Douluo Dalu Gaiden Douluo World Chapter 32: Responsibilities of the group leader

Published:, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Douluo Continent Gaiden: Douluo World!

Huo Zhanji stood there and thought for a moment. He probably understood that perhaps, this time he was misinformed into the golden main world of Peerless Tang Sect, and the biggest gain was probably the Eye of Destiny. The specific function of the Eye of Destiny will have to be tried slowly in the future, but the golden luster cannot be faked! Teacher Lan Yinhai once said that gold represents magical weapons.

However, I finally came back.

Two years!

No matter how much time passed in the real world, in the space of Three-Eyed Golden Raider, it did take him a full two years to leave. The past two years have changed too much for him, but at the same time, how can he not miss his family in two years?

The time difference between the Douluo World and the outside world is about three to one. From the time he first entered the Douluo World to the present, in fact, Huo Zhanji’s life can be said to have reached fifteen years. All kinds of experiences have made him become more calm and mature.

There is no feeling of resentment, but only a feeling of excitement. Just come back!

When he walked out of the mission transfer room, Huo Zhanji saw a familiar figure.

“Teacher.” Huo Zhanji shouted in surprise.

Lan Yinhai was looking at him with a smile, “You are finally back. When I received the notice that there was a problem in Douluo World and you were mistakenly transported to a dangerous world, I was really scared. Fortunately, , you are finally back!”

“Well, thank you, teacher. Are my parents here to take care of me?” Huo Zhanji asked quickly.

Lan Yinhai said: “That’s natural. The academy told them that you are undergoing training in the Douluo world. However, it has been eight months now, and they are probably already very anxious. You can go back first. Go home quickly and let them know they are safe.”

“Yeah. Is everyone okay? Did they go through team tasks again while I was away?” Huo Zhanji asked.

Lan Yinhai said: “They are all fine. They returned from personal tasks in about two or three months in real time. They heard that something happened to you, and they were also very anxious. Moreover, they did not care about this group. For a long time, they can’t participate in team tasks unless they first withdraw from the original team and then regroup. Everyone has decided to wait for you. Unless you are really determined to be in trouble, they will not regroup. They have been there recently. Accept the normal teachings of the academy.”

“Then thank everyone for me. I’ll go home first.”

After being separated from his parents for so long, he really couldn’t wait.

Farewell to Lan Yinhai, Huo Zhan rushed home as fast as lightning. It was still afternoon and his parents were not at home. He quickly dialed his mother’s phone using the communicator.

“Mom, it’s me, Zhanji! I’m back.”

There was silence for a moment on the other side, but soon, cheers came, “Son, wait for me at home, mom will be back soon.”

In less than twenty minutes, Tang Wutong rushed into the door of the house and held his son, who had grown much taller, in his arms.

Huo Zhanji was also very excited at this time, but when he was hugged by his mother, for some reason, there was no burst of emotion like a reunion after a long separation. Instead, there was only a familiar feeling, as if he had never been far away from his mother. Similar.

Tang Wutong’s eyes flickered slightly at this time, and he patted his son’s back gently.

“You have grown taller again, almost as tall as your mother. You are finally back, your father and I can worry about you.”

Huo Zhanji looked up at his mother’s long pink-blue hair hanging behind her head, and blurted out: “Mom, I saw a boy in Douluo World who also had a hair color similar to yours, and he looked like It’s a bit like you.”

“Oh? Who looks like your mother?” At this moment, Huo Yuhao, who had received the news, had also returned.

Huo Zhanji turned to look at him, “By the way, Dad, I also saw a boy who looked like you when you were young. Dad, this time I entered a world called Peerless Tang Sect, and he should be our Douluo A period in the history of the mainland. Could what I saw be the ancestors of our family?”

Huo Yuhao and Tang Wutong looked at each other, and one word flashed in their minds at the same time: mistake.

Well, he should be teleported back earlier. I didn’t expect Zhou Yi to be so cool, so she brought him in directly without even registering for school.

“It’s possible.” Huo Yuhao said perfunctorily.

Tang Wutong said: “Son, take a rest first, and mom will go cook for you.”

Huo Zhanji blinked. After possessing the Eye of Destiny, his perception was greatly improved. Perception is closely related to mental power, but it also has its own unique characteristics, which is difficult to describe in words. He could feel now that it was a little strange for his parents to see him back, and the feeling of seeing him again after a long absence was not strong.

However, he finally returned home. After being tortured by the three-eyed golden beast for two years and passing the assessment of Shrek Academy, how could he not be exhausted?

Shortly after the meal, he returned to his room and fell asleep, not wanting to meditate at all.

In the living room.

Huo Yuhao waved his hand, and an invisible barrier enveloped him and his wife.

“This child has grown up faster than we thought. To be honest, I didn’t expect him to persevere.” Huo Yuhao said to Tang Wutong.

Tang Wutong said with some pride: “My son is so good. I originally planned that if he could persist for one minute, he would be considered a passer. It would be no problem to pass the main mission, and then I would add the Eye of Destiny. Give it to him. I didn’t expect this kid to be so tenacious, to fight repeatedly, and not feel like he was going to collapse at all. He actually persisted to the point where he could have a chance of winning against me at the same level.”

Huo Yuhao said angrily: “When you beat him, you were really cruel!”

Tang Wutong snorted, “A father’s debt is paid by his son. What did you do to me when I transformed into a three-eyed golden beast? Have you forgotten? Humph!”

Huo Yuhao coughed quickly, “It’s all in the past, and I didn’t know you were the same person at that time! Well, I also think that boys need to be tempered if they want to truly grow up. You did it right.”

