House Dad’s Literary Life Chapter 235: The girl watching the rain


“Didi da da da…”

This day, from the morning, it was dark clouds, covering the sky and the sun. The heavy rain in the morning was majestic. In the afternoon, it stopped for a while, but it didn’t take long for it to rain outside again. Li Li, like a crystal bead curtain, hung from the eaves of the coffee shop, and dripped dripping on the dark green lawn.

In contrast to the pale and hazy rain in the sky, the coffee shop is very warm. The chandeliers emit a warm yellow light, which embellishes the cool and lonely air.

Xixi likes rain very much, so she sat on the deck by the window, opened her eyes wide, and looked at the raindrops that swayed freely with the autumn wind outside, she was very fascinated.

From the back, the long, silky and soft hair hangs down at the thin waist, and the little girl holding her chin seems to be a miniature goddess who is thinking about her thoughts sadly. She looks out the window, always making men Worrying about her – what kind of distance does she think about?

Of course, the little girl just likes to watch the rain!

Dad didn’t allow her to tread water outside wearing rain boots, Xixi could only watch it quietly inside.

Yang Yi withdrew his gaze from his daughter. He looked at Ding Xiang, who was opening the coffee cans to check whether the coffee beans inside were damp: “Huh? What did you just say to me?”

Ding Xiang was talking to Yang Yi while checking the coffee beans just now, but Yang Yi was watching his daughter, and he was so absorbed in it that he missed Ding Xiang’s words.

“Brother Yang, I mean Sister Murphy seems to be very popular recently! The roommates in our dormitory are discussing her.” Ding Xiang laughed, “But I didn’t dare to tell them that I want to keep Murphy a secret. Well!”

Yang Yi took a sticky note and a ballpoint pen on the bar, and wrote down a sentence he just remembered with interest, and asked casually, “Really? What’s the discussion?”

“You sit by the window and watch the rain, and the people watching the rain look at you from behind. The bright moon decorates your window, and you light up the lives of others.” After Yang Yi finished writing, he looked at it quite contentedly.

This is a poem he modified according to this situation. The original work is called “Broken Chapter”, which is of course also very famous and needs no introduction. However, Yang Yi wanted to name the poem he changed “Daughter”.

Obviously the new name is far from the original one, so Yang Yi didn’t write it. He just admired the four lines he wrote, then crumpled it into a ball, and threw it into the trash can next to him. .

“Discussing Murphy’s new song! They said Murphy used to be great, then, later, she couldn’t, Murphy was very difficult, and now there’s a new song out, they think Murphy has hope Fire again!” Ding Xiang said.

“Your roommate, they also watched TV?” Yang Yi raised his interest.

“No, no, they just read some reports on the Internet and said it, but some students in our class watched the replay and went to learn the song of Sister Murphy. They all said that it was written by Mu Ziang, then Isn’t that you, Big Brother Yang?” Ding Xiang said.

Yang Yi nodded, Ding Xiang knew his other identity, there was no need to hide it.

“I think the song “Across the Ocean to See You” is very good, but I don’t know when Murphy will release a new album. Brother Yang, you will definitely get that disc, right? Then I You can play this song in the store, and the customers will definitely like it.” Ding Xiang said excitedly, and hummed a few words.

Although most of the time, the audio equipment in the store is used by Yang Yi, but if Yang Yi is not in the store, Ding Xiang will also play some soothing music for the guests, so gradually, Ding Xiang also learns to appreciate music.

It’s just that she sings out of tune, and it’s the kind of bizarre out of tune that can make funny videos…

A few black lines appeared on Yang Yi’s forehead while listening to Ding Xiang’s off-tune “Across the Ocean to See You”.

“Cough cough!” Yang Yi changed the subject, “Ding Xiang, there are not many guests today, so don’t stay here, go back and rest!”

When it’s not raining, there are still a few students who come to drink coffee and study. The environment of the coffee shop is good, and it is warmer than the library. But now that it’s raining again, where are the guests?

“No, this weekend, I don’t have to go to class anyway. I can read books in the coffee shop, and I can also help Big Brother Yang to entertain some unexpected guests.” Ding Xiang smiled.

Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here!

On a rainy day, there were guests who came to the door in the rain, Ding Xiang pursed his lips, and Yang Yicai saw a slightly hunched figure outside the door, which gradually became clear in the rain.

Storing the umbrella, the man pushed open the glass door and walked in.

Although the door opened and closed quickly, the cold wind with moisture blew in at that moment, making Xixi sitting next to her unable to help shiver.

“Hello! Welcome!” Ding Xiang greeted the guests dutifully.

The visitor is a middle-aged man in a neat woolen suit. He looks like he is in his fifties and almost sixty years old. After taking off his jazz hat, his hair is mostly white, but the wrinkles on his face are not obvious. , the rosy face looks good.

“Hello.” He nodded gently to Ding Xiang, then began to ask about the menu to order coffee.

Not very interested in the affairs of adults, Xixi turned her head back and continued to look out the window with relish. However, I don’t know if the wind blowing the door just now made the little girl sneezed softly.

“Ah…” The voice is not Yi is looking at the person who is coming, and the conversation between Ding Xiang and the other party is also in his ear, and he doesn’t pay attention, and Xixi also rubs her little nose, a little bit I don’t care either.

“Then order this Santos, please warm it up a little, the weather is a bit too cold.” The visitor said to Ding Xiang softly, his accent was obviously not a local, but there are many foreigners in the university town The thing is, Yang Yi didn’t get to the bottom of it.

Ding Xiang nodded quickly, she took out the coffee beans from the coffee can, shook the hand grinder, and began to grind the coffee beans.

While waiting, the visitor glanced at Yang Yi next to him, perhaps treating Yang Yi as a guest like himself, and nodded friendly towards Yang Yi.

However, when he was looking at the decoration of the store curiously, he didn’t accidentally see the piano placed next to him, and his eyes lit up.

“This is, this is Theodore?” The visitor seemed a little unbelievable that an expensive Theodore grand piano would be placed in an inconspicuous looking coffee shop. He looked at the ground, took off his gloves, and reached out to touch the logo on the piano, as if to identify the authenticity of the piano.

After recognizing the real Theodore, he looked around the coffee shop again, as if assessing whether the environment was a bit bad.

It doesn’t matter to Yang Yi, he glanced at the other party and then took his eyes back.

Touch it at will, anyway, such a heavy piano can’t be taken away under my nose. Of course, the other party should not look like a thief. 8)


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