Puppet Curse Chapter 94: Bland transition


bsp;Although he had thought of it a long time ago, the appearance of a man’s voice still made Hemerocallis’s face turn cold. “Who are you, where is Aunt Chu?” She was extremely angry in her heart, but Hemerocallis still suppressed her anger and seriously asked about the whereabouts of Chu Lingxin.

“Aunt Chu? I don’t know Aunt Chu.”

‘Asshole! ’ Hemerocallis’ face was a little distorted, and then she took a deep breath: “Where is Chu Lingxin?”

“You told me Chu Lingxin earlier, what Aunt Chu?” The man opposite said in a nonchalant tone, as if he was deliberately playing a trick. At this time, a voice came from beside him, “No. 3, let’s go, Baishiyi is ready.” After that, the man hung up the phone, making Hemerocallis’s anger burn even more intensely.

“Damn it!” Hemerocallis said through gritted teeth.

“Hemerocallis, don’t be too quick to get angry. What did the other party say in those vague words just now?” Hong Mo asked.

“I didn’t hear it clearly, it seemed like 111 or something? Did you hear it clearly?”

“Baishiyi, this is a place name in Chongqing.” Ma Teng said, as a native of Chongqing, he is quite familiar with this place name.

“Baishiyi, where is it?”

“It’s the airport, Baishiyi Military Airport. This must be the right place.” Ma Teng said with certainty. Judging from what the other party said just now, Chu Lingxin is still in the city and is now preparing to go to Baishiyi.

“Let’s go ahead and intercept them.” Hemerocallis ordered.

The red ink index finger gently rubbed the center of his eyebrows, something was wrong, something was really wrong. On the surface, it seemed that the other party had accidentally revealed the news about Chu Lingxin. However, as a special personnel of the country, would the other party make such a small mistake so easily?

But now is obviously not the time to persuade Hemerocallis.


At this time, the ‘leaders’ had already discussed a strategy to deal with the Burning Eyes Team. According to Mao Shaohui’s news, the Scorching Tong Squad is looking for Chu Lingxin who was taken away. As long as he reveals a little bit of information about Chu Lingxin, he can attract all the Scorching Tong Squad.

The personnel sent to capture the Burning Eyes Team have also been determined.

The captain of the tenth team: Shui Feng’er.

Captain of Team 11: Mou Gang.

Captain of Team 12: Wu Yuze.

Captain of the Fourteenth Team: Mossi.

This time, the country was determined to wipe out all the Scorching Eyes squad, and dispatched four captains at once. Of course, they serve as the main combat force, along with their respective teammates and a lot of other auxiliary personnel.

When it comes to actual fighting, this group of people is useless. For this kind of high-level battle, the participation of weak superpowers can only be a burden, which will make other captains helpless.

Originally, according to Lin Haoran’s intention, if he really wanted to get rid of the Scorching Eyes Team in one fell swoop, he should mobilize more superpowers. But Mao Shaohui said lightly: “Young Master Lin, don’t you believe in us? Or do you think some folk superpowers on the other side can be compared with our captain?”

Lin Haoran looked at the other people’s expressions of approval and sat helplessly on the chair. What a bunch of pigs. If these losers don’t know about the battle between superpowers, then as a superpower, don’t you know?

Lin Haoran glanced at Mao Shaohui and suddenly thought that among the four people, except Wu Yuze who was Mao Shaohui’s man, the other three had more or less issues with Mao Shaohui.

A borrowed knife to kill someone?

Lin Haoran narrowed his eyes, but did not expose Mao Shaohui. Accusations without grounds are absolutely unacceptable. This will only lead to joint attacks from others.

The candidate has been determined, so the next step is to choose the battlefield. This is absolutely not possible in urban areas. Even if it is transferred in advance, the losses caused are not what a country is willing to bear. It is definitely not much better than fighting a battle on the mainland.

Are people with super powers above the law? Although they had expected it for a long time, it was at this time that these people really started to face it. In the past, when superpowers were at peace, these people had never thought about what would happen if such a situation happened. Only now did they feel the real difficulty.

Things that are truly unaffected by the battle will only be a few nuclear test sites, or in other words, deserts. Thinking about it this way, the battle between Hong Mo and Qin Shasha a few days ago really took ordinary people into consideration. Otherwise, according to the intensity of the previous battle, at least one town would be destroyed.

Mao Shaohui smiled slightly in his heart, can’t he make up his mind? Then let me help you.


At this time, the Zhuotong team was already heading towards Baishiyi Airport. However, less than two minutes later, Hemerocallis became impatient. Because Hong Mo and Suzin were almost completely incapacitated, slowing down everyone’s speed. Moreover, the direction of Baishiyi happened to be the direction where Hemerocallis and the others were fighting just now. The traffic jam was so severe that it was impossible to go there by speeding.

