Seeking the Flying Sword Path Chapter 29: Send a letter to the court (three updates completed)


bsp;October 16th is such a lively day.

First, the new governor ‘Gong Ye Bing’ sent officers and soldiers to surround the Qin Mansion and wanted to capture the Qin family! The second young master of the Qin family, however, made a voice that sounded like heaven and earth, resounding throughout the city, saying that ‘the new governor framed him’ and ‘it was he and a disciple of the Shenxiao sect who killed the great water **** demon’… In the end, the second young master of the Qin family led While the family members escaped easily, the officers and soldiers were only injured at most, and none of them lost their lives. Secretly, many soldiers sighed in admiration when they mentioned the second young master of the Qin family.

In just about an hour, there was another big noise at the six doors.

All six prison doors collapsed! The imprisoned prisoner ‘Qin An’ was kidnapped. This Qin An was the elder brother of the second young master of the Qin family.

Another hour or so.

There was another big commotion in the Sheriff’s Mansion, and a huge formation enveloped the entire Sheriff’s Mansion, which was very gorgeous and dazzling. Allowing countless ordinary people to see the rare scene of the county magistrate’s mansion activating the formation. It is also rumored that… Qin Yun’s father, ‘Qin Liehu’, is imprisoned in the county governor’s mansion.


With so many things going on, it is rare in the history of Guangling County that so many lively things happened in one day, and there were discussions everywhere.

When night falls, many restaurants and other places become even more lively.

In a private room, several businessmen were drinking freely, and they carefully ordered servants to guard the door.

“Haha, have fun.”

“The black-hearted Sheriff also had days like this.”

“Of course we bowed our heads obediently when they forced us, but when it comes to Mr. Qin Yun, our new county governor made the wrong calculation and stirred up a hornet’s nest.”

These businessmen were discussing.


In another luxurious residence.

“Thousands of officers and soldiers are helpless, and all the personal guards under my command are useless! The six-door prison has collapsed, and our new county guard can only hide in the county guard’s mansion, haha…”

“I really hope that Qin Yun will directly assassinate this evil-hearted county guard when he is out, kill this old guy, and eliminate harm for us.”

“Keep it down, keep it down.”

“Don’t worry, you’ll be fine in my house! I just want to see the old guy, the new county magistrate, die now.”

“But assassinating the county governor is a serious crime, and then Mr. Qin Yun will be finished.”


Yanfeng Tower.

“Xiaoshuang, many distinguished guests want to see you today.” Aunt Xue said.


Miss Chenshuang said coldly, “They all want to ask about my brother Yun. My brother Yun is in a difficult situation now. How can I have the time to talk to them?”

“Okay, okay, I refuse now.” Aunt Xue nodded.


Everyone in the city, from the wealthy families to the common people and even the gangsters, were talking about it, and more than 90% of them were on Qin Yun’s side.

“These untouchables.” Gong Yebing walked around the city with his men in casual clothes, but what he heard made his face so gloomy that he wanted to drip.

Back to the Sheriff’s Mansion.

“You are not afraid of spending money. You have to try your best to ruin Qin Yun’s reputation for me.” Gong Yebing glanced at the followers behind him, “Especially the matter of killing the water god… let the common people Understand that it was a disciple of the Shenxiao Sect who killed the Great Water God. He was a sinister person who colluded with the monster and was deliberately bragging.”

“Don’t worry, sir, I’ll do it right now. Those storytellers and the idle guys on the road will obey orders obediently. In a few days, there will be a lot of people scolding Qin Yun on the ground in Guangling County. .” The follower said confidently.

“Go quickly.” Gong Yebing waved.

“Yes.” The attendant immediately retreated.

Gong Yebing frowned and thought: “The matter of reputation is easy to solve. I control the whole county, so it is quite easy to ruin its reputation. But now he is hiding. There is no way for a powerful cultivator to hide. Find. ”

“What to do? Both plans failed.”

Gongye Bing is also a little troubled.

Going to the Qin Mansion to capture and trap the six doors…all failed!

“Now, we can only force him to show up on his own initiative.” Gong Yebing turned to look at a room not far away, which was the room where Qin Liehu was imprisoned.

“Send all the instruments of torture to Qin Liehu’s house. I will take good care of him!” Gong Yebing had a ferocious look on his face.


The guards not far away responded immediately.


Although there are a lot of discussions outside, it seems that Qin Yun is so awesome! He resisted a large number of officers and soldiers, and broke into six gates and the county guard’s house, but Qin Yun himself felt powerless.

Out the window, a bright moon hangs high.

Qin Yun was slowly writing calligraphy, but now he put down his brush and looked at the bright moon outside.

“I don’t know how dad is doing now.” Qin Yun said silently, “I have no hope at all about the formation of the Sheriff’s Mansion. Fortunately, I just entered with a flying sword to have a look. If I had gone in with my real body, I was afraid I would die. It’s at the Sheriff’s Mansion.”

In that terrifying formation.

