Return To 1977 Chapter 109: Pressing step by step

Published:, the fastest update to return to the latest chapter of 1977!

“Red Boy” and “Chen Da Bangchui” are completely incited! They caused a small whirlwind in the capital!

Because almost overnight, five groups of people under the “Bacha” and the “Little Landlord” were murdered by them one after another.

First, a “Buddha” and a “warrior” from the “Bacha” were stabbed on the street in front of Qianmen’s house. Even if they knelt on the ground and begged for mercy, they were not spared.

Then the three generals under the “Little Landlord” were also found in the cat’s nest. They also suffered serious injuries and were admitted to the hospital.

There were many other minions who were implicated and beaten until their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen, and they were frightened out of their wits.

As the saying goes, evil things spread thousands of miles, the news spread quickly throughout Nancheng the next day!

Think what others dare not think, and do what others dare not do!

This ruthlessness and madness shocked all the “players” in Nancheng!

But on the other hand, in everyone’s opinion, with Hong Yanwu’s current power and manpower, it is undoubtedly an extremely unwise move to start a war with two “star-level” “old guns” at the same time, no matter the cost. Behavior.

Everyone believes that although Hong Yanwu’s side is unique in its ability to fight alone, it can temporarily gain the upper hand by relying on sudden force attacks. However, the “eight-chased” and “small landowners” are by no means a good source of trouble because they have a large number of people and are powerful. It won’t be long before a massive “disaster” will probably erupt.

When the time comes, both sides will suffer, and no one will be better off. Although the “Bacha” and the “small landowners” will lose their troops and generals, Hong Yanwu may also lose the opportunity to regain control of his old sphere of influence.

For this reason, some people were excited, some were trembling, and some were calculating. But what they didn’t expect was that the next situation turned out to be a one-sided and weird situation.

Throughout the whole day on Sunday, Hong Yanwu and Chen Liquan still led people to wander around the Qianmen and Tianqiao areas. As long as they see “eight-chased” and “small landowners”, they will be treated cruelly, and whoever encounters them will be unlucky. But “Bacha” and “Little Landlord” seemed to have completely disappeared from this world, not even a single figure appeared.

Under this situation, many “masters” had to start sending people around to find out the inside story. Unexpectedly, more detailed information came back soon.

This is because “Red Boy” took the initiative to bring a message to various princes. He informed all parties that the “Bacha” and the “small landlord” had conspired to not only assassinate him but also rob him of the money he used to treat his terminally ill father. So they are all his mortal enemies now! No matter where they hide or how long they hide, he will catch them!

For this reason, he was particularly knowledgeable about all parties, saying that anyone who dared to associate with the “Bacha” and the “little landlord” would be killed! If anyone can find out their whereabouts, he is willing to pay a heavy reward of 500 yuan! If anyone killed these two people for him, it would be his ancestor Hong Yanwu and would receive his incense for life!

In just a few words, the reasons and determination of irreconcilable power and irreconcilable power have been clearly expressed, which also made all the princes wake up and feel a sudden shock in their hearts.

Although there are not many good people in the “player” circle, everyone is raised by their mother and father, so filial piety is the first priority. There are even several unwritten rules related to it, which have become the highest “moral rules” prevailing in the player circle.

For example, “It’s no harm to the family.” No matter how great the enmity is, it cannot involve the families of both parties, and it is not allowed to coerce or harm the family members as a means of retaliation.

Secondly, the home where you live with your parents and relatives is an absolutely safe zone. No matter what, the murderous pursuit must stop at the doorstep of such a house. You must not disturb other people’s parents, wives and children, let alone smash other people’s homes. If you can’t let go, you can block the other person’s door and wait for him to come out. However, if his parents come out to blast you, you must walk away.

Finally, when shouting or swearing, you must not insult the other person’s parents. If this is the case, not only will it be regarded as having no character, but in the event of a fight, no matter how cunning the other party’s tactics are, it will still be justified.

These old rules have been maintained and adhered to by game owners in the 1960s and 1970s. It can be said that at that time, violence still had a bottom line.

So in view of the above reasons, no one thinks that Hong Yanwu is determined to fight to the death, and it is serious! Everyone also understands why Hong Yanwu did not hesitate to give up Road 40 and die with the “Bacha” and “small landowners”.

“Bacha” and “Little Landlord” really touched the money they shouldn’t touch, and now their hands are hot! No one can tolerate this kind of thing, let alone the “Red Boy” who is known for his madness and cruelty.

So everyone is waiting to see what happens, and those who are interested pay more attention to the news of the parties involved. They either want to wait for opportunities to sell personal favors and gain benefits, or they want to seize chestnuts from the fire and seek greater benefits.

More people are clinging to their own doors for fear of being implicated in this matter. Because they can’t afford to offend either side, they are afraid of both sides, not only the “Red Boy” and “Chen Da Bangchui”, but also the “Bacha” and the “Little Landlord”.

