Talisman Emperor Chapter 40: Kill the bandits


The middle-aged man’s name is Liang Hu. He is a famous bandit leader outside Songyan City. Although his cultivation is only in the innate perfection realm, with his cunning and cautious personality, he has been wandering until now, and he has lived a very nourishing life. .

The key is that he never offends the disciples of the great clan, and only robs and kills those low-level loose cultivators who have no status or status.

Three years ago, Liang Hu had participated in the Southern Barbarian Underworld Trial, and he knew everything about the Southern Barbarian Underworld. He knew that in the place where the gray nightmare area and the **** mountain meet, they would use the cover of heavy gray fog to carry out robbery and kill. They can often get extremely rich rewards, and there is no need to hunt down the evil beasts to obtain the evil beads.

The important thing is that, as long as you are careful about robbery here, Liang Hu doesn’t have to worry about his identity being leaked. Those sect disciples died when they died, and most of their teachers would think that they died in the mouth of the beast, and would not suspect themselves.

With this in mind, Liang Hu also participated in the trial of the Southern Barbarian Netherland with more than ten subordinates from the Xiantian realm, in order to rob and kill one vote.

The fact is exactly as Liang Hu thought, in just a few hours, they have robbed and killed dozens of cultivators who acted alone, and obtained a large number of evil beads.

However, Liang Hu was not carried away by the victory, and still cautiously chose the cultivator who acted alone as the target of the robbery.

However, at this moment, he suddenly discovered that a guy who acts alone is not necessarily bad, and a young boy who looks young is not necessarily a child who is slaughtered by others.

Like… Chen Xi in front of him.

It was only a moment from when he started to notice the calm and chilling expression in Chen Xi’s eyes. However, in this moment, Liang Hu strongly felt an extremely dangerous feeling, and he did not dare to hesitate. , slammed his right foot on the ground, and took advantage of this anti-shock force to bend and twist his waist, and quickly jumped to one side.

However, it’s too late.


A stunning sword light appeared out of nowhere, stabbing out at an incredible speed, like lightning.

Liang Hu’s body was still in the air, but he didn’t know when an extra sword hole appeared on his left abdomen. It passed through the hole from behind, and thick blood suddenly shot out.

“How… possible? I reached the state of congenital perfection eight years ago, how could I be unable to stop a single move?” Liang Hu fell to the ground and looked down at the bleeding wound on his left abdomen, his face full of expression. Can’t believe it.


“The boss is injured?”

“No way!”

Seeing that the eldest brother was stabbed with a sword instead of being able to hit him, Liang Hu’s subordinates were all stunned, and then they exclaimed as if they had just woken up from a dream.

Liang Hu is their leader. In this Southern Barbarian Nether Realm, his Xiantian Perfection Realm cultivation base seems to have stood at the peak, but he was stabbed and fell to the ground in one move. This… This is simply a Incredible thing!

In an instant, in the eyes of these bandits who licked blood with the tip of their knives, the boy standing with the sword seemed to have transformed from a little fat sheep into a ruthless powerhouse in an instant, which made them feel palpitations.

Actually, with Chen Xi’s cultivation level, if he really fought against Liang Hu, he wouldn’t be able to guarantee that he would seriously injure Liang Hu with a single move. The reason why he succeeded so easily this time was also due to his powerful spiritual power.

Long before hearing the shouts of Liang Hu and the others, he swept the surroundings with the power of his soul. With a power of mind comparable to that of the cultivator of the Zifu, he could clearly investigate everything in the radius of a hundred miles, and he did not find any evil spirits at all. How could the shadow of the herd be fooled by Liang Hu and others?

However, Liang Hu was completely unaware of this, and only treated Chen Xi as a young child who had never experienced anything in the world. He was paralyzed, and Chen Xi, who had naturally penetrated the opportunity, succeeded.

Taps! again and again! again and again!

The steady and rhythmic steps sounded, Chen Xi’s expression was icy cold, he stepped forward with his sword in hand, and his heart was already filled with murderous intent.

He has no sympathy for these gangsters who rob people and harm others. If he hadn’t sensed something wrong with his strong spirit, he would have almost killed them on the spot. How could they easily let go of these guys at this moment?

“Brothers, give it to me, no matter how powerful he is, there is only one person. If we kill him, the evil beads on his body are ours!” Liang Huqiang endured the pain, got up from the ground, and shouted loudly.

“The boss is right, he is only one person, what are we afraid of?”

“Yes! This kid may still have a lot of evil beads on him!”


The bandits were successfully aroused with ferocity, and all of them looked crazy, and attacked Chen Xi.

Chen Xi looked as usual, neither happy nor sad. After three months of hard work in the southern barbarian forests, fighting for life and death with the innate monsters, he could no longer remember how many injuries he had suffered and how much blood he had spilled.

The actual combat experience honed in the slaughter and bloodshed made Chen Xi enter a fighting state the moment he decided to fight.

No hesitation, no hesitation, no nonsense, all attention locked on the impending killing, calm and chilling.


He stepped on the Heavenly Dragon for eight steps, Chen Xi’s wrist flexibly rotated, and the Qingchong Sword in his hand turned into countless sword shadows like a violent storm in an instant, splattering fiercely.

