zhou Kui only felt a burning pain in front of his back, as if being rolled by thunder, but the next time he experienced the pain of the soul, he almost didn’t notice it.

In terms of perception, at the moment when the King Niwu was drawn, an invisible impact filled the Shenchi, but was blocked by the means of Shuanglong protecting the sea.

In the pool of gods, there is fierceness.

Before I was stunned for a while, I immediately screamed, and it was even more miserable than the next eight people.

Clap clap…

The rhythmic thumping sound of Fu’s rhythm broke off, and Zhou Kui’s scream was also lowered.

What surprised everyone was that although Zhou Kui’s scream was tragic, there was no sign of fainting.

Bi Yuecai wanted to pass out, and the old one-eyed way to wake up the prisoner was to spray a sip of wine in someone’s face, but I would like to try it.

A full seventeen whips were drawn. Although Zhou Kui was grinning and his back was seriously injured, his condition was much better than the other eight.

Gan Youdang frowned slightly, and looked at the old one-eyed Xiaomai, even if he showed mercy because of the sound sleeve, it was so obvious.

The old one-eyed is quite innocent.

Comparing the punishments of the next few people, I did show some mercy, but I was careful. In my opinion, Zhou Kui had to faint at least two or eight times when he received the seventeen whips.

Unfortunately, Zhou Kui has always maintained the lake coating.

Recalling the next time Zhou Kui was punished, the old one-eyed became more and more sure of one thing, that eldest son named Lu Yiye, his spirit was less tough than others, otherwise he would be able to withstand the king of Niwu. Wei.

The seven captains have all been punished.

Zhou Kui and Geng Biyue are naturally a group, and Longji and Zhang Cheng stay together.

The rest are their team members.

For the punishment of the team members, the rhythm of the old one-eyed is suspected to have slowed down a little. One by one, all of them were beaten as if they were dead, and there were many people who were unconscious on the spot.

The punishment didn’t start until half an hour ago.

The young cultivators who returned to the prison, except for a few male cultivators who were in good condition and damaged, all of them were like me.

The worst is Zhang Cheng, who has doubled the account of the seven whips… Every time I think about it, I feel the pain of wanting to live.

Gan Youdang looked at a group of generals who were smoking hot and suppressing their pain, and hated Tie as Cheng Gang: “When he is a member of the Law Enforcement Hall, he should lead by example. This is just the first offense, and this seat will punish him severely. Xiaojie, can he wait?”

Who dares to serve?

“Not last time, this seat will personally punish you!” Gan Youdang said, waving his hand: “Get out of here!”


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