Illimitable Until Death Chapter 240: I think you’re cute too


Soon, the second day of the special exam is coming.

Because the third discussion session will not start until 1:00 pm, the morning hours are very free.

This special exam is different from the time on the uninhabited island. It has plenty of time. If you just want to go through the scene, you can participate in a two-hour discussion every day. The rest of the time is free. Just like when the exam has not yet started, it is no problem to use it directly for entertainment and play.

However, the individual classes apparently did not.

Using your free time will greatly improve your chances of winning.

The two-hour daily discussion is a game between groups.

Other than that, it’s okay for each class to discuss, formulate policies, restrain each other, and conduct trials.

So, even if the afternoon discussion session hasn’t come yet, students of all classes must be testing and fighting in every corner of the cruise ship, right?

And even Fang Li, there’s no way to see what’s going on in every corner of the cruise ship.

However, Fang Li didn’t care.

While everyone else is in the midst of a struggle, this character who has already solved the mystery of the exam and can end this special exam at any time, seems to be enjoying a vacation, but appears to be very leisurely.

This morning, Fang Li only did two things.

One is to invite Airi Sakura out and have a breakfast together.

The reason for this is simple.

“Really…really just discussing the exam? No…not going on a date?”

“Yes, I can guarantee it.”


As Fang Li expected, Sakura Airi had been concerned about this matter all the time. It seemed that she didn’t sleep well because of it last night. After this was clear, the girl finally breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on her face.

In order to take care of the mood of this only best friend, Fang Li has put a lot of effort into it.

Not to mention, Sakura Airi was not confident by nature, even if Fang Li explained it clearly, I was still a little uneasy.

“Ichinose-san is so cute, even if Nanye-kun really likes her, that’s normal…”

“You won’t lose to Ichinose, will you?”

“Am I… me?”

“Yeah, I think you’re cute too.”

“Coco Cocoa…cute or something…!?”

“Alright, alright, I won’t say it anymore, don’t blush, if it goes red again, your brain will be congested. Calm down. Anyway, Ichinose and I have nothing to do, just pretending to be a couple, if you don’t worry, It’s okay to supervise me.”

“I…I will! I will definitely watch Qiye Jun carefully!”

Sakura Airi said something that seemed dangerous.

But no matter what, Fang Li finally calmed the girl’s anxiety.

And the second thing, that is reading in the room.

Without participating in any strategy of Class D, let alone conducting any tests on the rest of the class, Fang Li spent the morning in such a leisurely and unnerving manner that Hirata, who had wanted to consult with him several times, Yosuke and even Ayanokouji Kiyotaka were perfunctory and seemed quite helpless.

Fang Li seemed to be completely insulated from this exam. No matter who was looking for him, he never mentioned the exam again. Even if Horikita Suzine invited him again, he never did.

However, Fang Li still went to the afternoon seminar.

Even, because he was freer than anyone else, Fang Li went to the second floor ten minutes earlier and arrived at the rabbit group’s room early.

What Fang Li didn’t expect was that after he came to the rabbit group’s room, not long after, an unexpected person also came over.

“Seven Nights…”

Karuizawa Megumi walked in with her cell phone in hand, and looked at Fang Li, who was sitting alone in the seat, as if she had been accidentally attacked, her expression a little stiff.

“Is that you?”

Fang Li glanced at Megumi Karuizawa who walked into the room. Although she was a little surprised, she didn’t have much reaction.

On the contrary, it was Megumi Karuizawa, who seemed to be overreacting.

“You… how come you are so early?”

Karuizawa Megumi made a question that was not very calm.

That unpleasant attitude is really no different than usual.

If he hadn’t been able to clearly sense the panic and scruples hidden in the words, Fang Li would have thought that the abnormality of Megumi Karuizawa he had noticed before was an illusion.

At the moment, Fang Li withdrew his gaze towards Karuizawa Megumi and replied without any interest.

“Is there a problem because I’m busy?”

That’s what Fang Li answered.


Karuizawa Megumi seemed to be a little dissatisfied, and she didn’t know if she was dissatisfied with Fangli’s attitude or what, but in the end she didn’t say anything and sat silently on the seat.

Under the previous stalemate, the four corners of the rabbit group’s room have been occupied by four classes respectively, drawing a clear dividing line.

But Fang Li and Karuizawa Megumi are both from Class D, so even if four classes occupy a corner, Fang Li and Karuizawa Megumi are only likely to sit in the same corner, with a distance of approx. Not too far.

Physical distance and psychological distance are inversely proportional.

Even though they were sitting quite close, Fang Li and Karuizawa Megumi didn’t have much interaction, which made a quiet atmosphere permeate between them.

If there is a third party here, you can only see Fang Li and Karuizawa Megumi sitting at a slight distance from each other, both playing with their mobile phones.

The difference is that Fang Li is focusing on his mobile phone, while Megumi Karuizawa is a little absent-minded and doesn’t know what he is thinking at all.

Ten minutes passed quietly.

The rest of the people also began to arrive in the room one after another, ushering in the third discussion meeting.

“Then, please give me more advice today.”

Ichinose Hobami greets everyone.

However, to everyone’s surprise, today, Hobami Ichinose did not actively want to open a breakthrough in Class A, but instead, as if giving up, took care of himself against the group of Koji Machida who had never participated in the discussion. chatting in the corner with two of the classmates.

Everyone thought it was a bit strange for Hobami Ichinose, but they didn’t care too much.

Results The discussion ended in a more rigid way than it was yesterday.

The group of Class A left at the first time as always, as if they didn’t dare to stay here for too long, they slipped away.

The group of Class B continued to chat with laughter and laughter as if they didn’t notice the passage of time.

As for Class D, Karuizawa Megumi sighed, glanced at Fang Li vaguely, and left as well.

Then, no one found out.

In the group of Class C, Shiho Manabe, Nami Yabu, and Saki Yamashita immediately followed after seeing Megumi Karuizawa leaving.

Seeing this, Fang Li finally looked up from the screen of his phone.

“Almost there…”

Leaving such a murmur, Fang Li put away his phone, left the room, and followed.

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