Star Odyssey Chapter 5442: Will be invincible


Bian Zhi said in a deep voice: “The lawful people are dedicated to stabilizing the peace of Yaoyu.”

“Liu Yao stipulates that anyone who has a grudge and enters the Liu Yao battlefield is allowed to fight with the creatures of other Yao areas or with the creatures of this Yao area.”

“Outside the Liuyao battlefield, try to maintain peace as much as possible to avoid hurting innocent people.”

“Any practitioner who is found to be acting recklessly will be arrested and punished as long as he is encountered by a lawful person.”

Chen Xing frowned: “But there are many cultivators outside who kill at will, compete for opportunities, etc.”

Yu Shandao: “So it depends on luck. If they are caught by the lawful people, they will be unlucky. Of course, this statement only applies to those above the immortal realm, because taking action under the immortal realm will not have any impact. Lawful people It stands to reason that they can supervise the entire Yaoyu Realm, but they won’t pay attention to it in the Immortal Realm.”

“As cultivators, if you compete with heaven, earth, or people, how can there be no fighting and killing? It can only be said that the realm of eternal life is limited.”

Lu Yin understood, wasn’t this the causal restraint that once limited the realm of immortality? It’s just that the causal restraint came from the Lord and could no longer be applied to humans, so the lawful people were born.

“So, who will supervise the lawful people?”

Bian Zhi glanced at Lu Yin. This question came from Lu Yin, but in his opinion, the last person to ask was Lu Yin: “The lawful people all come from the ancient clan.”

Lu Yin’s eyes changed, “What did you say?”

Bian knew: “Lawful people will only be members of the ancient clan.”

The meaning of this statement is very simple. The ancient people of inheritance are different from ordinary cultivators. They disdain to use the profession of lawful people to complete certain exchanges of interests.

Lu Yin looked at the starry sky again, his eyes completely changed, “Who specified this?”

Although he didn’t wake up for long, he understood a lot of things. For example, the conflict between the ancient tribes and the practitioners of today’s era.

The ancient people of the inheritance are all people of his era, more accurately, people related to him, because in his era, almost all enemies were eradicated, and those who could be left behind were allowed by him. , such people naturally belong to him.

Many of the ancient inherited tribes are aware of his existence, and deliberately retain this sense of superiority in their knowledge of history, especially the Seven Clan Hidden Clan, which does not intermarry with outsiders.

As time goes by, practitioners in today’s era naturally have complaints about inheriting the ancient clan.

The Ancient and Modern Alliance is the most obvious. They hope to get the true understanding of history from the ancient people and the history of the previous era.

That’s all. On the other hand, both the Tianshang Sect and the Mi Master hold the Ancient Heritage Clan very high. Whether intentionally or unintentionally, the Ancient Heritage Clan is a kind of influence in today’s Liuyao era. Synonymous with being aloof.

When it comes to inheriting the ancient clan, everyone’s first thought is that they cannot be enemies, they are not opponents, they cannot win, etc.

When I met Wen Jia and Yu Shan, I knew that their attitudes were like this.

This is an opposition.

Nowadays, a profession like a lawful person who can supervise the existence of the Yao Realm can only be obtained by the ancient inherited clan. This has completely deepened the conflict between the ancient inherited clan and the practitioners of today’s era.

Despite the calm appearance, in fact the cultivators’ distrust of their own existence is a kind of confrontation against the ancient tribe, because the ancient tribe is absolutely convinced of their existence.

This confrontation has been going on for a long, long time.

The fundamental reason why there was no outbreak of combat power is that the ancient inherited clan is not as unscrupulous as the main group, but is very low-key. Although like the lawful people and the hidden clan of the seven clans, no matter how low-key it is, it is useless, but the ancient inherited clan They kept a low profile as much as possible and delayed the conflict between the two sides.

But it’s just procrastination.

Who did it? Mistress? Or Wang Wen?

The people I left behind in the last era are all strong in this era. If you want to cleanse them, it is obviously impossible. It will cause complete chaos in human civilization and become a dark history. However, it is reasonable and reasonable to do so. .

But, as for what?

No matter what you think about it.

If Master Mi really wants to cleanse his own people, he can deny the history of his existence. Anyway, the longer time goes by, the less people will believe in his existence. There is no need to do such a thing.

“It’s Miya, the founder of Gui Ling and the great disciple of Master Mi.” Bian Zhi opened his mouth and gave a name.

Lu Yin looked at him: “Miya?”

Bian Zhi nodded: “In the Liuyao era, everyone knew Miya.”

“She is a disciple of Master Mi. She was founded by Gui Ling and controls all the disciples and descendants of Master Mi. She once served as the head of the Tianshang Sect, and her name is still on the list of times.”

“She is a legendary figure. She once single-handedly fought her way out of the Six Yao battlefield and dominated the other Five Yao areas. No one could stop her except Liu Yao.”

“Everyone said that she will be the Seventh Yao, the strongest existence after the Sixth Yao in the current era.”

“She proposed the lawful people, and she also decided that the profession of lawful people must be held by the ancient people. She encountered a lot of opposition, but they were all suppressed forcefully.”

