Return To 1977 Chapter 95: Xiaobaizi

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This workshop secretary is named Cui Liguo. He is in his thirties and already has a wife and children. He is not ugly in appearance, but he is full of women. Since he gained Bai Yurong’s trust because of this matter, he has acted as a tolerant leader and considerate big brother, always caring about Bai Yurong in work and life.

Bai Yurong is innocent, but as time goes by, she feels something is wrong. Because Secretary Cui not only always found various reasons to call her to the office to “talk about work and thoughts.” Sometimes he would also touch her when they were alone, and try to seduce her with small favors such as changing job types, joining a group, working in a factory, etc.

So Bai Yurong began to wake up. She realized that this sweet-talking guy was digging a trap for her, waiting for her to jump into it without knowing it. Therefore, she deliberately distanced herself from Cui Liguo and did not accept his behavior at all.

Cui Liguo wanted Bai Yurong to join the group, but Bai Yurong didn’t even write an application. He wanted to invite Bai Yurong out for dinner, but Bai Yurong didn’t go at all. Sometimes they would even poke him with words, making him stunned for a while.

Being a worker is different from studying in school. No matter what they do when they are in school, others treat students as children. But once you enter the factory, no matter how young you are, you are considered an adult. Besides, jobs these days are considered to last a lifetime. After all, Cui Liguo is Bai Yurong’s direct leader, so no matter what, she has to consider her relationship with her leader and the consequences of a complete breakup.

On one occasion, Cui Liguo used work as an excuse to successfully trick Bai Yurong into the factory warehouse after get off work. This time Secretary Cui showed his true colors and started using force directly. But just when he almost succeeded, a fire broke out in the “blue-burning” workshop due to sloppy workers who left the burned “blue guns” at will. The thick smoke soon attracted workers staying behind to put out the fire. Bai Yurong finally escaped death and escaped from Secretary Cui’s clutches.

Bai Yurong is a responsible girl who has just turned twenty at this time. How has she ever experienced such a thing? Frightened and aggrieved, she covered her face and left the factory gate, as if someone was chasing her with a gun behind her. She didn’t even take the bus, but ran back home, fell on the bed and cried bitterly.

When “Little Baizi” came home from outside, Bai Yurong looked like a fallen flower and leaf that had been ravaged by a violent storm. Her originally beautiful big eyes were swollen like peaches, her hair was messy, and her coat was still dirty. It’s a big hole, it’s as miserable as it can be.

“Xiaobaizi” lost his mother when he was young, and his father was sent to build railways during the “movement”, so he could not return home several times a year. So he actually relied on this sister to support him. It is not too much to say that the eldest sister is like a mother, so how can he not be anxious? And when he finally pestered his sister to tell the truth, he even wanted to kill someone.

It’s so annoying that “Xiaobaizi” that year was just a fourteen-year-old second-year junior high school student with arms as thin as sticks. It was wishful thinking to protect his sister with his own abilities.

So after much thought, “Little Baizi” secretly made a surprising decision. He stopped going to school and went to live with a well-known local “player” “Dalong” in Tianqiao, acting as a “little Buddha” for others. He only has one request, which is to let “Dalong” vent his anger on his sister and warn Cui Liguo not to do bad things again.

In fact, “Big Dragon” did exactly that. The day after he accepted “Xiao Baizi”, he led people to block Cui Liguo when he was going to work and beat him up. Cui Liguo was so frightened at that time that he repeatedly promised not to miss Bai Yurong anymore. But after this incident, the situation turned to a worse direction for the “Xiaobaizi” siblings.

On the one hand, despite Cui Liguo’s suffering, he really didn’t dare to be lustful anymore. But his desire for revenge was uncontrollable.

This kid is no ordinary person. In the factory, he is the director’s favorite, and he is also the number one in the bureau. Although he is not good at playing gangsters, he is good at punishing people. He relies on his tact and calculation. With the power in his hands, if he wanted to control an ordinary female worker, wouldn’t it be a piece of cake?

As the saying goes, “The stakes that can trip you up are not high.” So soon, Bai Yurong was transferred to the “burning blue” workshop with the worst working environment and the hardest work. In daily work, Cui Liguo often found various reasons to find fault with her.

In addition, this kid also secretly spread rumors, falsely accusing Bai Yurong of having problems with his style. Soon, Bai Yurong’s reputation in the factory plummeted, and she became the target of others’ gossip.

On the other hand, it was because the wolves were driven away and the evil tigers were attracted.

Don’t forget, Bai Yurong has been famous for her beauty at home for a long time, so “Dalong” actually wants to pinch this flower. It’s just that I have been suffering from no chance, so I can only watch and covet. This was great, “Little Baizi” actually took the initiative to board the pirate ship and brought the opportunity to his door. “Big Dragon” naturally took this opportunity to crawl along the pole and stared at it like a mosquito seeing blood.

