Illimitable Until Death Chapter 239: The real big winner


There is no doubt that Hobami Ichinose wants to lead class b to class a together.

Even though I am a good person, I have never rejected competition, which is evident.

Highly nurturing high school is a world of power supremacy.

If there is no concept of competition, sooner or later, you will be eliminated, and you can only spend three years of waste in this school.

And such a thing naturally cannot happen to Ichinose Hobami.

“After the special exam on the uninhabited island, the gap between our class and class A has been narrowed by more than 150 class points. This time, if Qiye classmates still find the three preferential recipients of class a, then class a will have another class. 150 class points will be deducted, this summer vacation, our class b will shorten the distance between class b and class a by more than 300 class points, which is really an achievement that I never dared to imagine before.”

Ichinose Hobami sighed.

It is true that before the start of the summer vacation, Hobami Ichinose knew that this summer vacation would definitely have a special exam that could significantly shorten the gap between classes.

But no matter what, Hobami Ichinose never imagined that in just one summer vacation, Class B and Class A would be able to close the distance by more than 300 class points, right?

You know, before that, Class B was only 300 class points behind Class A.

The two special exams this summer have shortened the gap to the point where there are only dozens of class points left. It is impossible to say nothing.

“Of course, the premise is that Qiye students want to answer the status of preferential treatment of class A and C.”

Ichinose Hobami gave Fang Li a deep look and said so with certainty.

“But looking at the way you are now, you don’t seem to want to answer, do you?”

Ichinose Hobami beautifully saw what Fang Li was thinking.

This girl is exactly what she said. Although she doesn’t know Fangli very well, she understands him to a certain extent.

So, Ichinose Hobami can still see through things of this level, right?

Fang Li could only nod secretly in his heart.

Perhaps, in the eyes of Fang Li, who is the most perfect talent in the history of the Seven Nights Clan, the students of this school are still very immature, but I have to say that among ordinary people, these students are really excellent.

Katsuragi intends to pursue the path of maintaining the class gap, devote all his energy to defense, and move towards the final victory solidly and steadily.

Long Yuanxiang aims at personal points, trying to get promoted to class A by paying personal points, and finally gets the ticket to victory.

Although it is only the first semester of the first year, these people have already charted a path and laid a stepping stone to be able to stand at the top of the school at the graduation ceremony three years later. .

Class A and Class C are moving forward in a way that others can detect or not.

If that’s the case, Ichinose Hobami can’t be left behind, right?

At least, Fang Li believes that Hobami Ichinose must also have some idea, and has been accumulating the results leading to the final victory.

Even if it’s Class D, it looks like a mess, but in this summer vacation, under the guidance of Sasuke Chabashira, Kiyotaka Ayanokoji, the best talent in the white room with the same roots as Fangli, is gradually starting to act.

Obviously it’s just a group of high school students, it’s not easy to be able to confirm goals like this in the first grade, set a policy, and move forward in a practical manner.

In this regard, Fang Li must approve it.

(Sure enough, this school is quite interesting…)

Although in terms of the intensity of competition and the quality of talents, this school is the Seven Nights Family that has been passed down for thousands of years. Compared with the Seven Nights Family’s environment where people can be crushed anytime and anywhere, at least it is still here. Having the freedom to value human rights will undoubtedly make Fang Li feel more comfortable.

(Meeting and even cooperating with all kinds of people, this feeling is quite fresh…)

Because, this is something that would never happen in that family.

In that family, no matter who they are, they can only rely on themselves.

If you want to rely on others, you will find yourself dead sooner or later.

And the highly educated high school is still a campus after all.

Even if the training policy is not as good as the Seven Nights Clan, it is possible to rely on each other and cooperate with each other here, compared to the clan that can only fight alone.

This is a point that is difficult for that family to reach.

Such thoughts only flickered in Fang Li’s heart.

Looking at Hobami Ichinose who was still waiting for his answer, Fang Li smiled and finally answered Hobami Ichinose’s question.

“I really haven’t decided how I’m going to end this exam, maybe I’ll answer it, maybe I’ll leave the list rotten, and if it’s the latter, you’re going to be disappointed.”

If the list of preferential treatment is really rotten, then Class A will not be deducted 150 class points, and Class B will naturally not be able to enjoy it.

Of course, it is impossible for Ichinose Hobami to ask Fangli to provide the list.

Originally, Class B and Class D have already decided on the form of cooperation. In addition to covering each other, whoever finds the preferential treatment first will have the right to answer and compete fairly.

Now, Fang Li has found all the favored people, and the right to answer is naturally in Fang Li’s hands. There is no reason to answer because of the cooperation between Class B and Class D.

Even, to put it mildly, Fang Li wants to answer the favored person in Class B, that’s Fang Li’s freedom.

The cooperation between Class B and Class D has nothing to do with Fang Li.

It’s just that Fang Li’s failure to answer doesn’t mean that this special exam is deadlocked again.

“Longyuan is also looking for a strategy, and Katsuragi is still insisting on defense. It’s still hard to say what the final result will be.”

Fang Li reminds this.

“What about classmate Qiye?”

Ichinose Hobami asked this question without taking his eyes off Fang Li’s body.

“Qiye classmates want to see the successful defense of Class A, or the success of Class C’s strategy?”

This is a no-suspense question.

Even if he is not interested in class competition, Fang Li has no reason to want to see the success of Class A and Class C.

But if Fang Li doesn’t act, in the end, it is bound to be the success of these two classes.

Fang Li is the only one who can stop Class A and Class C, except Kiyotaka Ayanokouji, who is still working in secret.

Thinking about it this way, it might be better for Fang Li to shoot directly.

Thinking of this, Fang Li fell into deep thought.

Or make the list available?

Or hide the list completely?

Is Fangli the only two ways?


Actually, there is another way.

As long as this practice is carried out, in the end, Fang Li is the real biggest winner.


“I have an idea.”

Fang Li suddenly said this to Hobami Ichinose.

Ichinose Hobami was startled at first, but then became serious.

After that, no one knows what Fang Li and Ichinose Hobami said.

Only Ichinose Hobami knows.

“This time the special exam, Qiye’s opponent is probably all the first-year students.”

That’s it.


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