In their field of vision, the robbers were terrified to find that countless sword lights were like a big net of sharp edges, coming in an instant, making them unable to hide.

Puff puff!

In the air, a series of blood flowers shot out like molten lava, and the thick blood shot out all the way.

These three months of diligent and hard training have made Chen Xi’s “Sword Technique with a Cloaked Cloak” reach the point of ‘knowing the subtle’. In terms of the subtlety of swordsmanship, it is on a par with the cultivator of the Zifu. Comparable to these rogue-like robbers.

In Chen Xi’s “Introspection Records” written every day, when he assessed his combat ability, he had already marked it as “the invincible hand under the Purple House”. With the critical vision of Ji Yu, the spirit of the cave dwelling for nearly a million years, he did not raise any doubts about this. From this, it could be seen to what extent Chen Xi’s combat power had transformed.

A little… a little…

The eyes of the six robbers at the moment were suddenly rounded, and their expressions were ferocious and stiff. A blood hole was pierced through their throats, and a hoarse and piercing sound came from their throats, and then fell to the ground with a bang.

Until they died, they never imagined that Chen Xi’s swordsmanship would be so fast, so fast that they fell to the ground before they even made a single move.

The weapons raised by the remaining five robbers stiffened in mid-air. They stared blankly at their companions who were lying on the ground in front of them. A great fear surged through their bodies, as if they were caught by an invisible big hand. , actually forgot to breathe!

Although they are bandits, all of them have the cultivation of the Innate Realm. In this Southern Barbarian Nether Realm, it is not that they have not encountered tough characters, but with the tactics of the sea, they can often achieve the final victory. However, at this moment, in the face of Chen Xi who had a chilling look on his brows, they discovered that there was actually such a big gap between the Xiantian realm and the Xiantian realm!


In the blink of an eye, the six Xiantian accomplices all died…

The fighting spirit was like a snow-capped mountain collapsing. Looking at the demon-like Chen Xi, the five bandits all let out a terrified scream, and they wanted to run away.

Hey! call out! call out!

The Qingchong sword is like a misty cloud of smoke, the blurred sword light with a sharp scream, easily pierced the backs of the five bandits, and blood splashed wherever they passed.

During the past three months, fighting to the death with those ferocious and deceitful innate monsters has made Chen Xi understand an extremely important truth. When dealing with any enemy, he must not have any reservations, and must use the fastest speed. Killing the enemy is always the safest way.

He didn’t keep his hand. In his eyes, these vicious bandits are a bunch of beasts, and it’s not a pity to die!

“I hand over all the evil beads, please don’t kill me!”

Liang Hu was stunned by everything in front of him, until he saw Chen Xi walking towards him with the Qingchong sword that was dripping with blood, his legs trembled, and he knelt on the ground with a thud. screamed in horror.

Chen Xi was indifferent, and his expression was unusually indifferent.

“I fought with you!”

Seeing Chen Xi’s determination, Liang Hu couldn’t help but smile miserably. Under the fear of dying, he jumped up abruptly, a jet-black dagger was already in his hand, and he threw himself forward. He stabbed the dantian in Chen Xi’s abdomen fiercely.


The sword light flashed, Liang Hu’s head was separated from his body, and he was thrown far into the air. An arm-thick column of blood spurted out from the severed head and neck, spilling all over the ground.

At this point, Liang Hu and his group of bandits were wiped out on the spot!

If anyone saw this scene, they would definitely be shocked by the ruthlessness and decisiveness of Chen Xi’s shot.

“There are more than 10,000 evil beads. These guys must have robbed and killed many monks here. It’s a heinous crime, and death is not a pity.”

He took out the treasure bag from Liang Hudeng’s body and looked at it for a while. While Chen Xi was amazed at the number of evil beads, he also felt more and more disgusted with these sinful bandits in his heart.

“In this Southern Barbarian Nether Realm, no matter how high the cultivation base is, the strength is bound to be limited to the Innate Great Perfection Realm. Su Jiao and Li Huai must be the same, but they are Zifu Realm cultivators after all. The core son of a big family must have a lot of powerful cards, if I meet these two people, I don’t know who wins or loses…”

Throwing the obtained evil beads into the storage ring, Chen Xi silently pondered for a moment, shook his head, and turned to leave.

Back to the campsite~IndoMTL.com~ The three of Du Qingxi just finished their meal. When they saw Chen Xi coming back, they didn’t expect that he had gone through a **** battle just now. After saying hello, they set off.

Chen Xi naturally wouldn’t say anything about it. After following him, after walking for a stick of incense, the surrounding scene suddenly changed.

The originally lead-grey sky suddenly turned a dark red color, and a depressing and irritable aura was blowing against the hot air.

There is no more smog here, and the field of vision is extremely wide. In the distance, you can see mountains craggy into the sky and huge stones with strange shapes. The ground is still flying with gravel, and no grass grows.

In the distance, a terrifying roar could be heard faintly, intertwined under the dark red sky, making people feel extremely depressed.

“From this moment on, we will step into the **** mountains, and the real danger and killing is about to begin, everyone be careful.”

The voice that was as cold as snow curled up, Du Qingxi looked at everything in the distance that was like a **** world, and his expression was dignified.


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