The Whispering Verses Chapter 2748: The Queen and the Opera House


Chapter 2747 The Queen and the Opera House

After lunch that day, Luvia wanted to take a nap, so she took advantage of the association’s lunch break to return home – she used to sleep in the association’s lounge.

Opening the door, she inserted the dripping umbrella into the tube. After closing the door, she raised her eyebrows at the shoes of Shade, Dorothy and Lesia on the shoe rack. When she walked up the stairs, she even heard the voices of three people when she turned the corner of the stairs where the copper engravings were hung.

After arriving on the second floor, she was sure that she heard correctly. After walking into the living room of Room 1 and looking at the cat lying on the sofa, she went directly to the bedroom, which did not close the door, and then leaned against the door frame. He smiled and said to the three people in the room:

“Why haven’t you gone out yet? I thought you were on an offshore cruise ship in Coldwater Port.”


Lecia gasped for air and gave the answer, asking Dorothy to take over her first:

“Good morning Luvia, is it already noon? We will go out in the afternoon.”

The purple-eyed fortune teller shook her head helplessly:

“I should have guessed that this would be the case. Just keep busy. Oh, do you need me to prepare lunch for you? I see that you haven’t had lunch yet.”

“No need!”

The three people in the room almost said it together. Shade felt it was very strange, while Dorothy and Lesia felt that Luvia was mocking them. This feeling was certainly true.

So, Luvia, who originally wanted to go home and take a nap, accompanied the three of them to have lunch cooked by Dorothy. She really went to take a nap after lunch, and there was still an hour before going to work in the afternoon:

“When I open my eyes, will you still be at home?”

She even joked like this, so Shade, Dorothy, and Lesia left the house after clearing the dishes. Of course, little Mia stayed to look after the house.

The afternoon trip was to Fort Midhill first. After meeting Grace and Helen, we all went to the Sikal Mountain in autumn to see the fallen leaves and scenery. Although it’s all woods like Vista Glades, the views are obviously better in the mountains.

At around four o’clock in the afternoon, the group of five people returned to the city on foot. While bidding farewell to Grace and Helen, Shade also took back the repaired coffin.

All the souls in it have been stuffed into the local narrow space of life and death by the Red Butterfly Twins, which is very spacious. So now there is only a clean and stable subspace left in the coffin. According to the twin girls’ calculations, the volume should be about the same size as the Shade family’s bedroom.

After leaving Fort Midhill, Shade went to Green Lake Island with the princess and the writer. Less than half a year had passed since the “Family War”, and this island hidden behind the material world had also Calm has been restored.

The island in reality is under construction in full swing. The Green siblings and their ghoul father want to revive the family’s ancestral land. On this island hidden on the back, except for a few members of the church, they are inspecting Except for studying special spatial structures, most of the other areas are looked after and maintained by Megan and Audrey’s followers.

“Body of Courage!”

This time Shade completely consumed one-third of his soul, and then the giant of more than 20 meters captured Dorothy and Lesia amidst their laughter, just like kidnapping them in the story The princess’ “devil” led them from the mountaintop lighthouse in the south of the island to the woodland in the north of the island.

Lecia and Dorothy proposed to come here, of course, not just to let Shade demonstrate this thaumaturgy, but also to show Shade the new thaumaturgy they had just learned. This thaumaturgy requires two people to work together. can be used.

In front of the replica of the Green Lake Hotel in the forest, they did not merge into one person, but held hands with each other and summoned the life ring.

The girls in the hotel also looked curiously with Shade at the door. As the spirit flowed, a three-story small house with red tiles and white walls appeared in front of the Green Lake Hotel.

Although the house is not short, the area on each floor is very small, which makes it look like a building that only appears in fairy tales.

But Dorothy and Lesia were happy with it:

“This is the high-circle thaumaturgy taught to us by Miss Sylvia-Mexius’s Mansion Technique. Although the area of ​​the building we created is not large, as our level increases, sooner or later it will It will become a real mansion.”

They hurried back to Tobesk before dinner, and Lesia had already reserved a private box in the club for dinner. After dinner, it was time to go to the King of Delrayon Opera House to watch the [Golden Dawn Opera] opera.

But there was a little thing that happened before the opera started. Of course, the ticket that Lesia booked was for a private box, otherwise there would be no point in watching the opera. When the three of them went up the stairs and arrived at the corridor on the third floor of the Opera House, they saw Queen Diana, Princess Agelina, Princess Alice and Princess Elena preparing to enter the room next to the three-person box.

