Eternal Martial Emperor Chapter 634: Transaction


The Bone Eagle King looked at Lin Yun and seemed to have seen Lin Yun completely: “The power you hide has two stages. The strength of the first stage is equivalent to the peak of the ninth-level martial king.”

“The strength of the second stage has completely surpassed Wuzong. As for the level of Wuzong, it has yet to be verified. But what is certain is that its strength is definitely above me.”

“However, in the second stage, it cannot be maintained for a long time, and it cannot be used again in the short term, and even after use, you will fall into a weak state because of this.”

“It is for this reason that when Beiyan attacked Nanxia, ​​you let go of the Beiyan army. Because at that time you were already in a weak state and could no longer fight, otherwise how could you let dozens of Ten thousand enemy troops slip away before your eyes?”

Lin Yun said with a blank face: “It seems that you have done a good job of my intelligence work. I have to admit that you are indeed different from the enemies I have seen before. You are not like them. Ignorance is a very cautious person.”

The Bone Eagle King said with a smile: “As the saying goes, know yourself and the enemy, and win every battle. This is the belief I have always implemented.”

“But are you sure, have you really understood me thoroughly?” Lin Yun’s voice was still cold, too cold to have any emotion.

The Bone Eagle King smiled confidently: “Of course I know, you haven’t used all your cards.”

“Because you have an artifact on your body, and something similar to the Martial Spirit of the Great Wilderness.”

Lin Yun was not surprised to hear the words of the White Bone Eagle King. Because the Demon Slayer Sword and the Great Desolate Demon God had both been revealed to the public, it was only natural for the White Bone Eagle King to know.

After a short pause, the Bone Eagle King continued: “The power of that divine weapon is indeed very terrifying. If it is hit from the front, even if I am a strong martial artist, there is absolutely no possibility of surviving.”

“If you can still use that hidden power, use that artifact in the second stage, and you can kill me in an instant.”

“But unfortunately, you can’t use that power anymore. At your current speed, it’s impossible to hit me head-on.”

“As for that thing similar to the Martial Spirit, it has two abilities. The first is to move in space, and the second is to control everything.”

Obviously, the Bone Eagle King did not know that the Great Desolate Demon God also had the ability to attack mentally.

Because there were only a few people at the scene when Lin Yun launched a mental attack. And those people are also dead, only Dongfang Zhan and Xue Rengui are left.

Whether it was Dongfang Zhan or Xue Rengui, they all placed Lin Yun’s secrets very much, so they didn’t leak Lin Yun’s information to others, not even Prime Minister Li knew about it, and neither would the Bone Eagle King.

The Bone Eagle King added: “Space movement not only consumes a lot of money, but also has a very limited moving distance.”

“You once took three people and moved from the fortress of the former Nanxia fortress to the wilderness a few miles away. However, they were quickly overtaken by the enemy, which eventually led to the fall of the former Nanxia King.”

“If you could have moved farther, it wouldn’t have turned out the way it was, but why wouldn’t you do that? Obviously because of the limited range.”

The Bone Eagle King pointed to an elder, and then said to Lin Yun: “We use a tracking-shaped martial soul awakener here. He can instantly grasp the movements of everyone within a hundred miles. If you want to use the space ability to escape. If so, I advise you to give up!”

Lin Yun still did not speak, nor did he show any expression on his face, so that the White Bone Eagle King could not guess what he was thinking at all.

The Bone Eagle King went on to say: “As for the ability to control everything, I have also carefully analyzed it. In essence, this ability is not much different from telekinesis. The biggest difference is that this ability has a greater amount of control. .It can control hundreds of thousands or even more objects at the same time.”

“But the mass that can be manipulated has a certain upper limit. And the manipulation time will also decrease as the mass increases. When the mass of the object exceeds a certain critical value, this ability will completely lose its effect. “

“According to the laws of nature, mass is equal to energy. Vitality is also a type of energy. If the reserves of vitality in my body are converted into mass, it has exceeded this critical value.”

“So your control of all things has no effect on me, at least with your current mental power, it has no effect on me at all.”

Speaking of this, the Bone Eagle King flicked his palm, revealing several red crystal fragments.

Seeing the crystal fragments here, Lin Yun’s eyes flashed with surprise, because this is the soul jade fragment that seals the remnant soul of his previous life.

In the hands of the Bone Eagle King, there were seven or eight fragments in total, and each of them was considered relatively large.

If Lin Yun can absorb all the remnants in these fragments, his spiritual consciousness will be greatly improved.

The Bone Eagle King is obviously prepared: “I know you are looking for these things, and I also know that after you absorb them, you can greatly improve your mental power.”

“While I don’t understand why you can do this, it is what it is. That’s why I’m collecting these things.”

The Bone Eagle King held all the pieces in his hands: “I know you won’t be so easy to give me your hidden power. So now I’m going to use these things to make a deal with you.”

☆◎Update…F is the fastest on q3{

“As long as you give me the hidden power and the artifact, I will give you these things, and let you and your wife leave, promise not to shoot you. You can even consider helping You fight against assassination clubs.”

“If you don’t choose to trade with us, then I’ll have to kill you and her and take the artifact out of your hands.”

“Although it’s a pity that I didn’t get that hidden power, it didn’t cost me anything to get that artifact.”

“Now tell me, what is your decision?” The White Bone Eagle King looked at Lin Yun with sincere eyes. Although his eyes were sincere, he couldn’t deceive Lin Yun at all.

Because Lin Yun could see through his eyes, from his deep eyes, he could see a trace of cunning hidden deeply.

Just seeing this look, Lin Yun can already be sure that even if he really gave him the Demon God Core Crystal and the Demon Killing Sword, he would never keep his promise.

Because Lin Yun’s prehistoric devil is something he can’t take away. For what he cannot get, he would rather destroy it. After all, this thing is too threatening to him, and he can’t tolerate the existence of this thing.

“Unfortunately, I have no interest in this transaction.” Lin Yun calmly said a sentence, which has already made his meaning very clear.

“Really? That’s really a pity.” The Bone Eagle King sighed regretfully, and a sharp killing intent flashed in his eyes.


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