Eternal Martial Emperor Chapter 597: Lin Yun VS Bai Hanbing


In Bai Hanbing’s opinion, even if Lin Yun has two kinds of bloodlines, it is impossible for her to defeat the ninth-level martial king at the level of a seventh-level martial artist.

With such a huge gap in cultivation, no matter what means Lin Yun uses, there is absolutely no hope of winning.

Therefore, Bai Hanbing never thought about what would happen if he lost to Lin Yun. She only thought that as long as she defeated Lin Yun, she would be able to obtain the bloodline in Lin Yun’s body.

Lin Yun felt relieved when Bai Hanbing agreed. To be at the helm of a sect, he must speak with one word. As long as it is promised, it will be done.

“Don’t say I’m bullying the small, you go first.” Bai Hanbing looked at Lin Yun and said indifferently.

Lin Yun did not speak, but silently activated the power of the Demon God Nucleus.

His skin immediately turned red and smoked, and his eyes turned scarlet and blood red, like a newly awakened devil.

Because the temperature of the iceberg is very low, the smoke coming out of Lin Yun’s body is larger than normal.

Seeing the changes on Lin Yun’s body, Bai Hanbing frowned slightly, as if she noticed that Lin Yun was a little different from before, but she couldn’t tell what was different.




The ice surface under Lin Yun’s feet burst into countless cobweb-like cracks in the blink of an eye.

Bai Hanbing noticed the change at Lin Yun’s feet, but in the next instant, her pupils shrank inward.

The moment her pupils shrank, Lin Yun turned into an afterimage and came in front of her, punching her chest with a punch.


Bai Hanbing was startled, and hurriedly raised his hand to resist.

A transparent ice shield instantly appeared on her palm, blocking her face.

Lin Yun smashed the ice shield with a punch, and the ice shield blessed by Bai Hanbing’s vitality was instantly smashed into pieces, turning into shards of ice scattered all over the sky.

Bai Hanbing also flew backwards 100 meters and settled down 100 meters away. But Lin Yun’s figure appeared behind her when she settled down.

Before Bai Hanbing could react, Lin Yun swept over and swept her away from the side.

And Lin Yun also rushed out immediately, and then the first to catch up with Bai Hanbing in mid-air, and launched a series of attacks on her.

Bai Hanbing’s body immediately erupted from the yin to the cold, and it swept around like a cold current, forming a shroud of vitality with a diameter of five meters, and it bounced Lin Yun directly out a hundred meters.

The use of vitality by a martial artist will increase to a higher level every time it is promoted to a new realm.

This is the same reason that the use of spiritual power by warriors will increase with the improvement of spiritual consciousness.

A warrior in the warrior realm can only condense vitality to a certain part of the body to concentrate on strengthening that part.

For example, concentrating vitality on the fist to strengthen the power of the fist.

For example, the vitality is gathered on the soles of the feet, so that the soles of the feet have an adsorption force, which can fly over the walls and walk on the walls.

This move using vitality is called “primitive energy condensation”.

As for warriors in the martial arts realm, they can pour their vitality into other objects.

For example, by pouring vitality into the sword to increase the sharpness of the sword.

Another example is to inject vitality into the armor to increase the structural strength of the armor.

This technique of using vitality is called “primitive energy instillation”.

And the warriors in the realm of martial kings use their vitality to a higher level.

They can directly release their vitality, forming a defensive cover outside the body that can bounce off everything and have both offense and defense.

This type of move that uses vitality is called “Original Qi Mask”.

The move Bai Hanbing used at this time was the “Energy Mask” that only King Wu could use.

In addition to “Original Energy Condensation”, “Original Energy Infusion”, and “Original Energy Cover”, there are also “Original Energy Ray”, “Original Jade Bullet”, and “Original Nuclear Bomb”.

These six moves to use vitality are collectively referred to as the “six types of vitality” by warriors.

However, the following three moves can only be used by warriors who have cultivated to the realm of Wuzong, Wuhuang, and Wusheng.

After flinging Lin Yun with the “Original Qi Mask”, Bai Hanbing immediately gathered his vitality and formed a crystal-clear scepter like an ice sculpture behind her.


The surface of this ice scepter is brightly golden, and it is obviously a heaven-level martial spirit comparable to Lin Yun’s Demon God’s Sword!

Bai Hanbing did not intend to use his martial arts against Lin Yun at first, but Lin Yun’s strength far exceeded her expectations, so she had to use her martial arts now.

Seeing Bai Hanbing’s spirit, the members of the Ice Palace present were completely stunned.

Martial spirit is the last card of every martial artist, taking out martial spirit is equivalent to showing all his strength, even Bai Hanbing is no exception.

Bai Hanbing used her martial soul in the battle with Lin Yun, which showed that she had to go all out in the face of Lin Yun.

All the members of the Ice Palace couldn’t believe that a teenager of the seventh-level martial artist realm forced their palace master to have to go all out. This is simply incredible!

“The winter has come.” Bai Hanbing held the ice scepter in his right hand, and a large amount of cold air gathered on her body, forming a set of crystal clear ice armor, which looked dazzling in the sun.

Lin Yun climbed up from the ice and turned into an afterimage, rushing towards Bai Hanbing. Wherever he passed, the ice cracked, and the smoothie several meters high was raised backwards.

Bai Hanbing held the ice scepter and pointed at Lin Yun’s location.

A large amount of cold air converges towards the area pointed by the scepter, instantly freezing things in that area, and even the air plummets to absolute zero.

At this extreme low temperature, objects will not have any heat and no microorganisms will survive.

But before the cold air gathered, Lin Yun was already far away from that area.

Even though Bai Hanbing’s Martial Soul ability can freeze the designated area in a tenth of a second, he still can’t hit Lin Yun accurately.

Because Lin Yun’s speed is so fast, he can move dozens of meters in just 0.1 second.

And the freezing range of Bai Hanbing’s Martial Soul ability is only a few meters in diameter.

Even if Bai Hanbing made a prediction on Lin Yun’s movement trajectory, and then used his martial soul ability at the pre-judgment position, it would still be difficult for him to freeze Lin Yun.

In just a blink of an eye, Lin Yun avoided Bai Hanbing’s attack twice and detoured behind Bai Hanbing again.

Bai Hanbing did not use the “Vitality Mask” this time, but let Lin Yun’s attack fall on the ice armor on her body.

When Lin Yun hit the icy armor with a punch, the icy armor instantly shattered and turned into a cold air that swept out, freezing everything around him.

After being swept away by the cold air, Lin Yun’s body surface temperature instantly cooled to zero degrees, the original reddish skin instantly returned to normal color, and the temperature inside the body also plummeted to normal temperature.

The power of the Demon God’s core crystal was suppressed in this brief moment, and Lin Yun’s body reaction speed also dropped to freezing point in an instant, as if he was frozen.


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