Douluo Dalu Gaiden Douluo World Chapter 26: Peerless Tang Sect Star Dou Forest

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If he wants to apply for Shrek Academy, the first thing he has to do now is to leave the Star Dou Forest. In ancient legends, the Star Dou Forest is home to countless powerful soul beasts. There is no doubt that this is It is extremely dangerous. He is now a small soul master and can barely compete against the thousand-year soul beast, but the more powerful soul beast is simply not something he can fight against.

Historical records of the soul beast forest say that the more powerful the soul beast is, the closer it will live to the core of the forest.

The soul beasts he found here are all millennium-level. They should not be in the outermost area. There should be ten-year or century-level soul beasts in the periphery. Therefore, he now looks for a direction and moves forward carefully. If the soul beast he finds next is a person with a lower cultivation level, it means that he is going in the right direction. Otherwise, he is going in the wrong direction and should turn around immediately.

At this time, he felt that his mental appraisal skills were more useful. Such a skill allowed him to know himself and his enemies, and allowed him to make better judgments.

Without rushing into action, Huo Zhanji returned to his best condition on the tree crown. Then he carefully slipped down from the tree.

After thinking for a while, he chose the direction of the Millennium Yellow-headed Baboon, which was relatively easy to deal with and walked slowly.

Use mental detection to open the way, stay as far away from the yellow-headed baboons as possible, and then quickly walk through the woods to collect your own aura. This is the best he can do now.

Soon, he entered the territory of the yellow-headed baboon. The yellow-headed baboon was dozing on the tree, and it was about five hundred meters away from Huo Zhanji, so the passage was relatively smooth.

Huo Zhanji moved forward cautiously, and his mental detection continued to explore the front.

Just when he passed about 500 meters through the territory of the Thousand-Year Yellow-headed Baboon, he suddenly stopped and the expression on his face became somewhat solidified.

A problem has arisen…

In his mental perception, there were at least dozens of yellow-headed baboons in a large area in front of him. The mental evaluation did not tell him that these creatures actually lived in groups.

Among them, he found a yellow-headed baboon with golden hair on its head, an exceptionally strong body, and golden hair on its back.

Huo Zhanji subconsciously threw away the mental appraisal.

“Ten thousand-year-old golden-headed baboon, talented, explosive power, infinite strength. Fierce and ferocious in strength, will attack any creature that enters its territory, feeds on nuts, cultivates, eleven thousand three hundred and sixty-four years .”

Ten thousand year soul beast!

Huo Zhanji instantly felt like his scalp was exploding, and the moment he threw away his mental appraisal, the golden-headed baboon with golden hair suddenly opened his eyes and looked directly towards He looked in the direction of Huo Zhanji.

No, the other party’s strength far exceeds his own, and he actually feels the mental appraisal and his own mental power fluctuations. broken!

Not taking any chances, Huo Zhanji instantly chanted, “Darkness condenses the soul, and only when it falls can freedom be achieved. Wake up to the endless magic power sleeping in my blood.”

A dark aura suddenly burst out, and the black wings behind Huo Zhanji instantly spread out. He suddenly flapped his wings and flew away in the opposite direction with his body.

“Roar——” A violent roar sounded. The entire forest seemed to be alarmed. All the yellow-headed baboons Huo Zhanji sensed were led by the golden-headed baboon and chased him in his direction at extremely fast speeds.

What shocked Huo Zhanji even more was that the thousand-year-old yellow-headed baboon that passed through his territory before was also alerted and rushed towards him.

You must not let the ten thousand year soul beast catch up with you, otherwise it will be the end. Huo Zhanji knew exactly what he should do.

He is absolutely no match for the ten thousand year soul beast, even when it is transformed into a fallen angel. Ten thousand years and thousands of years are not on the same level at all.

Run! He can only choose to run now.

His flying ability is still a bit clumsy. During the month of rest, he found a place to practice flying. He is no longer as unable to control his flight trajectory as he was at the beginning, but he is definitely not an excellent person. pilot.

At this moment, facing a huge threat to his life, Huo Zhanji flapped his wings with all his strength and flew back like lightning.

