Eternal Martial Emperor Chapter 573: Lin Yun wakes up! ! !


“The trash has finally been cleaned up.” Dongfang Zhan glanced at the battlefield, directly ignoring the two girls Nangong Yan and Lin Ying, and charged towards Lin Yun with guns in hand.

Lin Ying backed up with Lin Yun on her back, while Nangong Yan bravely stood in front of her and urged her vitality to condense her martial soul.

“Even the three major evildoers have fallen, so why do you want to fight me?” Dongfang Zhan sneered disdainfully, and then stabbed forward with a spear, releasing several spears in a row, stinging Nangong Yan three after another. shoot over.

Nangong Yan also slashed several swords in a row, slashing out several sword qi in a row, and collided with the spear light head-on.

When the sword qi hit the spear, it was like an egg hitting a stone, and it was dissipated everywhere in the blink of an eye.

After dissipating the sword qi, the power of the spear light did not diminish at all, and then lashed at Nangong Yan, blasting her upside down.

Nangongyan fell to the ground ten meters away, her whole body was covered with bruises and blood was pouring out of the wound.

Lin Ying immediately turned around and ran away with Lin Yun on her back, but before she took a few steps, Dongfang Zhan swept the gun forward, and the powerful vitality swept forward along the ground, the floor where she passed. burst into pieces.

Lin Ying and Lin Yun were blown away together. The two flew more than ten meters away, and after landing, they rolled several meters before stopping.

As soon as Lin Ying got up from the ground, Dongfang Zhan had already appeared in front of her.

Lin Ying did not beg for mercy as she did last time, because she knew that even if she begged for mercy, the enemy would not let Lin Yun go.

She directly took out a self-destruction talisman, stuck it on her body without hesitation, looked at Dongfang Zhan indomitably, and said unswervingly: “If you want to move Brother Yun, just step over my body first! “

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Seeing Lin Ying’s actions, Dongfang Zhan was a little surprised, but more contemptuous.

He raised his gun and pointed the tip of the gun to Lin Ying’s forehead: “Do you think that I, a dignified and powerful warrior, would be afraid of a samurai’s self-destruction?”

The power of a samurai’s self-destruction is, at most, about the same as Prince Nangong’s full blow. Attacks of this level can no longer threaten the lives of the martial kings and strongmen, not to mention Dongfang Zhan also has a defensive martial spirit.

Lin Ying stared at the tip of the gun less than half an inch away from her, and said without fear: “Of course I know that my self-destruction will not threaten your life at all. But even so, I have to do it, because this It’s the only thing I can do for Brother Yun now…”

Nangong Yan, who was seriously injured and unable to move, was lying on the ground not far away at this time, looking at Lin Ying with touching eyes, feeling deeply in her heart.

This girl, who is usually very weak, has shown extraordinary tenacity at this moment.

It was only then that Nangongyan suddenly discovered that the girl who had always been with Lin Yun as a “sister” loved Lin Yun more than her fiancee, who was already married to Lin Yun.

Compared to this “sister”‘s love for Lin Yun, her fiancee’s love for Lin Yun is not even a real love, but a love that grew out of admiration.

“Since you want to die for him so much, then I will fulfill you.” Dongfang Zhan said a word coldly, then retracted his gun, and stabbed it forward.

The gun pierced through the air at high speed and broke the sound barrier, and stabbed at Lin Ying with a piercing scream.

At the moment when the tip of the gun was about to stab Lin Ying’s eyebrows, a figure suddenly flashed in front of Lin Ying, a reddish and smoking hand grabbed the gun like lightning.

The movement of the Dongfang Zhan stab froze suddenly, and the war spear, which had been stabbed at supersonic speed just a moment ago, stopped abruptly when it was grasped by that hand.

The entire scene froze as if time had stopped, falling into a terrifying silence.

Dongfang Zhan maintained the stabbing movement, froze in place like a stone sculpture. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t let the gun advance any further.

When Dongfang Zhan looked at the man who grabbed the gun, his pupils shrank inward, and his eyes instantly filled with horror and fear.

Because that person is Lin Yun who scared him to pee his pants in the former military fortress!

Lin Yun at this time is very different from before. His skin was red and shiny, and the surface of his body was still smoking. His eyes turned blood red, very ferocious and terrifying, like an ancient devil who had just woken up.

“Brother Yun…” Looking at Lin Yun’s back, Lin Ying instantly burst into tears of joy. It seems that as long as Lin Yun can wake up safely, nothing else matters.

“I’m sorry Sakura…”

Lin Yun looked back at Lin Ying, and she smiled softly: “Brother Yun has made you suffer again.”

Lin Ying wiped away the crystal tears from the corners of her eyes, revealing a smile like a rebirth after a catastrophe: “As long as Brother Yun is okay, Xiao Ying will not suffer at all.”

Lin Yun turned his head slowly, and his smile gradually subsided. When the scarlet eyes like the magic lamp fell on Dongfang Zhan, his eyes suddenly flashed with the cold killing intent of death!


Only a crisp sound was heard, and the gun in Lin Yun’s hand was instantly crushed and ripped into pieces.

Dongfang Zhan was so frightened that his body trembled, he involuntarily took a few steps back, and looked at Lin Yun with horror like a ghost.

This is a treasure of the middle class of the Xuan rank, and it is as fragile as tofu scum in his hands!

“Strange…monster!” Dongfang Zhan shouted in horror, throwing down the remnant gun in his hand, and hurriedly turned to flee.

But as soon as he escaped a few dozen meters away, Lin Yun’s devilish figure suddenly flashed in front of him. Before he could react, he grabbed his head with one hand and forcibly brought him back .

Dongfang Zhan desperately found that in front of this palm, he was so weak that he had no resistance. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t break free from the shackles of this hand.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Yun forcibly brought Dongfang Zhan to Nangongyan, pressing his head firmly on the ground, crushing the floor with enormous force.

Then Lin Yun stepped on it and crushed his entire head into the dirt. No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn’t break free from Lin Yun’s feet.

At the feet of Lin Yun, he is like a weak caterpillar, without any resistance at all, he can only be slaughtered by Lin Yun.

Lin Yun exhaled a breath of hot air from his mouth, then took out his usual skull sword and handed it to Nangong Yan.

Nangongyan looked up at Lin Yun, her tearful eyes full of emotion.

Although Lin Yun didn’t speak, it was obvious that he gave her the sword, that is, to give her the right to life and death in the Eastern War.

Dongfang Zhan was the main culprit who killed the King of Nanxia. Naturally, she, the Princess of Nanxia, ​​had to kill herself in order to pay homage to the spirit of the King of Nanxia in heaven.

Nangongyan did not speak, but silently took the skull sword and poured her vitality into it.

Lin Yun slapped Dongfang Zhan’s back with a palm, smashing the protective vitality of his Martial King Realm and the anti-injury armor covering his body.

This scene completely shocked Nangong Yan.

The armor that resisted all the attacks of the three monsters was completely shattered under the palm of Lin Yun’s hand, and it was as fragile as paper.

After smashing the anti-injury armor of the Eastern War, Lin Yun pulled the armor fragments from him again, exposing his entire neck.

“Father, Yan’er will take revenge for you today!” Nangong Yan looked up at the sky with tears streaming down her face and shouted heart-rendingly. Then she held her sword in both hands and slashed at Dongfang Zhan’s bare neck. Down!


A cold light flashed, and bright red blood splashed up…


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