Eternal Martial Emperor Chapter 627: Zoom in!


The nano-sword qi instantly severes the barrier, and the power of the nano-sword qi is also depleted.

No. 9 took the opportunity to jump away, and Lin Yun, who had arrived late, slammed into the city wall directly, knocking out a large gap in the city wall. The soldiers nearby were all affected, and they were blown away by the shock wave.

Number 10 was also implicated as a result, and was blown away by the powerful wind.

The next second, the hidden weapon box suspended above his head turned to sprinkle hidden weapons on Lin Yun.

The gap Lin Yun knocked out of the city wall was filled with a large number of hidden weapons in an instant, and Lin Yun was completely buried by these hidden weapons.


There was only a loud explosion, and all the hidden weapons were blasted into the air.

Lin Yun stood out from the pile of hidden weapons and landed on the city wall not far away.

Numbers 6, 9, and 10, three people are standing on the city wall not far away, surrounding Lin Yun from three different directions.


“This kid has extraordinary defensive power, you help me buy time, I want to use that move.” No. 6 said coldly to the other two.

No. 10 nodded: “Understood, leave it to me.”

After finishing speaking, No. 10 launched an attack on Lin Yun with No. 9.

And No. 6 stepped aside, and the barrier that enveloped the entire royal city suddenly folded into six sides and became six separate squares.

Six squares close to each other and fit together perfectly to form a giant geometric cube.

This huge geometric cube is suspended in mid-air, and its volume begins to shrink and shrink.

It is from the initial length and width of several kilometers, to the next length and width of hundreds of meters, to the later tens of meters, and then shrinks to a few meters.

Until the end, it turned into a palm-sized cube, just suspended in the palm of No. 6.

The air in the original cube is also compressed proportionally with the compression of the cube.

Hundreds of millions of cubic meters of air are compressed into a space of only one cubic centimeter with high density, and its density is beyond common sense.

In this state, the air is no longer transparent and colorless, but a translucent dark blue.

If such a high-density and high-pressure gas rebounds in an instant, its power is unimaginable.

Seeing that No. 6’s move has been prepared, No. 9 and No. 10 are very interested in withdrawing.

No. 6 suddenly jumped from the ground, relying on the barrier as a pedal, jumped several times in mid-air, rose to a height of 100 meters, and then threw the cube in his hand towards the area where Lin Yun was.

No. 6 chooses the throwing position, which is exactly in a horizontal line with Lin Yun and the coalition forces outside the city.

From his position, throw the cube towards Lin Yun. If it doesn’t hit Lin Yun, it will just fall into the coalition army outside the city.

So Lin Yun can’t dodge, because once he dodges, at least tens of thousands of coalition troops will die without a whole body.

Seeing that cube descended from the sky, Lin Yun immediately blessed the skeleton sword with the power and vitality of his martial soul.

Death Sword Art – Fifth Form!

Lin Yun slashed a sword towards the sky, releasing an invisible nano sword energy, which was quickly released towards the sky.

The cube containing the high-density gas was slashed by the invisible nano sword energy when it was halfway down, and it was instantly broken in half from the middle.

And the high-density gas that was compressed into the cube suddenly exploded in a thousandth of a second, forming a shock wave of air that was devastating!


An earth-shattering, terrifying loud noise instantly rang through the whole world!

The devastating shock wave suddenly fell from the sky, sweeping the city below.

In an instant, the building fell apart, the city wall collapsed outwards, and all the soldiers were blown into the sky.


Nangong Yingran and Shangguan Baiye, along with the injured Nangong Yan, several silver lieutenants, and dozens of soldiers, boarded a ship, which had already sailed twenty or thirty miles away.

They suddenly heard an earth-shattering explosion from the battlefield behind them, and they couldn’t help but turn around and look back.

The moment they turned around, everyone was stunned.

I saw a tumbling cloud of air exploded over the Wangcheng. A wave of air with a height of tens of meters, mixed with a lot of dust and ashes, swept out along the ground like a tsunami, sweeping everything along the way. , have been involved in the sky.

Buildings were razed to the ground, trees were uprooted, and even the water in the lake was swept up by the air waves.

The raging air wave spread all the way for more than ten miles. When it spread to everyone’s ship, it still blew the ship around in the water and almost overturned the ship.

After finally stabilizing the ship, another wave of water attacked the ship up and down.

With the joint efforts of dozens of soldiers, the ship was finally stabilized so that it was not overturned by the waves.

“What happened over there?” A soldier asked in horror after the ship was stabilized.

He couldn’t believe it, it would be a human battle, the devastation.

If he hadn’t known that there were warriors fighting over there, he would definitely have thought that the earth-shattering explosion was caused by the fall of a meteorite.

The other soldiers also secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva, secretly rejoicing in their hearts, fortunately they left early, otherwise I am afraid that there will be no bones left now.

Not only these ordinary soldiers, but even the few silver lieutenants, and even the two generals Nangong Yingran and Shangguan Baiye, all had expressions of shock on their faces.

After a while, a female doctor walked out of the cabin.

This female doctor is not very old, or even a girl at all.

It’s just her frosty face that makes her look mature at her age.

There is no doubt that this female doctor is Xiao Shuang.

“How is the Queen’s injury?” Nangong Yingran immediately stepped forward and asked Xiao Shuang.

The injury on Nangong Yan’s body was caused by Prince Nangong’s thunder and lightning unicorns, and people who are not skilled enough in medical treatment can’t really cure him.

When Nangong Yingran took Nangong Yan away, he was going to take another Nanxia military doctor by the way. However, the situation was so urgent that he had no time to find a military doctor.

And this girl from the Ice Palace just happened to claim to have mastered medical skills, and was willing to evacuate with her to heal the queen.

Although Nangong Yingran had some doubts in his heart, whether this girl’s medical skills were really good, but in a hurry, he didn’t think much about it, and took the girl away with him.

After all, all the military doctors in Nanxia are men, and Nangong Yangui is a daughter of gold, making it inconvenient for male doctors to contact her. It is more convenient to have a female doctor treat her.

Hearing Nangong Yingran’s question, Xiao Shuang nodded slightly: “The injury is no longer a serious problem, and it will be cured soon after a little breath adjustment.”

As soon as she finished speaking, her eyes fell on the water in the distance. There is a figure there, stepping on the water and running fast, approaching the ship…


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