Tang Wutong was silent for a moment and said: “Dad wants Zhanji to go to that world. If he really goes to that world through Douluo World, we will no longer be able to help him. Moreover, once I go, I won’t be able to come back until the end. I’m really worried about this.”

Huo Yuhao smiled bitterly and said: “I’m worried too! But this is a big deal. Through training in the Douluo world, Zhanji’s character, talent, and his own dreams are all the most suitable candidates. . If he can rely on himself to reach the same height as us, or even surpass us, isn’t that what we want to see? ”

Tang Wutong puffed up his mouth and said, “What I want is that my son will always be by my side.”

Huo Yuhao pulled his wife into his arms, “Don’t worry, he will be fine. Don’t you know what dad is doing? He is strategizing, and everything is definitely under his control. Moreover, we can also kill anyone. There are enough, there should be some arrangements on my father’s side.”

“Yes. Dad will hold a meeting of the Great God Circle in the next few days, and this matter will be finalized. Let’s spend more time with our son these days.”


When Huo Zhanji woke up, it was already the next morning. He had a really comfortable sleep, as if all the fatigue and painful experiences had been completely forgotten. The only thing that made him a little helpless was that he had dreamed of the three-eyed golden beast many times in his sleep. Of course it wasn’t a nice dream. In the dream, I was beaten so much that I couldn’t escape even if I wanted to break free.

Huo Yuhao did not go out, saying that he had taken some time off. Tang Wutong was also at home, and the couple planned to spend time with their son together.

However, just after breakfast, Huo Zhanji received a call from Lu Yixin.

“Captain, squad leader, you are finally back! We are almost worried to death. It would be great if you came back, everyone misses you. Tell me, our team was just established, so many powerful team skills have been It’s not working yet, you’ve disappeared now. But let’s wait! When will we start the team mission? It’s been a long time since we entered Douluo World. I heard that a team has already completed the second team mission. You can’t be left behind!”

Lu Yixin’s voice revealed anxiety.

Isn’t that right? Huo Zhanji has been away for eight months. They basically completed their personal missions four or five months ago and are waiting for Huo Zhanji to return. Other teams are continuing their missions, but they have no missions to complete. They have never entered the Douluo world, and their growth will definitely be slowed down.

“I’m sorry! I didn’t expect this to happen this time. I just came back. Let me stay with my parents for two days. In two days, I will go back to you. I will definitely lead you to complete a highly praised Team tasks.”

Huo Zhanji is very confident in his own strength. Our partners have been waiting for so long. This time, we must use the fastest speed to lead everyone to complete a first-class evaluation task. When the time comes, we will try our best to give all the gains to our partners.

“Okay, then I’ll inform everyone.” Lu Yixin said excitedly.

After hanging up the call, Huo Zhanji saw that his parents looked a little wrong.

Tang Wutong even pouted.

Huo Zhanji hurriedly comforted: “Dad, Mom. They are my classmates and my partners in the Douluo world. There was something wrong with my last personal task. It took too much time. Others had already completed it. The mission is waiting for me. Therefore, I must continue the team mission with them as soon as possible, and we cannot be left behind by other teams. It would be too much if we were separated because of me. I’m sorry. Don’t worry, I improved a lot in the personal mission that just ended. This team mission will be completed soon. I should be back within a month.”

His confidence comes from his strength. With his current abilities, if added together, his mental power can even exceed 100. With such strength, Huo Zhanji believed that no one among his peers could surpass him. And several other basic attributes are not far from fifty points. I have completed the golden main quests by myself, so what else can’t be completed for the team quests in the ordinary world?

Just when Tang Wutong was about to say something, Huo Yuhao took her hand and said, “Being responsible is a good thing, so go ahead. Your father and mother will be at home with you these two days. You can eat whatever you want. Your mother said.”

Huo Zhanji looked at his mother’s red eyes and couldn’t bear it. He hurriedly stepped forward and took Tang Wutong’s other hand and shook it gently, “Mom, it’s been so long since I left last time. It is indeed wrong to leave right away, but my father also said that this is my responsibility. I am now the leader of our team. As the leader, I have to lead my partners to move forward bravely. Don’t worry. It shouldn’t be like this for eight months.”

Tang Wutong looked at his son and didn’t know what to say. In fact, his previous son was never far away. However, leaving in the future will not be as simple as eight months!

Taking a deep breath, Tang Wutong broke away from her husband’s hand, hugged her son into her arms, and choked with sobs: “Zhanji, mom is proud of you. No matter what time, mom and dad are waiting for you to come back. You must protect yourself in the Douluo world, and always think that we are waiting for you, so you must not take risks easily.”

“Okay, okay, mom, don’t cry, I will be careful.” Huo Zhanji comforted his mother.

He was also full of reluctance, after all, he had just come back. However, his companions have never abandoned him and have been waiting for him without reorganizing the team. As the leader, how can he not think about his companions!

In the end, he left. He only stayed at home for a total of two and a half days before returning to Shrek Academy.

In the past two days, Tang Wutong wanted to cook six meals for his son every day, and the couple stayed with him.

Standing on the balcony, watching his son go away. Tang Wutong suddenly threw herself into Huo Yuhao’s arms.

“You promise, nothing will happen to my son. Nothing will happen!” Tang Wutong hugged her husband hard.

“I promise, I promise.” Huo Yuhao comforted softly.

Tang Wutong suddenly raised his head, “No, I want dad to guarantee it. Let’s go back to the God Realm now. Before the Great God Circle meeting, let’s go see dad first.”



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