The Whispering Verses Chapter 2858: Tea extraction method


Chapter 2857 Tea Extraction Method

The boat was quickly driven by Shade at the stern, avoiding the ice floes on the water and heading in the direction it came from.

Miss Bister curled up shivering, opened her mouth and breathed into her hands. She also missed the bonfire, and just when she felt her body temperature returning to normal, she noticed that Miss Wilder sitting opposite seemed to be in a trance, so she asked curiously:

“Miss Wilder, are you okay?”

The dragon witch seemed to have realized what had happened, and subconsciously wanted to see Shade again, but her face turned red and she stopped turning her head:

“It’s nothing, I just didn’t expect Mr. Hamilton’s transformation skills to be so superb. The dragon he just transformed into was really amazing.”

She wanted to say “handsome” but was embarrassed, so she temporarily changed her words to:

“Really realistic.”

Because there were a large number of ice floes on the nearby water, Shade chose the channel carefully and did not participate in the girls’ discussion for the time being.

Iluna, who didn’t look cold at all, immediately said:

“Of course, the dragon that Shade transformed into is the most handsome dragon I have ever seen.”

She said what the dragon witch was embarrassed to say, and the gray wolf girl immediately nodded:

“Yes, yes, I have seen many dragons, but the dragon transformed by Mr. Hamilton is the most handsome. Miss Wilder, you must have seen more dragons than us. Are all silver dragons so beautiful? ?”

“That’s not a silver dragon.”

Miss Wilder immediately corrected her, but she was still thinking about the appearance of the “Moonlight Dragon” she had just seen at a glance. So she carefully changed the topic to the encounter in the tower just now. She didn’t want to talk about dragons with them anymore, but in fact, she had been quietly looking at Shade at the stern of the boat.

She is different from Fiona in that she is a pure-blooded dragon, so although her aesthetics is mainly human, she has not given up the aesthetics of dragons. And whether Shade is in human form or dragon form, he is the type that will never be disliked by any dragon girl.

In other words, for pure-blooded dragon girls, he is completely “one person can fulfill two wishes.”

“Teacher, I have met someone amazing.”

Because they were worried about being targeted by other things, the boat returned very quickly. Fortunately, the group did not encounter the next attack. When everyone jumped from the boat to the gap on the fourth floor of the castle, Miss Metz by the fire immediately stood up and came to greet them. She looked quite worried:

“Just now I saw a bright light in the distance. That is the direction you are going. What did you encounter?”

“A very difficult enemy, finally defeated by Miss Wilder and Shade.”

Iluna said, and everyone who went out quickly returned to the bonfire. After feeling the warmth of the bonfire, Miss Wilder finally breathed a sigh of relief:

“It’s great to have a safe camp in such a dangerous place. I don’t want to encounter that thing again.”

The people who went out sat down after drying the water on their bodies, and Shade also released little Mia again. No one seemed to be injured, but the spirits here were difficult to recover, so the spirits consumed in the battle just now made both the gray wolf and the green dragon, who were already in poor condition, feel a little uncomfortable.

After a short rest, Iluna and the Gray Wolf girl described together how the enemy suddenly appeared and then froze the water. Although the four people who went out didn’t know what it was, Miss Metz knew it just after hearing a simple description:

“Why does this kind of thing appear here? That is the [Heartless Demon]. Legend has it that in the extreme northern ice cap of the Northern Continent, there are countless sources of terrible plagues and parasites that existed in ancient times. They are called The evil thing of ‘Heartless Worm’ is one of them. This kind of insect is similar to the water element life. It will parasitize in the living body and freeze the host’s soul and body until it is transformed into what you just saw.”

Although Miss Metz cannot explain the specific origin and parasitic principle of that insect, in short, it is really dangerous:

“It seems that if we need to go out again, we must be more careful.”

“Parasites, I hate bugs the most.”

The green dragon girl said softly, and when everyone looked at her, she explained:

“I work as a maid, and if someone catches bugs in the area I clean, I will be laughed at for a whole year.”

As she spoke, she quietly wanted to see Shade again, and then suddenly noticed the sharp eyes of the cat in Shade’s arms.

Although “sharp” is not appropriate to describe the cute kitten’s eyes, Green Dragon always felt that the cat was looking at her, which made her feel guilty.

But no matter what, at least the purpose of this outing was perfectly achieved. Iluna’s “Glory Sun” and Miss Wilder’s “Delicious Black Tea and Dessert Making” have both been marked with holy symbols by the gods, and they are all ready to teach.

It’s just that Shade doesn’t have much time left this time, and he will have plenty of time to learn from Iluna. The other girls can also take advantage of Shade’s absence to learn from Iluna, so Shade asked Green Can the Dragon Witch try to teach now?