As the saying goes, “When gods fight, common people suffer.” Therefore, for a time, many “players” in nearby areas stopped taking to the streets, and “Buddha” stopped pedaling to deliver goods. The phenomenon of bus pickpocketing in the Qianmen and Tianqiao areas was greatly curbed, which also made these two areas The work pressure of the public security department has been inexplicably lightened.

There is no way, most of the little people at the bottom can only live as cannon fodder. If we don’t wait until the winner is completely determined and the result is reached, everyone would rather tighten their belts and go hungry than go out and risk eating. Because once something goes wrong, it will be the price of blood!

However, “Red Boy” and “Chen Liquan” have too few manpower after all. Can they successfully find their enemy’s whereabouts?

Where did the “Bacha” and “Little Landlord” hide again? Do they have other back-ups?

What if I find it? Should we take off our arms and legs, or should we just run for our lives?

What if you never find it? Should it just keep dragging on like this?

In this way, how this storm will evolve, when and how it will end has become a question of utmost concern to almost everyone…

Beijing Fenglei Peking Opera Troupe is located at No. 14 Banzhang Hutong, Xuan (Wu) District.

This troupe was formerly known as the “Folk Music Society” and was officially established in 1937 at Tianqiao Tianyuan Park in Beijing. Since the “Little Landlord” has a close relationship with the leader of the props team of the troupe, “Bashi” and the “Little Landlord” were put on the “Wanted Order” by Hong Yanwu after the “hidden spring” failed, as well as several of their key characters. The people around me have been hiding in the three prop warehouses here.

For several days, they relied on the team leader to fetch food from the canteen, and slept directly in the warehouse. Not only were there rehearsals and performances to watch, but there were also two performances after 11 noon and 5 p.m. You can take a hot bath in the troupe’s bathhouse for an hour. It can be said that apart from the lack of big fish and meat, and the inability to go out at will, my life was not bad.

It’s just that they really can’t “let the wind and waves rise, sit still on the Diaoyutai” and enjoy this rare leisure and comfort with peace of mind, because the situation outside has made Hong Yanwu more and more troublesome.

According to their thinking, they felt that Hong Yanwu had missed the point and could not find their true masters. Let’s vent our anger on a few unlucky juniors, and it will stop in a few days.

Who has a grudge against Yinzi? Under normal circumstances, of course, one should put aside hatred for the time being, recruit manpower quickly, and occupy the No. 40 bus line again.

When the news calms down and Hong Yanwu loses his energy, they will then, depending on the specific situation, either organize people to work together to protect themselves and fight back, or find someone to lead negotiations and negotiate relatively favorable terms to get this matter to the end. Get rid of.

But in fact, there were several things they didn’t expect.

First, the two thousand yuan that Hong Yanwu asked for from “Da Minzi” and “Gongzi” was actually for his father’s medical treatment. This not only made them realize that they had stirred a hornet’s nest that they could not get rid of, but also made them feel morally guilty.

Secondly, in order to find their whereabouts, Hong Yanwu not only made shocking and extremely dark moves, he even offered a bonus of 500 yuan to buy their information, and even ignored the No. 40 bus line every day. He constantly led his men to cast a net at the front door and overpass area, ready to hunt them down at any time.

This drive to do whatever they can will undoubtedly make them more serious about the consequences if their whereabouts are discovered. They all realized that Hong Yanwu was completely determined, and only more cruel and crazy revenge would follow.

Third, and even more terrible, in order to force them to come out, Hong Yanwu also committed a demonic act. He actually did not hesitate to violate the rules of “carrying people out” again and personally guarded several of their routes to catch “Buddha”. After he was caught, he would not beat or “wash” him, but would be sent directly to the police station.

There is nothing more ruthless than an expert catching a thief! In just the past few days, more than a dozen people have been sent in by Hong Yanwu. This kid himself became a celebrity on several bus lines and two police stations. I heard that the bus company and the police station are already planning to commend him. The direct consequence of this behavior is that all the financial resources of Qianmen and Tianqiao are completely cut off.

You must know that “warriors” cannot “catch points”. The ‘Buddha’ is the only source of income for the “player owners”. If all the people are gone, where can there be any income? Everyone has to drink from the northwest wind.

Although the rest of the people are afraid to work, the brothers still have to take care of their monthly food, drink, and diarrhea. Otherwise, it will just be a matter of breaking up the stall, and these brats who have **** will definitely change jobs. So speaking of it, Hong Yanwu’s last move was a desperate plan to drain the family from the bottom of the cauldron.

In this way, things have gone beyond what the “eight forks” and “small landowners” could predict and control. They all realized the seriousness of the situation. It is urgent to make an accurate judgment on the situation as soon as possible, reach a consensus, and adopt corresponding countermeasures.

So, at around three o’clock in the afternoon on Wednesday, April 6, 1977, “Bacha” and “Little Landlord” had no choice but to launch an emergency discussion meeting in the troupe’s prop warehouse.


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