The Millennium Yellow-headed Baboon was intercepted and killed almost instantly. Huo Zhanji had no intention of fighting it. He tilted his head and looked at it, with a flash of purple light in his eyes and a mental shock!

The thousand-year-old yellow-headed baboon tilted its head back as it was struck by the mental power. It flew over and lost control of its body, directly breaking a thick tree. Huo Zhanji also took this opportunity to fly towards the distance like lightning.

It has to be said that a spirit beast like the yellow-headed baboon is not only physically strong, but also mentally strong. Huo Zhanji’s attack just now was a mental shock with the amplification of the fallen angel’s transformation. But it only made this yellow-headed baboon temporarily lose its fighting ability.

Huo Zhanji’s evaluation of his current strength is very fair. As long as the thousand-year soul beasts are not those special species, he should be able to barely fight against them. Don’t even think about it. Even in the state of fallen angel transformation, he is equivalent to the strength of a fourth-ring soul sect. To fight against a ten-thousand-year-old soul beast, it is possible for him to be at least a fifth-ring soul king or above.

Too fast!

Although the 10,000-year-old golden-headed baboon behind him could not fly, its jumping ability was so amazing that Huo Zhanji was horrified. Almost in an instant, the extremely strong golden figure, over two and a half meters tall, was already chasing behind him.

There are many big trees in the forest, and Huo Zhanji’s flying skills are not very good. He will definitely not be able to fly fast while dodging these big trees.

The hair on his back suddenly stood up. Huo Zhanji didn’t hesitate at all. His body instantly moved three feet sideways. A golden figure with an extremely fierce aura rushed past him and directly broke three big trees.

No longer hesitating, Huo Zhanji flapped the fallen angel wings behind him with all his strength, and his body soared upwards, flying high into the sky in an instant. No matter how strong the ten-thousand-year-old golden-headed baboon is, it cannot fly after all and can only fly into the sky. To avoid its pursuit.

“Roar——” The golden-headed baboon let out a deafening roar, suddenly jumped up a big tree and chased after Huo Zhanji.

Just flying upward, the only cover was the tree crown, which was much easier to dodge. Huo Zhanji instantly flew upward from between the crowns of two big trees. All the surrounding cover disappeared at this moment. Under his feet, there was In the endless sea of ​​trees, Huo Zhanji soared into the sky, reaching high in the sky in an instant.

The golden-headed baboon’s strong body suddenly stepped on the tree crown and chased Huo Zhanji like a cannonball.

While in mid-air, Huo Zhanji gathered his energy and released a mental blast behind him.

The ten thousand-year-old golden-headed baboon was stunned by the mental blast of his full blow, and Huo Zhanji hurriedly deflected its flight direction. Although the golden-headed baboon woke up the next moment, it had nowhere to rely on in mid-air, and it was no longer possible to chase Huo Zhanji. The strong body rushed out of the tree crown for a hundred meters before unwillingly falling into the Star Forest.

Huo Zhanji spread his wings and controlled his body to float in mid-air, breathing heavily. His back was completely soaked in cold sweat.

Although the Thousand-Year-Old Golden-Headed Baboon has no long-range attack capabilities, it has a fierce aura and blazing energy and blood fluctuations. If you confront it head-on, I’m afraid I won’t be able to take even one blow! This Star Dou Forest is really too dangerous.

At this moment, even though he was already in the air, because he was not too far away from the forest, he still couldn’t tell which direction was the right way to leave. The area of ​​​​this primitive forest was really too large. , the sea of ​​trees presented to him was so shocking.

Only now does he understand how dangerous the world of the Golden Main Line is. Under normal circumstances, I’m afraid he would have to wait until he broke through to at least the fifth ring before he could venture into such a world, right? It’s really too early to come now!

Although his strength has improved rapidly due to practicing the Heavenly Demon Art, he is far from rich in combat experience, combat skills, and combat abilities. Can he really leave the Star Dou Forest alive?

Just when this idea came to Huo Zhanji’s mind, his expression changed drastically again. Because he suddenly saw that in the sky, at least a dozen flying soul beasts were flying in his direction at some unknown time. The auras of nearly half of them are not weaker than those of the previous golden-headed baboons.

