Eternal Martial Emperor Chapter 564: Nanxia will never be a slave!


The Warring States Marshal persuaded: “Don’t make useless struggles, in front of the behemoths of the assassination society, you can’t win, surrender and surrender is you

Because this golden general is none other than the traitor Dongfang Zhan who assassinated Nangong Yan’s father.

Dongfang Zhan ignored Nangongyan’s hateful gaze, and said to Neizhengjun and Wai Xiaojun: “We are just a small grain of sand in front of the giants of the assassination society.”

“We can only go with the flow in the river of fate, and there is no way to resist the shackles of fate. We can only survive by advancing bravely along the river of fate.”

“The Assassination Society has now reached its heyday and is expanding its power in a thousand countries. There are already dozens of kingdoms, which have become enslaved countries under the Assassination Society, and they are all stronger than Nanxia. If you choose to resist the assassination club, you will be doomed to be completely destroyed!”

When I heard the words of the war in the east, no matter whether the ruler of the internal affairs, the ruler of foreign affairs, or the soldiers of the whole army of Nanxia, ​​they were all furious.

“You traitor, shut up!”

“You traitorous bastard, you can’t die for the rest of your life!”

“Let Nan Xia become a slave? Pay tribute to a killer organization? Go for your Spring and Autumn Dream!”

The countries of the Tianwu Continent are divided into three types of political nature.

The first type is an independent sovereign state, which has complete sovereignty, diplomatic power, and exclusive resources, and is not controlled by any external power, and does not need to pay taxes and tribute.

The second type is the vassal state. The vassal state is not necessarily a kingdom, but can also be a monarchy or a vassal state.

Some empires are too powerful, with a land area equal to dozens or hundreds of kingdoms, so it is necessary to assign nobles with titles to various places to govern.

The territory being governed can no longer be defined by states, but by subject states.

The Kingdom of Beiyan has become a subsidiary country of the Assassination Society. Presumably, the King of Beiyan is no longer the King of Beiyan before, but has been replaced by someone sent by the Assassination Society. Even the Marshal of the Warring States period in front of him is likely to be the one sent by the assassination club.

The third type is the enslaved state. The enslaved state is a country that surrenders after being conquered by a powerful force. This kind of country can no longer be called a country, it can only be called a colony of the suzerain.

The enslaved country grows food, cultivates resources, breeds mounts, etc. for the suzerain. The treasury is not allowed to keep any resources, all of which must be presented as tribute.

This kind of country has no sovereignty and not only has to pay tribute to the suzerain, but also cannot have its own army.

And the people of the enslaved country do not have any dignity and human rights, they are no different from slaves. Not only did they have to kneel and salute the people of the suzerain, but they could not go against the wishes of the people of the suzerain.

Even if the people of the suzerain country want to enslave the women of the country as their **** slaves or playthings, the enslaved people must not violate anything and must unconditionally obey the requirements of the people of the suzerain country.

Once the Southern Xia Kingdom becomes such a country, what will happen to the fate of the people of Southern Xia can be imagined.

Men have been slaves for generations, and women have been prostitutes for generations.

The Eastern War said with awe: “I am saving the people of Nanxia. Only by choosing to surrender and become a slave country of the Assassination Society can we protect the people of Nanxia from dying in the war.”

“The Southern Xia Kingdom is still the Southern Xia Kingdom, and it is nothing more than a branch of the Assassination Society. The people of Southern Xia can still live normally and have the Assassination Society’s asylum, so why not do it?”

“Now the lives of millions of innocent people in the king’s city are all in your thoughts. If you dare to resist the army of Beiyan today, the day the city is destroyed will be the time of massacre, so think carefully about it!”

The Southern Xia defenders were a little shaken after hearing this.

The third-rank forces are too terrifying, Nanxia is difficult to compete with even Beiyan, how can they resist a third-rank force?

The forces are divided into five ranks according to their ranks, and the combat power between each rank has a difference of more than ten times.

Nanxia Kingdom is only a second-rank power, and it is completely incomparable with third-rank power.

The Ming Cult from hundreds of years ago was also a third-grade force. In the heyday of Mingjiao, how powerful the combat power was, the internal affairs monarch knew very well.

In that kind of power, there are as many as yak and even the supreme Wuzong strong!

Nanxia Kingdom is a small country, if it is against a power of that level, there is absolutely no chance of winning.

Jun Neizheng took a deep breath and said neither arrogantly nor arrogantly: “I, the people of Nanxia, ​​have no servility in my bones! I would rather die vigorously than live humbly! Nanxia will never be a slave!”

Nanxia will never be a slave!

These six words, neither humble nor arrogant, echoed in the sky for a long time.

This inspiring sentence completely aroused the blood of the soldiers in Nanxia, ​​aroused their will not to be slaves, and made their shaken hearts as firm as a rock.

All Southern Xia soldiers raised their weapons and shouted in unison.

“I would rather die vigorously than live humbly!”

“I would rather die vigorously than live humbly!”

“Nanxia will never be a slave!”

“Nanxia will never be a slave…”

For a time, the morale of the Nanxia Corps was rising.

Seeing that Nanxia soldiers refused to surrender, and the Warring States Marshal didn’t want to waste any more time, he waved forward with one hand domineeringly: “Attack!”

A dull bugle sounded, and the vast Northern Yan army marched in black pressure, rushing towards the city wall like a tide.

“Defend the whole city!” The ruler of the interior gave an order, and the drums of war were thundering, shaking the sky and shaking people’s hearts.

“Fire arrows!”


The commanders of various departments issued orders one after another.

On the shooting window of the city wall, countless archers skillfully draw bows and arrows, and shoot countless arrows wrapped in talismans into the sky.

The rain of arrows poured out from the city wall, and rained down on the Beiyan army. Talismans of various attributes were excited one after another, setting off a **** storm in the vast Beiyan army.

The giant ballistas, giant catapults, and hidden weapon trains all began to operate one after another, eliminating hundreds of thousands of Beiyan soldiers in a blink of an eye.

However, these Beiyan soldiers are all miscellaneous soldiers who act as cannon fodder. The 100,000 swift jaguar iron cavalry led by the Marshal of the Warring States Period stood motionless on the spot at this time, and had no intention of doing anything at all.

The Marshal of the Warring States Period obviously planned to use the miscellaneous soldiers to consume the Southern Xia Legion first. When the Nanxia Legion was exhausted, they dispatched the swift jaguar cavalry to break through the city gate in one fell swoop.


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