The Whispering Verses Chapter 2851: “Sky Blade” Paladin


Chapter 2850 “Blade of the Sky” Paladin

Shad didn’t pay attention to Vanessa’s little move. After rubbing the ring to activate the effect of the magic ring, the skin of Vanessa’s right arm was recovering quickly.

Then the elf **** the side took out another external herbal medicine from her cloak, applied it to Vanessa’s right arm, and asked Shade to use “Breath of Time” to accelerate time by a month, and the witch’s skin Completely recovered.

“This time acceleration effect cannot be completely offset by this ring, so try not to let a witch without strong time resistance fight against that dragon in the future.”

Finally, the elf girl concluded that among everyone present, the only ones with “strong” time resistance were Shade, Elf and Miss Elise. The time resistance of the blue dragon girl comes from the race itself. Although she is not considered a dragon but a “natural spirit born in the sea”, she still has the characteristic that the older she gets, the stronger she becomes.

As for Luvia, she is not resistant to time, but is rejected by any time effect due to the “curse of time”.

After confirming that Vanessa was fine, Shade stood up and looked around. Because this is the wilderness far away from the city, no matter whether it was the dragon beast or the witch and the boat girl, they didn’t have too many scruples when they started taking action.

The ship girl’s cannons devastated the land, but Vanessa’s continuous manipulation of the earth and gravity was the reason for the permanent change in the terrain of this area. As for the dragon’s breath and the mist of time that the dragon breathed out, it did not cause much damage to the area, but they failed to leave it behind after all.

“There’s something weird about that dragon.”

This is Vanessa’s judgment:

“I don’t mean that it is protected by time. I mean that it is immune to the influence of gravity when flying in the sky. Although it has been using time and the instinctive talent of the dragon beast to fight against us, I’m pretty sure it has power related to the sky.”

“Maybe it’s the wind.”

Luvia whispered behind Shade, and at this time Shade looked at Emilia again. When Shade was treating Vanessa’s injuries just now, the little elf girl stood beside the witch worriedly and watched. After Shade’s treatment was completed, she wanted to thank the “sister” next to her who was wearing the same clothes as her, and thanked her for also pretending to be herself.

At this time, Emilia saw that Shade was looking at her and she was still a little confused, and then she realized that Shade was looking behind her.

She turned around and said in surprise after a few seconds:

“Agelina? When did you come?”

The other ladies also looked over. The little red-haired princess who looked very excited was wet from the rain, but she was still full of energy. Tifa immediately covered her with the umbrella she held. Top of head:

“Your Highness, be careful of catching a cold.”

“It’s okay, I’m fine! Emilia, I followed the three of you when you took the Chocobo from the dock at Lake Ulen. You and I were on the same Chocobo.”

She said with a smile, patting her shoulder in response to Shade’s gaze:

“No one can see me, so no one will take the initiative to attack me. I have been following Emilia just now, and several times I held her hand and ran.”

But the young elf was unaware of this. She thanked the little princess first, and then realized:

“Is your problem solved? Now everyone can actually see you!”

“It’s only a partial solution. Agelina is no longer unobservable, but has a very weak presence. If you don’t keep talking to her, you will forget that she is in the team after a while.”

Carina walked over and held her niece’s hand, and then personally released the water-avoiding spell on Agelina. The two Cavendish, who had the same bright red hair, stood together. Shade suddenly discovered that Agelina looked more like Carina than Lesia. Of course, it’s just that they look alike.

“Lecia and Dorothy will be very happy for you, Agelina, what have you figured out?”

The duchess asked, and the little princess replied:

“In fact, it feels good to be ignored by everyone. No matter what you do, you don’t have to worry about being seen. That feeling is really free.”

As he spoke, he glanced at Sha De secretly, probably thinking of what he saw when he accidentally got lost and entered Sha De’s room last night:

“So I thought, if this state remains like this, it would actually be good to have little Mia reappear for me occasionally. When I thought of this just now, Shade suddenly saw me directly.”


The Duchess hesitated:

“You feel good about just disappearing? Then just wait until you go back and be scolded by Lesia in tears.”

Agelina’s problem has not been completely solved, but her change from being completely “invisible” to having a low sense of existence is already a pretty good sign – although everyone will still subconsciously ignore her.

But at least the main purpose of this operation has been achieved. Although the thirteen-ring warlock “Clockmaker” was only scared away, the halfling killer was suspected to be alive, and the dragon beast escaped directly, but the war of time The first battle has ended, and Emilia eliminated her first opponent – only the elf himself didn’t know about this.

