The Whispering Verses Chapter 2837: Emilia and the Forest Elf


Chapter 2836 Emilia and the Forest Elf

“Miss Danister, don’t leave in a hurry. I want to take Emilia to the forest elves in a while to transfer the qualification of the umbilical cord to Emilia. Luvia will also follow. Let’s go together, will you go too?”

Xia De sent out the invitation. The red-haired girl hesitated and looked in the direction of the city:

“It’s okay, Flora often goes out recently. I finally got out once and I’m not in a hurry to go back.”

“Can I come with you?”

Agelina, who was holding the cat, asked from the side. Although she was holding the cat, her presence was still weak at this time.

Dannister looked at her appearance suspiciously, and Shade explained about the relic. The well-informed librarian also knew about the [Trembling Contract], but she was curious about how the little princess of Delarion could encounter such a dangerous thing. However, she quite agreed with Agelina’s willingness to challenge herself. The little compliment made the little princess very happy.

Shad also agreed to let Agelina follow. After all, if she just stayed on the boat, it would be difficult for Agelina to make any changes within the five-day time limit.

After not seeing each other for more than two months, little Lianna’s body shape has not changed at all. Shade discovered that this little unicorn seemed to have never grown up since it was first seen in the Randall Valley at the beginning of this year. Then he realized that the growth cycle of unicorns is also very long. It has only been half a year, and it has also happened. Not much change.

The white little beast was waiting for everyone in the forest. Of course it knew Shade, and when it saw him coming, it was very happy to get close to him, and then heard the same familiar cat meow.

And Agelina found that the little unicorn didn’t seem to like her very much, and she wouldn’t let her get close after this meeting. As the group of people headed deeper into the jungle, she told Emilia about this very sadly, and the elf blushed. She glanced up and down at her friend:

“Agelina, you can’t be He Shade.”

“Oh, what are you thinking? Of course I am still a pure girl.”

Although the little unicorn would rather be near the “impure” Luvia than Agelina for some reason, at least it still looks happy.

Emilia was originally a little nervous because she was going to go with Miss Danister, but seeing that her eighteen-year-old appearance didn’t seem to be a deterrent, she gradually relaxed and was excited with the little girl. Liana walked side by side, and from time to time she would discuss the autumn scenery in the forest with Agelina who was walking behind them.

Soon the group of people entered the forest area where they could not get out. In order to prevent everyone from getting separated here, Shade also asked everyone to get closer. When she successfully arrived near the elf girl’s tree house, Emilia screamed and walked forward quickly:

“Chocobo! And it’s a baby chocobo!”

The little yellow chocobo was standing next to the bushes, with its **** and tail facing the direction of the group of people. It had its head buried, not knowing whether it was looking for pine cones under the dead leaves or looking for bugs to eat. Hearing the footsteps, it pulled out its head and glanced back at Emilia, then continued busy with its own affairs without any warning.

When Amelia got closer, two more adult chocobo heads appeared from the grass, one with yellow feathers and one with blue feathers.

They looked at the approaching person warily, and when they discovered that it was a young elf girl, they each called out incomprehensibly, and then retreated into the grass.

Obviously they know their feeder, even though she is three years younger.

“Little Chocobo~Shad, when you said there were chocobos here, I still didn’t believe it.”

Emilia said happily, but she did not actually touch the little chocobo. She just stood aside and observed it. She waited until Shade, Miss Danister and Luvia came over. Rejoined the team.

When the pure white beast walked up to the little chocobo, he stretched out his head and humped it. After making it somersault and fall to the ground, he humped it again, and then happily followed it. team.

Agelina, who suspected that her charm had been greatly reduced recently, also approached the little chocobo and breathed a sigh of relief when she found that it did not dodge.

But at this moment, two adult chocobo heads, one yellow and one blue, appeared again in the grass. They probably heard the whimpering sound of the baby being pushed over. They didn’t want to attack Agelina, they just wanted to give her a “warning” to prevent her from getting closer, but immediately the two chocobos saw the evil-looking cat above the human, so they retreated again .

The elf girl in the forest did not go out. She seemed to have known that someone would come to visit this morning, and she even prepared tea early to entertain everyone.

After a group of people arrived under the big tree, the elf girl who had been waiting for them immediately jumped down:

“Good morning, Shade, good morning, Luvia, Miss Daniste.”

