Eternal Martial Emperor Chapter 655: Enter the pagoda


After the geniuses from all over the world gathered together, the officials responsible for guarding the Pagoda of the Witch God began to introduce the Pagoda of the Witch God to everyone.

“There are five floors in the Pagoda of the Witch God, and each floor is a checkpoint. Every time a trainee passes a checkpoint, they can gain a lot of cultivation.”

“But each level is very difficult, and the risk factor is very high. The geniuses in the martial arts realm go in, basically there is no return. It is for this reason that everyone who can come here to experience, Cultivation is at least the beginning of a martial artist.”

Hearing the words of the tower guards, Lin Ying subconsciously paid attention to her surroundings, and found that the geniuses of all countries present were indeed above the martial arts masters. Except for him and Zhang Wei, there is no warrior in the warrior realm at all.

If it weren’t for the prerogative of the commander-in-chief of Lin Yun’s coalition, the two of them probably wouldn’t even have the qualifications to stand here.

The tower guard continued: “However, even a genius in the martial arts realm would have difficulty getting rewards in the Witch God’s Pagoda, because most of them couldn’t even pass the first level.”

Hearing the words of the tower guard, all the young geniuses present couldn’t help but take a deep breath.

They are very clear in their hearts that those who can cultivate to the realm of martial arts before the age of 20 are almost all top geniuses in a kingdom.

And those so-called top geniuses in the kingdom couldn’t even pass the first level of the Witch God’s Pagoda. This shows how difficult the Witch God’s Pagoda is.

After a brief pause, the tower guard continued: “Among the top talents in the Great Qin Kingdom, not many can pass the first level, and even fewer can pass the second level.” /

“As for the person who can pass the third pass, in the entire history of the Great Qin Kingdom, there is only one Marshal of Great Qin. As for the fourth pass and the fifth pass, no one has been able to pass so far.”

When all the geniuses present heard the words, their eyes all focused on Lin Yun. Because in their opinion, the only person present who is likely to pass the fourth and fifth levels is Lin Yun.

The tower guards also glanced at Zhao Lin Yun with deep admiration in their eyes, then turned to the geniuses and said, “You don’t need to care about the fourth and fifth levels, because as long as you can pass the third level , the cultivation you can obtain is equivalent to years of hard cultivation in a foreign country.”

“Thirty years ago, before he entered the Wushen Pagoda, Marshal Daqin was only a fifth-level martial artist. But when he came out of the Wushen Pagoda, he had already become a strong warrior.”

These remarks by the tower guards once again shocked the geniuses at the scene.

You can gain such a large amount of cultivation just by passing the third level. If you pass all the five levels of the Pagoda of the Witch God, how much will you gain?

According to this growth rate, let alone clearing the Pagoda of the Witch God, even passing the first level would be able to gain a lot of cultivation.

Especially for those warriors with low cultivation, the cultivation rewards obtained in the Witch God’s Pagoda have a more obvious effect on them.

When all the geniuses present were excited, the tower guard continued: “The Pagoda of the Witch God is different from other trial towers. The enemies inside are not purely composed of vitality, but energy creatures with souls.”

“And the main point is that, for some unknown reason, the builder of the Witch God’s Pagoda did not set an insurance ban in the tower when building this pagoda.”

“So when a trainee is under a fatal threat, it will not automatically teleport out of the Witch God’s Pagoda. If he is killed in the Witch God’s Pagoda, he will never be able to come back.”

The words of the tower guard officials instantly changed the expressions of the geniuses present.

No insurance ban?

What a joke!

As we all know, in any training venue, insurance restrictions will be set up to ensure the safety of the practitioners’ lives.

The function of the insurance ban is to force the trainee out of the training place when the trainee’s life is in danger.

If there is no insurance ban, the trainee will not be automatically forcibly sent out when his life is in danger. Once lost in battle, the possibility of falling will be very large.

All the geniuses on the scene knew before that the danger factor of the Pagoda of the Witch God is extremely high, but as for what kind of high law, they still don’t know. I don’t know that there is no insurance ban in the Witch God’s Pagoda.

“Is this builder crazy? He doesn’t even need an insurance ban, is he trying to kill someone?”

“The builder did this, probably to test the courage of the trainee?”

“It makes sense. In this way, those who are greedy for life and fear of death can be filtered out, leaving only geniuses who pursue martial arts.”

“As much crisis comes as there is opportunity. The higher the danger level of the Witch God’s Pagoda, the more worthy of challenge it is.”

Among the geniuses present, some complained, some were worried, some were guessing, and some were fearless.

At this time, a careful girl finally asked a key question: “If you want to give up halfway, how do you get out?”

The tower guard replied very solemnly: “This is exactly what I want to warn you about. Except for the teleportation circle on the first floor, the other four floors have no teleportation circle.”

“If you want to give up in the middle, you must defeat the enemy on that floor. After the enemy dies, there will be two teleportation circles. The red is to go to the previous floor, and the green is to quit the experience.”

“In other words, if you enter the second floor, but you cannot defeat the enemies on the second floor, you will end up dying on the second floor.”


“So I advise everyone, if you are not sure of your own strength, after passing the first floor, don’t easily choose to enter the second floor, otherwise you will never return, understand?”

When everyone heard the words, their faces were covered in cold sweat, and they began to measure their strength in their hearts, whether they really had the strength to pass the second floor. Most people secretly decide in their hearts to opt out after passing the first level.

Lin Yun measured the strengths of Lin Ying and Zhang Wei in his heart, and then said to them: “After you pass the first floor, come out directly, don’t enter the second floor.”

Lin Ying and Zhang Wei nodded obediently. Both of them were obedient to Lin Yun, so as long as they nodded, Lin Yun didn’t have to worry about them going to die.

After speaking to Zhang Wei and Lin Ying, Lin Yun turned to Nangongyan, Yun Ruoxi, Murong Xue, and the six great geniuses and said, “With your strength, it is no problem to pass the first floor, but It’s hard to say on the second floor. It’s up to you to decide whether to go to the second floor or not.”

After speaking, Lin Yun turned his head again and said to Prince Nangong, Shangguan Xia Yan, and Hua Meinan: “I believe that with your strength, you can successfully pass the second floor, but the third floor is difficult to say. Don’t go to the third floor, it’s also up to you to decide.”

Lin Yun only gave advice and reminders to each of them, but did not make decisions for them. After all, everyone’s fate should be controlled by themselves.

If they choose to go, they may be lost, but it may also be life-changing. The choices of each of them will determine their future life.


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