Eternal Martial Emperor Chapter 663: Overweight!


Lin Yun directly gave up his resistance. He just stuck to the ground, allowing his body to gradually adapt to the gravity here.

I don’t know what the purpose is, the old man in Taoist robe did not take the initiative to attack Lin Yun, but quietly watched Lin Yun, struggling in the environment of 2,000 times the gravity, as if he wanted to know how long Lin Yun could last in this environment .

After practicing “Indestructible Divine Body”, Lin Yun’s body is extremely adaptable. No matter what kind of harsh environment he faces, every cell in his body can automatically adjust to adapt to the environment.

In the first few minutes, Lin Yun was stuck to the metal ground, and his body was almost immobile.

It wasn’t until a quarter of an hour later that Lin Yun got used to this super-gravity environment and could barely move his limbs, but it was still difficult to stand up.

The old man in the Taoist robe was a little surprised. He obviously didn’t expect that Lin Yun would be able to adapt to this kind of environment so quickly.

The old man in Taoist robe still did not attack Lin Yun, but instead controlled 2,000 times the gravity and continued to suppress Lin Yun.

About another quarter of an hour later, Lin Yun actually got up from the ground. Although it is still difficult to stand up and walk, it is still easy to climb into the teleportation light array and escape.

But Lin Yun didn’t do that. After he got up from the ground, he meditated cross-legged on the spot, and started to run the vitality in his body. He had no plans to escape at all.

The look of the Taoist-robed old man looking at Lin Yun became more unexpected and curious than before. It seems that he wants to know how much Lin Yun can adapt to.

As time goes on, Lin Yun has gradually become more and more adaptable to this hypergravity environment.

After half an hour, Lin Yun was finally able to walk reluctantly. However, when walking, the body is very heavy. Every step you take takes a lot of energy, and running and jumping is even more impossible.

Seeing that Lin Yun actually stood up and walked, even the Taoist robed old man was stunned. He had never seen a person with such a strong adaptability. Is he really still human? What an absolute monster!

Lin Yun moved his limbs and estimated the time in his mind, feeling that it was almost time to end his training.

Although Lin Yun still wants to practice in this super-gravity environment for a while. But the opening time of the Wushen Pagoda is only one hour. If this time is exceeded, the trainer will be forced to teleport out of the tower regardless of whether the experience is over or not.

If you fail to pass the fifth floor because you are greedy for cultivation, then it is really worth the loss.

Lin Yun didn’t think much about it, and immediately activated the power of the Demon God Nucleus, opening the first form of the Demon God Nucleus.

Lin Yun’s whole body turned red in a blink of an eye, and bursts of blue smoke continued to rise, and his eyes also turned a ferocious blood red.

After turning on the first form of the Demon God Core Crystal, Lin Yun immediately felt that his body became much lighter, and he instantly felt relieved.

The old man in Taoist robe once again showed a surprised expression. Although he didn’t know what happened, he could clearly feel that the young man in front of him was different from before.

Before the old man in the Taoist robe could react, an ancient and vast aura suddenly filled the space, like an ancient devil descending.

The old man in the Taoist robe was shocked, and his expression changed drastically.

Lin Yun floated up in the sky, like a deity looking down on all living beings, with no wind in his clothes, and his black hair flying wildly.

Behind Lin Yun, a human-shaped shadow with a vague outline appeared, like an ancient demon **** that surpassed all beings in the three realms.

This shadow has seven eyes on its head, three on the left, three on the right, and a giant erect eye on its forehead.

The old man in Taoist robe opened his eyes wide, staring at the shadow like a demon with shocking and horrified eyes, as if he saw the most incredible things in the world.

The second eye on the left side of the Demon God Honghuang suddenly opened at that moment, revealing a silver pupil.

The swastika-shaped black pattern in the pupil quickly rotates inward in an instant.

And Lin Yun’s eyes also turned silver, and a rotating **** pattern appeared at the same time.

The Power of the Demon God – Space Movement!

Lin Yun’s silver eyes instantly lit up with silver light.

An invisible and mysterious force field acts on his own body. Then the space he was in suddenly fluctuated and folded, and the whole person disappeared in place in an instant.

Without any time interval, when Lin Yun disappeared, he instantly penetrated the protective cover and appeared behind the Taoist-robed old man, with a blood bat sword appearing out of thin air.

“What!” The Taoist robe old man’s pupils shrank sharply inwards, but before he could react, Lin Yun slashed at the back of his neck with a sword.



A sharp cold light flashed, and a head carrying a lot of blood was thrown up high.

The old man in the Taoist robe instantly separated his head, and the headless corpse fell to the ground stiffly, and then quickly sublimated and disappeared, transforming into pure heaven and earth vitality, which all merged into Lin Yun’s body.

The vitality transformed by this robed old man after his death is more than the sum of all the enemies on the first four floors. After Lin Yun absorbed this vitality, his cultivation level was directly upgraded from the early stage of the second-level martial king to the later stage of the second-level martial arts, a whole two stages!

Lin Yun originally thought that after the fifth floor was over, this experience would end like this. But what happened next was completely beyond Lin Yun’s expectations.

The green teleportation light array that was originally beside him disappeared automatically after the death of the old man in Taoist robe.

It doesn’t matter if the green teleportation light array disappears, and the red teleportation light array leading to the next floor doesn’t even appear.

At this time, Lin Yun had nowhere to go. He could neither be teleported nor continue to enter the next level of experience.

However, Lin Yun didn’t panic because he knew that there must be another mystery in the Pagoda of the Witch God.

Sure enough, in the next second, a translucent spiritual body appeared in front of Lin Yun out of thin air.

This is an old man with an immortal style. He is wearing a white Taoist robe, holding a black staff, and sitting cross-legged in meditation, quietly suspended in the air.

Lin Yun knew that the spirit body old man was not an enemy, but an existence similar to the remnant soul of the Phantom Emperor.

The spirit body old man said in a vicissitudes of voice: “Congratulations to you, you have successfully passed all the tests of the Witch God’s Pagoda and obtained the qualification to go to the “Overweight World”. “

“Overweight world?” Lin Yun repeated the term and asked with great interest.

The spirit body old man introduced himself: “First of all, let me introduce myself. This old man was the first Martial Saint of Tianwu Continent 30,000 years ago, the Witch God.”

“Thirty thousand years ago, the old man’s cultivation was complete and he tried to ascend to God’s Realm, but unfortunately he encountered space turbulence and was involved in the “super-heavy world”, and then he accidentally discovered this continent. “


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