Drop the red ink? Hemerocallis can’t do such a thing yet. If Hong Mo is discovered, he really has no power to fight back now. Hong Mo just experienced a huge battle three days ago, and now the power in his body is basically empty. If it weren’t for this, the higher-ups wouldn’t have sent only four captains.

“According to our information, the country’s seventeen captains, if they have no missions, are stationed in major cities across the country. The captain here in Chongqing is Li Muhao, the captain of the second team. His super power is to control water, and he is known as the Water Emperor. The other captain closest to here is Fu Xunhong from Chengdu. He seems to be a good friend of Hong Mo, right?”


“In a short period of time, we won’t encounter too many powerful opponents. Of course, there are also very strong civilian superpowers. But they generally won’t attack without reason. So I suggest that one person **** Hong Mo and the others away. “You will not be able to fight back when you encounter anything.” It seemed that time was urgent, and Su Yin’s mind was spinning very fast at this time.

“That’s it, who will **** Hong Mo and the others?” Hemerocallis asked, and then looked at Ma Teng.

“Hey, why are you looking at me?” Ma Teng touched his head.

“Hemerocallis cannot **** me, and Ji Lu, needless to say, must be following Hemerocallis. The remaining two are you and Su Yin, and Su Yin has to act as a staff officer. In other words, do you think you have the IQ?” Hong Mo shrugged helplessly and explained.

“Captain, I have one more request.” Hong Mo spoke again when explaining to Ma Teng. At this time, Hemerocallis seemed very anxious and a little impatient.

“Say it quickly!”

“I need gene stabilizing medicine and corresponding information.” Hong Mo looked at Hemerocallis with very serious eyes. If you make this request at this juncture, Hemerocallis may be treated as an enemy.

“Although I don’t think anything will happen to Chu Lingxin, I need to prepare for the worst. I can’t let anything happen to Lingyin because of this incident.” Hong Mo stood beside Lingyin. In front of him, he looked directly into Hemerocallis’s eyes without any hesitation.


“You are a good father!” Hemerocallis looked deeply at Hong Mo for a moment, said, and then threw a chip to Hong Mo. “Here are all Aunt Chu’s research results, including the T13 particle measuring instrument, which I leave to you. You can plug it into your computer and read it. The password is w154h54un57go98gr… And here are 13 gene stabilizing medicines. Jilu, Su Yin, let’s go!” After saying that, Hemerocallis spread its transparent wings and suddenly flew into the sky.

“She is right, you are a good father.” Ji Lu nodded to Hong Mo and followed Hemerocallis to fly out.

“I won’t say you are a good father~!” Su Ting laughed. “Go abroad. After we rescue Chu Lingxin, we will also go abroad. For future news, please read the messages on the **** website.”

Hong Mo nodded, **** website is a famous Japanese pornographic website. Chu Lingxin didn’t know what she was thinking about using this website as a website for exchanging information. Read the posts in a specific order to get the real news.

After the three people left, Ma Teng looked at Hong Mo in surprise: “You really dare to say that, I was really afraid that you would be killed by Hemerocallis just now.” This is not nonsense, after all, Hong Mo asked for it. Things can be said to be of immeasurable value.

In particular, the data of the t13 particle measuring instrument is also in the same chip. If this is obtained by some force, it will be enough to achieve a leap forward development. If Hemerocallis mistakenly thinks that he has some strange thoughts, he will definitely be killed.

“How should we go now?” Hong Mo asked Ma Teng. He was the only one who still had super powers, so he still needed to seek his opinion.

“Hong Mo, please analyze carefully, is it possible for us to reconcile with the country?” Ma Teng asked instead of answering Hong Mo’s question.

Hong Mo glanced at Ma Teng in surprise, and then thought about it. “It’s probably impossible. I called Fu Xunhong not long ago, but he couldn’t get through. You must know that he is the captain, and we are good friends. If there is any news, he will definitely notify me. Obviously, the above is We are really going to take action, and all relevant personnel have been quarantined. I just hope that he will not be affected.”

“That’s it. It seems like I’m really going to live in exile abroad.” Ma Teng lowered his head in annoyance.

“Yes, there is no place for him to stand in the country at present.” Hong Mo said with the same emotion, but he didn’t expect that a few years later, he would still reach this point. I don’t know if Mao Shaohui played any role in this incident.

“I hope Hemerocallis and the others are fine.” Ma Teng

“Let’s go and find a friend of mine. I believe it will be helpful for us to go abroad.” Ma Teng waved to Hong Mo, then walked in the same direction with Hong Mo and Ling Yin.


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