“Of course.”

The dragon girl warming herself by the fire then stood up:

“You brought enough tea, that’s enough.”

Noticing that everyone was looking at her, the witch holding the book “Delicious Black Tea and Dessert Making” stood by the fire and coughed lightly:

“You have all seen me making black tea, but I am also good at making snacks. It’s just that the conditions here are limited, and it is not convenient to start making snacks from flour. But in fact, for a qualified dragon maid, among black tea and snacks The mystery contained in it is no less than that of potions and decoctions.”

She pinched out a small handful of the black tea leaves that Shade had brought in a small bag:

“I am not the best dragon maid, so what I can teach you is just what I just learned from this book. Using tea leaves as casting materials, you can make some special tea leaves that are similar to magic potions in a short time. Everyone has seen this before going into the water.”

This refers to the tea leaves she has provided to several people that can be used for underwater sensing and communication:

“What I want to teach you this time is similar abilities.”

She put the handful of tea leaves back, and then piled all the tea bags that Shade had brought together:

“Giving special effects to tea also involves some theories of transformation. We are just trying to teach this time, so we won’t go into too much. As we all know, delicious black tea and delicious snacks will make people feel happy. The relaxation of the mind will affect the soul, which in turn affects the recovery of the ether.

Since the logic of the theory is smooth, you can try to restore the ether through the secret method of ‘chewing tea leaves’. The book calls this secret method the ‘tea extraction method’. Although this method of restoring ether does not restore much, it may be useful in key battles. ”

Since it is a rare spell that can actively restore the spirit, even if the recovery is small, it is still worth learning for Shade.

So everyone watched Miss Wilder skillfully use the “pinching” method to take out different types of tea leaves from the tea bags and put them into the teapot. While taking the tea leaves, she also looked at the books flying around her. The amount of tea required was given as if the maid was reading the recipe while cooking.

After taking the tea leaves, she did not fill the teapot with water, but carved extremely complex ritual patterns on the surface of the teapot. Finally, she let the teapot fly up and breathed out a breath of fire to wrap it around the teapot. After the flame activated the ritual mark, he chanted the incantation there again.

When the process was over, she took out the mixed warm tea leaves and placed a handful in each person’s hand. Little Mia thought it was something to eat, and sniffed it curiously, then moved her little head away in disgust.

Miss Wilder smiled at it, feeling that her guilty conscience just now was really inexplicable:

“Now put them in your mouth and chew them slowly, being careful not to swallow them.”

Although black tea is delicious, the taste of dry chewing tea leaves is definitely not very good, but everyone still does it. The cat even pulled Shade’s hand twice, as if to stop him from doing so.

But Shade noticed that Iluna looked very cute when chewing tea leaves, and her cheeks puffed up like a hamster.

As for Shade himself, he felt an obvious bitterness from the beginning. The strange dry and slightly herbal taste made him think that he was chewing plant fiber.

The tea leaves have a hard texture and strong astringency when chewed. After chewing it for a moment, he vaguely noticed a slight sweetness, but the bitter taste was too strong, so he didn’t know if it was an illusion.

“Okay, now that you have gotten used to the taste of tea, let’s meditate together. Yes, it’s the same as when Miss Bister taught last time.”

The green dragon girl herself chewed tea and sat down, sitting on Shade’s right hand:

“But our meditation does not require imagining a specific scene. You must now chew tea leaves and experience the feeling of happiness. Everyone’s happiness is different, so I will not paint a picture for you. You must have your own uniqueness. Ideas.”

Beautiful green eyes swept across the crowd by the fire:

“Try to find that moment of happiness from the sweetness of the tea leaves. If you succeed, then the ‘tea extraction method’ will also be successful.”

Because she didn’t have enough casting materials before, she actually hasn’t mastered this special secret method yet-last time the werewolf girl just taught everyone meditation, but she didn’t expect Shade to learn the transformation technique. Therefore, she is not only teaching everyone, but she is also learning.

So everyone stopped talking and chewed tea leaves together, but the frequency was slightly different. The girls chewed gracefully and did not make strange sounds, so the crackling sound of the campfire where everyone sat around became more obvious.

PS: Some readers in the previous chapters asked why Fiona left her scent on Shade when she was in the “Eternal Night City”. Why did Miss Wilder not smell it this time?

Because the smell is not permanent, when she followed Miss Feliana to Shade’s house last time, she did not dare to leave the smell again.

And after experiencing the Battle of Moon Bay, Shade came into contact with the “Unknown First Son” and the “Fourth Son”, and Fiona’s aura was also covered.


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