Lecia is indeed a ring magician. She was still joking with Shade just now, but she immediately turned around and was about to go downstairs, but was stopped by Queen Diana.

The Queen seems to be recovering very well after giving birth, and her elegant appearance is not much different from before pregnancy:

“Good evening, Lord Hamilton of Ray Jade, good evening, Miss Louisa. And you, Lesia, do you want me to tell you how are you tonight?

How do I remember that you told me that you were going to spend the night at Carina’s manor today to improve your relationship with her? ”

There was not much expression on the queen’s face, as if she was just stating some facts.

Her Royal Highness the Princess turned around when she was called, with a smile on her face to cope with public situations:

“Good evening, mother, good evening, sisters. Mother, didn’t you say you were going to attend the banquet of Marquise Byers tonight?”

“Yes, but poor Anna got stuck in a fish bone when she was eating fish for lunch. Although surgery saved her, I’m afraid the banquet tonight will not be held.”

Queen Diana stared at her daughter. Although her hair color was different from Lesia’s red hair inherited from the Cavendish family, her eyes were very similar to Lesia’s blue eyes:

“So, Lesia, why are you here?”

Lecia has already thought of her words:

“Mr. Hamilton and Miss Louisa came here to collect information. Carina said they were young people and asked me to come and have a walk with them. We were still talking on the road just now. Carina asked me to Keep an eye on the knight.”

She made a joke, and Queen Diana glanced at her suspiciously and said nothing more:

“You are in the box next door? Do you want to come here together?”

“No need, mother, we can’t watch the opera if we are all crowded together.”

Lecia politely refused, and then everyone entered different boxes. Shade noticed Agelina staring at him, so he winked at her. The little princess’ face was tense to prevent herself from smiling, and then when she saw that no one was paying attention to her, she also winked at Shade.

Because of the long-term “tacit understanding”, Shade knew very well what it would mean once Lesia said she wanted to go to the box to watch the opera. This was actually similar to the meaning of watching the “Manuscript “Summer Nights”” at the banquet.

But this time it was a little different, because Lesia seemed to really just want Shade to watch the performance of “Crystal Light”.

After entering the box, the three of them sat on the sofa, and then waited until the lights below went out and the performance officially started. Lecia and Dorothy did not say a word.

This made Shade a little uncomfortable, so he tried to reach out to the writer’s leg, and then she grabbed her hand:

“Xia De, don’t move~”

So Shade watched the performances of the girls of the Golden Dawn Opera Troupe honestly. It has been more than half a month since the opera troupe arrived in Tobesk, but people’s pursuit of them is still unabated. There were no empty seats in the audience.

The original story of “Crystal Light” is actually not very long, but after being adapted into an opera, it is divided into four acts to tell the story of the free elves in the forest. Because they covet the light of the crystal, they eventually become evil spirits themselves. The story of the eternal crystal.

The script adapted into an opera was provided by Dorothy, and the girls in the opera troupe also showed excellent acting skills. Even Shade, who is extremely familiar with the story, found their performance very interesting. For outsiders who don’t appreciate the art of opera very much, this is a valuable evaluation.

But soon Shade realized that the “honesty” of the two girls was not just because they wanted him to learn more. Halfway through the second act of the show, he had already obtained two pieces of crystal jewelry from a wandering businessman. The elves went into the forest to hunt again, and just when the heroine of the play was standing in the jungle setting holding a rabbit and singing loudly, the door of the box was suddenly knocked from outside.

Lecia and Dorothy both smiled. Lecia immediately stood up and opened the door as if she had been waiting for this moment. It wasn’t even ten seconds from the knock on the door to the moment she opened the door.

And Shade noticed that she didn’t even ask who was outside the door.

As expected, it was Queen Diana outside the door. She also seemed a little surprised that the door of the box opened so quickly, but the queen’s cultivation allowed her to quickly adjust her expression.

However, Lesia still noticed that she looked inside the door and then twitched her nose slightly:

“Lecia, this opera is very good, right? Agelina said that you don’t have any servants around, so I asked the maid to prepare some fruits and snacks for you.”

Queen Diana said, the little princess behind her hurriedly shook her head to her sister to show that it had nothing to do with her. At this time, Shade and Dorothy also stood up and came to the door.

Seeing that the three of them were all neatly dressed and there were no strange traces or smells in the box, Queen Diana smiled and told them not to come to the door:

“Have fun.”


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