Seeking the Flying Sword Path Chapter 30: Sword Old Man


bsp;Qin Yun led Yi Xiao and moved forward carefully while maintaining the light shield of the Zhou Tian Sword. The Sinking Sand Sword was in his sleeve, ready to be released at any time.

The corridor is deep and deep, with stone walls on both sides.

While they were walking in the corridor, there was also a wind blowing, “Chi chi chi~~~” invisible energy kept cutting on Zhou Tian’s sword light.

“Jingyang Immortal’s tactics really shouldn’t be so cruel.” Yi Xiao also whispered, “After my second uncle touched the formation, he didn’t last long before he was strangled to death. I’m lucky. I was swept into the ground just now, but if Qin Yun hadn’t come here, I would have been strangled to death by this invisible energy just a little while longer.”

Qin Yun nodded: “This invisible energy comes and goes without a trace. We can only discover it when it enters the realm of my sword intention, just like a top assassin.”

“Qin Yun, be careful. The person who arranged such a powerful formation must have a purpose.” Yi Xiaolian reminded.

“I know.” Qin Yun was also wary. He also didn’t want to die. He also wanted to take Yi Xiao out.

The corridor is winding.

As we walked forward, we were constantly attacked by invisible energy.

“Huh?” Qin Yun and Yi Xiao passed a corner and saw an exquisite palace hall in front of them.

When Qin Yun and Yi Xiao stepped into the hall corridor, they were not attacked again.

The two of them turned to look at the deep corridor from where they came from, and couldn’t help but secretly wonder.

“This should be the place where Immortal Jingyang meditates and retreats.” Yi Xiao guessed.

“Go in and take a look.” Qin Yun took Yi Xiao and continued to maintain the Zhoutian sword light, moving forward cautiously.

There is only one futon in this hall, which is very simple and elegant.

There is a screen on the left side of the hall, and behind the screen there is a room with desks, chairs, and beds behind it.

“Immortal Jingyang should have been painting and calligraphy here. He was sleeping and resting there.” Qin Yun observed and said.

“Qin Yun, there is a backdoor here,” Yi Xiao said.

“Go and see.”

The wooden door next to it opened with a push.

Outside the wooden door, what surprised Qin Yun and Yi Xiao was that there was actually a garden. This is a garden underground, with beads inlaid on the dome above, shining with light, illuminating the garden. There are also some flowers and plants in the garden. Even if there is no sunlight all day long, these flowers and plants can still grow. It is really magical.

“Qin Yun.” Yi Xiaolian pulled Qin Yun and pointed into the distance.

“Huh?” Qin Yun turned around and was surprised.

In the corner of the garden, there was a person sitting cross-legged, motionless and without any breath.

“There are no formations in this garden, and I haven’t felt any fluctuations in the surrounding area in my sword intention field. It is very safe.” Qin Yun restrained the Zhoutian Sword Light and put his natal flying sword in his hand.

Qin Yun and Yi Xiao walked over.

Sitting cross-legged is an old man with white hair, wearing black robes, and his whole body is very thin.

Qin Yun and Yi Xiao looked up at the stone wall. There were carved words on the stone wall.

“When I was twelve years old, I opened the Immortal Gate to practice Talisman. I was mediocre for more than twenty years. At the age of thirty-six, I received the inheritance of the Sword Immortal, understood the meaning of the sword, and became a Sword Immortal. Since then, my reputation has been spread all over the world. I am invincible. For three hundred years in the world, all the immortals and demons have been defeated by my sword, and I have even killed a demon god. However, my lifespan is limited to five hundred years, and I have collected all the classics in the world, but in the end I have not been able to create a method for the soul of the Sword Immortal lineage. If you don’t become a soul, you won’t be able to live forever. How can you be called a swordsman? It’s ridiculous, it’s ridiculous!”

There is also a signature below – ‘Sword Old Man’.

“Old Man Jian?” Qin Yun and Yi Xiao were both surprised.

“Is it him?” Qin Yun looked at the corpse sitting cross-legged in front of him. This famous swordsman in history died here.

Yi Xiao said from the side: “Old Jian has a perverse and ruthless personality, but his strength is unbelievable. In his time, he was the best in the world below the Yuan Shen realm! Whether it is the human race, the demon race, or the Sihai tribe, he It is indeed invincible. What is certain is that he has killed a demon **** in the Fire Lotus Palace, but killing the demon **** is completely different.”

Qin Yun nodded: “With the realm of innate golden elixir, kill the demon god! It’s amazing, it’s really amazing.”

“I heard that at the beginning, the Immortal Demon God was not willing to provoke the old sword man. After all, the cause and effect was too great. If he killed the old sword man, I am afraid that three disasters would break out and he might die on the spot.” Yi Xiao is Shenxiao after all. A disciple of the sect and a descendant of the Yi family, he still knows these histories very well, “In order to create a lineage of sword immortals, Old Man Jian entered the sect of Yuanshen. He collected classics everywhere. Classics are the basis of the inheritance of some sects! Naturally, Some immortals and demons took action, but the most they could do was capture him and did not dare to kill him.”

