Puppet Curse Chapter 88: Mood


bsp;Why was this battle allowed to be broadcast live? Who cares about this, at least Hong Mo won’t care about it. At this time, he just needs to rest quietly and recuperate. Maybe if you ask Chu Lingxin, she will tell Hong Mo. Unfortunately, Hong Mo is not interested in some of the above ‘phenomenon’.

Hong Mo’s injuries were serious, his arms were destroyed, most of the skin on the front was necrotic, and his internal organs were severely burned… If it were another person, he would probably be dead a long time ago. But this kind of injury seems to be nothing when it comes to Hong Mo. Although serious, at least recovery is no problem at all.

In just three days, Hong Mo’s body had completely recovered. This terrifying regenerative ability once again stunned countless doctors. These people are not qualified to know the specific information about Hong Mo. They only know that Hong Mo is a superpower, that’s all.

The red hands and the skin all over the body have regrown and look extremely white and delicate, even more attractive than those so-called beauties with snow-skinned skin.

Although his body has recovered, Hong Mo is still recuperating. The new body is still far inferior to the body that has been trained for a long time in the past.

“Hong Mo, I have to say that your high-speed regeneration is really a terrifying ability. However, I want to remind you one thing.” After checking Hong Mo, Chu Lingxin deliberately left Come down and tell Hong Mo some important things.

“What happened?”

“Do you know the principle of regeneration?”

“You know, regeneration is when the body absorbs matter and energy to promote cell division. High-speed regeneration is about accelerating this process hundreds or thousands of times.” Hong Mo said what he understood.

“Yes, that’s it.” Chu Lingxin nodded. “Regeneration is actually the division of cells. But there is a limit to the number of times a person’s body cells can divide. Once it reaches the limit, the body will collapse, which is aging. The body of a person with superpowers, whether it is strength or cell toughness, They are much longer than ordinary people. In other words, the lifespan of a person with super powers will be very long, but…”!

Chu Lingxin did not continue. Hong Mo was not an idiot, and he still understood such a simple truth.

“If I use high-speed regeneration for a long time, it will still have an impact on my lifespan, right.”

“That’s right.” Chu Lingxin nodded. “If you used to be able to resist many attacks because of your high-speed regeneration, I hope you will change this habit in the future.”

“No problem. In fact, my habit is to dodge attacks and never resist them.” Hong Mo smiled. Show your strength by resisting attacks? Please stop laughing, Hong Mo would not do such a mindless thing.

“This is best.”

After finishing talking about the business, Chu Lingxin began to ask questions that she was concerned about again. “Did the electromagnetic gun you used last have an error in the calculation program simulated by the super computer? Why did you hurt yourself?”

This is a topic that Chu Lingxin is concerned about. If there are loopholes in the simulation calculation program, she will need to make up for it.

“No, not at all. In fact, a new calculation program is not so easy to complete. Ben and I were unable to successfully use the calculation program you simulated before. However, during the battle, I didn’t know how to use it. But in the end, he lost control and hurt himself. “Hong Mo’s ‘Red Eyes’ has only completed the first step of the three steps so far. The new railgun cannot be completed so easily.

“Oh.” Chu Lingxin nodded. Some people will always have incredible outbursts in crisis situations. I guess Hong Mo is that kind of person, so he accidentally used the electromagnetic gun with new calculations. This is not something incomprehensible.

“That’s it, you should have a good rest.” After Chu Lingxin finished speaking, she walked out of the ward.

Originally Hong Mo wanted to take a nap, but less than two minutes after Chu Lingxin left, Ling Yin came to the ward. “Dad!” The little guy pounced directly on Hong Mo.

Of course, the others who came in with Suzune were the rest of the Sakatomi team. It would be impossible for Suzune alone to come here.

“Hey, you look like you are recovering well.” Several people said hello.

“Well, it’s okay, but it will probably take a while to recharge the battery in the body.” Hong Mo smiled, and then told them about his current predicament.

The energy in the body of a person with superpowers, whether it is electrical energy or thermal energy, is converted from food. According to the inference of scientists, when a person with superpowers digests food, there will be a concomitant transformation of matter and energy, e=mc2. It is this accompanying energy transformation that provides the huge energy in the body of the superpower. When the energy that can be stored in a superpower’s body reaches its peak, this tiny amount of transformation will automatically stop.

