Reincarnation of the Heaven Chapter 362: You are not a genius


The Panhuang Sword in Bo Hong’s hand is the second immortal sword in the Danxia Sect, except for Xiao Naihe, and it is a fifth-grade high-ranking sword. Even if the original Sun Moon Qiankun Sword did not absorb the Qiankun Ding’s Qiankun Dao Power, it was equivalent to the Panhuang Sword.

A cold light, the shadow of the sword, between the swings, seems to have shattered the cross current in the void, and suddenly transformed into the spiritual power of the Panhuang Sword itself, possessing it.

“Ding Ding!”

The sound of the Pan Huangjian breaking through the air is very crisp. This is the first day of the young generation of Danxia Mountain to meet each other, with a heavenly horse under his crotch and holding an immortal sword, what a coercive aura.

With a single sword, it is a combination of momentum, coercion, spiritual power, and fairy spirit. The strong ghost immortal couldn’t help but nod his head, acknowledging the power of Bo Hong’s ghost immortal.

“Gong Wanqing, you are one of my four great talents. Do you feel hopeless when you see my ghost sword power?”

Hearing Bo Hong’s words sound like thunder, Gong Wanqing originally wanted to scold him, but under Bo Hong’s deliberate coercion, this senior sister in the late stage of Immortal Transformation has no ability to speak at all.

“Yun Weixue, if you could have obeyed me at the beginning, let me practice the Dao of Good Love, and achieve a stronger Dao of Ghosts and Immortals, maybe you will be able to ascend to the throne of Danzheng Peak in the future, which is a pity. But I I want to know, do you regret it now?”

Bo Hong turned his spear and immediately turned to Yun Weixue. The same Yun Weixue was crushed and bound by the ghostly power of Bo Hong, unable to pop out even a single syllable in her voice, so she could only stare at Bo Hong.

It was just one-handedly, Bo Hong bound the two people to death, nothing more than to raise his own imposing coercion to the peak at this time. Since he became a ghost, he valued face-saving skills the most. If you want to kill people, you must first mentally torture the other party, break their Taoism, and completely defeat the other party. This time is Bo Hong’s biggest idea.

Sure enough, the power of the Pan Huang Sword was combined with the imposing manner, and Bo Hong displayed his swordsmanship, with the avenues of heaven and earth, as if piercing the entire void, and the sword shadow that turned into a huge shape came towards Yun Weixue and Gong Wanqing. In the blink of an eye, this boat will be overturned directly!

“Bo Hong, you still don’t cry without seeing the Yellow River!”

“Who…is it you, Xiao Naihe!”

Almost at the moment when the sword came out, a polar shadow flashed in front of Bo Hong, and he came quickly, driving a punch, and blocking Bo Hong’s Pan Emperor Sword from the front.

Xiao Naihe himself is far less skilled in kendo than Bo Hong. Although he has the four giants of Jiuying in his hands, he contains the supreme killing kendo. If you can refine a clone, you can exert the strength of the peak of Jinxian. After integrating Xiao Naihe’s own abilities, even if the arrogant country understands the killing ways of the other five giants, he will not be able to help himself.

But now Xiao Naihe is not a genius in swordsmanship. Most of the swordsmanship he has cultivated is the way of killing, and he cannot use it often. For close fists, it is even more eloquent to get started!

“Now I am no longer a disciple of the Danxia School, so I don’t have to worry too much. I used to worry that if I used too many Taoist magical powers, I would be knocked out by the three Danxia Tianding. Look at Bo Hong, he is not a genius at all!”

If you want to kill a person, you must first kill and completely destroy it from the spiritual level. Xiao Naihe agrees very much.

“The Eight Great Mudras!”

Heaven and earth have eight poles, Wuji gives birth to Taiji, two yi gives rise to four images, and four signs give rise to gossip. Returning to the Five Elements Avenue, integrated in the Eight Great Mudras, the powers of various Taoist methods converge and pass through, forming the Eight Great Mudras under the Great Way of the Heavens.

Xiao Naihe did not always use the Eight Great Mudras in the past. But under Qin’er’s guidance, Dan Yuefeng’s Human Dao Cultivation Technique and the Eight Great Mudras merged into another type of Dao technique power, but it has unparalleled power.

“What kind of magic is this?”

When Bo Hong saw him from a distance, Xiao Naihe played it with one hand.

What a strong Taoist method, this kid has not seen him for a long time, but he has improved again. He used to be able to use his abilities in the late stage of Huaxian to be able to compare with people in the early stage of Ghost Immortal, and now he is even more powerful. If you can’t kill him, it will definitely be a great trouble and threat in the future.

At this time, Bo Hong finally realized that Xiao Naihe’s life was a great threat, which could threaten the existence of his own reputation. According to the conflict between him and Xiao Naihe before, if the other party can really survive in the future, it will definitely be the life and death match with himself.

“Go out, the Panhuang Sword is in hand, and the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors will also kowtow for me, Xiao Naihe. You are just a little guy who got a little chance, why should you compare with me?”

“Bo Hong, you have been the eldest disciple of Danxia Mountain for more than 20 years. You are known as a genius. Even the young disciples of the sect are the first for you. Maybe you have thought of comparing yourself with others. Not a genius!”

Xiao Naihe’s Eight Great Fingerprints had already been emptied, and he and Pan Huangjian met face to face, and suddenly staggered. The spiritual power of the two people showed in one move that it was not their level of cultivation, but a strength that surpassed their own cultivation.

“Genius, I don’t know how many geniuses I have encountered in my voice. There are not many people who can get into my eyes. Even if I value most of them, they will die in my hands.”

“Although you can become a ghost fairy before the age of fifty, you can be regarded as one of the few geniuses in the small world. However, there are many geniuses and talents in the world, and some people can become ghost fairy at nine years old, ten At the age of five, I entered the golden fairy, and at the age of eighteen, I was able to step into the realm of three feet of gods. Such people can be called geniuses. Believe it or not, I can step into the ghost fairy and achieve great things in less than half a year. You are not at all. What a genius!”

Xiao Naihe knows that Bo Hong is conceited, and once he debuted, he recognized himself as a peerless genius. Even the rest of the sect held Bo Hong in the sky and the ground. Now Xiao Naihe is a demon who uses words to attack Bo Hong, causing this “genius” to begin to doubt from his heart, making Tao’s heart unstable.

Li Tianxuan stood on the bow of the boat, unable to understand Xiao Naihe’s plan, and secretly shouted: “No, this kid is cunning, he is breaking Bohong’s Taoism. He is not yet twenty years old, yet he has such a mind, It’s like a battle-hardened veteran. You three, hurry up and save your lover!”

Qiu Ju and Weng Hong are both in the early stage of immortality, and Wang Fangfei is a bit talented, especially after Bo Hong took the red pill and became infected with the power of cultivating love and Taoism. The earth broke through the shackles and became an immortal.

The three immortals, when they make a move, directly trigger the spiritual power between heaven and earth. ,

“Senior Brother, we are here to help you!”

With one word, the three women jumped up together and walked towards the two men in the sky.


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