This is something worthy of celebration, but because of the existence of that “great evil”, now is not the time to hold a banquet to celebrate.

The worried elf girl returned to her tree house alone with [Ocarina of Time]. Miss Elise returned to the boat with Carina and Sivi, while Shade took Luvia and Fanny Sha, Emilia and the owl on their shoulders returned to the city together.

[And Agelina Cavendish. 】

“Yes, and Agelina.”

As he was about to ride the unicorn, Shade looked back at the little princess. She held Luvia’s waist and sat sideways behind her, looking very nervous for some reason. Seeing Shade looking at her, she smiled at Shade, and there was no worry in her smile.

The heavy rain lasted until Tuesday night and stopped completely. The rain also caused the outdoor temperature in downtown Vista to drop to close to freezing.

Even though central heating has started in the city, the temperature in the hotel is still not high. The hotel owner, Mr. Bennett, apologized to every guest staying in the hotel:

“I’m really sorry. Workers at the city hall are repairing nearby steam pipes. Now the temperature really can’t go up. I’m really sorry.”

Although most of the rooms on the third floor have fireplaces, so the temperature is not affected much, Mr. Bennet still provided free nights to Miss Flora Winslet, who rented the entire floor, according to the number of rooms. dessert.

Miss Bell took the maids and followed Mr. Bennet to get snacks. In Miss Danister’s room, the firelight of the fireplace still illuminated the people who were still talking.

The red-haired girl and the great witch of death sat together. Sitting opposite Luvia was Iluna who came after dinner. Shade sat on the armrest of the sofa where Luvia was. Emilia Then he moved a chair and sat next to Iluna.

The sound of crackling wood was a good background sound. Shade, who was petting the cat, felt that the warmth at this moment was only slightly less than at home.

“It’s going to snow in a few days, right?”

Miss Danister, holding the teacup, said:

“When I came to Vista City, I didn’t expect to stay here all autumn. Now that Emilia is about to set off, will the Battle of the Chosen Ones end in the next week?”

“According to previous rules, it shouldn’t be that fast.”

Vanessa said with experience. It is worth mentioning that she is still wearing the sparkling silver moonlight ring on her right hand.

“I’ve met the church-affiliated candidates.”

Eluna is also holding a tea cup. She likes the atmosphere very much:

“The candidate is a local [Church of Nature] ring warlock, level 6, male, from Baden City, a fishing port city on the east coast of Kasenlik, and not a native of Ximu Town. Luvia’s guess Yes, the church initially wanted him to go to an era when the **** of nature descended and seek enlightenment from the gods, but it failed.”

“I guess the righteous gods don’t allow them to do this.”

Shad said, and Iluna nodded immediately:

“Yes, yes, when I came here from Tobesk, the oracle gave the answer Shade was seeking, and also mentioned letting mortals rely on the power of mortals, not the power of gods, to complete it. Time war.

So the gentleman named Yuri Aston was arranged by the church to choose another suitable time. They sought help from the local [Forest Hermit Group] and finally selected the legendary place in Ximu Town. A paladin appears. ”

Although Iluna brought information, she failed to bring information, so everything could only be dictated by her.

“Paladin? Is there such a person locally? Are they the heroes of this era?”

Flora was very surprised. The title “Paladin” is not something that can be obtained casually.

“Yes, that paladin lived in the early Sixth Age, about 100 to 300 years ago. I met him once this morning. How should I say, he was a very serious middle-aged gentleman.”

Eluna recalled:

“But you can guess what mount came with him to this era.”


“A winged horse with dragon blood?”


“The elk giving gifts?”

The last sentence was said by a stranger, and Iluna didn’t know what it meant:

“Miss Daniste guessed correctly, it was a griffin, bigger than any griffin I have ever seen, and it was also wearing shining armor.”

She opened her arms and gestured, revealing the information about her “opponent” to Emilia, which was about the size of thousands of small Mias:

“The title of that paladin is ‘The Blade of the Sky’, and he is a genuine Thirteen Rings, belonging to the Natural Church at the beginning of this era. At that time, Ximu Town had not yet emerged, and there were only a few scattered villages in the forest. There are no churches locally.

The gentleman was responsible for coming to the local area to subdue a monster for which no information can be found today, so he left his own legends and stories. According to him, what he came here to subdue was a pure-blooded black dragon that migrated from the east. ”



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