Eternal Martial Emperor Chapter 607: Exercise


Shi Zhenxiang stretched out the ring finger of her right hand, and released a silk thread of vitality from the fingertip, which was connected to the second metal puppet.

The ring finger trembled slightly, and the second metal puppet raised both hands to aim at Lin Yun. The cassette in the palm of the hand slammed open, and two afterimages shot out from the open cassette.

Lin Yun had already turned on the micro state at this time. He could clearly see that the two afterimages were actually two flat darts, and the detonating symbols were attached to the darts.

This is not the first- and second-level detonating charms that are common in the Nanxia market, but the fourth-level detonating charms that are enough to injure a martial king!

I am afraid that even the current Lin Yun will suffer a certain degree of damage after being hit by this detonating charm.

Lin Yun didn’t dare to neglect at all, and hurriedly moved to one side. The two darts landed on his original position, and instantly burst into two scorching light groups, which merged together in a blink of an eye, converging into a ten-meter-high dust cloud.

Lin Yun suddenly shot out of the dust cloud, making a big circle to avoid the metal bullets that were fired, and charged towards Shi Zhenxiang from the side.

After Lin Yun’s punch just now, Shi Zhenxiang knew very well in her heart that he was not the boy’s opponent in melee combat, so he absolutely couldn’t let this boy get close.

The ring finger is hooked down, and the second puppet’s forehead, eyes, nostrils, mouth, chest, abdomen, and lower body, all the cassettes of the whole body are opened at the same time, and a dozen darts are shot out at the same time.

At the same time, Lin Yun also folded his hands and threw all the gold coins that had been caught between his fingers forward.

Every gold coin hits a dart in mid-air, changing the direction of the dart through the impact. Let those darts that were flying towards Lin Yun raise their angles and shoot towards the sky.

Lin Yun broke through the barrier in an instant, rushed unobstructed in front of Shi Zhenxiang, and punched Shi Zhenxiang.

A flash of panic flashed in Shi Zhenxiang’s eyes, and she hurriedly waved her right hand. A bull-headed giant with a height of five meters and a giant shield and axe stood in front of him out of thin air.

Shi Zhenxiang hadn’t had time to shoot the silk thread of vitality to connect the limbs of the bull-headed giant puppet to the body. Lin Yun’s thunderous punch had already hit the shield in the hands of the tauren.


With a terrifying loud noise, the thick shield was smashed into a dent in an instant, and the five-meter-tall bull-headed giant puppet flew out with Shi Zhenxiang.

The two directly collided with the rock mass behind the martial arts field, knocking the rock mass out of a pit with a diameter of ten meters, and the cobweb-like cracks instantly spread across the entire concave surface.

All the members of the puppet sect present were stunned to see this shocking picture, completely speechless by Lin Yun’s strength.

Under the shocked gazes of everyone, Shi Zhenxiang pushed the cumbersome bull-headed giant away, climbed out of the concave surface of the rock mass, and looked at Lin Yun with solemn eyes.

His puppets are all made of Zhenjin, which is a high-grade mysterious treasure. Not only is it indestructible, but it can also absorb part of the impact force and attenuate the damage caused by the blow.

Even he can’t destroy these puppets, but the boy in front of this seventh-level martial artist smashed a shield thicker than ordinary puppets with one punch. This is simply incredible!

Lin Yun stood on the spot and said expressionlessly: “Sect Master Shi, if you have any other means, just take it out.”

Lin Yun’s words made Shi Zhenxiang completely annoyed and angry. He had never been looked down upon by anyone in most of his life, but today he is being looked down upon by a young man.

“Don’t be complacent!” Shi Zhenxiang raised her hand and waved angrily, and then seven strangely shaped metal puppets appeared in front of him out of thin air.

The seven puppets are two puppets in the shape of assassins, two puppets in the form of Buddha statues, and three puppets in animal shapes.

Adding the previous three puppets, Shi Zhenxiang had a total of ten puppets in front of her.

Shi Zhenxiang raised her hands and stretched forward, her ten fingers were separated from each other, and ten blue vitality threads shot out of the fingers, which were connected to the ten puppets respectively.

Each strand of vitality is divided into six when connecting the puppet, connecting the puppet’s limbs, body and head respectively.

“In order to deal with a young man, the sect master took out ten puppets, which is incredible!”

“Even if he had fought against the powerhouse of the eighth-level martial king, the suzerain only used five puppets. Is this young man stronger than the eighth-level martial king?”

The members of the puppet sect present were extremely shocked, but also very excited at the same time. Because they were finally able to see with their own eyes how Shi Zhenxiang manipulated the ten puppets.

I saw Shi Zhenxiang raised her left hand, hooked her thumb inward, and a two-meter-tall Buddha statue clasped its palms together, making a standard Buddhist movement.

An invisible barrier spread out from the Buddha statue, covering Shi Zhenxiang.

Then Shi Zhenxiang raised her right hand and hooked her thumb inward. Another Buddha puppet also folded her palms together, and a large magic circle spread out from under it, instantly covering the space within a kilometer.

After being enveloped by this magic circle, Lin Yun immediately felt that his reaction power had dropped a lot. And Shi Zhenxiang, who was also in this circle, was completely unaffected by the slowdown of the circle, and instead became more sensitive.

The function of this magic circle can not only attenuate the strength of the enemy, but also increase the strength of one’s own, with a very powerful auxiliary.

“Then I’ll show you how good my “exercise” is! “While Shi Zhenxiang was speaking, the three fingers of her left hand were lifted up.

The orange phoenix, cyan geese, and blue crows, three animal-shaped puppets, flew off the ground at the same time, hovering above his head.

The **** of the right hand were hooked down at the same time, and both the puppet puppet and the cassette puppet launched long-range attacks on Lin Yun at the same time.

A large number of metal warheads and darts carrying detonating charms rained down on Lin Yun.

Lin Yun immediately turned into an afterimage, moving around Shi Zhenxiang at a high speed on the scene, in order to avoid the dense attacks.

After being weakened by the large magic circle, Lin Yun’s reaction speed is no longer as fast as before, but he still seems to be able to dodge these attacks with ease.


Shi Zhenxiang frowned slightly, and moved the index fingers of both hands at the same time, and the two assassin-shaped puppets directly turned into two phantoms, rushing towards Lin Yun at an extremely fast speed.

The two assassin puppets are a man and a woman. The man holds double hooks in both hands and the woman holds two daggers. The two rushed towards Lin Yun with almost the same speed.

When they were about to approach Lin Yun, the two quickly dispersed to both sides, and at the same time flanked Lin Yun from both sides.

Lin Yun immediately took out the skull sword, and while dodging the metal bullets that came from the strafing, he dealt with the two puppets.

Shi Zhenxiang moved three fingers of her left hand, and the three animal puppets in the sky also attacked Lin Yun at the same time…


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