Eternal Martial Emperor Chapter 601: Rise of the sword


“Having the most yin and cold vitality, and can freeze things in an instant, you must be the number one hidden powerhouse in the southeastern region, Bai Hanbing, the master of the Ice Palace, right?”

The cold voice of the mysterious man suddenly sounded in the extremely quiet inn, making the already depressing atmosphere even more depressing.

First appearance

Everyone held their breath and listened to the mysterious man’s words in shock, with only one thought in their minds.

Who the **** are these guys…?

The arrogant and arrogant bearded strong man has now been completely frightened.

Although he has never walked out of the Nanchang Kingdom, he has no knowledge of the foreign world and does not know what the concept of the Southeast region is. But what is the most yin and cold vitality, what is the hidden first powerhouse, and what is the palace master of the Ice Palace, it looks very powerful when you hear it.

In addition, just touching the woman just now made his entire arm freeze, which made him even more convinced that he had provoked someone he shouldn’t have provoked today.

“Don’t forget our mission.” The mysterious woman reminded her companions.

The mysterious man said coldly: “It’s boring to win all the time. I just want to find someone to learn from, and it won’t get in the way.”

“Since the two of you know the identity of this palace, you must not be idle, so why hide your identity?” Bai Hanbing said in a cold tone.

“It is said that the ice palace master’s absolute zero temperature can freeze even flames. I have long wanted to see it.” As soon as the mysterious man finished speaking, he released a cold killing intent from his body.

“I’m afraid that when you see it, it has become my ice sculpture!” Bai Hanbing also released an uncontrollable killing intent. A gust of wind erupted from her body, causing her white robe to move with the wind, and her head was white. Hair flutters in the wind.

The mysterious man also burst into a powerful aura, and the entire inn was gusty in an instant, like a tornado blowing up, and everyone could hardly keep their eyes open.

Two terrifying killing intents intertwined and collided with each other in the inn, as if turned into substance, and even affected the surrounding things.


The teacups and rice bowls on the dinner table burst.

The dining table and bench also burst into countless cracks.

Even the surrounding wooden walls, wooden ceilings, and wooden floors began to crack with cobweb-like cracks.

The atmosphere in the entire inn was instantly suppressed to the extreme. Whether the guest or the bandit was oppressed by the murderous aura of both, they couldn’t even move their feet.

The two were still battling each other, with no intention of backing down, and they became more and more at each other’s throats. The whole scene was filled with a strong smell of gunpowder, as if a little bit would immediately detonate.


There was only a loud noise. The dining table in front of Bai Hanbing and the dining table in front of the mysterious man exploded into pieces at the same time, turning into pieces and shooting everywhere.

All the guests and thieves collapsed and shuddered in fright. Just the momentum of the two people directly shattered the dining table. What kind of terrifying existence is this?

However, this is just the beginning of the two-player game.

Immediately afterwards, the two mysterious people stood up at the same time as Lin Yun and others. And the bench behind them also shattered at that moment.

Bang bang bang bang!

All the tables and benches in the inn exploded one after another. The wooden walls and ceilings also began to decompose one after another.


With a terrifying loud noise, the wood-built house disintegrated in an instant, and the entire inn fell apart, bursting into countless fragments of debris, which were violently shot out.

The guests and thieves in the house were blasted out by the invisible repulsion force, and they fell on the street and rolled continuously.

The two mysterious people, Lin Yun and others, all stood in their original positions as if nothing had happened, and did not care about the disintegrated inn.

Those guests and thieves were so frightened that they wanted to flee to the ends of the earth.

This group of people has already demolished the inn before the fight started. Don’t you want to tear down the whole town?

“It will hurt innocent people if we fight here, why don’t we move to another place.” King Zhen suggested.

“Hurt the innocent? Sorry, I don’t care about that.” The mysterious woman said with a sneer, without any intention of changing places.

She is very clear in her heart that if she fights in such a place, the opponent will have concerns and will not be able to exert her full strength, so she can’t change the place.

“You guys, let’s evacuate the townspeople.” Lin Yun said to Zhang Wei and a few lieutenants behind him, saying that he wanted them to evacuate the townspeople, but in fact he wanted them to stay out of the way and not get involved in the battle. , because this battle is simply not something they can mix.

“Yes.” Zhang Wei and several lieutenants clasped their fists respectfully, then scattered and jumped away. Only Lin Yun, Zhen Guojun, and Bai Hanbing were left, facing off against the two mysterious people.

“It’s boring to win all the time.” The mysterious man took off his straw hat and pulled off his black clothes, revealing his original appearance.

This is a man in his thirties. He has long purple hair and a strange metal mask on his face. His right arm is broken from the elbow, and a metal spike is installed at the break.

As expected by Lin Yun and Bai Hanbing, the man’s forehead was also marked with a meteor dart totem, and the number engraved under the totem was “7”.

Seeing the number “7”, Zhen Guojun narrowed his eyes slightly, showing vigilance and solemnity.

According to the information currently held by the Alliance, the assassins of the Assassination Society do not have names. The numbers on their foreheads are both their names and their rankings in the Assassination Society.

The number of Beiyan Warring States Marshal is “11”, which means that he ranks eleventh among the assassins of the assassination society.

And this purple-haired man’s number is “7”, which means that he ranks seventh among the assassins of the assassination club.

The Warring States Marshal ranked eleventh, and his cultivation base has already reached the seventh-level Martial King, and the cultivation base of this purple-haired man must be far above him.

“Give it to me, Palace Master Hanbing, and you can deal with this old guy.” On the 7th, he glanced at the king of Zhen and said to the mysterious woman behind him, while Lin Yun was completely ignored by him.

“What is your mission in the Kingdom of Nanchang?” Bai Hanbing burst out with yin and cold vitality, condensing a golden scepter of ice, and then stretched out his right hand to grasp the scepter. The whole body was instantly covered with ice armor.

“No comment!” No. 7 waved his right hand and swept the spikes in his hand horizontally, clearly not touching the ground, but instantly left a deep groove on the ground.

“Then go to hell!” Bai Hanbing pointed forward with his ice scepter, and the ground in the area where No. 7 was located was instantly frozen with a layer of ice.

The members of the two assassination clubs turned into two phantoms and spread out to the sides before the ice on the ground appeared.

While No. 7 jumped to one side, the metal spike in his right hand was aimed at Bai Hanbing.

A dart made of high-concentration vitality suddenly shot out of the metal spikes and shot at Bai Hanbing at three times the speed of sound.


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