She greeted the “familiar” people, but did not greet the “unknown” Agelina and Emilia. However, the little princess looked at the tall elf suspiciously, and the more she looked at her, the more familiar she felt.

Then she had a flash of inspiration, and even though she had not yet obtained the so-called “amazing wisdom”, Agelina still recognized who this was. She carefully looked at the elf’s figure in surprise, and showed a betrayed expression.

As for the elves beside the unicorn, Shade and Luvia were prepared for her to notice the truth, so they both observed her performance with their peripheral vision. Unexpectedly, Amelia did not look at the other person, but looked at the other person’s face and figure with envy. It seemed that she had a new admirer.

In other words, she didn’t realize who it was.

So, after a long period of doubt, Shade finally knew who Amelia was trying to deceive by pretending that she could not hide anything from anyone——

Emilia is here to deceive Emilia.

When Shade discovered this, he immediately had to hold back his smile, and it was obvious that Luvia and Miss Danister also realized this.

Look at the slightly mature girl in the forest again. She also looked at Amelia at this time, but her expression seemed a little unhappy and her words were a little fierce:

“Hello, Elf of the Yuexi Clan, are you the one who has taken on that great responsibility?”

“Hello, hello, it’s me. Sister, what clan are you from?”

Emilia was still there and asked cautiously, not even paying attention to the little unicorn beside her. She was looking at the two owners standing in front of her with a puzzled expression. It obviously recognized it. So in order to prevent little Liana from doing something that would be noticed by Emilia, Shade reached out and touched its head to make it relax.

This made the expression of the cat on Agelina’s head even more unkind.

“My origins must be kept secret for the time being, but it’s okay for you to call me sister.”

The elf in the forest said absently, and did not continue to pay attention to Amelia:

“Let’s not stand under the tree and talk. Let’s go up and talk.”

As he spoke, he grabbed the vines hanging from the tree trunk behind him and jumped to the second floor as if flying.

So the red-haired girl grabbed Luvia’s hand and took her to fly up. Emilia and Agelina climbed on the back of little Liana, letting the little unicorn carry them flying. Heading to the second floor of the tree house, Shade naturally transformed into a red butterfly.

The elf girl has prepared a round table, chairs and teacups on the platform outside the tree house, and Shade noticed that the number of chairs and teacups was just right.

But the elf girl prepared not black tea but green tea. After everyone sat down, she said:

“I also know the purpose of your visit this time. You want to transfer your qualifications to this immature elf girl, right?”

Amelia was not angry, but she pursed her lips in embarrassment and said nothing.

Xia De nodded:

“The qualifications represented by the umbilical cord and Luvia’s qualifications must be transferred. Is this troublesome? Will it take a long time?”

The elf girl shook her head:

“It won’t be a troublesome thing. You told me about this a long time ago, and I am also prepared. But you are right, the transfer of qualifications is not as simple as making tea. The two umbilical cords are It can be solved easily, but it will take some time to transfer Miss Luvia Anat’s qualifications, probably today is Monday, and this can only be done on Wednesday night.”

Just waiting for two days is not long, Shade is completely acceptable, and Luvia has no objection, but the elf girl added:

“Although the qualifications symbolized by the umbilical cord can be transferred immediately, this will also cause the power contained in the umbilical cord to be completely absorbed by the young elves over there. The umbilical cord will no longer have any effect from now on. Can you accept this?”


Shad looked at Miss Daniste again. Currently, the umbilical cord was the only way for her and Flora to temporarily regain their strength. Without the umbilical cord, unless the curse was completely resolved, there would be no way for them to escape from their current state. .

“I have no problem, don’t worry about my affairs.”

The red-haired girl shook her head indifferently, then Shade nodded and said:

“No problem, let’s transfer the umbilical cord qualifications now. Is it here?”

Emilia looked worried, probably thinking that the ritual required her to “eat the umbilical cord.” Fortunately, the rituals of elves are usually not so bloody:

“Although you have just sat down, please stand up and follow me now. No, you don’t need to go far, it’s on the back of this tree.”

The “backside” the elf girl refers to is the side that is not facing the sun. She has dug a small pool under the tree in advance.

When the group of people came over, the chocobos that were active nearby were drinking water around the waterhole, and then they were all chased away by the elf girl.

The water pool is directly under the big tree where the tree house is located, and it is a standard circle. Around the edge of the pool, the elf girl used the [Ocarina of Time] to carve complex elf runes on the ground, and then filled the carvings with emerald-colored mercury.



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