Illimitable Until Death Chapter 232: An opportunity to make a decision


The second discussion session ended in a depressing atmosphere.

As soon as it was over, Machida Koji and his group left the room as soon as they did in the afternoon, and they left in a hurry just like in the afternoon.

Poor Class A, they clearly formulated the ultimate defense strategy that would make all the classes worry about it, but they were in a frenzy twice here in Fangli, I wonder if Katsuragi Kangping can still As before, remain calm?

I guess I can.

After all, Katsuragi is no longer Katsuragi if he loses his composure.

Therefore, Machida Koji and his party are nervous, and it is estimated that they will be suppressed by Katsuragi Yasuo again, and continue to execute the defense solidly and stably.

Unfortunately, Katsuragi didn’t know that his defense was meaningless.

Because, Fang Li has completed all the steps and found all the preferential treatment.

Now, it’s up to Fang Li to end this exam.

Although the preferential person in the rabbit group is Megumi Karuizawa, due to her classmate relationship with Megumi Karuizawa, even if Fang Li answers in advance, her answer will be considered invalid, and the test will continue. If she does not belong to another group, Fang Li will There is also no right to answer, but as long as Fang Li is willing, he can provide the list of preferential recipients to the students in each group, let Class D answer all the remaining preferential recipients, and instantly end the group except for the preferential recipients of Class D. All group exams except .

At that time, even if they don’t answer the preferential treatment of Class B, then Class D will be able to answer the six preferential treatment of Class A and Class C, and get 300 class points and 3 million individual points. Class A and Class C Each will lose 150 class points.

This is no small matter.

You must know that after the special exam on the uninhabited island, the class point gap between the four classes has changed.


Class A: 1101.

Class B: 917.

Class C: 455.

Class D: 454.


This is the status of the points between the four classes of the first grade after the special test on the uninhabited island.

Class D is only 1 point away from Class C.

Class B is getting closer to Class A, about 200 points behind.

In other words, as long as Class A is deducted 150 class points, then Class B is only a few dozen points away from Class A, which is close at hand.

As for Class D, it will be promoted to Class C in the next semester, and the gap between Class A and Class B is less than 200 points.

This is not much better than the situation where all the class points were lost in the first semester, compared to the situation where the biggest gap was Class A, which was a full 1,000 class points.

If, at that time, Class D was evaluated as the worst class that could never be turned over, then I believe that after this special exam, this evaluation will be completely overturned, and the strength gap of each class will also be completely eliminated. Change.

This will be an event that can shake the history of the highly educated high school since its establishment.

Being able to turn over from 0 points in just one semester to the point where there is a gap of less than 200 class points from Class A, even in the history of highly educated high schools, has it never happened?

Of course, if Fang Li is willing, in fact, during the special exam on the uninhabited island, Class D can be directly promoted to Class A.

For Fang Li, the class competition is not difficult, and it does not need to be repeated.

But Fang Li is also not interested in class competition, which also does not need to be repeated.

In view of this, even if he knew all the preferential recipients, Fang Li did not provide the list of preferential recipients to Class D, so that Class D could win the overall victory again.

Fang Li is still thinking about how to use this list.

Perhaps, Fang Li will once again have a whim and let Class D go to the altar.

Perhaps, Fang Li will let this list rot in his own hands, watching the outcome of this special exam with a cold eye.

Who made Megumi Karuizawa’s favored member of the rabbit group, the same class as Fang Li?

As a student in the same class as the preferential recipient, Fang Li did not have the right to answer in advance, to end the examination of the rabbit group, nor to end the examination of the rest of the group.

Or provide the list.

Or hide the list completely.

There are only two ways to do this.

And no matter what kind of practice, there is no reason to impress Fang Li.

If you are not interested in class competition, then there is no reason to provide the list.

It would be too reckless to hide the list.

How to do it depends on Fang Li’s idea after all.

Right now, Fang Li is obviously undecided.

But that’s okay.

There are still three full days until the end of the exam.

There is time to think.

However, what Fang Li didn’t expect was that the opportunity for him to make a decision came sooner than he thought.

At the end of the second discussion meeting, after Machida Koji and his party left, Fang Li hadn’t had time to leave, and one person stopped him hesitantly.

“Seven Nights…”

Karuizawa Megumi seems to have made a decision, even if she wants to stop Fang Li.

However, almost at the same time, Ibuki Mio approached Kaori.

Behind him, Shiho Manabe, Nami Yabuna, and Saki Yamashita followed indecisively.

Fang Li looked at Megumi Karuizawa as if he hadn’t noticed.


Fang Li asked aloud.

“…No, nothing.”

Karuizawa Megumi made such an answer when she saw Shiho Manabe, Nami Yabu, Nami Yamashita approaching, the determination in her eyes quickly faded, and she was replaced by retreat.

Soon, Karuizawa Megumi left the room quickly, as if she didn’t want to deal with the people from Class C.

Fang Li sat and watched Karuizawa Megumi leave, and then turned his eyes unhurriedly to Ibuki Mio, who was standing in front of him, staring at him.


The same sentence came out of Fang Li’s mouth for the second time, but it carried a hint of indifference.

Facing such a party, Shiho Manabe, Nami Yabu, and Saki Yamashita were terrified. Only Ibuki Mio looked at him with unyielding eyes, and spoke coldly after a while.

“Longyuan wants to see you, just in the dragon group.”

If I stay like this, Ibuki Mio leaves without looking back.

Shiho Manabe, Nami Yabuna, and Saki Yamashita also left quickly.

“Dragon Garden?”

Fang Li raised his brows, a playful flash in his eyes.

It should be Ibuki Mio who reported what happened to Ryuen Sho just now, so Ryuen Sho wanted to see him, right?

“Are you going?”

Besides, the always silent Ayanokouji Kiyotaka asked.

Fang Li’s answer was also calm go. “

Fang Li is still very interested in what Long Yuanxiang wants to do.

After all, in the absence of Sakayanagi Arisu in Class A, and Ayakouji Kiyotaka in the same class, and without competition, only Ryuuyuanxiang can make Fangli have some fun in the first year of the highly educated high school. .


“Can I go too?”

Ichinose Hobami didn’t know if he heard the conversation here and approached.

“I’m also very interested.”

Ichinose Hobami said with a smile.

Fang Li was a little stunned, but he didn’t refuse.

As a result, the group of the rabbit group was disbanded on the spot.


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