Return To 1977 Chapter 85: Shenkan

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“Hong Yanwu, you bastard!”

Fang Ting was cursing and wiping her tears with a handkerchief, crying so hard that everyone felt pity for her.

Even Hong Yanwu had to lament that a woman is really the most beautiful in her life at this age. Whether it is her skin, her smell, her youthful expression, or even her clear tears, they are all weapons that can easily conquer men. .

It seems that time is indeed the enemy of women. As age increases, the charm of a woman’s appearance will definitely diminish!

“Stop crying! You are beautiful when you don’t cry!”

“You are an asshole! Asshole!”

“Oh, this is the only problem with me. Didn’t you know it a long time ago?”

In order to stop Fang Ting from crying and cursing, Hong Yanwu said a few shameless words, finally making her and Liu Jia who were watching laugh.

In the pavilion in the small garden, Fang Ting was wiping her tears with a handkerchief and laughing through her tears. Liu Jia was also standing by to comfort her.

Now the atmosphere is much more harmonious than before. There is no longer any tense and tit-for-tat confrontation among the three people. Instead, there is a wonderful atmosphere that makes everyone dumbfounded.

This is because after Hong Yanwu Chacai used coercion to retain Fang Ting, he had already made his true intentions clear.

It turns out that due to his family background, Hong Lucheng always received a cold reception when he sought medical treatment in the hospital. The doctors often only used ordinary painkillers to treat him. But with his current condition, how can the “aspirin” sold in pharmacies be effective? So he wakes up with pain several times every night.

Hong Yanwu naturally couldn’t see his father suffering so much, so he thought of prescribing some better painkillers for his father. But because most of these drugs are opioids, they are controlled drugs. So after thinking about it, he found that he had no one else to turn to except Fang Ting, so he had no choice but to come and give it a try.

But I didn’t expect that just because I couldn’t speak clearly, something would go so wrong. And now that the misunderstanding has been explained clearly, he may still have a headache.

Because Fang Ting was really scared just now, although her suspicions and wariness towards him have disappeared, she was replaced by anger after being frightened. In addition, some people made jokes because of their self-righteousness and preconceptions. of embarrassment.

Hong Yanwu knows Fang Ting’s temper best and knows that this person is very angry. If he can’t make up for the loss of face and make her happy again, I’m afraid his trip today will still be in vain.

Sure enough, as soon as Fang Ting wiped away her tears, she started to talk to Hong Yanwu in an official tone with resentment, insisting on talking about the hospital regulations. Even if Hong Yanwu kept apologizing, she had no intention of being accommodating.

But fortunately, Liu Jia is kind-hearted. Probably because she felt a little sorry for wrongly blaming Hong Yanwu just now, she helped him put in a good word.

“Okay, okay, please explain the misunderstanding and I’ve apologized to you. As for that! Why don’t you help him? If you don’t want to worry about it, I’ll go to the surgery to help him ask.”

“Liu Jia, please leave him alone. Who told him to scare me on purpose? And you don’t know what he meant by what he just said…”

At this point, Fang Ting realized something and quickly stopped.

“What? I just heard plates and bowls. What do you mean?”

Liu Jiake didn’t notice Fang Ting’s blush at all, and still asked with her eyes wide open like a curious baby.

This created an opportunity for Hong Yanwu to further ease the relationship. He quickly used cymbals to speak and rescue Fang Ting.

“Comrade Fang Ting, actually, you don’t need to be afraid of me at all. Proletarian revolutionaries all over the world can become relatives just because of the Internationale. No matter how you say it, we are acquaintances. Even if I become a hooligan in a moment of confusion. , I am the number one outlaw in the world, and I am not so crazy, right? What’s more, the party and the people have not abandoned me, and have given me the opportunity to correct my evil ways…”

Hong Yanwu’s exaggerated language successfully softened Fang Ting’s expression and also diverted Liu Jia’s attention.

It even made Liu Jia laugh all the time, but she said in a arrogant tone, “It’s really hard to say. Now because I’m not a good partner, there are a lot of troubles, so I sent him to our hospital. , take medicine, hang yourself, cut your wrists, chop people, and self-mutilate. Who knows what you will do when you are impulsive? Besides, can you really guarantee that Fang Ting has no idea now?” /

These words inevitably attracted Fang Ting’s attention. She stared at Hong Yanwu, seeming to still have concerns.

“Those people have problems because they are confused. I am a self-aware person, how can I be the same as them? Besides, it is useless to have ideas, I understand the truth. Oh, who do I like? Who is mine? Then why is the bank not mine? In fact, I already knew that some things are too far away from me, just like Fang Ting…”

This was an obvious compliment. Seeing Fang Ting’s expression relaxed again and her lips unable to stop smiling, Hong Yanwu knew it had worked, and he immediately made additional supplements to Liu Jia.