Let me go, it turns out that the unobstructed sky is more dangerous than the forest?

Huo Zhanji did not dare to stay, so he quickly gathered his wings, pointed in the direction away from the golden-headed baboon, opened his mental detection at full range, and headed straight into the Star Forest.

The density of soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest was so great that when he spread his mental detection, he immediately sensed the existence of dozens of soul beasts, at least with thousand-year cultivation level, and some of them were even more powerful. Those who are stronger can even feel his mental detection and look in his direction instantly.

Huo Zhanji cried out in his heart, what should we do? Mental detection will cause the soul beast to detect mental fluctuations. If you don’t detect it, you don’t know where you will crash into.

This is a deadly rhythm!

“Roar——” An angry roar was accompanied by a roar like an earthquake. In Huo Zhanji’s mental perception, the previously extremely powerful golden-headed baboon turned around and ran away with its group after hearing this roar.

Then during his mental detection, a presence appeared that made his whole body shiver.

A deafening roar sounded, and at the same time as the roar, there was an overwhelming and terrifying shock wave. Huo Zhanji was directly shaken by the shock wave and fell from the air. The wings on his back covered his body. He was not injured, but his brain was buzzing.

He clearly saw that the large forest to his left was falling down like wheat. An extremely majestic figure also leaped over. When it landed with a bang, it caused a tremor on the ground. With Huo Zhanji’s current strength, he felt dizzy, his feet were unsteady, and he fell to the ground.

The huge figure was coming in his direction. At this time, Huo Zhanji also saw its appearance clearly. It was a giant with black and white hair growing all over its body, and there were actually two heads on its shoulders. . The huge body is more than ten meters tall. Both heads have one eye, emitting a frightening light.

The mixed light of black and white is constantly released from it, and the shock wave comes from this. And the release of this shock wave turned out to be just to open a way for himself. Running wildly and leaping. With its terrifying momentum, it was like a bulldozer.

Is this, is this an extremely rare variant of Cyclops, the Twin Cyclops? Huo Zhanji had seen it in the soul beast illustrated book in the library.

Cyclops is a relatively special existence among spirit beasts. Except for the one eye on their forehead, they look no different from humans. They can even weave clothes from branches and vines to protect themselves. of lower body. However, the Cyclops is much taller than humans.

They are two meters tall when they are born. When they reach a hundred years of cultivation, they can grow to five meters in height, which is considered an adult Cyclops. At this time, the rate of height growth will slow down. When the cultivation level reaches a thousand years, the height of the Cyclops can exceed eight meters. If one’s cultivation reaches ten thousand years, the height can even grow to fifteen meters. But also because of their huge size, they are too obvious. It is easy to become the prey of some powerful soul beasts, so the 100,000-year-old Cyclops almost does not exist. Their brains are a great supplement to some soul beasts, and all of these soul beasts have top-level bloodline heritage.

Although the cyclops in front of him was only about ten meters tall, Huo Zhanji was absolutely certain that its cultivation level exceeded ten thousand years.

In the process of soul beast cultivation, ten thousand years is a huge threshold. Once it exceeds ten thousand years, the strength of the soul beast will increase dramatically. Some of the soul beasts will mutate when they break through ten thousand years. For example, the evolution of the Red Fire Monkey into the Blazing Fire Monkey. It is bound to appear among that ethnic group.

The mutation of the Cyclops is not inevitable, but only possible. And the variation goes in more than one direction. But the strongest among them were the twin Cyclops that Huo Zhanji saw in front of him.

The attributes of the Twin Cyclops themselves are rare chaos. Their attributes are not clear and will change at any time. After mutating into a twin and one-eyed creature, its attributes have undergone a fundamental change, and its body will even shrink and grow a second head. These twin cyclops are an extremely rare combination of light and darkness. The strength is so strong that it can already enter the range of top soul beasts.

Recognizing the twin Cyclops gave Huo Zhanji a sense of pleasure in applying what he learned, but the idea only flashed through his mind, and the pleasure turned into panic. Because the twin Cyclops had already arrived within a hundred meters in front of him. The key was that he was now dizzy from the shock of the opponent and couldn’t even run.

What to do?


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