Illimitable Until Death Chapter 237: Can you stay with me for a while?


“So that’s how it is…”

In the dragon group’s room, both Kushida Kikyo and Hirata Yosuke both showed stunned expressions.

Ichinose Hobami, Horikita Suzune, Katsuragi Yasuo and even Kanzaki Takashi all turned their attention to Ryuuen Sho again, waiting for Ryuen Sho’s reaction.

But at this moment, there is no one else in Long Yuanxiang’s eyes.

The dictator of Class C just stared at Fang Li, and after a while, he showed a refreshing expression.

“Since you’ve come to this point, just tell me.”

Long Yuanxiang asked such a question quite simply as if he wanted to take all Fang Li’s reactions into his eyes, while keeping his eyes fixed on Fang Li.

“Did you get the final answer?”

Long Yuanxiang went directly to Fang Li for confirmation.

And obviously, this question is also the concern of everyone present.

At this moment, everyone present turned their attention to Fang Li.

Facing the gazes of everyone present, Fang Li spoke indifferently.

“There are no conditions for customs clearance yet.”

Fang Li’s words made many people secretly relieved.

Fortunately, the mystery has not been revealed yet.

Although Fang Li’s appearance should be regarded as the same as Long Yuanxiang, he has long been groping for strategies in this area, and he is a lot ahead of everyone, but at least he still has a chance of winning.

Those who are thinking this way don’t know that what Fang Li said did not meet the clearance requirements, he just wanted to say that he had not yet decided whether to clear the customs, not that he had not yet got the answer.

Those who didn’t know this were secretly relieved.

“If that’s the case, isn’t this a race?”

Long Yuanxiang stood up, looking at Fang Li with a look of exploration and doubt.

It seems that Long Yuanxiang did not fully believe Fang Li’s words.

But Long Yuanxiang still said so.

“Let’s see who of us runs to the finish first, Seven Nights.”

Leaving such words, Long Yuanxiang took the people from Class C and left the room directly.

Although I don’t know, in today’s discussion, whether Long Yuanxiang has achieved his goal, but I should be very satisfied, right?

Because, the results are still accumulating.

As long as one or two more preferential recipients are found, Long Yuanxiang will be able to confirm the identities of all preferential recipients.

Everyone in the room realized this.

“…We also left first.”

Ke Cheng Kang Ping threw out such a sentence, and immediately left with the people from Class A. I am afraid that he has also begun to worry, and is ready to go back and formulate a strategy against Long Yuanxiang?

In the room of the entire dragon group, there were only people from Class B and Class D left.

The dignified atmosphere still hasn’t dissipated.

“Class A is a thorough defense, while Class C is a thorough attack…?”

Suzune Horikita rubbed her brows as if she was tired, and spoke like this.

“It seems that only Class B and Class D are left without progress.”

This is indeed an issue that cannot be ignored.

“If you don’t formulate a specific course of action, there will be a huge gap in the future. Even if Ryuuen’s plan fails in the end, Katsuragi’s plan will succeed, right?”

Kanzaki Ryuji also expressed the current grim form.

“I had no idea that Longyuan had already achieved such a level of control over the preferential treatment in the class.”

Ichinose Hobami also showed a thoughtful expression.

It was Yosuke Hirata who comforted everyone with his usual gentleness.

“I think that we are also making real progress. If we have a course of action, we have also drawn up a preliminary plan, haven’t we?”

That’s true.

Although it is not as obvious as Class A and Class C, Class B and Class D have already decided to cooperate, which is also one of the actions for this exam.

It’s okay to say that you are behind, but you can’t say that there is no progress.


“It is a good thing that Class B and Class D can cooperate, but there is no effective implementation yet.”

Suzune Horikita ruthlessly exposed this.

This is the truth.

Although Class B and Class D have formed cooperation, this cooperation cannot be carried out effectively at present.

Previously, Hobami Ichinose and Yosuke Hirata have discussed that they need to cover the favored person in their respective classes. If the favored person is not in Class B and Class D, they will work together to find the favored person.

As of now, neither class has been fully revealed.

It’s impossible to try to cover each other, or to check if there is a favored person in each other’s group, and then attack other classes, right?

Currently, only Kushida Kikyo is the only one who can confirm the preferential treatment for Class D.

As for Megumi Karuizawa from the Rabbit Group and Minami from the Horse Group, they have not disclosed their status as preferential recipients.

Therefore, the cooperation between class b and class d is limited to the dragon group.

Because of Kushida Kikyo’s voluntary disclosure, everyone in Class D knew that Kushida Kikyo was the favored person of the Dragon Group, and the people in Class B also knew that the favored person of the Dragon Group was in Class D, but they didn’t know it was Kushida Kikyo only.

This is what Ichinose Hobami and Hirata Yosuke decided after consultation. They only told each other which group the preferential recipient of their class was in, rather than revealing the identity of the preferential recipient.

That’s not to say Hobami Ichinose and Yosuke Hirata don’t trust each other, it’s just just in case.

So, Hobami Ichinose and Takashi Kanzaki only know that the favored person of the dragon group is in class d, but they don’t know which one of the three people is Horikita Suzune, Kushida Kikyo, and Hida Yosuke.

But this doesn’t affect cooperation.

“At least, here in the Dragon Group, we must do our best to cover Class D, and we can’t let Ryuyuan get more information about the preferential treatment.”

Ichinose Hobami said this to Kanzaki Ryuji, who was his deputy squad leader.

“I understand.”

Takashi Kanzaki nodded.

“It’s really annoying everyone.”

Kushida Kikyo thanked Ichinose Hobami and Kanzaki Ryuji like this.

Although it’s not what Fang Li wants to say, this behavior will really make Ichinose Hobami and Kanzaki Ryuji suspect that Kushida Kikyo is a preferential treatment of the dragon group?

However, the two apparently did not have any doubts.

Everyone got together and discussed some things before disbanding on the spot.

Fang Li seemed to be here to make soy sauce. He didn’t intervene in their discussion. He just walked around the dragon group’s room and left.

Suzune Horikita, Kikyo Kushida, and Yosuke Hirata all seem to care about each other’s Judging from the current situation, everyone knows that only Fang Li is not behind Ryuen Sho. There are also accumulating results.

However, if this achievement is to be shared in the party, everyone will have no idea.

Fang Li left the dragon group’s room under the gaze of everyone.

What Fang Li didn’t expect was that Hobami Ichinose chased after him.

“Sorry, can you stay with me for a while?”

Ichinose Hobami said this to Fang Li.

Fang Li was slightly startled, then nodded.

The two left the second floor and walked towards the aft deck.

Perhaps, neither of them realized it?

It’s a place where the girl from Class B said she could do whatever she said.


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