“Actually, don’t get me wrong, the relationship between Fang Ting and I was very pure back then. To put it bluntly, we were so young, it was just Xiao He who showed his sharp edges, it was like playing house, we were completely ordinary friends We got along well with each other. At that time, I even blushed when I talked to her. I had both evil intentions and courage, let alone “Part Two” or “Part Three”, I didn’t even get to “Part One”…” /

“What are the first, second and third departments? I only know the first machine department and the second machine department.”

Before Hong Yanwu finished speaking, Liu Jia couldn’t help but ask, because she really didn’t understand the meaning of some nouns.

Of course we can’t blame her, because what Hong Yanwu said is slang in a special circle. In fact, Part One, Part Two, and Part Three refer to the parts of a girl’s body, Part One is the face, Part Two is the breasts, and Part Three is The lower part is the lower body.

The specific usage is similar to this. For example, once a bad boy gets a girlfriend, his good friends will often ask him, “How deep is the relationship between you two? What did you do to her?”

So, only unscrupulous young people at that time would understand the meaning of these words.

But I saw that Hong Yanwu had no control over his mouth. Fang Ting, who was afraid of being embarrassed and conspicuous, was anxious. “Hong Yanwu, why do you dare to say such nonsense! If you do this again, I will leave immediately…”

Hong Yanwu immediately realized that the boundaries between men and women in this era were strict. Even if the person in front of him was a real bitch, he could not accept the offence. He regretted that he had said something without thinking, so he hurriedly Remedially.

“I’m sorry, I’m talking too much about it again. However, what I really mean is that any promise is pale in the face of time. Although emotions are above matter, they must be acted upon by matter. It’s a stepping stone. And it’s hard to imagine that a person who has no future will be loyal to his feelings. How can I have any more unrealistic hopes in my current situation? Two noble angels in white can extend your friendly hands and give me a hand.”

Don’t mention it, these words from Hong Yanwu really shocked the two young nurses.

Fang Ting stared at Hong Yanwu as if she didn’t recognize him.

Liu Jia couldn’t help but express his appreciation.

“I didn’t expect you to be able to speak plainly and speak such literary and artistic words. You are almost as good as those who write poetry. Which school did you graduate from? Did you do very well in Chinese?”

Hong Yanwu couldn’t help but feel happy, thinking that this might be Miss Jiao’s encounter with an old love sage, and she suffered the loss because of her lack of knowledge! I just made a few nonsense sentences to surprise you like this, it seems that I will add a few more sentences That’s pretty much it.

“Excellent. In fact, I just like to read books, so I understand philosophical principles that many people don’t understand. Don’t believe it, for example, from a dialectical perspective, even though Fang Ting was fooled by me just now, It must be a bad thing in your opinion, but in my opinion, it is also a good thing.”

“How is that possible! Are you talking nonsense?” Liu Jia didn’t believe it at all.

“You gasp when I say you are fat! You are the only one who is still philosophical!” Fang Ting also sneered.

But Hong Yanwu said calmly, “I’ll tell you a story. You guys listen first. There was such a wolf. He knocked on the rabbit’s door. The wolf said affectionately, ‘Little rabbit, be good and hold the door.’ “Open it.” The little rabbit immediately said, “Come on!” But the mother rabbit said, “No! It’s the wolf!” Do you know what the wolf said at the end?

“Are you okay? This is a story that every kindergarten kid knows.”

“That’s right, isn’t this story just to teach children not to open the door for strangers? What else can the wolf say? Just walk away in despair.”

Liu Jia and Fang Ting both rolled their eyes in unison, and then looked at Hong Yanwu as if they were looking at a fool.

But what they didn’t expect at all was that Hong Yanwu had a bad smile on his lips, and then gave an answer they couldn’t imagine.

“You are too subjective, how can it be so simple! In fact, in the end, the wolf sighed and said, ‘Oh, it is easy to deceive a girl, but it is too difficult to deceive a woman!'”

This kind of joke was definitely a wild idea back then, and it immediately made the two girls overjoyed.

But they were also nurses in the delivery room after all. They laughed on the surface, but soon understood the hidden meaning, so they all blushed again and started to curse in unison.


Fortunately, this time the scolding will be repaid, but the happiness is true and the anger is false. It can be regarded as a habit. They are all young people, and they are indeed not that old-fashioned to a certain extent.

So Hong Yanwu was not ashamed, but proud of it. Not only did he not care about this comment, but he went even further and said a famous saying: “If you are not a hooligan, your development will be abnormal.”