This transformation is very weak, and the huge current in the red ink body is also the result of long-term accumulation. This unexpected explosion of red ink almost completely consumed the current in the body. It would be impossible to return to the previous situation without taking a while.

“About how long, as long as you don’t wilt like this all the time.” Ma Teng’s words have always been so philosophical.

“It will probably take two months to restore combat effectiveness. If you want to return to full strength, it will take at least half a year.” Hong Mo felt the speed of electric current accumulation in his body and made a guess.

Half a year is really a long time, but it also shows that the amount of electricity that can be stored in Hong Mo’s body is very large. One of the reasons why Chu Lingxin valued Hong Mo in the past was because the amount of electricity stored in his body was several or even ten times that of other electromagnetic superpowers.

In fact, the previous red ink could not store so much electricity. This was entirely the result of a series of inhuman experiments in the laboratory. Therefore, although Hong Mo suffered a lot of torture at the beginning, it was not without gain. At least the high-speed regeneration and huge current were real benefits.

Of course, if Hong Mo could make a choice, Hong Mo would never conduct those experiments just for this improvement. Only Hong Mo himself knows how much luck it takes to survive a series of experiments.

Really, survival is luck and has nothing to do with strength.

A few people chatted with Hong Mo for a while and then left with Ling Yin. Hong Mo was lying alone on the hospital bed, looking at the snow-white ceiling and meditating silently. A few people made a noise, and any sleepiness in Hong Mo’s mind was driven away.

Hongmo has always been compromising with the country. The above gave Hong Mo a legal identity, but Hong Mo could not seek revenge against Mao Shaohui. Although on the surface, it seemed to restrict Hong Mo’s freedom, Hong Mo knew that it was a kind of protection for him who had nothing at the time. And those who made this decision were those who adopted a soft policy towards people with super powers.

In this unexpected battle, although Hong Mo was okay in the end, it also gave Hong Mo a warning. In the world of superpowers, there may be danger at any time, and you may die tomorrow for some strange reason. If he had not killed his enemy when he died, would he have died in peace?

In the past, Hong Mo was worried about Ling Yin, fearing that Ling Yin would be hurt because of her own affairs. But after this time, Hong Mo specifically told Ling Yin what happened between him and Mu Siyu, and Ling Yin’s reaction was also very different from that of an ordinary little girl.

“Dad, are you worried that I will be hurt?” Lingyin asked at that time.

Hong Mo nodded.

“Dad, if you don’t avenge mom and the others, then I will go too.” Lingyin said very seriously. Hong Mo looked at Ling Yin’s clear and serious eyes and sighed.

‘I just don’t have a daughter yet. ’ After such a conversation, Hong Mo’s mentality has quietly changed. Although Lingyin is still a little girl, she is no longer the silly girl who just came out of the research institute and didn’t understand anything. Suzune, who is already nine years old, has completely developed her own mature thoughts.

It’s time! Although he decided to take action, Hong Mo still would not be reckless.

Mao Shaohui is now the minister of the Ministry of National Special Security. Like Hong Mo, he is already middle-aged and has lost the original impulsiveness and impetuosity. No matter who you are, you will grow up, and you cannot remain a princeling forever. As a descendant of the founding emperor of the Celestial Dynasty, although it is not a hereditary system now, he still has huge energy in the court. Not to mention, he’s also a superpower.

Hong Mo left the research institute because someone with super powers defected. This incident triggered a change in the decision-making of the boss above. Just like what Tang Qianqian said, people with super powers can no longer be restrained by law as their abilities become more and more powerful today. If the country’s attitude is too tough, many people will be forced to leave.

As long as the treatment is decent, no one will want to serve in other countries unless they are born rebels. Therefore, the bosses above are preparing to use red ink as the first test subject and try to adopt a gentle policy.

Both Hong Mo and Mao Shaohui compromised. Hong Mo was weak at the time, but Mao Shaohui did not take a small insect like Hong Mo into his eyes. But what about now? Hong Mo has made such a big noise, will he remain stable? I’m afraid not anymore.

Mao Shaohui will not let the red ink develop like before. Anyone who is not a fool can see this. Of course, Mao Shaohui would not take action directly. Internal disputes were not that simple. He won’t let others catch him so easily.

However, isn’t there a good excuse now? Who made the ‘real-life movie’? At present, people with super powers are like military secrets in the technological age, how can they be exposed so easily.

Hong Mo was thinking about things in confusion and slowly fell asleep.



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