Humanity’s Great Sage Chapter 949: Decide


Latest website: The reason why the third senior brother Xiao Xinghe suffered a lot of unfair treatment over there, that Tan Shu even wanted to kill with a knife in public, was because he had the support of the Jade Blood Sect.

Xiao Xinghe is now a disciple of Qingdi City, and his situation there is so worrying.

If Lu Ye, an orthodox Jade Blood Sect disciple, went to Jinglan Lake Pass, he didn’t know he would encounter such a suppression.

So even if he wanted to go to Jinglan Lake Pass, he didn’t know that he would definitely be able to go there.

It is not advisable to stay in Cangyan Mountain Pass. As Nian Yuexian said, on Bingzhou side, the Jade Blood Sect has many friends and many enemies. I hate it, and my future life will not be too good.

So although Nian Yuexian gave him three choices, he actually only had one choice.

Go to the Department of Law and work under the command of the unworthy!

Fortunately, it’s not abrupt. Lu Ye worked with the A3 team last time, and he performed well. In addition to the transaction of the explosive fire spirit stone, he really went to the Law Department. despise him.

With a decision in his heart, Lu Ye stopped thinking about it.

Suddenly there was a movement in the battlefield imprint, Lu Ye investigated and found that it was the achievement of refining the explosive fire spirit stone, and 60,000 explosive fire spirit stones were given to him

The military exploits brought about 300,000.

Now his military exploits are as high as 520,000, which has broken the previous record.

It is easy for him to obtain battle merits, but it consumes a lot of money, not to mention that the exchange of golden spiritual lottery training is a long-term expense, there are many treasures in the battle merits pavilion, and Lu Ye also has a lot of things he wants to buy. But all of them require a lot of effort.

After being promoted to the third-layer real lake last time, Lu Ye felt that his cultivation was improving too fast, so he didn’t practice much in the past two months, because he was afraid that his foundation would be unstable.

Now that there are so many military exploits in hand, and more than two months of accumulation and precipitation, it is time to raise the cultivation base.

If you really want to go to the Law Department in the future, the higher your cultivation, the better. Moreover, his current cultivation base of the third-layer real lake is the fourth-layer.

The four realms of cultivators, in each of the great realms, are four or seven barriers, and the four-level and seventh-level realms can bring a considerable improvement to the cultivator’s strength.

This is also the reason why Lu Ye’s beheading of Qin Shu, who had killed the seventh-level real lake, caused many shocks among the monks on both sides.

Even if he defeated Zhang Youlin, a sword cultivator at the sixth level of the True Lake that day, no one could have imagined that he would be able to defeat Qin Shu. Not only did he win, but he was almost instantly killed.

Come to the Tianji Temple, connect the war merits pavilion, feed the two dragons as usual, and Lu Ye Shishiran walked into it.

Twenty Golden Spirit Signs were exchanged at one time.

If other people see such a heroic approach, I am afraid that they will be shocked. The Kyushu cultivator bought the golden spiritual lottery from the treasure house of heaven. He has never bought so many at one time.

After all, military exploits are hard to come by.

The next few days are spent in practice.

Three days later, Lu Ye came to Nian Yuexian’s bamboo building again. “Have you thought about it?” Nian Yuexian asked.

“Thinking about it, I am willing to join the Law Division, and I would like to ask the adults to recommend it.” This result is expected, Nian Yuexian has not too many surprises, as for the introduction, it is not necessary at all, as early as the last time Lu Ye went to Haotian City At that time, he wanted to look for Nian Yuexian to be a good person. At that time, he only thought that Lu Ye’s potential was good, and he couldn’t bear him to be abandoned in Cangyan Mountain Pass.

What happened later made Gan Wudang realize the great value of Lu Ye, especially the refining of the explosive fire spirit stone.

It can be said that a Lu Ye can play a role in this area on top of several Divine Sea Realms.

Lu Ye is willing to join the Law Division, but he can’t do anything.

“Then you can go, I have already said hello to Gan Wudang.””Yes!” Lu Ye responded with a sonorous voice, “I wish you a long and prosperous career, and this retreat will reach new heights.”

Respectfully step back, turning around and striding forward.

“Lu Ye!” Nian Yuexian’s voice came from behind. Lu Ye turned his head: “What else do you have to say, sir?”

Nian Yuexian’s red lips squirmed a few times: “Be careful in everything, no matter what happens in the future, protecting yourself is the most important thing.”

Lu Ye sternly nodded: “Thank you for your concern!”

Stomping on the ground with both feet, the spiritual force propelled it into the sky, turning into a red light in an instant.

Nianyue Xiandu walked to the door and looked up, until Lu Ye’s figure disappeared from view, and then he slowly retracted his eyes.

Lu Ye left, and she has to continue to wait. Haotian City will require some procedures to dispatch troops. At least she will not be able to leave until the Cangyan Mountain Pass has settled down.

The whole world seems to be empty. This made Nian Yuexian frown.

She has been alone here for decades, and she has long been used to this kind of loneliness. When Lu Ye was there, they didn’t communicate much with each other, and the entire Cangyan Mountain Pass was quiet.

But when Lu Ye left, she realized that the loneliness now is not the same as the quiet before.