This made the two girls blush even more as if they had a fever.

Fang Ting kept complaining, “How can you be so poor? Who did you learn this from? Why didn’t I see it at the beginning!”

Liu Jia didn’t care much. She seemed to like Hong Yanwu’s unusual way of speaking, so she took the initiative to ask.

“Hey, do gangsters talk like you do? Then do you know anything else?”

Everything is done step by step. Hong Yanwu rolled his eyes after hearing this and said to himself that if you are shameless, you will get enough, but if you are thin, you will not get enough. Just like that, with a good measure and a dirty joke to strike while the iron is hot, he said hello again.

“I also know a little about ancient poems, such as this one. There is bright moonlight in front of my bed, and I suspect it is frost on the ground. I look up at the bright moon and lower my head to think about my hometown. I think the best part of the writing is the concise image and novel idea! The ancients used only a few words to outline a vivid scene, but it would be cumbersome to express it in modern words. Perhaps it is necessary to say that there is a girl named Mingyue in front of the bed who has taken off her clothes. Her skin is so delicate. Like the white frost on the ground. I looked up at the bright moon girl and lowered my head to think that my wife was still far away in my hometown. I think this poem fully reflects the poet’s feelings as a wandering man wandering around alone, looking for flowers and willows. Conflicting feelings! ”

“Hahaha! You are really not a good person!”

I still said that, but this time I really couldn’t control it!

Not only did Liu Jiale just cough, but Fang Ting also covered her stomach and laughed non-stop. The two girls put aside all their pretentiousness and pretense.

Looking at their reactions, the atmosphere was completely in place, and Hong Yanwu was at ease at the moment.

Winning a girl’s favor these days is actually not that complicated. It all depends on the mouth to keep up. As long as Shen Kan can talk about beauty for them, let alone ask them to do something, I really want everyone to have fun.

Sure enough, when the two of them had laughed enough and Hong Yanwu brought up the matter of prescribing medicine for his father again, the ice in Fang Ting’s attitude melted and she no longer kept a straight face. But she could only agree to go to the surgery to try her best to help and inquire, but she did not dare to make a full guarantee. She also asked Hong Yanwu if he had brought his father’s medical records and diagnostic tape. She had to have some actual proof before she could speak.

This already made Hong Yanwu very happy. He hurriedly opened his schoolbag and took out the medical records and diagnosis. At the same time, he also took out two packages of things wrapped in brown paper and stuffed them into Fang Ting and Liu Jia respectively. This is also the “killer trump card” he specially prepared in advance for meeting Fang Ting this time.

“A small gift is not a sign of respect. Please accept it with a smile.”

After receiving the paper bag, a scent hit their nostrils. Fang Ting and Liu Jia couldn’t help being stunned, and they couldn’t help asking “What?”

Hong Yanwu smiled.

“Do you even need to ask? The sugar-roasted chestnuts from “Gongyi Hao” on Xidan North Street. Aren’t you girls’ favorite food?”

Surprise immediately appeared on Fang Ting’s face, she knew the goods.

“Hey, ‘Gongyi Food Store’ is famous for its ‘Chestnut King’. Did you go out of your way to buy it? You’d have to wait in a long queue, and it’s half the price of other stores.”

“Of course, I sincerely want to bribe you, so naturally I have to buy the best. To be honest, I waited in line for an hour. I heard that the pot will be removed in just a few days. If you want to eat again, you will be in half a year See you.”

Liu Jia is actually a little greedy.

“Why didn’t you take it out in the first place? Besides, I see you still have two bags in your schoolbag.”

Hong Yanwu was busy complaining.

“You kicked me out from the beginning, so I have to have a chance. Thank you, please be merciful. I still have a mother and a younger sister at home…”

Liu Jia was a little unexpected.

“Hey, I can’t tell you are quite filial and attentive…”

Hong Yanwu then smiled.

“Don’t all of us have a mother? I’ll be more shameless and think you are complimenting me.”

Liu Jia laughed too many times today, and this time is no exception.

“Haha, I’m just complimenting you, but you have never been thin-skinned…”

Fang Ting looked at Hong Yanwu again, but there was a rather complicated look in her eyes. She couldn’t figure out why Hong Yanwu had changed so much. He spoke and acted with sophistication and precision, and it was as if he was a completely different person than when he came in a year ago and was full of hostility.

An inexplicable attraction even made her wonder if she had ever really had any feelings for Hong Yanwu. Otherwise, why would she have such a strange feeling?

But at this moment, she couldn’t allow her to think about it any more.

Because a fat figure has appeared in the small garden. Her current boyfriend, Song Guofu, also came here.


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