If his true body goes in and faces the power of water and fire, Qin Yun can only use Zhoutian Sword Light to protect his body! But if you are protecting your body, you will not be able to break out of the formation. If you cannot break out, when your true energy is exhausted, you will be reduced to ashes under the power of water and fire.

“This is only the gap between the first and second floors. My flying sword didn’t go deeper.” Qin Yun shook his head slightly, “No wonder in the whole world, it is rare to hear of anyone successfully assassinating someone in the governor’s mansion. Sheriff’s ”


“Dad, he is being held in the Sheriff’s Mansion.” Qin Yun was worried, but he had no choice but to do anything.


Another wave of his hand.

A flying sword instantly left the house and headed towards the county governor’s mansion in the dark night. It was once again suspended in the grass outside the county governor’s mansion. The house where his father Qin Liehu was imprisoned could also be sensed here.

“Huh?” Qin Yun’s expression suddenly changed and his eyes turned red.


Qin Yun could clearly ‘see’ through the induction of his natal flying sword. In that room, his father’s upper body was naked and covered with blood. His flesh and blood were spread out. His father was lying on the ground, shaking slightly in pain.

“Damn it, **** it, **** it.” Qin Yun’s eyes were red, and he was boiling with anger, “Gong Ye Bing, you are bullying others too much! You are bullying others too much!”

He has a strong urge to go to the Sheriff’s Mansion now.

But the years of traveling abroad and the many life-and-death experiences at the northern border made Qin Yun understand that there is no use in being hot-headed! To risk one’s life without any hope is to risk one’s death, which is the most stupid thing. If you die, what will happen to your eldest brother, his family, and your mother? They are all guilty now and cannot see the light of day.

I wanted to save him, but I was unable to do so. I just watched my father suffer.


Qin Yun was in the house and knelt down in the direction of the governor’s mansion. “It’s useless, I’ll let you suffer! If you endure it for a little longer, I will definitely save you! I will definitely avenge this!”


Later midnight.

Qin Yun was drinking alone in the yard. The wine made him feel sad and even more sad. Thinking of his father suffering there, Qin Yun couldn’t fall asleep at all. As soon as he closed his eyes, he ‘saw’ that scene.

“Yun’er, you haven’t gone to bed yet?” Mother Chang Lan walked out of the house.

“Mother.” Qin Yun saw his mother.

“What’s bothering you about your father?” Mother Chang Lan sighed, “Everyone has life and death. When I was in the village, I was captured by a monster and killed many people in the same village. If this is really your father’s disaster , Just accept it! Just do your best. Your father and I are both our age. In the village, living to our age is considered a long life.”

“Mom, stop talking.” Qin Yun said in a low voice, “There will be a way, there will be a way.”

Just look at the three letters I sent!

With three letters, you have a chance to make a comeback!


Early on the next morning, one of the letters was delivered to Wen County Sheriff.

Qianzhou, south of Jiangzhou, is also quite prosperous.

Qianzhou’s “Boling County”, Boling County is also the top two largest counties in Qianzhou, with a population of more than 10 million, and it is the seat of state animal husbandry.

The former Sheriff of Wen County has now been promoted to the Sheriff of Boling County! This is a large county with a population of more than 10 million, and it is also a fourth-rank official residence. It stands to reason that there are too many officials, but this is because Lord Zhou Mu governs here! Mr. Zhou Mu was oppressing him… County Sheriff Wen was also quite aggrieved. After all, some wealthy families in Boling County were willing to curry favor with Mr. Zhou Mu. As a county governor, he was a little frustrated and had to visit him frequently to please Mr. Zhou Mu.

Master Zhou Mu governs the entire Qianzhou with a single word.

He just has to be nice.

“Dad, a letter from Brother Qin Yun.” Wen Chonglian sent a letter to his father who was drinking morning tea.

“Qin Yun’s letter?”

Sheriff Wen took it in surprise, and when he looked through it, his expression darkened slightly.

“Humph, what a Gong Ye Bing! He said that Qin Liehu colluded with monsters, but Qin Liehu worked under me before. Does he mean that I don’t know people well?” Sheriff Wen’s face was quite ugly, “Qin Liehu Yun Na killed the Water God Demon together with Yi Xiao and made such a great contribution. He dared to do it. There must be some conspiracy behind it.”

“Chong’er, check quickly to see if things are as Qin Yun said.” Commander Wen ordered.

“Yes.” Wen Chong nodded.

Qianzhou and Jiangzhou were too close. That afternoon, Wen Chong determined the details.

“Okay, I’ll submit a letter to the court right now.” Sheriff Wen’s eyes flashed sharply, “If you step on my head and shit, do you really think I’m easy to bully?”


In the evening of the same day, the other two letters arrived at the Mansion of Marquis Qian in Jinzhou and the Mansion of General Wang at the Beidi Border Gate respectively.

The third update is completed!

Tomato looked at everyone with cute eyes: “On the first day the new book is on the shelves, we need your subscription and monthly pass support!”


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