After that, “Dalong” took several of his men to the enamel factory to harass Bai Yurong. After get off work, I followed him with a shy face. On the contrary, Bai Yurong was so frightened that she went to and from get off work every day. When she saw the face of “Big Dragon”, she was so frightened that she trembled all over.

But “Big Dragon” is not ashamed of this, but proud of it. He even openly announced in the enamel factory that Bai Yurong was his partner, and anyone who dared to think about her again would be careful about getting slapped in the back. Everyone in the factory thought that Bai Yurong was really hooking up with a gangster, which actually became solid evidence for those rumors.

What does it mean to crush someone to death under your tongue! This incident quickly caused a storm in the city, and there were no serious people in the factory who wanted to deal with Bai Yurong.

But even so, Bai Yurong refused to give in to the “big dragon” and refused to live with anyone else. This matter has been awkwardly dragged on for two years, and “Dalong” has not been able to take advantage of it at all.

Later, he felt it was too boring, so he acted like a gangster. It must be said that Bai Yurong didn’t know how to appreciate praise, so he slapped her several times in anger. He threatened that if he didn’t treat him well, he would do whatever he wanted.

Following this, the first thing that bore the brunt was “Xiaobaizi”‘s misfortune. No matter how much or how little he stole, he would be beaten once a day.

But “Xiaobaizi” never resisted, firstly because he knew that fighting back would be of no use and he was no match at all. Secondly, he also deeply regretted that he had done bad things with good intentions. With a sense of atonement, he just hoped that the “big dragon” would take out his anger on him and stop harassing his sister.

But “Xiao Baizi” forgot a sentence, “A gangster is like a spring. If you are weak, he will be strong.” Hengzhu’er’s temper is precisely caused by the weakness of others.

So as time went by, although he endured it again and again like a real man, he broke his teeth and just swallowed it into his stomach. But this kind of compromise has not only failed to make things better, but has only worsened.

Not only is his sister still being harassed by the “big dragon” every day. The beatings he himself received became increasingly severe. In the end, the bruises and swollen face were so serious that he could no longer hide it by lying, and he didn’t even dare to go home. Because he was really afraid that his sister would give in when she saw him like this, and then let “Big Dragon” take advantage of this.

But the house leaks and it rains, so bad luck often comes together.

Just before the Spring Festival this year, “Xiao Baizi”‘s father was injured in a work accident. His waist was broken and he was sent home by the construction team. From then on, “Xiaobaizi’s” father, who did not receive labor insurance benefits, only had 18 yuan a month for living expenses, including food, drinks and medicine, which made the family’s financial burden increasingly heavy. As a last resort, their family borrowed a lot of debt from outside.

And seeing his father sad and his sister worried every day, “Little Baizi” became a little anxious. So a week ago, when he got lucky and landed a “cannon”, he hid thirty yuan instead of handing it over, but took it back to support his family. He didn’t want to be reported later and become the excuse for “Big Dragon” to attack him.

Just the day before yesterday, Dalong gave him a bad beating for this, and gave him an ultimatum, saying that he would either get an integer back within three days, or he would have to send Bai Yurong to him. , otherwise his two hands will be cut off and he will be disabled for the rest of his life.

“Little Baizi” knows that “Dalong”‘s humanity is probably not an empty threat. So these two days. Every morning early in the morning, he started to board the bus to “pick up goods”.

However, his skills were very “fashionable” (slang, bad), coupled with the great psychological pressure, he frequently made mistakes in his performance. In two days, I only got 20 yuan, and even last night when I “stuck the goods”, I almost “exploded” (a slang term for someone who was noticed by the victim and then publicized the investigation. Fortunately, the “goods” were not obtained yet, and they were scolded a few times. Forget it.

In this way, “Xiaobaizi” was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat. He didn’t even dare to take the car anymore and kept walking home through the front door. After returning home, he didn’t eat anything, so he hid in the house and cried. When he had cried enough, he used pliers to gently open the money drawer at home while his father and sister were asleep.

But apart from the thirty yuan he got back, there were only a few cents left in the drawer. He picked up the thirty yuan. Thinking that his family still had to live, he couldn’t bear to take the money away again, so he put back ten yuan. Then he looked at the drawer and then at the money in his hand. It was obvious that neither end was enough, so he cried again.

In the end, he decided to put all the thirty yuan back. With decisive courage, he left the house at five o’clock in the morning this morning. It’s a pity that God didn’t bless him, and he still gained nothing after a whole morning.

And just when he was feeling extremely depressed and was considering whether to risk his life and fight to the death with “Da Long”, he happened to hear two familiar “Buddhas” talking about Hong Yanwu’s “Cai Shi Kou” “Stand up the stick” news. Those two boys probably also knew something about Hong Yanwu’s past deeds, and they were talking so much that they were frothing at the mouth, and they were so impressive.

In this way, “Little Baizi” seemed to have seen the last glimmer of light, and with the hope of surviving the desperate situation, he bravely came to Hong Yanwu to “worship the mountain” (a slang term for meeting the bandit leader, mountain owner or gang leader) .


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