“But the result of the Immortal Demon God’s attack on him was that many Immortals and Demon Gods were defeated by him.” Yi Xiao shook his head, “One of them was killed by Old Man Jian.”

“I heard that Old Man Jian’s flying sword is very strange. It is said to be one flying sword, but it can also be broken down into seven flying swords. The seven flying swords can form a sword formation.” Yi Xiao sighed, “The formation Old Man Jian is also extremely skilled in the art. I am afraid that the ruthless formations outside were left behind by Old Man Jian.”

Qin Yun nodded: “It’s a pity that the sword immortal who is invincible for an era is still unable to defeat the end of his life. In the history of my lineage of sword immortals, there are some who have mastered the way of swordsmanship, and there are also a few people who can kill demon gods like the old swordsman. . But all of them are just recorded in books. For example, there are many immortals still alive in the Taoist holy places Lingbaoshan, Shenxiao Palace, and Hunyuan Sect. Although the Jingshan Sect is not as good as before, there is still an immortal in charge. “

“Only my lineage of Sword Immortals has no way to reach the Soul Realm.” Qin Yun shook his head, “Old Jian is right, you can’t become an Immortal. It’s really ridiculous to talk about Sword Immortals.”

Yi Xiao held Qin Yun’s hand.

Qin Yun turned to look at Yi Xiao.

“You should have heard of me, Grandmaster Zhang of Shenxiao Sect, Qin Yun.” Yi Xiao said.

Qin Yun nodded.

Of course I do!

The Zhang family of Shenxiao Sect is no less a family than the Bai family of Lingbaoshan. Patriarch Zhang pushed the Shenxiao thunder method to an unimaginable level, and even led the Shenxiao Sect to rise, directly ranking among the Taoist holy places. Since then…the heads of the Shenxiao Sect have been passed down from generation to generation, and without exception, they have all been held by the Zhang family! No one has any complaints, because the disciples of Shenxiao Sect worship Patriarch Zhang extremely, and Patriarch Zhang is still alive today!

“Before, the Shenxiao thunder method was not very strong, and even our Shenxiao sect was not a Taoist holy land! Master Zhang improved the Shenxiao thunder method to a higher level, and it was recognized as the best thunder method in the world.” Yi Xiao said , “It is said that Thunder Method is the first of all methods. Shenxiao Thunder Method is even more respected among them. Everything is because of Patriarch Zhang.”

“Master Zhang can push a method to such a level, Qin Yun, you may not be able to create a method in the Yuanshen realm of the Sword Immortal lineage in the future.” Yi Xiao looked at Qin Yun.

Qin Yun nodded.

But they both knew it in their hearts.

What Master Zhang created is a higher level of practice of the ‘Shenxiao Thunder Method’, and it is overall perfect. But the Shenxiao Thunder Method still belongs to the Fu? lineage, and the Fu? lineage has already had other methods of interest to learn from.

The Sword Immortal lineage is different.

From ancient times to the present, there has never been any sword-immortal method in the Yuanshen realm. This creation difficulty is obviously much higher. I have not seen many amazingly talented and beautiful people in history, and even the peerless swordsmen who mastered the art of swordsmanship, all passed away sadly in the end. For example, this old man with a sword.

“Old Man Jian died here. This time it was the gathering of six talismans that opened the Immortal Mansion.” Qin Yun said, “I’m afraid we are the first to see the body of Senior Jian Old Man. Let’s let him rest in peace. ”

“Yes.” Yi Xiao nodded, “We can’t go out now, and this garden is the only one with the best scenery around.”

“Here it is.” Qin Yun waved his hand.

The sword energy flew out and quickly dug a large pit in the ground next to it. Following the sword energy, a sarcophagus was cut out of the stone wall next to it. The sarcophagus was sent into the pit, and the power of heaven and earth was manipulated to directly move the old man Jian. The senior’s body was placed in the sarcophagus, laid flat, and the coffin lid closed. Then it was filled with soil and a tombstone was erected.

On the tombstone there is the words ‘Tomb of Old Man Jian’ and the small words ‘Enter Qin Yun and Yi Xiaoli after finishing school’.

“Kowtow to your senior.” Qin Yun said, “He is also a great senior in my lineage of sword immortals.”

“Yes.” Yi Xiao also nodded.

The two immediately knelt down and kowtowed.

Qin Yun felt vaguely in his heart at this moment that in the future, he might face the same dilemma and be stuck in the innate golden elixir realm. I hope that I can create a method in the Yuanshen realm during my lifetime. This road is destined to be extremely bumpy.

The two stood up.

“Qin Yun, this old swordsman is empty and doesn’t bring any magic weapon?” Yi Xiao asked, “And there is no instructions on how to get out on the stone wall.”

“Let’s look around again. Senior Jian Old Man must have set up this formation for a purpose.” Qin Yun also looked around carefully.


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