In just a few months, my mood has been affected… I galloped all the way, heading straight for the direction of Haotian City.

Lu Ye didn’t expect that his days in Cangyan Mountain Pass would be so short. It seemed that it only lasted for four or five months, and two months were spent in the secret realm of Sword Artifact Sect.

In other words, he stayed in Cangyan Mountain Pass for less than three months in total. But this is also impossible. Nian Yuexian has to retreat for a long time. With such a big pass, he is not qualified to sit in the third-layer real lake.

I don’t know who the new Shangfeng is, let alone whether it will be difficult to target him. Rather than waiting for this uncertain future, it is better to take a stable path.

At the very least, he has been in contact with Gan Wudang, and this person has no malice towards him.

Calm along the way.

Haotian City is far away.

Entering the city, Lu Ye went straight to the hall of the Department of Law, got a notification, and stepped inside.

He sat behind a table without doing anything, as if he was handling official business. When he saw him coming, he pointed to the side with a smile: “Sit down for a while!”

Lu Yexi listened to the respect and sat down, closing her eyes and resting. In a short while, someone served the tea, and a faint fragrance hit the face.

Lu Ye opened his eyes and saw that the person serving the tea was the beautiful female cultivator he saw here last time. His eyes met, Lu Ye nodded slightly, and the female cultivator pursed his lips and smiled.

She didn’t back away, but went straight behind Gan Wudang, pinched his shoulders, with a tenderness like water, from time to time still crouched on Gan Wudang, looking at the table with him The text of the eucalyptus, looks intimate.

Lu Yeduan took a sip of tea and turned his head to look outside.

It’s not a good deal either….not a good deal.

Although he doesn’t know who this woman is, he can probably guess from this posture that the woman is probably a wife or a concubine who has done nothing wrong, and she is very fond of it. Master of the Law, how could she condone her so much.

The women don’t seem to be very old, but the monks are a group, but they can’t tell their age from the outside. Take the water mandarin duck and Nian Yuexian as an example. At first glance, they seem to be in their early twenties, but in reality They are more than twenty years old.

So although this woman looks young, she may actually be several decades old.

As for the cultivation realm… Lu Ye couldn’t see the depth of it. They didn’t stimulate spiritual power, so it’s hard to judge.

“Okay, let’s go.” Gan Wudang suddenly said, he probably felt that in front of Lu Ye, he had to maintain his image as the boss. No matter what, he and Lu Ye would also have a relationship with Shangfeng’s subordinates in the future. .

The woman pouted and pouted, with an unhappy expression on her face, she grabbed her inappropriate arm and said coquettishly, “No…”

Lu Ye got goosebumps all over.

He reassured her for being unreasonable and kind, and promised to see her later, and then coaxed her down.

The woman is very polite. Before leaving, she did not forget to bow to Lu Yeliangen.

After the woman left, he waved to Lu Ye without any reason.

Lu Ye got up, stood in front of the table eucalyptus, clasped his fists and said, “Lu Ye, Jade Blood Sect, come and report!”

Gan Wudang leaned on the back of the chair and looked at Lu Ye with satisfaction: “I wanted to transfer you to the legal department before, but Nian Yuexian refused to let him go, so I can’t do anything about it. Fortunately, she has something to do. I entrusted you to me, it can be considered a lot of hard work.” He paused and asked, “Do you know what happened to Nian Yuexian? She has never left Cangyan Mountain Pass for so many years. It’s really surprising that he suddenly has to resign once.”

Lu Ye frowned slightly. Judging from the meaning of Gan Wudang’s words, he did not know that Nian Yuexian was going to retreat and practice. I don’t know about my humble position, but I don’t have much interaction with the lord of the narrow side, and she won’t tell me anything about it.”

Gan Wudang nodded slightly: “It’s normal.” How could a person in the Divine Sea Realm behave with the Real Lake Realm, especially someone like Nian Yuexian.

“Anyway, you will be a member of my law department in the future. I am going to let you refine the Explosive Fire Spirit Stone with all your heart. What do you think?”

“Yes!” Lu Ye responded immediately.

“Oh?” Gan Wudang said with a smile: “If you have any opinions, let me hear But it’s up to me to adopt or not.”

“It doesn’t take much effort to refine the Explosive Fire Spirit Stone. I have the confidence to complete this task while the Law Department is on duty, so I don’t need to devote myself to it.”

I don’t know what to do: “You mean you want to enter the law enforcement hall and go out to perform tasks?”


“Tell me why.”

Lu Ye pondered for a while, and said, “Beijing has embarked on the road of cultivation, and has experienced two major battlefields, the Lingxi Battlefield and the Yunhe Battlefield, but no matter which battlefield it is, it is only a corner of Kyushu after all. I want to see more of Kyushu’s style, so I don’t want to be trapped in a corner anymore, and I ask the adults to do it.”

“Reasonable and reasonable.” Gan Wudang touched his chin, “Based on your cultivation base and performance last time, it is indeed no problem to enter the Law Enforcement Hall, but you have to think about it, the Law Enforcement Hall will often encounter risks when performing tasks. Yes, if you are willing to devote yourself to refining the Explosive Fire Spirit Stone, you can’t say anything else, at least your safety can be guaranteed.”


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