Eternal Martial Emperor Chapter 729: Break into the base!


Diga Kingdom, Buffy Kingdom, West Asia Kingdom, at the borders of these three kingdoms, there is a silent volcano that has not erupted for thousands of years.

According to the memories extracted from the mind of the one-eyed middle-aged, this extinct volcano was the base of the Assassination Society’s branch in the central region.

When he could see the volcano, Lin Yun stopped the Rampage Pterodactyl in mid-air. Then let everyone wait here, and only bring Prince Nangong to act together.

After all, it’s not an ordinary den of thieves, but the branch base of the Assassination Society.

In the branch base of the Assassination Club, the weakest enemies are also Wuzong-level. Even Shangguan Xia Yan and Hua Meinan would only be a hindrance when they entered.

Only Prince Nangong, who can summon the unicorn and contract with the unicorn, has the ability to assist Lin Yun.

So Lin Yun directly asked everyone to wait outside, leaving Prince Nangong alone to accompany him to the branch base to save people.

Everyone is also very self-aware, and there is no need to “help” with them. Only Shangguan Xia Yan felt a little lonely and unbearable because he couldn’t fight against the strong.

After Lin Yun and Prince Nangong moved, they soon came to the top of the volcano.

The diameter of the crater is more than 200 meters, but standing on the top and looking down, it is a bottomless hollow, like a doomsday sinkhole.

Lin Yun and Prince Nangong looked at each other, then jumped into the crater and fell down the rock wall of the crater.

After falling about 500 meters, the two fell heavily to the ground, smashing the ground into a crater with a diameter of tens of meters, causing the entire volcano to tremble violently.

Lin Yun and Prince Nangong immediately looked around and found themselves in a huge underground space. This space is enough to hold a city, apparently formed by hollowing out the entire volcano.

When they looked up again, the 200-meter-diameter crater had become as small as a washbasin.

In the deepest part of this huge underground space, stands a huge pyramid-shaped building, occupying almost one-tenth of this huge space, about a few kilometers away from the two of them.

The height of the pyramid building is more than 300 meters, and it is as majestic as a mountain.

There is no doubt that the pyramid-shaped building is the branch base in the central region of the Assassination Society.


In the center of the pyramid building, there is an enclosed chamber. The geometry of this chamber is also pyramid-shaped.

In this secret room, there is a super-large magic circle with a complex and sophisticated structure. This super-large array is more than 30 meters in diameter, occupying almost 70% of the area of ​​the secret room.

In the center of this super-large circle, there is also a circular stone platform with a diameter of three meters.

Julia, in handcuffs, stood on this circular stone platform, shrouded in a cylindrical barrier.

The number 35 wearing a straw hat stood on the edge of the magic circle and inserted a block of primeval stones into the energy groove.

Just as No. 35 plugged in and focused, the entire room shook violently. The primeval stones that he had just inserted into the energy slot were all shaken out by the violent shock.

No. 35 stopped immediately, and then said with great interest: “Did someone break in? It’s really rare.”

How hidden is the base of the Assassination Society? It hasn’t been discovered for hundreds of years.

And even if someone found out, they would never dare to break in, because it was no different from courting death.

So this person who broke in is definitely not a simple role.

Julia didn’t speak, but suddenly thought of a possibility in her mind, and her heart jumped suddenly.

But after thinking about it carefully, she felt that it could not be him. After all, he had already gone to the top of the continent. How could he have come here so quickly?

Although he knew that someone had broken into this place, No. 35 still didn’t care. Because there is someone here to solve it, there is no need for him to worry about it. What he has to do now is to send the woman in front of him back to the realm of the gods.

“Half an hour later, this super-large teleportation formation will just align with the general formation of the Divine Realm General Assembly, and then you will be sent back to the Divine Realm. If you have any last words, let’s say it now, Otherwise, there will be no chance.”

Number 35 said to Julia while inserting the primeval stone. He clearly knew in his heart that when Julia was sent back to God’s Domain this time, there would be no chance of her surviving.

Julia looked at No. 35 through the barrier: “I know that if I go back this time, there is no chance of any survival. The president has already let me out once, and won’t let me out a second time. .”

No. 35 turned to look at Julia with a puzzled expression: “I’ve always been curious about one thing, how did you get rid of the totem branded on your forehead?”

Julia smiled slightly: “What do you want to do when you ask me such a question?”

“I’m just curious,” No. 35 explained.

Julia gave an intriguing look: “Oh yes? Just out of curiosity?”

“What the **** are you trying to say?” No. 35 frowned slightly.

Julia said: “If you also want to remove the totem from your forehead, I can tell you the truth.”

“Stop kidding, why am I clearing the totem from my forehead?” No. 35’s tone began to harden.

Julia narrowed her eyes and said, “You don’t have to hide it anymore, I’ve seen it.”

“You must know that the totem on your forehead is the soul contract that the president binds you, so you are curious about how I removed the totem.”

“Because you also long for freedom, and you want to get rid of this totem, you ask me this kind of question, am I right?”

“Nonsense, I don’t have that kind of thought at all!” No. 35 denied immediately, but did not show any surprised expression on his face, obviously he knew that the totem was the soul contract that bound him.

Julia said again: “Is there something you know best in your own heart? Even if you can hide it from others, you can’t hide it from your own heart.”

Hearing Julia’s words, No. 35 did not speak again, but fell into a brief thought.

Seeing No. 35’s reaction, Julia is completely sure that he has the idea of ​​getting out of the president’s control.

Julia said: “To tell you the truth, the President’s Blood Devil Spiral Dart is actually one of the conditions for unbinding.”


No. 35’s eyes widened, and he suddenly realized: “No wonder No. 96 wants to steal the Bloody Spiral Dart. It turned out to be the case, I should have thought of it a long time ago…”

Julia went on to say: “My sister stole the Bloody Spiral Dart just to rescue all the killers who were bound by the president.”

“Tell me, where is she now?” No. 35 turned to look at Julia and asked very urgently. Julia shook her head and said, “I don’t know where she is, but I know that one day, she will come back to rescue other killers…”


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