Reincarnation of the Heaven Chapter 390: Four Lives


Xiao Naihe nodded his head. If he said that the ghost immortal should be promoted to the golden immortal, he would still “If he can get the so-called reincarnation Tiandan, maybe he can gain some insights from it.” Xiao Naihe’s second skill is Dan Dao. .

At this time, Xiao Naihe felt a little itchy when he heard that there was a pill recipe he didn’t know, and wanted to fly directly to the small world of Huangfu.

“The people who were originally invited to attend were basically 5th- or even 6th-grade alchemists. It’s impossible for me to go there, so I want to ask you to help me over there!”

Xiao Naihe agreed to Dongfangfeng. After all, he now wants to see if the four-born Daozi is in the realm of three-footed gods. If so, it proves that this small world is actually not suppressed by the gods. Then, the rumors that Tiandao could not break through Jinxian for thousands of years were directly deciphered.

If I don’t know the medicine pill, then Xiao Naihe can be considered to be involved.

“It will take a few days from here to the small world of Huangfu. Let’s rest on the Dragon Boat these days!”

It’s been two days since I came out of Linyan Pavilion. This time, there are also Ma Ruonan and Zhao Youliang who followed Xiao Naihe there! Ma Ruonan, as a master at the pinnacle of Ghost Immortal, used to be the biggest symbol that directly represented the entire Linyan Pavilion.

And Zhao Youliang himself is a fifth-grade alchemist, and he is also very interested in the reincarnation Tiandan.

Xiao Naihe stayed in his room. At this time, he threw his slaughtering clone into the divine cauldron. He needed to directly understand the ancient killing swordsmanship of the slaughtering clone once.

“I’m not good at kendo, but the ancient slaughtering kendo has been passed down for so long, and it must have its own specialties. There were many masters in the Gusu royal family back then, and at least half of the entire royal family at their peak were in the realm of three-foot gods. Coming here to kill Kendo must be profound.”

Xiao Naihe attached his soul to the Slaughter Clone, merging the Slaughter Clone’s consciousness with his own. At this time, Xiao Naihe seems to be merging the clones into one, and Xiao Naihe will also be able to do things that clones can do.

Instead of reading all the ancient slaughtering swordsmanship, Xiao Naihe also used the body of the clone to directly seal several of the methods he knew in the clone.

“It’s a pity, I just got the four giants of Jiuying, the ancient killing swordsmanship included in this is not complete, if I can find the other five giants, then I will be able to directly comprehend killing Kendo, refining a three-footed **** avatar, and it is still at the top level, no less than the full set of gold foil of the God of War Demon!”

In Xiao Naihe’s hands, the original greatest attack magic weapon must be the God of War Golem. Two pieces of gold foil can form the arms of the **** of war, and can exert the strength of the peak of ghosts. If the head, torso, and limbs are retrieved, all the war gods and demons formed at that time can directly fight against the three-foot gods, and even rank in the top ranks of the gods.

“However, my current Slaughter clone has such powerful spiritual power and Slaughter Kendo. As long as I don’t encounter a perverted master like Sanchi God, there is no danger.”

Four days passed quickly, Xiao Naihe, Ma Ruonan and Zhao Youliang came directly to the small world of Huangfu.

This small world of Huangfu is less than 30% of the size of Wanqing Small World and Yuechao Small World. The entire small world is desolate and full of smoke.

“Is this really the small world of Huangfu? How did I decide that it seems to be a dead zone of demons, there are no people and no beasts, it is too unfamiliar.” Zhao Youliang, a strong ghost and immortal, set foot on the small world of Huangfu. On the land of , I feel that the whole person is dull, and an uncomfortable feeling of suffocation is coming.

Ma Ruonan nodded and said coldly, “I don’t know where the senior brother got the news, what kind of four-channel person? Maybe it’s just a lie. Seeing that this place doesn’t shit, it’s better for me to go. The forest of monsters that I have passed.”

Xiao Naihe nodded, and when he was about to release his divine sense to observe the surroundings, a roar suddenly came.

“You guys have just humiliated Lord Four Lives Daozi. It’s too presumptuous. Come and take them down!”

At this time, dozens of people came out of nowhere, all dressed in gray and blue shirts, with anger in their eyes, staring at Ma Ruonan and the others.

At first glance, the few people approaching had the strength of the early stage of Immortal Transformation, and they actually caught Ma Ruonan.

“You’re so daring, you’re just a few immortals, you dare to fight me? You’re really impatient!”

As a master of ghosts and immortals, Ma Runan has achieved many great things in his life. He is also the deputy head of Linyan Pavilion. Now he came to the small world of Huangfu and was looked down upon by these indigenous people, and it broke out immediately.

The dragon-headed staff in his hand shook toward the ground, suddenly like a landslide, causing countless breaths to fluctuate. The ripples formed by a burst of blue light suddenly spread out, shocking the immortal transformation aborigines in front of them who came to round him up.

“Could this be the real Ghost Immortal?” The leader was shocked. As a martial artist in the late stage of Immortal Transformation, he had never seen any Ghost Immortal masters, let alone a giant who was already close to Jin Immortal.

“You know now? But it’s too late, crack me up!”

Ma Ruonan snorted coldly, and waved the dragon head stick in his hand again, and it flew down three thousand feet, as if the whole earth would be smashed to pieces!

“Wait! The Eight Great Mudras!”

Suddenly, as soon as Xiao Naihe’s spiritual power was released, it turned into an earth-shattering coercion. A wave of demon power and immortal power merged, and the Eight Great Mudras slapped it directly.

“Boom boom boom!”

Xiao Naihe blocked Ma Ruonan’s dragon head stick with one move. Ma Ruonan seemed to be restrained by Xiao Naihe, and he couldn’t pull out the dragon head stick in his hand.

“Xiao Naihe, what do you want to do? Do you want to eat inside and out?” Ma Ruonan was disgraced by Xiao Naihe when he was in the Yan Pavilion before, but now he was stopped by Xiao Naihe, and it burst out immediately!

“Master Ma, you’re too impatient. These people just called Master Sisheng Daozi, it must have something to do with this mysterious person, and you didn’t say anything before. Did you lose some courtesy?”

Ma Ruo laughed arrogantly: “You are a new disciple, and there are no true disciples yet. Don’t think that a little talent in the Dao of alchemy can sway my opinions. I am the deputy head of Linyan Pavilion. Listen to me.”

“I only listen to ‘reasons’, and act with the heart. What is the deputy head and not the deputy head will not work here, Ma Shibo still obediently put down the dragon head staff, the visitor is a guest, don’t Do something outrageous.”

“Good reason and heart, I like your temperament!”


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