Si Jiushi’s eyes were solemn: “There is a saying in today’s times. If Liuyao cannot come out, Miya will be king!”

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows: “So exaggerated?”

Si Jiushi smiled bitterly: “There is no way, I have this strength. She is the most domineering woman in human history throughout the ages, no one. Even the leader of the second barrier, Hong Shuang, was amazed. The last era created Lord Lu, this era created Miya.”

Lu Yin is interested in this Miya, is she a domineering woman?

He didn’t know whether she was domineering or not, he only knew that this woman was very smart. She wants to stir up conflicts between the current era and the previous era in order to purge her own people.

But does she look down on some people? There were quite a number of smart people among the people who followed him back then.

The conflict did not break out, either because the time was not ripe, or the breaking point was grasped.

Lu Yin turned around in his mind, Master Qingcao, Wei Rong, Wang Wen, etc., who has mastered the breaking point?

Soon after, the Sinan team was greeted by people from the Tianshang Sect and arrived outside a magnificent stadium. This arena can be said to be the largest that Lu Yin has ever seen.

The playing field is different from an open field, and it is even different from the starry sky.

It was an artificially arranged area made of special materials. It was almost as big as half the universe, which was exaggerated. There are mountains, rivers and various terrains in the interior. There is a network all around, which can record the game process without any blind spots and spread it to the entire square inch.

And these participating teams also live next to the stadium. Except that teams cannot meet directly, the freedom of participants is not restricted.

The most eye-catching thing is the huge sculpture in the middle of the arena.

It was Lu Yin.

This is also the largest sculpture Lu Yin has ever seen.

At this moment, countless people, various creatures, major forces, various odds, etc. have gathered in the arena. Even though the arena including the surrounding area is almost the size of a universe, it still seems very crowded.

There are simply too many creatures.

The layout of the logic network is also extremely complex.

Lu Yin looked into the distance. He couldn’t see how far away, but everywhere he looked, there was a desire for competition.

Countless people’s eyes, expectations, eagerness, greed, and confusion are all focused here, as if the entire universe is waiting for this moment.

What these eyes represent are their own expectations, and if there are expectations, there must be a vision that they aspire to achieve.

Isn’t this kind of vision just a fantasy?

So, what he saw as the memory lifeform was Wang Wen’s arrangement.

And the desire of these endless creatures for the Hidden God Festival competition made him see the second hand.

There must be a third hand and a fourth hand.

Wang Wen, do you only arrange it in human civilization, or do you arrange it in the entire square inch?

The most terrifying thing about fantasy is not its influence and layout on the past, but its planning for the future. This is the true meaning of the power of fantasy.

Lu Yin has experienced his power being continuously stripped away. Billions of years of experience have completely changed his understanding of power.

You can see Wang Wen’s layout at a glance.

As for these layouts, he definitely couldn’t see them at the beginning, and neither could the original master. Whether Liu Yao can see it now is up to two people.

This is the level of understanding of power that transcends the masters of the previous era.

Liu Yao has already walked a long way on this road. Although he left late, who said the road is always the same long?

He asked Si Jiushi to take him to the arena, under his statue.

The competition has not started yet, you can enter.

Looking at this statue with no top, Lu Yin stood underneath for a long time without saying a word.

Si Jiushi stayed behind and waited quietly.

Someone came from behind, looked at the statue, then looked at Lu Yin, and laughed.

Si Jiushi sent them away.

“Brother Qi, when the game starts, you can see us even from an inch away. How do you look like this?”

Lu Yin said: “Let nature take its course.”

Si Jiushi is in a dilemma: “I’m not afraid if my old friend comes to me, but I’m afraid that my enemy will come to me first.”

Lu Yin smiled and said: “It doesn’t matter, life or death is up to you.” As he said that, he raised his head and looked at his statue again. Although it is said that one cannot practice, it does not say that one cannot use strength.

Since Wang Wen has the fantasy of communicating with endless beings, it’s okay to borrow some of his power. They are all old acquaintances.

Si Jiushi hesitated for a moment: “Brother Qi, why can’t you practice now?”

Lu Yin said: “There are some things that I haven’t figured out. Once I figure them out, I might be invincible.”

Si Jiushi’s eyes lit up: “I believe that, hey, how about that, Seventh Brother, you can accept me as your disciple, and I will help you.”

Lu Yin looked at him with a half-smile but not a smile: “If you don’t want to be my apprentice, you won’t be able to help me lead the way?”

“Of course not, don’t get me wrong, Brother Qi, I just want to be your apprentice.”

“Mr. Tingchao is a person I respect. He died fighting in the disaster of the three universes. I don’t want to steal his disciple.”

Si Jiushi looked bitter.

Who among those who have experienced the previous era does not believe in Lu Yin? He said he could be invincible, even if six rays covered the sky, he would still be invincible.

Seventh Brother will become invincible sooner or later.

A huge cheer echoed throughout the universe.

Under the starry sky, Discord Sky became the center of the entire universe, and countless eyes looked at it.

Lu Yin and others lived outside the competition venue. They looked around one by one. The first thing they noticed was definitely the thirty teams surrounding the venue.

However, because the venue was too big, they couldn’t see it, but as the light curtains rose, they saw the competition team through the light curtains.


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